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In the past, scholars have used a Herfindahl–Hirschman Index using denominational market shares to measure the competitiveness of religious markets. However, this approach ignores both the imperfect substitutability between denominations and the degree of competition within denominations. These two shortcomings make the current index a suspect measure of religious competition; it often falsely identifies which market micro-economists would generally consider the more competitive one. We develop a new religious competition index that incorporates intra-denominational competition and creates a ‘substitutability parameter’ to better specify the appropriate degree of inter-denominational competition. While the model developed in this article applies specifically to religious markets, our index of competition could be expanded to other economic markets where such a substitutability parameter is meaningful.  相似文献   

The extant literature finds religion to be a major determinant of life satisfaction. However, in contexts characterized by religious tensions, the outcome may be very different. In particular, the literature shows that religious polarization has a major influence on some economic outcomes. The analysis presented in the paper tries to identify the impact of religious polarization on a major component of life satisfaction: financial satisfaction. The paper inquires how belonging to a minority religion and living in areas with different levels of religious polarization affect the individual satisfaction with the financial situation of the household. The results show that the members of minority religious groups are less satisfied than the members of the dominant group, and that the financial satisfaction decreases—for a given income—as the religious polarization increases.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that religion promotes honesty. Honesty in turn motivates managers to view an expropriation from shareholders as self-serving, opportunistic and unethical, thereby alleviating the agency conflict. Religious piety is thus expected to discourage agency-driven acquisitions that reduce shareholder wealth. We exploit the variation in religious piety across US counties (and states) and show that firms located in a more religious environment are indeed less likely to make poor acquisitions, measured by the stock market reactions to the acquisition announcement. To draw a causal inference, we use historical religious piety as far back as 1952 as our instrument. The two-stage least squares (2SLS) analysis confirms that religious piety induces firms to make better acquisitions. Our analysis based on propensity score matching also corroborates the conclusion.  相似文献   

本文采用实验方法研究宗教信仰对个人信任行为的影响.本文首次以佛教徒、基督教徒、穆斯林和非宗教信仰者四类群体为研究对象进行信任实验,并通过虔诚度问卷调查,全面分析宗教影响个体信任行为的内在机制.研究结果表明:(1)当把三类宗教被试合并为一个整体时,其与非宗教信仰者在信任行为上没有显著差异,也不存在明显的组间效应;(2)但...  相似文献   

本文研究了银行业竞争度与小微企业关系型贷款之间的关系,以及市场规模结构对该关系的影响。信息假说认为,由于信息不对称和代理问题,垄断增加了银行内部化关系型贷款的收益,关系型贷款与竞争度之间呈负相关。然而,越来越多的研究对信息假说提出了质疑。本文在数理推导的基础上,采用江苏省县域地区352家小微企业2011-2015年非平衡面板数据,运用Fractional Logit模型进行实证分析。研究结果表明:市场规模结构是决定竞争度与关系型贷款之间关系的重要因素,当信贷市场中大银行的市场份额占比较大时,银行竞争的加剧对关系型贷款是不利的;当市场中小银行的市场份额占比较大时,竞争的加剧有利于关系型贷款的发放。以往研究对于市场规模结构的忽视可能是导致不同研究结论存在巨大差异的重要原因。本文在此基础上,提出了完善金融基础设施等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

I explore the relationship between culture and market integration using data from 19th century Austria and find that religious, not ethnic, differences between regions increase price differentials for grains. I argue that an important mechanism is cultural patronage in the placement of transportation infrastructure. The results show that railroad construction was more intensive between religiously similar places and that religious diversity within regions is negatively correlated with road and rail density. As a secondary mechanism, I argue that regions with more religious diversity enjoyed greater competition in agricultural markets after the elimination of religious discrimination in land tenure institutions. The results support this hypothesis, showing that within regions, religious diversity is negatively correlated with grain prices. The findings highlight the importance of culture and institutions in economic development and are relevant for culturally diverse regional economies today.  相似文献   

Abstract Evidence on the effect of product market competition on unionized wages is mixed. In this paper we show theoretically that the result may reflect genuine heterogeneity in the response of union wages to product market conditions. For low levels of unionization, union bargaining power may actually be enhanced by market competition, as firms have more to lose when there is a strike. Using recent data from the UK, we explore interactions between the level of industry competition and unionization, and find supporting evidence for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, one could observe that several prominent religious groups such as Tzu Chi (founded by Master Cheng Yen in 1966), Fo Guang Shan (founded by Master Hsing Yun in 1967), and Dharma Drum Mountain (founded by the late Master Sheng Yen in 1989) have been constantly growing. These religious groups have not only attracted regular donors but also wealthy people within society and have been very successful in raising funds. Above all, they have established for themselves a worldwide reputation and become multinational religious enterprises. To analyze the fundraising performance of the aforementioned religious groups, this paper introduces some new concepts of institutions and also suggests several propositions on fundraising, entrepreneurship, and institutions. This paper points out that Taiwan's religious enterprises are an outgrowth of powerful fundraising performance. Once the religious groups enter the stage of institutional change, the amount of funds collected becomes the dominant exogenous variable and religious entrepreneurship becomes endogenous. Over time, this dynamic process has further promoted entrepreneurship. Again, entrepreneurship becomes the dominant exogenous variable and the funds accumulate at an increasing rate. Eventually, the religious enterprises emerge.  相似文献   

In this paper, I show that the standard Bertrand competition argument does not apply when firms compete for myopic consumers who optimize period-by-period. I develop the model in the context of aftermarket. With overlapping-generations of consumers, simultaneous product offerings in the primary market and aftermarket establishes a price floor for the primary good. This constraint prevents aftermarket rents from being dissipated by the primary market competition. Duopoly firms earn positive profits despite price competition with undifferentiated products. Nonetheless, government interventions to reinforce aftermarket competition such as a standardization requirement may lead to the partial collapse of the primary market.  相似文献   

Surveys can increase market transparency when information asymmetries are present—but this will only happen when respondents answer questions truthfully. Sometimes, however, it might not be in the respondents’ best interest to provide truthful information on their firm or market. This will be especially true when other firms can exploit any information they provide. Understanding when, and under what conditions, respondents answer questions truthfully is important to researchers studying these markets and to policymakers using firm surveys to identify ways of improving the business environment. Using data from two countries in South Asia, this paper uses a random response technique to identify respondents that do not answer truthfully. We label these respondents as ‘reticent’. We show that respondents become more reticent when their firms face intense price competition. We argue that this is because intense competition gives respondents a greater incentive to misreport information to reduce market transparency.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the change in the supply of dental clinics after the implementation of Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI). Even though the government has enforced lower prices of treatment since the implementation of NHI, the increase in use could actually result in higher revenue for dentists. The higher profit could prompt dentists to attempt to enter markets that were previously unprofitable. This paper tested if NHI increased the dental clinic supply in geographically isolated areas by investigating whether the required minimum market size was reduced. We found that following the implementation of NHI, the per‐dental clinic minimum market size significantly decreased. In addition, the decreased minimum market sizes were enabled by a corresponding increase in variable profits which is equal to the difference between price and average variable costs. This implies that the NHI‐enlarged health care demand compensates for the possible losses of dental clinics due to price regulation. Furthermore, the results also suggest that the post‐NHI dental market becomes more competitive when there is a second entrant in the market, and the level of competition approaches perfect competition when three and more dental clinics serve one market.  相似文献   

This paper studies how firms choose their product differentiation levels when they engage in third‐degree price discrimination in the following product market competition in a location‐price model. We show that firms will not choose to locate at the two endpoints if different consumer groups have similar sizes. Hence, the principle of maximum differentiation does not hold, resulting in a more intense product market price competition. Only if the size of one group of consumers is sufficiently larger than that of the other group, would firms make their products as differentiated as possible by choosing the two endpoints as their locations.  相似文献   

On Hotelling's Location Model With a Restricted Reservation Price   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies Hotelling's location model with a restricted consumer reservation price. It establishes that firms will locate closer to the middle of the market when price competition becomes more intense caused by a low reservation price.  相似文献   

王纬  曹愉 《经济研究导刊》2012,(27):199-200,273
宗教旅游作为专项旅游中的一种,尚处于初步发展阶段。通过对中外宗教旅游研究的对比,总结中外宗教旅游的发展状况,从研究内容、研究方法与研究结果及其产生的影响等角度进行对比分析并对文献进行整合,以及提出对中国宗教旅游研究有益的借鉴,促进中国宗教旅游研究的发展。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to examine the effect of religious heterogeneity on various important metro-area variables such as total expenditure, taxes, property taxes, debt, and employment as well as spending on the specific services of education, roads, police, health, and welfare. Two indices are used to measure religious heterogeneity, a fractionalization index and a polarization index. Polarization, designed to be a measure of social conflict, generally led to less spending and taxes, while fractionalization, the probability that two randomly chosen individuals belong to different religious groups, generally led to more spending and taxes.  相似文献   

This paper builds a theory that explains the dramatic expansion of the underground economy in the late 1990s by the sharp increase in market competition worldwide. I model an oligopoly game where firms first decide on entry and sector, and then compete in price. Operating in the underground sector reduces variable costs, but comes at the risk of being detected and fined. As competition intensifies (i.e., as consumers become more and more price‐sensitive), underground firms attract more demand, thus stealing business and profits from official firms. As a consequence, more firms enter the underground economy. A lenient policy toward the underground economy may increase welfare when markups are high, but will be welfare‐detrimental when markups are low.  相似文献   

通过构建破坏性创新企业与在位企业进行市场竞争的双寡头博弈模型,分析在具有不同收入分布特征市场中破坏性创新企业的市场绩效及社会福利。研究发现,在收入差距较大的市场中,破坏性创新企业获得更大的市场份额和利润,社会福利相对较小;相反,在收入水平较高且分布趋向同质的市场中,在位企业获得更大的市场份额和利润,并且,破坏性创新厂商的利润随着收入水平的提高而降低。同时,随着收入水平的提高,两企业的产品质量不断提高,但质量差距不断扩大,社会总福利也随之增加。最后,进一步阐释了破坏性创新更多地发生于贫富差距较大的新兴市场的微观机制,为企业根据不同市场的收入分布特征选择竞争战略提供理论依据,为相关国家基于收入分布特点制定限制或支持破坏性创新创业政策提供理论参考。  相似文献   

This article assesses the effects of the competitive structure of a product market on a firm’s corporate governance structure. Our model demonstrates that shareholders strategically determine the corporate governance structure, including the manager’s stock ownership and his controlling power over the firm, in order to maximize their utility in the product market competition. We find that the manager’s stock ownership is lower and his controlling power over the firm is higher when the firm’s product is more profitable or when competition within the product market is more severe. The inefficiency of the wealth transfer from shareholders to the manager also affects the corporate governance structure.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether market competition encourages firms to be more socially responsible. We find that firms in more competitive markets exhibit better overall social performance, as measured by doing well (“strength”) and doing badly (“concern”) in areas such as community, environment, human rights, and treatment of employees. To deal with endogeneity, we instrument market competition on entry barrier and observe that market competition only significantly reduces social concerns but not increases social strengths. Thus, firms are more reactive in reducing social concerns than proactive in augmenting their social strengths. Amongst these concerns, firms appear to be more active in reducing environmental concerns. The paper underscores the limitations in relying on the “invisible hand” of the market to deal with the multi-dimensional challenges of firms’ social performance.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework to understand how market size affects firms' investments in product differentiation in a model of monopolistic competition. The theory proposes that consumers' love of variety makes them more sensitive to product differentiation efforts by firms, which leads to more differentiated products in larger markets. The framework also predicts an inverted U ‐shaped effect of trade liberalization on product differentiation, with trade liberalization leading to more differentiated products when starting from autarky but then leading to less differentiated products as the countries approach free trade.  相似文献   

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