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2000~2008年OECD成员国个人所得税变化及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对2000~2008年OECD成员国个人所得税变化的分析,得出OECD成员国低收入纳税人税负下降、高收入纳税人税负上升,个人所得税最高边际税率普遍下降、税率档次进一步减少、税收累进性提高等结论。借鉴OECD成员国经验并结合我国国情,认为我国个人所得税的功能应定位于调节收入分配,并就如何提高我国个人所得税累进性提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

运用中间累进性指标将个人所得税累进性的变化分解为标准税率的影响及收入分布的影响,对再分配效应变化也做了类似的分解,实证分析了我国2005~2011年个人所得税累进性及再分配效应的变化。结果显示,收入分布改变对于累进性的变化发挥主导作用,平均税率对于再分配效应的变化非常关键。因此,个人所得税的改革首先需要在分析居民收入分布的基础上进行,另外在累进性提高的同时也需十分关注税收规模的变化。  相似文献   

运用中间累进性指标将个人所得税累进性的变化分解为标准税率的影响及收入分布的影响,对再分配效应变化也做了类似的分解,实证分析了我国2005~2011年个人所得税累进性及再分配效应的变化。结果显示,收入分布改变对于累进性的变化发挥主导作用,平均税率对于再分配效应的变化非常关键。因此,个人所得税的改革首先需要在分析居民收入分布的基础上进行,另外在累进性提高的同时也需十分关注税收规模的变化。  相似文献   

调节收入分配差距基于税制的公平性,税制的公平性基于税制的累进性。本文基于税制累进程度的影响因素,进一步分析税率结构、免税额、费用扣除、税收减免等因素对中国个人所得税累进程度的影响,为个人所得税有效调节收入分配差距提出政策建议。  相似文献   

郑超 《会计师》2011,(5):14-16
<正>最优房产税理论认为:随着房地产市场的发展,房产税的作用日益显现,尤其是它在地方政府收入中的作用,优化房产税制度必须实现效率与公平的统一,其核心是实现房产税的累进性。传统理论认为房产税是累退的,这是对房产税的一种误解,如果将房产税看成是对资本的征税,其累进性特点是比较明显的,以房产税为主的财产税有效税率与平均资本收入有一种正相关的关系。此外,可以通过设置一定的扣除额提高房产税的累进性。世界各国对房产税的命名较多,如不动产税、财  相似文献   

个人所得税累进性包含结构累进性与有效累进性两层意义,其内涵有很大差别。这两种累进性都有单一指标与平均税率两种计算方法。利用这些方法,本文测度了我国个人所得税的两种累进性。结果显示,2011年9月1日改革之后的工资、薪金个人所得税的结构累进性有所增强;2009年个人所得税的有效累进性比2008年有所降低。  相似文献   

本文分析了税制累进性升级对于缓解居民收入差距的作用机理,在借鉴美国利用税制累进性升级促进收入公平分配有益经验的基础上,提出了推动我国税制累进性升级的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

2017年以来,吉林省白山市银行业金融机构税收增长较快,其中法人银行业机构企业所得税大幅增长,对整体银行业税收增长贡献度最高.值得关注的是:"营改增"后,由于可抵扣进项税额有限、应纳税收入范围扩大以及税率提高,导致白山市银行业金融机构税负加重、承压较大.  相似文献   

本文以我国城镇居民为研究对象,通过构建税收分配效应、税收累进性模型,实证分析了我国整体税制及主要税种的收入分配效应,研究结果表明:我国的直接税发挥了收入分配的正效应,间接税发挥了收入分配的负效应,受税制结构影响,我国整体税制的收入分配效应为负.提高直接税比例、适当降低间接税比例以优化税制结构是我国今后税制改革的重点.  相似文献   

周充 《中国外资》2013,(20):68-69,71
本文在简要文献综述基础上总结利息税征收初衷,对其储蓄分流效应、收入分配效应及财政收入效应进行分析,在比较借鉴中提出将我国储蓄存款利息税改革纳入个人所得税税制整体改革之中,取消比例税率,实行累进税率,并有针对性地提出解决高储蓄率及收入分配差距的配套措施。  相似文献   

This study examines the changes in US individual income tax progressivity over the 1986–2003 period using the indexes developed by [Kakwani, N.C., 1976. Measurement of tax progressivity: An international comparison. Economic Journal 87(March), 71–80]. Although progressivity over this time frame has generally been studied in the literature, we provide additional insights by decomposing the changes in index values to account for the effects of concurrent changes in the standardized tax rates, average tax rates, and the income distribution. The decomposition should prove to be particularly useful when different summary indexes lead to conflicting conclusions about progressivity changes, as is often the case. From a policy standpoint, we show that it is the standardized tax rates, a derivative of the legislated tax rates, which need to be monitored and managed to offset the negative progressivity effects of increasing before-tax income inequality.  相似文献   

Vertical equity is an important criterion in evaluating a tax system. Vertical equity has two elements: progressivity and income equality. In this paper, we analyze the vertical equity effects of the US income tax system during 1995–2006 and show that income inequality increased substantially during the period combined with a significant reduction in real progressivity.  相似文献   

本文对"两法合并"后所得税源泉扣缴政策的重大变化进行了归纳总结:预提所得税减按10%征收;法定扣缴日期由五日变为七日;对税务机关指定扣缴新设定了三种情形;新增特定情况下的欠税追缴;非居民企业取得权益性投资收益不再免税;利息所得的免税范围有变化;转让财产所得减除项目由"原值"变为"净值"等。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the roles of tax credits, rate structures, allowances and deductions in determining the overall progressivity of net income tax liabilities in fifteen OECD countries. Three clusters emerge: (i) the rate-structure countries, Australia, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain, where the rate effect is the dominant (but not the only) source of progressivity of gross and net tax liabilities; (ii) the allowance countries, the English-speaking countries other than Australia, where allowances are the dominant source of progressivity; and (iii) the mixed structure countries, Belgium, Finland, Germany and Sweden, where roughly half of the progressivity of gross tax liabilities is attributable to the rate structure.  相似文献   

The inequality in pre-tax income increased in Norway in the 1990s, while the concentration of taxes remained largely unaltered. This means that tax progressivity has decreased in the period, as measured by summary indices of tax progressivity. In this paper I analyze individual income data to ascertain whether tax changes in the period can explain the observed decrease in tax progressivity. As marginal tax rates at high income levels have been substantially reduced in the period, for instance through the tax reform of 1992, it is expected that tax changes may have influenced the degree of inequality in pre-tax incomes. This behavioral effect is examined by deriving estimates of the elasticity of gross income with respect to the net-of-tax rate, obtained from various panel data regressions. The tax changes may also have shifted the distributional burden of taxes for unaltered level of pre-tax income inequality. In order to identify this (direct) effect of tax-law alterations, the same fixed distribution of pre-tax income is exposed to various tax-laws in the period.  相似文献   

Tax reform is again at the center stage as Congress grapples with ideas to reduce the US budget deficit and the country readies itself for another election year. Given this unusually charged tax reform season, populist and party rhetoric appears to the general population to have largely replaced reasoned debate as politicians, economists and pundits “cherry pick” facts to justify their claims. Our contribution to the current debate on tax equity is that this is one of the very few studies that jointly consider the impact of payroll and income taxes. Most tax equity studies focus only on the federal income tax and as such issue misleading implications. It is important to jointly consider payroll and income taxes because (a) for taxpayers in lower income ranges, the payroll tax burden outweighs the income tax burden, while (b) for higher income taxpayers income from wages above $106,800 ($110,000 in 2012) are payroll-tax free, and (c) other sources of income, namely dividends and capital gains, are not subject to payroll taxes at all. Thus, we provide a more comprehensive picture of the overall progressivity (or lack thereof) exhibited by the current tax laws. In addition, we also consider how some often-raised tax proposals would prospectively affect income inequality and tax progressivity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that, for a given overall level of labour income taxation, a more progressive tax schedule increases employment. From a theoretical point of view, higher progressivity increases overall employment through a wage moderating effect and also because employment of low-paid workers is more elastic to wages. We test these theoretical predictions on a panel of 21 OECD countries over 1998–2008. Controlling for the burden of taxation at the average wage, our estimates suggest that a more progressive tax schedule reduces the unemployment rate and increases the employment rate. These findings are confirmed when we account for the potential endogeneity of both average taxation and progressivity. Overall, our results suggest that policy-makers should not only focus on the detrimental effects of tax progressivity on in-work effort, but also consider the employment-enhancing effects.  相似文献   

This paper computes the optimal progressivity of the income tax code in a dynamic general equilibrium model with household heterogeneity in which uninsurable labor productivity risk gives rise to a nontrivial income and wealth distribution. A progressive tax system serves as a partial substitute for missing insurance markets and enhances an equal distribution of economic welfare. These beneficial effects of a progressive tax system have to be traded off against the efficiency loss arising from distorting endogenous labor supply and capital accumulation decisions.Using a utilitarian steady state social welfare criterion we find that the optimal US income tax is well approximated by a flat tax rate of 17.2% and a fixed deduction of about $9,400. The steady state welfare gains from a fundamental tax reform towards this tax system are equivalent to 1.7% higher consumption in each state of the world. An explicit computation of the transition path induced by a reform of the current towards the optimal tax system indicates that a majority of the population currently alive (roughly 62%) would experience welfare gains, suggesting that such fundamental income tax reform is not only desirable, but may also be politically feasible.  相似文献   

本文从免税收入、免征减征企业所得税和降低税率三个方面,对国债利息收入、权益性投资收益、非营利组织收入、农林牧渔业项目所得、国家重点扶持的公共基础设施项目投资经营所得、环境保护节能节水项目所得、技术转让所得以及小型微利企业、高新技术企业的企业所得税优惠政策进行了分析,提出了若干实施和完善企业所得税优惠政策的建议。  相似文献   

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