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阶层地位感知是影响民营企业家经营决策的重要因素,然而当前仍缺乏对其阶层地位感知形成机制的解释。从市场化转型历史背景出发,本文认为民营企业家阶层地位感知受其创业时特定历史情境的影响,并会通过世代效应长期共享、强化这一认知模式。基于五次中国私营企业抽样调查数据,具体考察1992年前后两个不同时期创业的民营企业家群体地位感知差异来检验世代效应。结果表明:与市场经济体制确立之前(1992年前)创业的民营企业家群体相比,市场经济体制确立之后(1992年后)创业的民营企业家群体地位感知相对较高。同时,进一步异质性检验发现,对于无体制内经历和经济力量较强的民营企业家群体,市场化转型对其阶层地位感知的提升作用更强。通过聚焦于中国市场化转型的历史变迁进程,本文为深化民营企业家阶层地位感知的认识提供了宏观历史视角解释。  相似文献   


Analyzing the participation of Hausa women in religiously influenced nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) devoted to development work provides critical insights into the complex intersection of gender, religion, class, culture, and politics and economics. Based on interviews with leaders and employees of various NGOs, including community-based organizations (CBOs), in Kano, Nigeria, in 2010–11, this in-depth case study provides important examples of how various types of NGOs navigate political pressures when it comes to funding; it recognizes the understudied importance of women's labor contributions in the context of the development apparatus in Africa; it highlights the role of women as progenitors rather than benefactors of economic development; and it illustrates the unique role that faith-based organizations (FBOs) can and do play in terms of reaching certain marginalized segments of the population.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国民间组织在现代公民社会得以蓬勃兴起,在政治、经济和社会生活领域产生了重大影响,发挥着巨大作用。民间组织的产生和发展,主要根源于我国慈善传统源远流长、社会主义市场经济健康发展、政府体制改革深入推进和社会中产阶级逐步形成等因素。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的非政府组织得到了迅猛发展,并参与到社会各个领域,成为现代化建设的重要力量。但是,我国非政府组织的发展目前还面临许多问题,还不能充分发挥其促进社会协调发展的作用。文章对我国非政府组织发展中存在的问题及原因进行了分析,以期能够健康地发展。  相似文献   

Africa's hitherto negative image is now being rapidly replaced by a new persona: ‘Africa on the rise’. Developed mainly from Africa's growth experience, this re-imaging of Africa has generated considerable interest even among Africanists concerned that the continent has often been the target of crisis jokes. Even more notably, the rebranding of Africa has gained traction in corridors of power and centres of finance. For this latter group, however, the narrative signals more than a cultural repackaging. It is about confirming that Africa is ripe and ready to host investment and to open up markets in areas where they did not exist or existed but were not capitalist in form. Either way, however, the ‘Africa on the rise’ narrative achieves a major political and economic goal. Neglecting ethical questions about sustainable jobs, inequality and ecological crisis, while extolling the virtues of capital accumulation, it extends a particular neoliberal ideology which favours people with market power, not the majority with precarious positions or their relationship with nature.  相似文献   

This paper uses the Near East as a case study to describe how religious identity became a source of preference formation and a cause of social cleavage. It formulates the concepts of identity-sharing groups and resource-sharing groups to bridge between religious identity's social-psychological aspects and its socioeconomic effects. The paper then argues that social cleavages among religious identity-sharing groups generated informal institutions that are incompatible with the abstract formal institutions of the nation-states of Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. That incompatibility hobbles efforts of formal state institutions to promote economic development, and instead restrains economic growth by intensifying existing conflicts among groups. It suggests that a state that could promote economic development would be the one that recognizes and supports the informal, localized institutions and allows those of them with common features to evolve into abstract formal institutions.  相似文献   

I present a theory of development in which heterogeneously talented entrepreneurs require credit to start new projects and open new sectors. During development the variety of sectors expands, which allows better sorting of entrepreneurial talent. The paper shows that, in addition to increasing the average productivity of matches between agents and sectors, this process also mitigates informational frictions in the financial markets. Furthermore, the impact of sectoral variety on the operation of financial markets gives rise to an interesting feedback between financial development and R&D effort, which may lead to different types of dynamics. A successful economy exhibits a progressive increase in the variety of sectors, which in turn enhances the operation of financial markets. However, a poverty trap may also arise. This situation is characterised by a rudimentary productive structure with poor matching of skills to activities and severely inefficient credit to talented entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

科技创业人才作为一个群体,研究分析其属性与特征,有助于深入了解群体自身的成长规律,探寻群体与经济社会环境相互作用的内在规律,为科技创业人才开发提供科学指导。现有的创业研究主要关注三大方面:创业者特质、创业组织成长和创业环境,而在创业者对创业环境的能动作用方面研究较少。运用文献归纳等综合分析方法,认为科技创业人才具有四大本质属性(遗传性、社会性、资本性和创造性)和三大基本特征(知识特性、经济活性和事业韧性)。运用类比法,提出创业环境弹性概念,构建并分析了科技创业人才四面体特征模型和环境弹性函数,强调科技创业人才对环境的能动作用,弥补了现有创业研究的不足。结果表明,环境弹性与知识特性、经济活性、事业韧性存在正相关关系。通过设计科技创业人才创业认知问卷,给出了特征模型的量化赋值方法,为深化研究科技创业人才特征模型奠定了基础。  相似文献   

技术创业对社会高质量发展、初创企业知识和人才获取具有重要意义。多数创业者会经历技术员工到技术创业者的职业转换,完成任职组织到创业组织的流动过程。技术创业者相关研究主要关注流动后的情形,但根据高阶理论,流动前任职经历作为技术创业者的独特背景特征,势必通过个人特质影响创业企业重大战略决策和组织活动,并表现为绩效差异。鉴于此,以2009—2020年创业板上市的253家由技术员工创立的企业为样本,运用多元线性回归模型实证检验技术创业者流动前多维度任职经历对创业企业绩效的影响。结果表明:伴随流动,原结构资本消失且影响个人思维模式的国企工作经历显著负向作用于创业企业绩效;原结构资本依然有效且分别影响技术能力和眼光视野的非职务发明与海外工作研究经历显著正向作用于创业企业绩效;公司年龄负向调节非职务发明经历与绩效间关系;技术创业者创业前研发合作网络的中介中心度正向影响创业绩效。  相似文献   

Official donor policy towards Africa seems to be informed by the twin requirements of alleviating poverty on the one hand and ensuring respect for human rights and democratization on the other. In practice, when these interests conflict, as they usually do in Africa, donors tend to choose to continue supporting dictatorships, arguing that economic development will eventually lead to democratization. This paper argues that this faulty reasoning is a product of modernization theory that has had undue influence in western policy circles. Based on a broad survey of the literature, the paper shows that there is no theoretical or empirical basis for the claim that authoritarian regimes would provide better economic performance than democracies in general and particularly in Africa. Furthermore, available evidence suggests that the lack of democratization (defined broadly to include the substance of democracy such as government accountability and basic freedoms in addition to meaningful democratic elections) is a key constraint on economic and social development in Africa. Finally, the paper argues that even when the empirical case to establish a definite causal relationship between democratization and development cannot be ascertained, a very strong case can be made for prioritizing democratization for the long term societal transformation of the continent.  相似文献   

Official donor policy towards Africa seems to be informed by the twin requirements of alleviating poverty on the one hand and ensuring respect for human rights and democratization on the other. In practice, when these interests conflict, as they usually do in Africa, donors tend to choose to continue supporting dictatorships, arguing that economic development will eventually lead to democratization. This paper argues that this faulty reasoning is a product of modernization theory that has had undue influence in western policy circles. Based on a broad survey of the literature, the paper shows that there is no theoretical or empirical basis for the claim that authoritarian regimes would provide better economic performance than democracies in general and particularly in Africa. Furthermore, available evidence suggests that the lack of democratization (defined broadly to include the substance of democracy such as government accountability and basic freedoms in addition to meaningful democratic elections) is a key constraint on economic and social development in Africa. Finally, the paper argues that even when the empirical case to establish a definite causal relationship between democratization and development cannot be ascertained, a very strong case can be made for prioritizing democratization for the long term societal transformation of the continent.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on financing the welfare state expenditures in the UK. It offers a comprehensive analysis of social expenditures and taxes paid by the working population families, and an estimation of the net benefits received by them. While the subsequent analysis of the welfare state and its development primarily concentrates on the British experience, it has a broader application to other OECD countries. The UK as the most egalitarian “liberal market economy,” offers an interesting case for the study of the interaction between the welfare state expansion and economic growth. In terms of her capitalist economic structure, (interaction between market and economy) she is relatively closer to the USA and other Angelo-Saxon (liberal market) economies. In terms of her level of social expenditures, she is much closer to the European “social market economies” than the USA and other more egalitarian “liberal market economies.”  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the effect of status incentives on charitable giving by exploiting a natural experiment during China's political reform in 2002 that significantly improved the status of private entrepreneurs and their enterprises. We find that exogenous changes in social, political and economic status of private entrepreneurs led to a significant increase in the corporate giving of their privately owned firms. The findings are robust when we use different samples of the data and when we control for a large set of entrepreneurs and firm characteristics in the regression analysis.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, policymakers have been increasingly striving to support female entrepreneurship as a possible growth driver. This paper contributes to reconciling mixed findings in the literature on the effectiveness of entrepreneurial training with an analysis that links training and human capital, including tertiary education and non-cognitive skills, with gender gaps in entrepreneurial performance in Africa. We have found that while financial literacy training directly benefits men, it does not raise the sales levels of women entrepreneurs. Instead, tertiary education has a direct positive link with the performance of women. Consistent with our theoretical model where different skills are complements, tertiary education can act as a channel that makes training effective. Regarding non-cognitive skills, evidence shows that women entrepreneurs who are tenacious achieve stronger sales performance. Our results underscore the importance of including tertiary education and entrepreneurial training programs focused on a balanced set of skills, including non-cognitive skills, among policies for women entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Promoting youth and female entrepreneurship is crucial to inclusive growth and the future economic and social prospects of developing countries. Evidence tends to suggest that young and female entrepreneurs are in a minority, and the extent and generating mechanisms of this outcome tend to be country‐specific. This collection of papers brings together recent empirical contributions exploring key drivers of this heterogeneity entrepreneurial propensity of youth and female in the context of a group of countries in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, paying special attention to the role of and issues relating to access to credit, attitudes to risk, and migratory status. A common thread in all the papers is the effective role of risk, uncertainty, and asymmetric information in the determination of entrepreneurship and in the demand for and allocation of credit when potential entrepreneurs are from specific groups, that is, women, indigenous women, women and youth in conflict and post‐conflict situations, and migrant youth. Based on these results, the papers explore various challenges in the implementation of public policies designed to promote entrepreneurship within these specific segments of the population.  相似文献   

在经济转型背景下,企业面临的环境更复杂,基于此探讨创业者社会资本与绩效的作用机制具有一定的理论意义和实践指导价值。对安徽和江苏两地企业进行问卷调查并开展实证分析,结果表明,组织学习在创业者社会资本与企业绩效之间起完全中介作用,环境复杂性调节了这一关系,研究结果支持理论假设。据此,从政府和企业层面提出政策建议。研究结论进一步深化了组织学习的中介机制和企业能动应对环境的研究。  相似文献   

本文以资源保存理论为基础,将中国科技创业园区中的创业者作为研究对象,探讨遭遇挫折的创业者所面临的创业压力对创业退出意愿的影响机制,重点分析创业激情的中介作用与社会支持的调节效应,形成有调节的中介作用模型。研究发现:创业压力是促使创业者产生创业退出意愿的重要前因变量;创业激情负向中介创业压力对创业退出意愿的正向作用,即创业压力抑制了创业激情,而受到抑制的创业激情则强化了创业退出意愿;社会支持弱化了创业压力对创业退出意愿的正向影响,同时也缓解了创业压力对创业激情的负向影响,进而对创业激情的中介效应产生调节作用,并且在不同强度的社会支持下,创业激情的条件中介效应之间存在显著差异。研究结论弥补了创业退出研究的理论文献,对促进创业者在“双创”环境下的成功创业具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between the emigration of entrepreneurs and the emergence of economic development traps, which has not received much attention in the existing literature. We develop a theoretical model, where the economy is divided into a traditional and a modern sector. Entrepreneurs establish firms in the modern sector to produce varieties of differentiated goods. Positive spillover effects exist in the modern sector. We show that the emigration of entrepreneurs can cause economic development traps, where the productivity of the modern sector remains low, and more importantly, the economy is stuck in the traditional structure. In the typical case, the development traps exhibit strong history dependence. Under certain conditions, regardless of the initial endowment of entrepreneurs, economic development traps are unavoidable. By examining the effect of government policy intervention to correct the market failure arising from spillover effects, our study also provides a theoretical foundation for government policies used by some developed countries to attract foreign entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

The major premise of this paper is that social and individual well-being depends significantly on people's capacity to learn and unlearn in communication with each other. This paper builds on social economic traditions that see communication and conversation as evolutionary generative and adaptive mechanisms through which individual and social learning occurs. Drawing on educational psychology and organizational behavior scholarship, five dynamic processes of conversational learning are introduced with the contention that they can help social economists understand at a micro level more deeply and more concretely how learning happens in the give-and-take of conversation. The paper explores the role of the state, organizations, and communities in fostering individual freedom and dignity, human rights, and economic democracy and concludes that the investment of value in people and their capability for purposeful action as social economic stakeholders can be enhanced through conversation as learning.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2007,60(4):440-450
The paper introduces two approaches to identify corporate behaviours that should attract the attention of pension funds in the context of debates over sustainability, while remaining within a narrow interpretation of their fiduciary duty. The approaches are based on two simple models of how different societal spheres interact with one another and influence long-term economic performance. These models allow exploring the idea that corporations can influence trajectories of societal change—keeping in mind that pension funds care about these trajectories because they care about the long-term performance of the economies in which they invest. The model underlying the internalising investor approach assumes that corporations are the only actors in society. In this model, pension funds will maximise their expected ability to meet their liabilities if companies internalise negative externalities and spill-over effects in order to reduce the cost of market failures for the economy as a whole. The model underlying the civic investor approach comprises companies and various actors (the state, NGOs, corporate stakeholders) engaged in shaping the governance structure that mediates the interaction between the social, environmental and economic spheres. In this model, pension funds will want companies to facilitate effective responses to societal problems. These approaches allow us to identify a number of corporate behaviours that should be of concern to pension funds.  相似文献   

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