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阿克洛夫的效率工资理论,通过吸收社会学、人类学的研究成果,将人的劳动行为看成基于公平出发的社会习俗。根据这一习俗,企业支付的工资不少于工人预期的公平工资,而工人根据企业支付的工资决定自己的努力程度,从而决定自己的边际产出。对于追求利润最大化的企业来说,并非支付的工资越高越好,支付工人的工资应等于工人的边际产出。当公平工资高于市场出清工资时,非自愿失业问题出现,工人技术程度与其失业率负相关。二元劳动力市场的现实与人类内生的行为规范,使得非自愿失业问题的解决前景十分悲观。  相似文献   

从市场分割的角度出发,对劳动力流动与工资差距同时扩大的"悖论"和中国市场化过程中的"迁移谜题"进行了深入分析,认为劳动力市场的地区分割和城乡分割导致了劳动者之间必然存在工资收入差距,而且即使存在劳动力转移,也不能使工资差距收敛。这种制度性偏好导致的劳动力市场分割,对劳动者工资收入差距的扩大起了推波助澜的作用,因此构建全国统一、自由竞争的劳动力市场是非常必要的,并提出有关的政策建议。  相似文献   

科斯《企业的性质》之质疑   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
盛宇明 《经济学家》2003,4(1):78-85
企业是资源所有者的取得更多的收益而建立起来的经济组织,交易成本的存在并不是企业存在的根本原因,科斯将企业定义为不同于价格调节机制的企业家计划调节机制,源于其错将企业计划混同于计划经济,事实上,企业是以市场合约为基础形成的,按市场运行原则运作的市场性组织,其资源配置并不独立于市场价格机制之外,价格调节机制与企业家调节机制是不可分割的两个方面,任何企业作为市场参与者与市场都是互动的。  相似文献   

在Hau(2000)模型中引入工资交错调整和交易成本假设,以此构建开放经济条件下货币政策有效性分析基础模型,并通过一般均衡分析后发现,经济开放对货币政策的最终目标——价格稳定和产出增长都会产生影响。贸易开放程度和金融开放程度的加深,将增强货币供给对短期汇率调整的影响;而经济开放度的加深,虽然在短期内会削弱货币政策对产出的影响,但从长期来看,将会对产出调整起积极作用。同时,运用校准法模拟分析后发现,随着我国经济开放度的提高,货币政策调节短期消费和产出的能力将会下降,特别是宽松的货币政策将更多地表现在汇率波动上。  相似文献   

Introducing money into a scheme of general economic equilibrium entails manifold problems, which have emerged in many contributions to the literature. Some of these problems have been adequately addressed at the level of micro-based approaches which can be traced back to the monetary theory of Carl Menger. In this survey we shall review such issues, after which we shall attempt to illustrate the contribution to solving the problem of the origin of money offered by the literature on transaction and information costs inspired by Menger's monetary theory. (JEL: E40, E42, D83) Although this paper is the fruit of a common effort, credit for Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 goes in particular to Giuseppe Mastromatteo, and for Sections 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6 to Luigi Ventura. The authors would like to thank the referees for most useful comments and suggestions; the usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Computer-mediated transactions allow insurance companies to customize their contracts, while transaction costs limit this tendency toward customization. To capture this phenomenon, we develop a complete-information framework in which it is costly to design a new market segment when the segmentation policy (number and design of segments) is endogenously chosen. Both the case of a private and a public insurer are considered. Without transaction costs, these two insurance systems are equivalent in terms of social welfare and participation. With transaction costs, this equivalence is no longer present, and the analysis of this difference is the subject of this article.  相似文献   

The Coase theorem is often interpreted as demonstrating why private negotiations between polluters and victims can yield efficient levels of pollution without government interference. It is considered by many to provide the theoretical underpinnings for "free-market" solutions to environmental problems. This article explains why misinterpreting Coasian negotiations as a market driven process leads to erroneous conclusions. More importantly, this article demonstrates why negotiations between polluters and victims would fail to yield efficient outcomes even if property rights were well-defined, even if there were only a single victim, even if negotiations entailed no transaction costs, and even if negotiators behaved rationally and reached a successful agreement. Unlike other critiques of the Coase theorem that focus on irrational behavior and transaction costs, our critique identifies perverse incentives that arise even under conditions most favorable to the theorem. By accepting, rather than challenging, the premises of the theorem, our analysis provides an "internal" critique that strengthens well-known "external" criticisms.  相似文献   

Few developments are more significant in transitional economics than the development of organized commodity and financial markets. Working from a transaction costs framework, this paper analyses a set of these markets, the Russian commodity exchanges, and their attempts to order trade in commodities in the period 1990-96. These exchanges have incurred high transaction costs both in defining the property rights involved in trading and in overcoming the problems of agent search and 'immediacy'. Parallels between Russian commodity exchanges and other organized markets in Eastern Europe are drawn and remedies for the problems encountered are suggested.  相似文献   

碳排放交易的经济学分析及应对思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球范围内,碳排放交易日益活跃。碳排放交易有着深刻的产权经济学内涵,是一种交易成本最小化的制度安排,是市场化的减污手段。在碳排放问题上,西方国家经历了从行政手段的庇古税到经济手段的排放权交易的演变过程。碳排放交易品种较多,构成了一个较为完整的产品体系。金融危机后,碳排放交易呈现出特定的发展趋势。我国需要进一步探索和发展碳排放交易市场,走好低碳经济时代的增长之路。  相似文献   

This paper utilizes an original establishment survey in a select few low-wage industries in Los Angeles to draw conclusions about the existence of and explanations for intra-industry wage differentials. We explore differences in average establishment wages but also in the starting wage of the largest low-wage occupations in establishments. Well over 50 percent of the variation in average establishment wages occurs across establishments within industries and 60 percent or more of the starting occupational wages of establishments occurs both within industries and occupations. Differences in the skills of workers account for a portion of the variation in intra-industry average and intra-occupational starting wages, but so too do institutional factors such as unions, rent sharing, monitoring difficulty, and recruitment difficulty.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来.可持续发展思想逐渐形成并成熟,并在政治层面上逐渐为世界各国广泛接受。学术界也从不同学科角度对可持续发展作了许多有益的探讨,但是可持续发展经济学作为一门新兴的学科,其理论仍不完善,缺乏系统的总结。本文认为,通过对国内外相关可持续发展思想理论脉络的梳理,将大大有助于我们加强对可持续发展经济学科的理解,并认识到可持续发展经济学存在的必要性。  相似文献   

公共产品作为公共经济学的核心概念,引入到我国学术界的时间不长,其基础理论发展经历了一个多元化的演化过程,其间伴随着多种思想、学科的交叉与针锋。探究其思想渊源与理论演变历程,将有助于对中国特色的公共产品理论框架的构建。本文试图在公共产品思想溯源的基础上,梳理与述评我国公共产品基础理论的发展与演变,力求搭建一个系统的我国关于公共产品基础理论研究的框架,并在此基础上把握我国目前研究的最近进展,从而促成一个独立的中国特色的公共产品基础理论研究框架的构建。  相似文献   

汇率决定理论的新近发展:文献综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
传统汇率决定理论对于现实经济中汇率实际变动情况的解释能力十分低下.20世纪80年代以来,学术界不断寻求突破,以期为汇率如何决定这一基本命题提供更为合理的解释.在这一过程中,不断有新的文献出现,从不同的方面对传统的汇率理论进行补充、发展和替代.鉴于此,本文试图对汇率决定理论的新近发展进行梳理和介绍,借以为国内经济学界研究汇率决定问题提供一个理论参考.  相似文献   

交易费用理论的经典"企业-市场两分法"无法对中间组织为什么会存在,以及与企业和市场相比其优势有哪些做出较好的解释,原因就在于这种分析方法仅仅以交易成本作为衡量各种经济组织效率的唯一标准,只注重效率,不注重效益.而经济组织的存在和演进并不一定仅仅取决于节约交易成本,还可以从效益优势中获得存在和发展的依据.因此,要想对中间组织这种目前越来越普遍存在的组织形式进行更透彻的理解,就必须超越经典的"企业-市场两分法",构建一个既能反映效率、又能反映效益的新的经济组织的分析框架.  相似文献   

The paper provides information about the concept and the characteristics of the service outsourcing. It also analyzes the service outsourcing classification and the modem economy theory of the service outsourcing. Through the analysis, we hope to provide the foundation for further study.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, all of the European transition economies (TE) experienced a major recession and suffered from the explosion of income inequality. However, distribution of income between labor and capital differed greatly from one group of post-communist countries to another. The paper discusses and analyzes linkages between models of capitalism that emerged in former communist countries in the 1990s and the outcome of capitalist transition for labor in terms of income distribution and inequality. It is based on the estimates of the Marxian rate of exploitation and other indicators of labor income performance during the reform period.  相似文献   

交易成本:软件盗版的一个经济学注释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周梁 《经济与管理》2005,19(3):86-88
盗版软件影响软件市场的发展,长期以来却屡禁不绝。从产权经济学上分析,软件是具有公共性的商品。矫正软件公共性所导致的交易成本过高,被认为是盗版问题的主要经济学根源,造成了在打击盗版方面执法效果不佳。只有关注交易成本的影响,才能更加合理有效的对软件产权进行保护。  相似文献   

基于协调管理的建设项目目标管理理论旨在通过对建设项目全面目标体系的构建,使建设项目的所有参与者的责、权、利更加明确。通过全过程、整体的协调管理,使建设项目的所有参与者分工合理,形成最大的合力,有效地避免或减少了参与者的机会主义倾向,并且对其行为形成了激励作用,产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

The theory of induced innovation says that technological innovations which economize on relatively scarce inputs will be invented and adopted. Hayami and Ruttan have hypothesized that this model also holds for institutional innovations. Coase and Williamson suggest that economic organization, such as vertical integration, is the result of transaction cost minimization. Coase discusses the transaction costs of negotiation versus other alternatives for solving externality problems. This paper brings these previously unconnected threads of the literature together and incorporates transaction costs in an induced institutional innovation model.

This conceptual model is brought to bear on the issue of institutional innovations over time in relation to the National Native Title Tribunal. In addition to the reductions in transaction costs from a negotiated settlement rather than litigation, there are other advantages of negotiation. These may include improved “quality” of settlements, improved relations between the negotiating parties, and more timely resolution.  相似文献   

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