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This paper, using data from the 1992 Boston Federal Reserve study of mortgage lending, reports preliminary evidence of patterns of gender and familial status discrimination that differ markedly by race in the US. White couples with children experienced familial status discrimination if the female partner was in the labor market, but not if she was at home raising her children. However, African-American or Hispanic couples with children suffered familial status discrimination if she stayed home to raise her children, but much less so, if at all, if she was in the labor market. This pattern of racial differentiation may reflect social norms dating back to slavery that have favored labor force participation for African-American and Hispanic mothers but not white mothers. On the other hand, it was true across racial groups that single women, more than single men, were disadvantaged in the mortgage market by children.  相似文献   

The concepts of path dependence and lock-in have received growing acceptance but have generally been thought of as driven by positive feedback on the supply side of the economy. A case through example is made here of how endogenous preferences positive feedback in utility from consumption, social considerations, and institutional considerations can all lead to path dependence and the persistence of suboptimal consumption choices. The case here specifically relates to meat consumption and utilizes behavioral, institutional, as well as neoclassical approaches to justify the conclusion. It is argued that increased meat consumption, which at one time may have had positive value, has developed increasingly negative consequences both at the individual and social level. Negative impacts include health consequences, low production efficiency, and environmental damage, among others. Nevertheless, preferences for meat are maintained by multiple factors including historical dependence of tastes, socially established meanings of consumption choices, and institutional inertia.  相似文献   

本文结合联立方程模型和分布滞后模型,研究了收入差距、投资、教育和经济增长的相互影响。研究发现:(1)收入差距在即期对投资有非常强的负面影响,之后影响变为正,再逐渐下降至微弱的负,从长期来看,收入差距对投资的累积影响始终为负;(2)收入差距对教育的影响较弱,其累积影响始终为正;(3)由于投资对于经济增长的作用超过了教育,因此收入差距对于经济增长的间接影响主要来自于投资的渠道。从累积效应来看,收入差距对于经济增长始终呈现出负的影响。同时,我们也发现,经济增长有利于降低收入差距。因此,控制收入差距有利于经济增长,并反过来有利于缩小收入差距,从而可能实现平等与增长相协调的目标。  相似文献   

我国城乡教育不平等与收入差距扩大的动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过构造一个内生收入函数模型,利用省级面板数据,本文实证研究了我国城乡教育不平等与收入差距扩大的动态关系.研究发现:城乡教育不平等是收入差距扩大的一个重要原因,城乡教育差距第上升1%,城乡收入差距将上升6.4个百分点;并且随着市场化改革的深入,教育差距对收入差距的影响越来越重要.  相似文献   

本文基于1990-2007年间我国29个省份数据,运用较为前沿的面板协整技术,实证检验了人力资本不平等与全要素生产率增长之间的长期稳定关系。研究表明:(1)近些年来,中国的教育扩张有效地促进了人力资本积累和人力资本不平等程度的改善;(2)人力资本不平等对全要素生产率增长具有显著的负向影响。因此,在强调人力资本积累、加大教育投入的同时,应关注教育资源分配的公平性,减少人力资本不平等,以促进全要素生产率的进一步增长。  相似文献   

中国的贡献是国际收入不平等程度从1978年到2000年呈下降趋势的主要动力,在20世纪80和90年代的部分年份中国因素的贡献率超过100%。通过控制人口因素的方法分析揭示,中国经济增长是中国因素变化的主要原因,人口增长是次要原因,但却是重要原因。20世纪80和90年代人口增长对中国因素变化的贡献率在31.8%和43.5%之间波动,经济增长的贡献率在56.5%和68.2%之间波动。所以,虽然中国因素推动国际收入不平等下降的主要源泉是经济增长,但人口增长的作用也非常重要。  相似文献   

中国地区工资水平差异的影响因素分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文运用模块数据和空间计量学的方法考察了中国改革开放以来影响地区工资水平及地区工资非均衡的各种政策体制因素和经济因素。实证结果表明,中国的地区工资水平及其差异既受制度变迁的影响又受市场机制的作用,具有典型的转型特征。具体而言,工资体制、对外开放、所有制改革、地方保护、教育水平和资本投入等因素对地区工资水平及其差异都有不同程度的影响作用。  相似文献   

Acknowledging that wage inequality and intergenerational mobility are strongly interrelated, this paper presents a model in which both are jointly determined. The model enables us to study how inequality and mobility are affected by exogenous changes and what determines their correlation. A main implication of the model is that differences in the amount of public subsidies to education and educational quality produce cross-country patterns with a negative correlation between inequality and mobility. Differences in the labor market, like differences in skill-biased technology or wage compression instead produce a positive correlation. The predictions of the model are found to be consistent with various empirical observations on mobility and inequality.  相似文献   

社会资本在不同群体中分布不平等,但较少有研究分析精英群体中的社会资本不平等情况。基于陕西省上市公司2010-2017年数据,采用社会网络分析方法,分析不同性别(先赋性因素)和拥有不同教育背景(后致性因素)的董事在多项网络中心度上的差异。研究发现,网络中男性董事占据绝对数量优势,男女比例随时间变化呈稳定状态,但男性董事和女性董事在网络中心度上没有显著差异;受教育程度越高,董事越趋于网络中心地位。研究证实在董事群体中存在基于后致性因素的社会资本不平等,但不存在基于先赋性因素的社会资本不平等。  相似文献   

Using Consumer Expenditure Survey data, we obtain summary measures of the distributions of income and consumption for each quarter between 1980 and 1994. We find that the trends in the distribution of income and consumption and the response of these trends to changes in inflation and unemployment were similar during this period. We find that unemployment does not significantly affect the inequality measures and that inflation has a progressive effect, i.e., that a decrease in inflation is associated with an increase in inequality. Finally, we find that the relationship between inequality and macroeconomic variables during the 1990s may be similar to the relationship that existed prior to 1980. First version received: September 1996/final version received: September 1997  相似文献   

经济增长、收入差距与农村贫困   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国经济转型过程中同时发生的居民收入增长和收入差距扩大对农村贫困减缓具有不同的影响。本文在住户调查数据的基础上,讨论了不同时期经济增长和收入差距对于农村贫困减缓的作用大小,估算了不同年份经济增长和收入差距的贫困减缓弹性,并根据Shapley分解讨论了分项收入对贫困程度的影响以及分项收入不均等性的贫困减缓弹性。  相似文献   

沈凌  田国强 《经济研究》2009,44(1):17-29
贫富不均是近几年来我国经济发展相伴而来的一个重要现象。我们除了对它作价值判断,讨论公平与否之外,更加重要的是,确切地了解它对经济增长和经济效率的客观影响。本文从需求分析的角度讨论贫富差距扩大对经济增长的影响。我们引入熊彼特的观点,认为经济增长的动力来自于创新性研究,它可以提高商品质量并推动经济增长。通过构建一个基于二元结构(城市和农村)的两部门(消费者和厂商)模型,贫富差距就可以由农民的人口比例β和农民的相对贫穷程度d来衡量。由于高收入者对于优质商品有更强的支付意愿,收入分配状况影响在普通商品和优质商品之间进行的消费决策和厂商选择,进而影响为生产优质商品而进行的创新活动。结论是:在达到分离型均衡时,减少低收入者数量所引致的贫富差距缩小有利于创新,而提高低收入者收入所导致的贫富差距缩小则不利于创新。因此,推进城市化以减少农村人口比单纯增加农民收入更有利于经济的发展,是解决三农问题的根本方法。在经济发展水平和基尼系数给定的情况下,对跨国数据实证分析也支撑了我们的理论结果。  相似文献   

Constructing a simple model that includes the price of education, this paper shows that the educational expenditure of rich households could prevent poor households from escaping poverty. The paper offers an explanation for persistent inequality.  相似文献   

Assessment of inequality measurement is the focus for this survey. All measures of inequality must be evaluated based on a set of desirable properties. More importantly, the usefulness of statistical inference for measures of inequality needs examination.  相似文献   

创造性破坏与收入差距的振荡式扩大   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
钟春平  徐长生 《经济研究》2006,41(8):114-123
本文试图运用熊彼特的技术创新和“创造性破坏”理论来解释收入差距振荡式扩大的动态特征。研究的结论是在以“创造性破坏”为特征的经济增长过程中,收入差距会扩大,而且创造性破坏的程度越强,经济增长速度越高,收入差距越大。其社会基础和原因是社会分工和阶层差异,这种差异会在经济增长过程中再度拉大。在方法上,本文用物理模型形象地描述了差距扩大过程,揭示了增长模型中定点状态分析方法的缺陷。对具体过程进行分析表明,收入差距扩大的方式为振荡式,这种振荡特征由个体和技术之间的动态竞争性质———“创造性破坏”决定。美国家庭收入的经验分析证实,在动态竞争的经济增长过程中,收入差距确实在振荡中扩大。  相似文献   

Assessment of inequality measurement is the focus for this survey. All measures of inequality must be evaluated based on a set of desirable properties. More importantly, the usefulness of statistical inference for measures of inequality needs examination.
Sourushe ZandvakiliEmail:

我国居民收入差距的短期变动与长期趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章概述了近期我国收入差距变化的基本特点,指出相关政策措施对于我国收入差距的缓解起到了一定的积极作用,但应该看到,由于一些影响收入差距的深层次因素并未得到根本性改变,收入差距不仅改善微妙,而且其政策制度基础具有一定的脆弱性。所以扭转我国居民收入差距不断扩大的态势、改善收入分配格局,依然任重道远。  相似文献   

For an economy competing at the global frontier, an innovation-based growth strategy requires a well-developed technological infrastructure, a set of capabilities-focused technology policies, as well as an institutional environment that stimulates innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper examines the role played by science and technology policy in an economy's transition to an innovation-based growth strategy. We discuss the challenges governments face as they restructure economic institutions to deepen R&D capabilities and encourage technology creation. We review Singapore's experience in this regard and assess its ongoing efforts to remake itself to compete at the global frontier.  相似文献   

中国农村的收入差距与健康   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
封进  余央央 《经济研究》2007,42(1):79-88
随着收入差距的扩大,收入分配对健康和健康不平等的影响日益受到关注。本文利用中国健康营养调查(CHNS)1997年和2000年农村的面板数据回答两个问题:收入差距对健康的影响以及影响健康的方式;收入差距的扩大是否会导致健康不平等的加剧,尤其是低收入人群的健康是否受到更为不利的影响。研究发现,首先收入差距对健康的影响存在滞后效应;其次,收入差距对健康的影响呈现“倒U”型,在收入差距较高时,收入差距对健康的影响主要为负向的,一个可能的原因是收入差距影响到公共卫生设施的供给。再次,收入差距的扩大会加强收入效应,其含义是如果低收入人群的收入更容易受到负向冲击,那么收入差距对低收入人群的健康更为不利。  相似文献   

姜国强 《财经科学》2012,7(7):95-102
改革开放以来,我国经济社会发展取得了巨大的成就,然而,伴随着经济增长,收入差距的不断扩大,分配不公现象日益严峻.本文分析了收入分配差距存在的合理性,审视了当前我国收入分配的状况及特征,在此基础上提出机会不均等是收入差距产生的根本原因,必须深化收入分配制度改革,才能从根本上解决收入分配不公的问题.  相似文献   

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