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采用多案例研究方法,通过研究8个典型案例验证了农业生物技术的接力创新在发生范围、创新类型、接力关系及接力方式等方面的特性。基于农业生物技术创新过程及生物农业产业的其他特征,进一步研究了农业生物技术接力创新的形成机理,并对相关特性进行了解释。最后,针对中国农业生物技术创新提出了若干政策启示。  相似文献   

现代农业生物技术在缓解全球粮食安全、资源枯竭、环境恶化等一系列重大问题中发挥了极其重要的作用。美国农业生物技术研究和产业化发展非常迅速,与其相关的知识产权制度立法也经过多次调整完善,巩固了其技术和市场优势。本文通过介绍美国农业生物技术研发投资现状,梳理其知识产权制度的发展历程,并从授权专利的申请单位类型、技术类型和前十强企业的专利集中度等方面,分析农业生物技术的专利保护进展,总结美国农业生物技术研发及其知识产权保护制度的成功经验,以期为促进我国农业生物技术创新及其知识产权保护制度的完善提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

技术专家办企业的农业生物技术推广模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术推广模式是关系到科技成果转化和相关产业稳定发展的重要因素.在对我国原有四种农业技术推广模式分析的基础上,构建和完善了技术专家领衔办企业的农业生物技术推广模式及运行机制,并对这种模式的未来发展定位问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

文章扼要论述了中国生物技术产业的现状,分析了发展生物技术产业的优势,概括为:广大的市场,丰富的资源,悠久的文化传统,有相对优势的知识产权,有潜力的研究队伍和优惠的政策;还讨论了存在的问题;缺乏强有力的内行投资人,技术持有者错位,界定不清的知识产权,不够成熟的技术以及市场不够规范,文章最后对生物技术产业发展提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

结合近年来生物工程技术基础实验的开设和完成情况的工作经验的总结,对该课程实验教学的内容和方法进行改革,即为转变教学观念,增加实验课的比重;课堂教学与实验教学相辅相成;培养学生良好的实验习惯及改革实验课程考核方式,从而更好地达到开设生物工程技术基础实验的目的。  相似文献   

生物技术是当前最具潜力和最富活力的科技领域之一。德国联邦政府认为,从传统化石能源时代向生物经济时代过渡是人类社会发展的必然趋势.未来生命科学和生物技术将更广泛地应用于农业、林业、渔业、畜牧业、食品、化工、制药、能源、环保和商贸服务等众多产业领域。知识生物经济将提高国家竞争力。2010年11月,德国联邦政府发布了《生物经济2030:国家研究战略》。包括德国在内的世界各国政府都高度重视推动本国生物技术研发创新和产业化发展。本文对德国生物技术产业发展最新情况进行了调研,并对其研发创新及其产业化发展的政策机制进行了总结分析。  相似文献   

自2005年以来,REDD+项目在巴西等热带地区得到了广泛地计划和实施。然而,在后京都时代全球背景下,只有拓宽REDD+机制的实施途径才能在所有森林覆盖的国家起到减排作用,这也为中国提供了参与减排的重要机会。积极参与REDD+机制,不仅有利于进一步开发我国碳汇潜力,更有利于提高我国在国际气候谈判中的地位、掌握碳交易市场的话语权。将菲律宾作为REDD+在新兴国家发展的典型案例,进行REDD+机制在中国扩大途径研究,构建中国REDD+机制多元化框架,同时为REDD+在中国的发展提出可行性的政策建议。  相似文献   

以转基因技术为代表的现代农业生物科技正面临两难发展困境,公众在对待农业生物科技的发展和选择上常常存在误判,主要表现在:对农业生物科技起源及进化的误识、对技术内涵及术语的误读、对技术风险属性的误解以及对技术路径选择的误判等,政府决策也因此而陷入二难困境。要破解这种认识与发展困境,可以从公众科学素养培育、科技术语表述分析、多元化信息交流、技术风险与利益测评等方面综合寻求解决之道。  相似文献   

李天柱  银路  程跃  邱杉 《技术经济》2009,28(12):4-11
在产业集群理论的总体框架下,本文以国外五个典型集群为研究对象,归纳了生物技术产业集群演化的关键动力要素,即科学研究、风险投资、传统大企业介入、政府支持、中介机构、市场需求、创新文化、相关产业支撑、龙头企业以及"龙头企业-专家型公司-科研机构"之间的良性互动。在此基础上,研究了要素的演进和集群发展的内在规律。最后,结合我国的实际情况,基于政府的视角得出若干促进我国生物园区发展的启示。  相似文献   

This paper builds on social network theory to understand technological development. Based on the empirical evidence of 367 research organisations in plant biotechnology over a nineteen-year period, we demonstrate how a structural analysis of the research network within the technological community is used to identify four collaboration-based strategic groups of research organisations. The emergence of these groups can be linked to technological breakthroughs in the field. Analyses of the four clusters point to the influence of research collaborations on stratification within an evolving technological domain. Finally, as archival data sources are used to detect incidences of collaborative research and to trace the evolution of R&D networks in an emerging field, we conclude with a discussion of the potential contribution of bibliometric data to understand the development of new technologies in their early, pre-commercial phases.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, policymakers in various positions have been adopting a systems-approach to policy thinking. However, in contrast with the quasi-evolutionary way in which policy is thought of and conceptualised it seems that policy doing is still being guided by ‘market-failure’ justifications causing actual policies to remain narrow in their scope. In this paper we sidestep this analytical divide of thinking/doing by developing a co-evolutionary framework that utilises a more productive analytical divide of means/ends. That is to say we focus on a process of co-evolution of a higher-order, one which takes place ‘inside’ the agent of policy herself, and involves changes in the ways ‘means’ and ‘ends’ are understood and acted upon. Conceptualising policy problems in terms of means/ends contributes to current debates by rendering the difficulty that countries are facing in their attempts to prioritise biotechnology more intelligible and thus manageable.  相似文献   

各类调查数据和经验都表明,在我国各地区之间,年度农产品出口额的差异比较显著。当前,影响农产品出口的因素很多,总体来说可以分为内部因素和外部因素。本文通过翔实的数据,采用相关分析方法对影响农产品出口的内部因素进行了具体分析并得出了相应的结论,从而有针对性地提出了扩大农产品出口的对策。  相似文献   

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) is critical in efforts to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic climate change. Despite uncertainty about the exact form of a future, international REDD+ system, REDD+ carbon property rights would need to be created and allocated with liability assigned for the potential loss of climate benefits in the event of carbon reversal from deforestation. This commentary explores the links between forest property rights and liability, to different REDD+ policy options and their implications for permanence. Should national governments retain liability for permanence then project-level activities that have individually-assigned REDD+ carbon rights may have a higher risk of carbon reversal than policies where rights are assigned to the state. Knowledge of pre-existing forest rights is necessary for some policies implemented with government-assigned REDD+ rights in order to compensate for potential income losses from policy implementation.  相似文献   

The ‘life science’ revolution related to the development of biotechnology affects many different markets. In the pharmaceutical business new drugs are continuously developed, tested, and submitted to governmental institutions for the required approval. In the agricultural business the so-called ‘green revolution’ is well under way with many new products designed in order to appeal to farmers or to consumers. The increasing pace of introduction of new biotech products—particularly drugs and agrochemical (Ag) foods—leads firms to look for collaborations in the different phases of the introduction process. Basing on an empirical study conducted on a sample of 27 organisations involved in the process of introduction of biotech products, the paper aims at comparing and contrasting the nature and the processes involved in inter-institutional collaborations occurring at various stages of new product development and commercialisation of new biotech products (particularly drugs and Ag foods).  相似文献   

We examine the causation and effectuation logics for implementing targeted biotechnology policies using two case studies: Singapore (causation) and Israel (effectuation). After more than a decade of implementing targeted biotechnology policies, both Singapore and Israel have failed to create fully fledged biotech clusters. Singapore has been unsuccessful in creating vibrant entrepreneurial activity that will support its transformation into a knowledge economy. Israel has failed to turn its 1000 small, dedicated biotechnology firms into a substantial engine of growth and employment. The paper questions how these two policy approaches influenced the targeting of the biotechnology sectors and identifies the limits of these approaches in supporting targeting. We conclude that a combination of the two logics is needed, especially when targeting complex sectors with a yet unknown development path.  相似文献   

We propose the use of machine learning methods to estimate inequality of opportunity and to illustrate that regression trees and forests represent a substantial improvement over existing approaches: they reduce the risk of ad hoc model selection and trade off upward and downward bias in inequality of opportunity estimates. The advantages of regression trees and forests are illustrated by an empirical application for a cross-section of 31 European countries. We show that arbitrary model selection might lead to significant biases in inequality of opportunity estimates relative to our preferred method. These biases are reflected in both point estimates and country rankings.  相似文献   

This paper presents economic rules for harvest timing when timber and nontimber goods, services, and ecological functions are produced from forest stands. Forests include stands that are heterogeneous in age, land quality, and distance to market. Rules for allocating land between forest and nonforest use are developed. Key land use margins are identified that are important to land use allocation in temperate and tropical regions (e.g., between unmanaged forest, forest management, and forest conversion). Processes that can change key land use margins are discussed and used to organize recent empirical and theoretical studies of regions where forest land use is in transition, such as where forest land is being converted to alternative nonforest land uses.  相似文献   

农业技术进步贡献率测算方法:回顾与评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了包括参数方法与非参数方法在内的各种农业技术进步贡献率的测算方法,并对其优缺点进行了比较和评价,介绍了与此相关的最新研究进展和发展趋势,提出了测算农业技术进步贡献率需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

采用ESDA、GWR、重心转移、热点分析等空间分析方法,结合构建的"四化"协调发展模型,对2001、2006和2011年全国343个地级单元四化协调发展的时空分异格局、空间相关性、总体趋势及影响因素进行研究。结果表明:中国地级单元四化协调发展空间分异显著且具有显著正相关关系;10年间四化协调发展指数的重心均落在河南省境内,重心迁移方向是先向西北方向移动,然后向东北方向移动;四化协调发展类型数目最多的为轻度失调和濒临失调地级单元;四化协调发展的热点区域集中分布在胡焕庸线以东的沿海地带;四化协调发展的影响因素影响力大小依次为城乡人均固定资产投资比人均社会消费品零售额人均GDP人均教育支出城乡人均收入比城乡人均消费比,只有人均GDP是四化协调发展的正相关因素,城乡收入比整体上表现为负相关。  相似文献   

采用比较分析法和数据包络分析法(DEA),分析了劳动力迁移、人力资本与农业技术进步之间的关系。认为劳动力迁移有利于劳动力人力资本水平的提高;农业技术效率在短期内受到物质资本投入、劳动力素质等因素的强性约束。长期来看,约束因子会不断放松;劳动力迁移对迁入地的农业技术进步是有贡献的。  相似文献   

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