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This study examined the sustainability of the swidden component of the composite swiddening system practiced by the Tay ethnic minority in Tat hamlet, Hoa Binh province in Northern Vietnam. This farming system is thought to be suitable for the uplands where land degradation is a serious problem. The common swidden rotation of two years of rice, two years of cassava and five years of bush-tall grass fallow was evaluated for the extent of land degradation during the cropping period by nutrient balance analysis, and for soil nutrient status throughout the swidden cycle through soil analysis. Four fields representing the individual years of cropping and three fields representing the first, the third and the fifth years of bush-tall grass fallow were selected for field measurements. Nutrient balance analysis indicated substantial losses of all major nutrients, particularly K, in all cropping years. Soil analysis also showed a decline in soil fertility during the cropping period and a partial restoration of soil fertility during the fallow period. However, only five years of bush-tall grass fallow was not sufficient to restore the original level of soil fertility. Thus, swidden fields in Tat hamlet are degrading, posing a serious threat to their land-use sustainability.  相似文献   

In order for farmers to accept improved soil and water management practices, new technologies must be appropriate to the specific site conditions found in the farm setting and be consistent with farmers' objectives and available resources. A whole-farm modeling analysis of this problem is described. Preliminary estimates of the benefits of increased soil moisture conservation for representative low-resource farmers in Mali are presented. If farmers could improve rainfall infiltration from currently low rates of about 40% up to 60%, and use small amounts of chemical fertilizers, disposable income could increase two to four times depending on rainfall. Income could be increased another 50% if the infiltration rate was raised to 80%. Food grain production could increase 60 to 90% with improved moisture conservation and fertilizer use.  相似文献   

Kenya is one of the few countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa to experience an impressive rise in fertiliser use following a series of input market reforms in the early 1990s. Two major consequences of these reforms were declining fertiliser marketing margins and distances between farmers and fertiliser dealers. We quantify the effects of these changes on commercial fertiliser use and maize production in Kenya by estimating fertiliser demand and maize supply response functions using nationwide household survey data. Our results indicate that between 1997 and 2010, the estimated 27% reduction in real fertiliser prices that can be attributed to falling marketing margins associated with market reforms led to a 36% increase in nitrogen use on maize fields and a 9% increase in maize production resulting from both yield and acreage effects. On the other hand, decreasing distances to fertiliser retailers from the perspective of a given household did not appear to raise fertiliser use or maize supply, although a comparison across households using average distances over the panel indicate that those closer to retailers do apply more fertiliser on their maize fields.  相似文献   

Swidden cultivation practices have been seen as a major driver of deforestation and forest degradation in Southeast Asia. Using two case studies from Vietnam, this paper examines discourses around swidden practices at multiple levels of governance. Our findings show diverse interpretations of swidden resulting in different policy preferences and policy translations when addressing the issue. At national level, swidden is blamed as a principal driver of deforestation and forest degradation, and as such is a practice to be eliminated. As a result of this national stance, provincial level authorities see the existence of swidden as a failure by which their political performance will be judged. Conversely, swidden communities are seen at district level as an innovative solution to help resource-limited police forces ensure national security in border areas. Local commune and village leaders view swidden as a traditional practice to be respected, so as to maintain harmonious relationships amongst social groups, and avoid ethnic groups protesting against the government. Such differences in discourses and political interests have led to swidden becoming an ‘invisible’ issue, with government authorities failing to collect and report on data. Not recognizing swidden also means that swidden actors are practically ‘forgotten’ in the design and implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). Their omission from forest conservation and management incentive programmes could lead to further social marginalization, and potentially result in deforestation and forest degradation in the area. Our findings suggest that REDD+ policies should take into account diverging political interests on controversial land uses such as swidden cultivation.  相似文献   

研究目的:构建半城市化地区土地适宜性评价指标体系,促进农村与城市间过渡性区域的土地资源可持续利用。研究方法:将厦门市集美行政区域划分为农用地、建设用地和生态用地三种土地利用类型,选择合适的评价指标,基于遥感、地理信息系统、层次分析法、专家评分法等手段对每种土地利用类型的适宜性进行评价。研究结果:集美区适宜作为农用地、建设用地和生态用地的土地面积分别占总面积的11.7%、15.4%和1.6%,与当地土地利用实际比较吻合。研究结论:构建的土地适宜性指标体系和评价步骤可用于其他半城市化地区。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of current land policies in China and Vietnam on women's entitlement to land, women's wellbeing and gender power relations. The ethnographic study of one village in each of the two countries contextualizes women's lives in the kinship and marriage system in which power and gender relations are embedded. Current land policies, when implemented in the existing kinship and marriage system, make women's entitlement to land more vulnerable than men's, limit women's choices and weaken their power position. Variations in kinship rules in the two countries lead to different outcomes. In the Chinese village the dominance of patrilocal marriage and exogamous marriages limits women's access to land, whereas in the Vietnamese village the rigid concentration of inheritance to males puts women in a difficult position. The comparison between communities of rural China and Vietnam reveals the importance of considering gender and kinship when studying the implementation and impact of land policies.  相似文献   

研究目的:为全面真实地反映耕地土壤质量水平,构建涵盖土壤理化性质、微生物特征以及重金属污染等指标的综合评价模型,以实现土地整治区耕地土壤质量的科学评估。研究方法:最小数据集(MDS)、土壤实验以及DNA高通量测序技术。研究结果:(1)研究区内耕地土壤质量水平不是很高(SQ0.6),并受到不同程度的重金属污染,尤其是Cr污染(GI3);(2)土地整治可以显著提高土壤微生物特征指标和土壤有机质含量,并有效降低重金属污染水平;(3)综合整治和传统耕作下的耕地分别具有最高(SQave=0.53)和最低(SQave=0.41)的土壤质量水平。研究结论:从微生物视角构建耕地土壤质量评价模型,有助于提高耕地资源的生态保护意识,可以为耕地综合效益评估和土地整治技术创新提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyses soils-related policies in Europe and in selected member states and regions. Our approach breaks down policy packages at European, national and regional levels into strategic objectives, operational objectives, policy measures and expected impacts, and assesses the relationships between these elements and soil stakes. Four major policy packages, both at EU and national level (CAP-I, RDP, Environment, national initiatives) were analysed. A numerical scale was developed to quantify the level of “embeddedness” of soil stakes in these policy packages. We found that countries better embed soil stakes into their policies when they also put more efforts on environmental innovation. In turn, countries with a high embeddedness level, with high trust in European institutions and that make more efforts towards renewable energy, tend to propose a wider variety of management practices to farmers for dealing with soil stakes.  相似文献   

研究目的:通过信息化手段解决高度城市化地区土地利用计划的精细化管理问题。研究方法:系统分析法,实例验证法。研究结果:设计了基于B/S的开放化、常态化的用地信息采集方案和图文一体化的用地核查方案,引入多部门参与的计划编制模式和土地利用计划实施动态跟踪模型。研究结论:开放式土地利用计划精细化管理系统稳定,操作简便,在深圳市2012年土地利用计划管理工作中的应用,有效地实现精细化管理目标,对高度城市化地区的土地利用精细化管理具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

国家地质公园发展速度迅速,近年来暴露出其管理体制和运营模式的多种不足之处。通过对内蒙古赤峰市地质(矿山)公园管理体制与建设现状调研,分析赤峰市域范围内所有地质(矿山)公园在公园管理、资金使用、运营等方面的问题,提出适合其长远发展的管理及运营建议。在此基础上,尝试性地探究了适合国家地质公园发展的管理及运营模式。  相似文献   

研究目的:探索走向可持续城市生态系统管理的城市国土空间规划编制方法和应用实践。研究方法:综合分析与实证分析方法,空间分析与大数据分析方法,综合评价与生境质量模型、生境风险评估模型结合方法等。研究结果:(1)明确了走向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间规划目标与编制方法,以及规划编制的空间边界;(2)构建了"底线约束—区域协同—多目标优化—空间管制—功能提升"的国土空间规划编制技术架构;(3)以烟台市为例,探索了走向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间规划方法应用与实践。研究结论:生态文明背景下的国土空间规划走向可持续城市生态系统管理成为必然,研究提出的国土空间规划方法和应用实践,可为市级国土空间规划编制提供新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

研究目的:探索大型露天煤矿区景观格局变化对水土流失的影响,为矿区的土地复垦与生态修复提供参考。研究方法:SWAT模型、景观格局指数、主成分分析、冗余分析。研究结果:(1)2000—2018年,平朔矿区整体上的水土流失程度加深,不同区域的水土流失量存在一定的差异,主要集中在包括排土场在内的矿区中部。(2)景观各子流域的斑块密度、边缘面积比、Simpson多样性指数和欧几里得最邻近距离整体上呈减小的趋势,平均斑块大小整体上呈增大趋势,连通度、面积加权平均分维数和回旋半径标准偏差变化较小。中部矿区和西部城区斑块变大,斑块空间分布更加集中且不均,破碎化程度变小。(3)所选景观指数能有效表达水土流失,其中Simpson多样性指数对水土流失的影响能力最强。研究结论:景观指数能有效表达水土流失,应合理规划,使景观格局向着抑制水土流失的方向发展,减少水土流失的风险。  相似文献   

国土资源"一张图"工程旨在实现国土资源全要素信息的集成与整合。基于此,对国土资源全要素管理模式进行定义,给出国土资源全要素管理信息系统的建设思路,并分析该系统概念模型和应用模型,从技术架构、系统开发模式、业务处理模式等方面,构建了徐州市国土资源全要素管理信息系统,为实现国土资源精细化管理提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究矿区不同土地复垦模式下大型土壤动物的功能类群及其空间分布,揭示大型土壤动物对维持矿区土地复垦后土壤生态系统结构和功能的作用。研究方法:功能类群分析法、群落多样性指数法。研究结果:以平朔矿区为案例区,通过动物分类和群落多样性指数等方法分析了不同复垦模式下的矿区生态系统大型动物类群分布特征。矿区大型土壤动物有2门4纲10目29类,分为腐食性、植食性、捕食性和杂食性4个功能类群,不同功能类群数量占总数的比例自高到低为杂食性(33.74%)植食性(32.10%)捕食性(31.69%)腐食性(2.74%),数量自高到低为植食性(12)捕食性(11)杂食性(4)腐食性(2)。从水平方向分布特征来看,植食性动物在类群数量上为混交林刺槐纯林原地貌小叶杨纯林,杂食性动物在类群数量上原地貌小叶杨刺槐纯林混交林,捕食性动物在各样地中分布比较均匀;从垂直方向分布特征来看,除杂食性外,其他类群都具有明显的表聚性,在各样地中原地貌表聚性最不明显。相似性指数表明生态恢复系统中土壤动物群落相似性整体较低,原地貌与纯林的相似性指数除植食性外其他都高于混交林的复垦模式。研究结论:复垦模式的选择对土壤大型动物群落的形成具有至关重要的意义,研究可为矿区土地复垦后生态系统的恢复与重建提供科学依据和决策参考。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析耕地"三生"功能影响因素与耕地资源价值之间的相互作用关系,为完善耕地保护补偿机制提供科学依据。研究方法:计量经济模型、空间展布模型、小波相干模型。研究结果:(1)研究区的耕地资源价值平均值为146.89元/m~2,其中耕地资源社会价值最高,经济价值次之,生态价值最低。样本区耕地资源价值呈自西北向东南降低的明显空间分异特征。(2)基于耕地"三生"功能要素,影响研究区耕地资源价值的敏感性因子9个,影响强度大小有所不同。其中建设用地比例、病虫害发生面积和障碍层厚度三个敏感因子对耕地资源价值的提升具有反向作用,其他因子具有正向作用。研究结论:耕地的"三生"功能要素对耕地资源价值作用的强度大小和方向不同,耕地资源价值应体现耕地的"三生"功能影响因素。耕地保护补偿方式应从耕地的数量、质量和生态补偿向基于耕地"三生"功能因素的综合补偿方式转变,这也与征地补偿的初衷——农民原有生活水平不降低、长远生计有保障的目标相符。  相似文献   

中日土地利用管理比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,而日本是世界上最发达的国家之一,两国存在较大的差异,但也存在相同之处,如中日两国同为人多地少的国家。本文对中日土地利用的分类、规划管理、法制管理、经济管理等方面进行了比较研究。通过比较研究,作者认为,日本在土地利用管理方面有许多值得中国借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

森林资源资产化管理的必要性和可行性分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
传统的森林资源管理体制已严重地阻碍了我国林业经济的进一步发展 ,森林资源资产化管理改革已势在必行。森林资源资产化管理不仅是必要的 ,而且是可行的 ,应努力推进这一改革进程  相似文献   

近年来,在发展实践和研究领域使用获得性分析范式来解释农民增收的影响因素比产权分析有更强的解释力。使用获得性分析范式分析了政策管制和潜规则对林农收益获得性的影响。研究发现:政策管制对林农获取林业收益的获得性有不利影响;由于政策管制在地方的适应性较低而使得地方的利益受损者发展潜规则来抵制政策。林农也通过潜规则来增强获得性,同时也在这个过程中因为其它利益主体发展的潜规则而间接获得收益,另一方面,在潜规则背景下,林农的利益始终无法得到合法和合理的保障,林农的利益被过大的交易成本和社会成本所抵消,或因为中间商采取欺骗和市场垄断而受损。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于耕地遗传和变异质量退化视角,揭示东北黑土区耕地质量退化时空分异规律,为实现黑土耕地的可持续利用提供理论和技术支撑。研究方法:采用主成分分析、灰色关联度、改进的CRITIC模型。研究结果:(1)研究区有28.63%的耕地发生遗传质量退化,呈现出中部退化程度最高、西部与中南部次之、东部最低的耕地遗传质量退化格局;(2)研究区发生变异质量退化的耕地占44.51%,表现出中、西部为主和东部为辅的变异质量退化格局;(3)研究区有30.84%的耕地发生质量退化,呈现出以中、西、东部梯度递减为主基调的耕地质量退化格局;(4)研究区耕地质量退化的诊断结果与现实耕地利用状态吻合,基于遗传和变异的耕地质量退化测度框架可准确有效的刻画出耕地质量退化时空格局。研究结论:明确耕地遗传和变异质量退化间的空间互动关系是充分了解和掌握耕地质量退化过程与规律的重要途径。研究区一方面应统筹耕地保护与自然资源保护间的关系,修复受损的自然资源,促进区域生态循环过程,进而提高耕地遗传质量;另一方面需持续推进高标准农田建设和完善土地流转制度,提高耕地抗御外界不利因素和规模化经营的水平,以提升耕地变异质量,最终扭转和遏制东北黑土区耕地质量退化态势。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究农民对宅基地退出补偿意愿的受偿水平,并检验影响农民受偿意愿的相关因素。研究方法:CVM法和Tobit计量模型。研究结果:山东省临清市农户退出宅基地的平均受偿意愿为704.22元/m2;年龄、外出务工年限、家庭农业收入占比、家庭供养系数、对宅基地政策是否了解及其在住房养老中的作用等变量对农户宅基地退出补偿受偿意愿具有正向显著影响,而是否参加新农合或其他保险、区位变量、非农就业稳定性变量则对宅基地退出补偿受偿意愿具有负面影响。研究结论:应增强农户退出宅基地转向城镇非农就业的能力与机会,制定科学合理的宅基地退出补偿机制,提高农民退出宅基地后的可持续发展保障水平。  相似文献   

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