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以往的货币政策效应研究都是建立在假设各地区同质的基础上,着重从宏观总量角度,使用VAR模型分析货币政策的冲击。这种研究有利于突出重点,简化分析。但实际上,各地区的异质性以及VAR模型的内在局限性,可能导致结论不稳健。为克服这些不足,本文尝试从货币政策地区效应的微观基础进行研究,提出衡量货币政策地区效应的相关指标,进而建立测度货币政策地区效应的相对指数,并应用于1998~1999年省际货币政策效应的分析,结果发现,货币政策在通货紧缩的1998~1999年仍然有效,而且货币政策效应从大到小依次为东部、中部、西部。  相似文献   

高云虹  刘强 《财经科学》2011,(12):90-98
本文基于对贫困的分解,运用贫困弹性的动态特征,选取《中国统计年鉴》相关年份城市住户分组数据,深入分析收入增长和收入分配因素对中国1991-2009年间城市绝对贫困和相对贫困的影响。结果表明:(1)高速的经济增长对我国城市绝对贫困率下降起决定性作用,但收入分配恶化对城市相对贫困率上升有显著影响。(2)收入水平越高,则收入因素对城市减贫的促进作用越强,且分配因素所引起的贫困变动越大;收入分配越不平等,则收入因素对城市减贫的促进作用越弱,且分配因素所引起的贫困变动越小。因此,我国今后的城市减贫,应在继续保持经济较快增长的同时,以改善收入分配不平等为重点。  相似文献   

中国农村扶贫资金投入与贫困减少的经验分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分别以中国官方贫困线和国际贫困线为标准,利用向量自回归模型就中国政府的农村扶贫资金投入和贫困减少的长、短期关系和Granger因果关系进行了经验研究。结果表明农村扶贫资金对农村贫困减少具有短期的促进作用,但效果不显著。从长期看扶贫资金抑制了农村贫困的减少,但这两者之间不存在Granger因果关系;经济增长与贫困之间的关系比较复杂,经济增长在减少农村贫困人口的同时,加重了贫困深度指数和贫困强度指数。因此,进一步完善农村扶贫资金运行机制、提高扶贫项目的瞄准性,对于解决中国农村贫困问题具有重大意义。  相似文献   

中国城镇贫困的变化趋势和模式:1988—2002   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用中国家庭收入项目(CHIP)调查数据,估计了1988—2002年中国城镇绝对贫困的变化趋势。根据CHIP调查数据所绘制的贫困发生曲线表明,不论把绝对贫困线确定在哪里,在该时期内中国城镇贫困都在显著减少。1988—1995年,收入分配不平等加剧,但此后基本保持稳定。分析收入和贫困决定因素的多元回归模型显示,教育、性别和中共党员等特征扩大了收入差异。来自政府反贫困措施的生活困难救助对减少城镇贫困影响很小。城镇贫困的缓解几乎完全归因于经济增长而非收入再分配。  相似文献   

张萍  栗金亚 《经济与管理》2012,(9):26-28,48
以资产为基础的社会政策是对穷人的福利政策方向的一个基本改变。对个人发展账户进行分析,将"资产建设"这个新理念引入我国农村贫困救助政策,比较两种以资产为基础的贫困救助政策:个人发展账户和村级互助基金,发现:为贫困者设立个人账户并建立村级互助资金,是适合我国国情的资产政策。  相似文献   

This article examines the redistributive impact of Commonwealth outlays and taxes (including outlays directed through and to the States)and two possible alternative systems of distributing Commonwealth funding amongst the States.  相似文献   

收入增长与不平等对我国贫困的影响   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
万广华  张茵 《经济研究》2006,41(6):112-123
本文运用两组家计调查数据,采用夏普里(Shaley)分解法实证分析了20世纪90年代收入增长和收入分配的变化在我国贫困变动中的作用,并特别考虑了不同贫困线、贫困指标及等价规模对实证结果的影响。分析结果表明,90年代前半期农村减贫的成功主要归因于收入的增长和不平等的下降。在90年代后半期,农村和城市都经历了不平等的快速上升和收入的缓慢增长。因此,这段时间减贫的速度下降,甚至贫困有所增加。  相似文献   

The analysis uses March Current Population Survey data to estimate state-level cross-section/time-series models of the effects of the unemployment rate on alternative poverty rates. The measures include the official headcount rate, and alternatives based higher thresholds, revised equivalence scales and income defined as inclusive and exclusive of taxes and cash and in-kind transfers. The estimated effects turn critically on the measurement approaches, both for the total sample population and for four population sub-groups. For several alternative poverty rate measures, the unemployment rate has no significant impact on poverty. By contrast, real per-capita median earnings have strong and consistently negative effects on the poverty rates of all groups studied. The findings thus provide important lessons for researchers exploring the links between economic conditions and poverty, and for policy makers developing poverty reduction strategies.  相似文献   

This article explains why fiscal equalisation is needed to achieve horizontal equity in a federation, why horizontal equity is needed for efficient across–State location choices, and its connection to community preferences.  相似文献   

多维贫困测量及述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贫困的测量是各国贫困研究关注的焦点,测量方法随着对贫困概念认识的深化不断变化。如何科学合理地对多维贫困指数进行筛选,成为多维贫困分析和测量的关键。研究发现,非公理标准下的多维贫困指数具有算法简单、操作方便等优点,但缺陷在于各维度间相关性较强且权重分配具有主观性;公理化标准下的多维贫困指数,虽然在指数维度加总问题上存在异议,但满足了大部分公理的要求,且测量结果更稳健。  相似文献   

;中国的贫困很大程度上就是农村的贫困.本文利用第一手的调查资料,从农民的生存状况和政策需求出发,探讨了农村贫困的原因、农村扶贫开发存在的问题以及农民对扶贫政策的期望,得出了农民迫切需要扶贫、扶贫需要注重开发、扶贫要顺应农民需求的结论.  相似文献   

姚毅 《财经科学》2012,(5):99-108
改革开放以来,城乡绝对贫困问题得到了很大程度的缓解,而相对贫困问题则日益突出;同时,城乡贫困还表现出明显的动态演化特征。本文借助CHNS数据库,对城乡贫困动态演化进行实证研究。其结果显示:经济增长、人力资本以及家庭区位特征、家庭人口特征和劳动就业状况等变量是城乡贫困跨期变动的重要因素,但其影响大小和作用机制在城乡之间存在较大的差异。基于此,本文提出反贫困政策的制定和实施要注意政策受众的差异以及政策工具作用机制的不同。  相似文献   

经济增长、收入差距与农村贫困   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国经济转型过程中同时发生的居民收入增长和收入差距扩大对农村贫困减缓具有不同的影响。本文在住户调查数据的基础上,讨论了不同时期经济增长和收入差距对于农村贫困减缓的作用大小,估算了不同年份经济增长和收入差距的贫困减缓弹性,并根据Shapley分解讨论了分项收入对贫困程度的影响以及分项收入不均等性的贫困减缓弹性。  相似文献   

小额信贷的反锁定模型证明了小额信贷通过产业反锁定、技术反锁定和结构反锁定等三条途径克服了农民增产不增收的窘境,实现了增产又增收,降低了农民的贫困程度.利用中国1994~2004年的时间序列和2004年的截面数据的实证分析也表明小额信贷增加了农民家庭经营收入,降低了贫困.最后,通过一些案例的调查数据进一步佐证了理论和实证的分析结果:小额信贷具有显著的降低贫困效应.  相似文献   

This article studies the distribution of well‐being and, specifically, the degree of poverty and deprivation in Albania, in the years 2002 and 2005, using Living Standard Measurement Surveys (LSMS). The distribution analysis is performed by applying both one‐dimensional and multidimensional approaches, in particular to better examine the link between economic growth, inequality and poverty in Albania. Furthermore, by estimating a non‐monetary indicator, as proposed by Bossert et al. ( 2007 ), and a nonlinear principal component model together with a probit model, the paper focuses on the multidimensional measures of poverty to address the relationship between poverty and socio‐economic factors. Our evidence shows that absolute poverty decreased from 2002 to 2005 while national relative poverty increased; economic growth reduced poverty in Albania over the observed period; and living in rural and mountain areas, being female, poorly educated and with a large family increased the probability of suffering from deprivation.  相似文献   

中国的经济增长、贫困减少与政策选择   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61  
林伯强 《经济研究》2003,(12):15-25
本文详细讨论了贫困分析常用的几个概念和衡量指标 ,并建立了它们之间的关系 ,从而建立起分析模型。进一步 ,本文提出了分解增长效应的方法和贫困减少指数 ,然后 ,本文将提出的模型、方法和指数应用于调查结果及其他官方资料 ,以分析 1 985年至 2 0 0 1年间增长与贫困减少的关系。实证结果与 1 985年以来中国贫困减少的经历相符。贫困减少指数表明 ,增长政策的选择应该使收入效应与不均等效应之和最大化 ,这为不同的发展阶段与不同的地区提供了政策选择。  相似文献   

This paper decomposes the redistributive effect on annual and lifetime inquality of a range of taxes and transfers in Australia, using a dynamic cohort lifetime simulation model. The redistributive effect is decomposed into vertical, horizontal and reranking effects. Horizontal inequities in the tax and transfer system are found to be negligible. The extent of reranking is greater in the lifetime than in the annual context and is affected by the equivalence scales used to adjust household incomes. If no adjustment is made to household incomes, reranking is about nine per cent of the reduction in lifetime inequality. However, if each child is counted as equivalent to one-third of an adult, reranking is found to be less than one per cent.  相似文献   

This paper examines Robert Heilbroner’s 1950 article in Harper’s Magazine on poverty in the USA. It argues that this piece was the first attempt to raise popular concerns about poverty in the USA after World War II, and in many ways sought to do what John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Affluent Society and Michael Harrington’s The Other America accomplished. Heilbroner was not successful in bringing the issue before poverty to public attention because he wrote at a time of great economic growth and at a time before TV brought images and ideas to a large fraction of the American public. He also wrote in a very conservative era, where McCarthyism reared its ugly head and where calls to eradicate poverty were met with intimations of a Communist conspiracy.
Steven PressmanEmail:

The consumer price index (CPI) is used in the United States to measure changes in the cost of living. Since the CPI is used to index the official U.S. poverty guidelines and to establish eligibility criteria for various public assistance programs, a change in the methodology used to calculate the CPI would impact the accuracy of poverty statistics and, more importantly, poor families' access to public assistance. Since the majority of these poor families are headed by women, the CPI becomes a critical issue for feminist economics. In December 1996 the United States Senate Finance Committee's Advisory Commission to Study the Consumer Price Index issued its final report which concluded that use of the consumer price index results in widespread substantial overindexing. This paper uses the basic needs budgets (BNB) to evaluate changes in the cost of living for low-income families. The author compares the cost of the BNBs for single-parent families in 1983 and 1996 and finds that the cost of the bundle of goods and services included in the BNBs has increased faster than the CPI. The author finds similar results for two-parent families.  相似文献   

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