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农业技术进步过程是量变与质变的统一。这种统一性导致了农业技术进步在时序上呈现为阶段性。由于技术进步是经济发展的重要内生变量,农业技术进步的阶段性必然导致农业发展的阶段性。不同的农业发展阶段伴随着不同水平的农业技术,不同技术水平对应着不同的农业发展阶段,这既反映了农业技术进步与农业发展的内在依存关系,又构成了农业技术与农业发展的阶段论。分析我省农业技术进步过程,农业技术进步与农业发展阶段具有高度的相关性。第一阶段,即1949~1964年。建国后从1950年开始,农业技术进步工作就得到各级领导的重视。尽管技术进步在这一时期受到了反右扩大化社会震荡的影响,但却是我省现代技术对传统经验的第一次大挑战,使农业技术综合水平系数达到了3.3114,在农业这一阶段的发展中表现出了重要作用。据统计资料,1964年农业总产值按1952年不变价计算已达到  相似文献   

本文试图从农业产业链耦合视角分析农产品批发贸易的组织演进过程。批发商联合共生的集聚模式产生了规模经济和范围经济的集聚效应,这是农产品批发市场与产业链协同发展的重要耦合发展要素,这些集聚效应在一定条件下促进了以批发市场为分界点的农产品流通体系的前端(产批)和后端(批零)的合理耦合,进而促进了农产品的供需耦合。但是随着产业链前端生产集聚和后端消费发展的进一步演进,这种集聚经济会由于贸易成本的增加而演变为集聚不经济,从而促进农产品批发市场由集聚发展转向扩散甚至瓦解。本文还从分工布局视角分析了当前中国农产品批发贸易的集聚发展现状。中国农产品批发贸易处在集聚发展阶段,但也出现了一些异化现象。最后就中国农产品批发市场当前发展中出现的问题进行开放性讨论,并提出了促进批发贸易集聚和商业集群成长,完善以流通业为主的第三产业体系等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

再制造产业:概念、问题与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
再制造(remaunfacture)是前沿学科,目前学术界尚无统一的定义。1983年罗伯特(Robert)等人从技术规范上对再制造过程定义:在工厂里,通过一系列工业过程,将已报废的产品拆卸,不能使用的零部件通过再制造技术修复,使得修复处理后的零部件的性能与寿命期望值达到或高于原零部件的性能与寿命。[1]徐滨士院士的定义是:以产品全寿命周期理论为指导,以优质、高效、节能、节材、环保为准则,以先进技术和产业化生产为手段,进行修复、改造废旧设备产品的一系列技术措施或工程活动的总称。[2]笔者拟从循环经济的基本理念出发,对再制造做出自己的定义。  相似文献   

Using different indicators of financial development, recent empirical studies have discovered various patterns of nonlinearity in the relationship between financial development and economic growth. By adding consumption loans, which are nonproductive, into a standard model of asymmetric information, this paper generates a model that is able to replicate all possible nonlinear finance–growth relationships found in recent empirical studies.   相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that financial development can catalyze property rights reforms. This paper offers a theory of financial markets to explain these facts defining the relationship. The explanation is based on a simple trade‐off between the costs and the benefits of securing property. Securing the right to property at a cost allows agents to post collateral against loans. However, the benefits of collateral vary according to the existing credit market conditions, which we take into account in the tradeoff between the costs and the benefits of securing property rights along the path of financial development to explain the conditions under which financial development can create incentives for better property rights institutions.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the West and Central African (WCA) cotton initiative in the World Trade Organization has stood as an ambitious case of Africa's desire to be integrated into the trading system and yet also receive reparations for past injuries. This article seeks to explore how and why the initiative debuted through close attention to the interdependence between power and language in diplomatic practice. It takes the concept of cognitive framing to explore the relationship between political legitimacy and mobilisation capacities. The genesis of cotton as ‘an issue’ is critically examined, focusing on how the WCA countries constructed a novel ‘competitive victim’ frame to define themselves and the problem. While this opening move was effective, it also featured tensions that were exploited by Northern actors who were threatened by the campaign. I argue that what followed was the introduction of a politically driven ‘counterframe’, which divided the problem into a ‘trade-related’ component and a ‘development-related’ component. It is important to understand why and how this distinction was constructed and monitored. By scrutinising the relationship between framing and institutional power, I suggest that the counterframe won over the original frame, leading to a re-positioning of the demanders and a re-calibration of their expectations.  相似文献   

科技服务业是近年来的新兴产业,而产业升级无疑在当下中国经济结构发生深刻变革中成为一股风潮,但学界对二者之间的关系没有比较权威和公认的结论。结合国内外研究成果,厘清科技服务业的内涵,为研究产业升级与科技服务业发展提供基础支撑。同时,运用多种理论研究明确了产业升级和科技服务业之间的影响机制及内在联系。进而得出科技服务业促进产业升级的条件。  相似文献   

The research and development (R&D) system for industrial development in Taiwan is made up of three parts: industrial firms, government-supported institutes (GSIs), and academic institutes and universities. The Taiwanese experience showed that the effective interaction of the GSIs and the industrial firms has successfully supported the development of its industry. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) played the key role in industrial development during recent decades. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of ITRI and the way in which it fulfills its role through an examination of its major tasks. The implications for developing countries are also discussed.  相似文献   

Crowdfunding plays an important role as an alternative funding source for technology ventures. No earlier studies particularly investigated the importance of social interactions during such crowdfunding campaigns. Hence, we particularly take the interaction between the project owner and the community as well as among community members into account. We empirically investigated potential success factors for crowdfunding projects of entrepreneurs on the base of 430 projects from the German crowdfunding platform Visionbakery. Our results show that social interaction during a crowdfunding campaign indeed increases the likelihood of its success. As comments from crowd members on particular projects might be positive or negative and can also provide additional argumentation or raise questions, comments can cause a dialog among crowd members. This shows that herding might not only be related to the number of contributors but also to their shared attributes and perceptions. Our discussion of theoretical and managerial implications closes with recommendations for future research on this evolving topic.  相似文献   

For ecological and economic reasons it is more cost effective to conserve habitats rather than species, and hence biodiversity conservation becomes a land use issue. Since in developing countries, land is the most important productive asset, the opportunity costs of conservation are forgone development, while the benefits from conservation are distant and largely external to the host country. The concept of transferable development rights (TDRs), which has been extensively applied to conservation of historical buildings in urban areas, is extended and adapted here to the conservation of biodiversity, both within a country and globally. Creation of a market for TDRs makes effective the latent demand for and supply of biodiversity conservation and generates benefits for both the supplier (developing countries) and the demander (developed countries). The paper explores the conditions and public interventions necessary for the creation of an active market for TDRs. It also proposes a number of mechanisms such as credits and offsets for purchase of TDRs against domestic regulations and conservation taxes in the developed countries.  相似文献   

论"中国经济学"的科学发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从王亚南提出"中国经济学"的初衷和《中国经济原论》论著的思想,以及经济学的学科性质来看,"中国经济学"在现阶段具有特定的固有涵义,是指运用马克思主义经济学基本原理、借鉴西方经济学基本原理和应用中国学者的理论经济学创新,来研究中国社会主义市场经济建设这一特定经济问题的经济学.  相似文献   

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