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Recent studies identify stock return patterns associated with changes in Federal Reserve monetary policy. We find that these return patterns prevail across sixteen industry stock indices. However, significant cross-industry variation exists as the apparel industry exhibits mean annual returns that are 50% higher under an expansive Fed policy than under a restrictive policy, while the same return difference for the oil industry is only 20%. This cross-industry variation suggests that monetary conditions may be used by investors to estimate different expected returns across industries. Furthermore, the findings support the view that monetary considerations should be considered in ex ante asset pricing models such as the CAPM.  相似文献   

We study the impact of Chinese monetary and fiscal policy shocks and the interaction of the two policies on stock markets. We find that, first, when we focus on the contemporaneous correlation, Chinese fiscal policy has significant, negative contemporaneous relationships with stock market performance, while monetary policy’s impact on stock market performance varies, depending on the fiscal policy. Second, with respect to the lagged variables, Chinese monetary and fiscal policy both have a significant and direct positive effect on stock market performance. Meanwhile, interaction between the two policies plays an extremely important role in explaining the development of stock markets.  相似文献   

We find that contractionary monetary policy shocks generate statistically significant movements in inflation and expected real stock returns, and that these movements go in opposite directions. Since positive shocks to output precipitate monetary tightening, we argue that the countercyclical monetary policy process is important in explaining the negative correlation between inflation and stock returns. Examining the 1979–1982 period, we find that monetary policy tightens significantly in response to positive shocks to inflation, and that the impact of monetary policy shocks on stock returns is negative and volatile. Therefore, we see evidence that an “anticipated policy” hypothesis is at work.  相似文献   

本文首先对货币政策的股票传导机制进行分析,再选取2005年1月—2014年9月的月度数据,建立SFAVAR模型,通过脉冲响应函数对我国货币政策的股票传导机制进行实证研究。研究表明,货币政策对股票市场的调控效应不明显,股票市场存在短期的财富效应,但投资效应不明显。整体而言,我国货币政策的股票传导机制并不顺畅。  相似文献   

殷波 《济南金融》2009,(3):35-40
本文运用DAG方法、VAR模型和马尔科夫转换模型考察了货币政策对股市价格水平的影响,结果表明中短期内货币政策对股票市场价格水平存在影响显著,并表现出较强的非对称效应。股市低迷期的紧缩性货币政策会进一步降低股市收益率,减小股市从熊市转入牛市的概率;相反,股市繁荣期的紧缩性货币政策将增加股市从牛市转入熊市的概率。  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of unanticipated changes in US monetary policy on Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT’s). Although a number of studies have investigated the issue of interest rate changes, the effect of unanticipated changes has not previously been addressed in terms of possible effects on both REIT’s returns and volatility. The results show a strong response in both the first and second moments of REIT returns to unexpected policy rate changes. The results for the impact of the shock on both mean and volatility of returns is consistent with results from studies addressing broader equity markets. However, we find evidence both against behavioral changes in volatility coincident to US monetary policy decisions and asymmetric responses to the monetary policy shock.
Simon Stevenson (Corresponding author)Email:

This article examines the relationship between the monetary policy implemented by the Central Bank of Brazil and the stock market. We implement event study analysis and analyze the effect of the anticipated and unanticipated components of monetary policy decisions on the returns of the IBOVESPA index and 53 stocks. We find that monetary policy has a significant effect on the stock market, but is only responsible for a small proportion of market variation. The analysis at the sector level with expected returns identifies that the financial sector is the most affected by this policy, whereas with excess returns only industrial goods are significantly affected. Moreover, individual assets respond in a rather heterogeneous fashion to monetary policy; however, when we look at excess returns, we identify a reduction in the intensity and in the number of companies impacted by monetary policy. Finally, the monetary shock is explained by unanticipated variations in the unemployment rate, in the Industrial Production Index, in the General Market Price Index, and in the Broad Consumer Price Index.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a macro‐based VAR framework to investigate whether stock portfolios formed on the basis of their value, size and past performance characteristics are affected in a different manner by unexpected US monetary policy actions during the period 1967–2007. Full sample results show that value, small capitalization and past loser stocks are more exposed to monetary policy shocks compared with growth, big capitalization and past winner stocks. Sub‐sample analysis, motivated by variation in the realized premia and parameter instability, reveals that the impact of monetary policy shocks on these portfolios is significant and pronounced only during the pre‐1983 period.  相似文献   

本文首先对货币政策影响股市流动性的机理进行分析,在此基础上,尝试构建了一个新的股票市场流动性指标,通过引入MS-VAR模型,考察了货币政策在不同区制下对股市流动性的动态影响。基于MSIH(3)-VAR(4)模型和累积脉冲响应的结果表明,货币政策扩张有助于提高市场流动性,货币政策收紧,会导致市场流动性降低。但在不同区制下,影响程度存在显著差异,当股市处于膨胀期时,货币政策冲击对市场流动性的影响比股市处于低迷期时表现得更加明显。同时,股市收益率和股市波动率对股市流动性也存在显著影响。  相似文献   

本文运用VAR模型考察了以股票价格为代表的金融资产价格对我国通货膨胀的影响。实证分析表明,我国股票价格的变动对产出缺口存在一定的正向影响,但是这种影响不太稳定,说明我国股票价格通过总需求渠道对未来通货膨胀产生的影响比较微弱。同时,我国股票价格的变动能引起未来CPI和WPI的同向变化,尤其与CPI的关系非常稳定,说明股票价格在一定程度上包含了我国未来通货膨胀的信息。因此,我国股票价格可以作为一个帮助判断未来经济走势和通货膨胀变动趋势的货币政策指示器。  相似文献   

This paper studies the nonlinear response of the term structure of interest rates to monetary policy shocks and presents a new stylized fact. We show that uncertainty about monetary policy changes the way the term structure responds to monetary policy. A policy tightening leads to a significantly smaller increase in long-term bond yields if policy uncertainty is high at the time of the shock. We also look at the decomposition of bond yields into expectations about future policy and the term premium. The weaker response of yields is driven by the fall in term premia, which fall more strongly if uncertainty about policy is high. Conditional on a monetary policy shock, higher uncertainty about monetary policy tends to make securities with longer maturities relatively more attractive to investors. As a consequence, investors demand even lower term premia. These findings are robust to the measurement of monetary policy uncertainty, the definition of the monetary policy shock, and to changing the model specification.  相似文献   

本文认为:(1)流动性冲击主要通过资产负债表渠道和资产价格渠道来影响金融市场,正是这两种渠道才使得流动性在金融危机爆发及传导的过程中扮演了重要角色。借款人的资产负债表效应导致损失螺旋和保证金螺旋的产生,造成资产的折价销售,推动了资产价格的下跌和进一步的银根紧缩;(2)房地产泡沫的形成与美联储的货币政策失误、金融市场结构变化、新布雷顿森林体系以及投资者的羊群行为等有关,房地产泡沫破灭是美国金融危机的导火索;(3)金融危机爆发后,美联储通过调整中央银行的资产负债表,推出各种形式的金融创新工具,向金融市场注入流动性,有效地降低了金融市场崩溃的概率。论文最后从流动性管理的角度,对美国金融危机进行了反思。  相似文献   

利率政策对货币市场的“非对称性”传导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用事件研究法,检验了2007~2010年在通胀和危机背景下中国10次调整存贷款基准利率对同业拆借市场利率的影响。研究发现,利率调整对市场利率存在非对称性传导效应,主要表现在,降息会使市场利率下降,加息却对短期市场利率产生显著的负向效应。究其原因在于,中国利率市场化程度不高和货币超经济发行导致银行体系内流动性过剩。  相似文献   

对于我国货币政策操作目标,并没有一个明确的说法。为了对相对稳定、有效的货币政策操作目标进行实证判断,本文建立了宏观经济变量和准备金市场变量的结构性向量自回归模型(SVAR),通过识别假设把SVAR模型转化为包含政策变量和非政策变量新息(innovation)的关于政策变量的半结构性向量自回归模型(Semi-SVAR)。通过准备金市场模型,界定了可观察残差项与结构扰动项之间的黑箱,对我国货币政策操作目标进行识别。实证结果显示,1998年以来,我国相对稳定、有效的货币政策操作目标是准备金总额,也可以说是基础货币,并不是超额准备金和货币市场利率。识别的政策冲击反映了货币政策调控事件对货币供求的冲击,与我国货币政策的操作实际很吻合。  相似文献   

构建TVP-SVAR-SV模型,依据WIND数据库2007年7月至2018年12月数据,将经济政策不确定性冲击纳入多结构冲击体系,考量经济政策不确定性对有色金属股票收益率的时变影响。结果显示:经济政策不确定性对中国有色金属板块股票收益率的影响具有时变性与阶段性等特征,对不同时间尺度、不同时间点、不同品种的影响效应呈异质性。在四类细分经济政策不确定性冲击中,金融监管政策不确定性冲击的影响程度最大。鉴此,监管部门应重视市场之间的联动性特征,发挥市场机制应对有色金属金融化不利冲击的作用;应使用经济政策不确定性指标及时监控有色金属价格波动,避免政策过度干预。  相似文献   

资产证券化作为一项重要的金融创新,其广泛开展将对金融市场微观主体、金融市场结构,以及宏观经济产生深刻的影响.本文就资产证券化对货币政策可能产生的潜在影响进行初步探讨,认为资产证券化通过银行信贷和利率渠道削弱了货币政策的效力,并且将使中央银行对货币供给量的控制难度加大,中央银行继续以货币供应量作为货币政策中介目标将受到越来越大的挑战.  相似文献   

What kind of shock affects exchange rate dynamics? How much of an effect does the monetary policy have on exchange rates? To answer these questions empirically based on the currency crisis model, I use panel data on 51 emerging countries from 1980 to 2011, identify shocks, and apply instrumental variable methods. I found that both productivity shocks and shocks to a country’s risk premium affect exchange rates and a 1 percentage point increase in the policy interest rate is associated with a 1 percentage point appreciation of domestic currency. I further apply this method to Asian and Latin-American crises.  相似文献   

Anna Schwartz's insights and careful analysis of the forces shaping institutions have contributed greatly to our understanding of money, central banks, and monetary policy. We discuss these contributions in the context of three issues. The first concerns governments' role in money. First, we focus on Anna's contribution to our understanding of the quality of money. In this context, we consider how the acceleration of globalization and developments in information technology has, as an external development, forced improvements in institutions and social arrangements. The second issue concerns the potential for currency boards to serve as an intermediate institution in the evolution toward and, perhaps now, away from so many central banks and sovereign monetary authorities. Finally, we turn our attention to current issues in the implementation of monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper deepens our understanding of the importance of the cost channel of monetary policy, where inflation adjusts with a firm's marginal cost of working capital. A model extended for a small, open economy with financial frictions is proposed and examined with data from Taiwan. The cost channel effect on inflation adjustment is substantiated by simultaneous generalized method of moments estimations and appears to be strengthened by financial frictions but mitigated by external shocks. Greater caution is hence required in the conduct of monetary policy for a bank-dependent emerging economy such as Taiwan because of the relative complexity in its supply-side interest rate pass-through.  相似文献   

我国货币政策调整对债券市场及其参与者的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓洪 《金融论坛》2006,11(2):55-59
本文在对2003年以来我国货币政策重大调整进行简要回顾的基础上,通过对中国债券总指数走势的解读,分析了我国债券市场波动与货币政策调整的互动关系,认为货币政策主要可以从资金供应和心理预期两方面对债券市场施加影响,每一次货币政策的变化都会直接导致债券市场行情的大幅上扬或下挫。在这一过程中,作为中国债券市场参与主体的商业银行,由于市场规模、市场机制、交易工具、参与者性质等方面的限制,很难主动地对自身的债券投资组合进行调整,以规避风险。为解决上述矛盾,作者认为,应该从商业银行(市场参与者的主要代表)、债券市场本身以及市场监管者和政策执行者等几方面着手来完善和改进中国债券市场的结构和功能,从而增强以商业银行为主体的债券市场参与者的抵御风险的能力。  相似文献   

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