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它有着天使的魅力,却带着魔鬼的咒语,这就是投机. 一夜暴富,踏着云梯直上财富天堂,这是投机者"炫酷"的无上资本. 一只手让财富扶摇直上,一只手让经济全线溃退.繁华与萧条轮番上演,亚洲金融危机,乃至时下阴霆依旧未曾散去的全球金融危机,投机的身影从未缺席.  相似文献   

苏格兰皇家银行凭借系统的银行管理规划,把每一个策略都落到了实处,最终从一个世界银行排名处于二百名之后的地区性银行发展到世界排名领先的国际性商业银行。  相似文献   

创立于1715年的马爹利是世界上历史最悠久的干邑世家。自品牌诞生之日起,尚·马爹利和他的继承者们便将无穷灵感与创造力融会到对干邑艺术的独到理解和对卓越品质的孜孜追求中,从而酿造出享誉全球的极品佳酿。  相似文献   

有一天,哈尔濱市分行的会客室里接待了一位“不速来客”。他自称是哈尔演市工会三公司訓練班的工人赵王清,是来还銀行的300元巨款的。为什么沒有借过銀行放款的工人,現在却来还款呢?这不能不使市分行的同志感到惊奇,后經赵玉清同志詳細說明,事情原来是这样: 1956年8月28日,赵玉清拿了300元現款去哈尔濱香坊儲蓄处存錢。經办人員很快地把存折填好,沒有向他收款就把存折交給他,然后掉头去接待另一位顾客了。“同志!我的錢……。”他想問个究竟。  相似文献   

7月1日英国央行新行长马克·卡尼走马上任,引起外界高度关注。一国央行更换行长本也平常,为何会激发全世界的好奇心?原因除了英国是世界主要发达经济体且是国际金融中心之一外,恐怕和卡尼的特殊身份关系密切——他是英国央行创立318年来首位外籍行长。这位外援到底何德何能,以至于获得英国财政大臣的垂青,并打破陈规委以重任?他又能否如愿重振英国经济金融,为这个老大帝国带来一股新风?  相似文献   

把中国的社会转型放到历史的长河中观察在一般人的印象里,中国的社会转型是从1978年开始的,而实际上有越来越多的学者认识到,研究中国社会转型应当从170年的那场战争开始.  相似文献   

胡星斗 《银行家》2014,(6):132-133
正要社会转型就必须承认和保护私有财产在未来经济改革方面,中国需要做的主要应该是:政府退出对市场的干预,减少行政管制、审批、许可。因为管制越多,权力寻租就越多,腐败就越严重。中国要从根本上解决腐败的问题,那就要减少管制,政府要从市场经济中退出。特别是对国有企业应当进行彻底的改革,废除垄断,开展全面的、真正的竞争。当然,也可以实行所有制的多元化,国有可能也是一个选择,但是应该把国有  相似文献   

辛欣 《涉外税务》2001,(10):49-51
自上个世纪80年代以来,税制改革的浪潮席卷全球,不断向规范和理想的税制迈进,普遍的做法是调整结构、简化税制、扩大税基、降低税率、减少优惠.长期以来,关于税制改革的探讨和实践也贯穿于俄罗斯整个改革过程,而俄罗斯的税制改革亦是基本遵循世界普遍的一些做法.现仅就俄罗斯自2001年1月1日起在税制方面开始实行的一些新举措扼要介绍如下.  相似文献   

3月21日,中国“俄罗斯年”开幕式暨庆祝演出在北京人民大会堂举行。中国国家主席胡锦涛和来华进行国事访问的饿罗斯总统普京出席开幕式并致辞。胡锦涛指出, 10年前,中俄两国决定建立战略协作伙伴关系,揭开了中饿关系发展的新篇章。10年来,我们两国本着相互尊重、平等互利、密切协作、相互支持的精神,加强各领域的务实合作,密切在国际事务中的相互配合,为两国人民带来了实实在在的利益,为促进世界的和平、稳定、繁荣做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

高续增 《银行家》2007,(4):131-134
中印两国向现代社会的转型不是在两条并行的跑道上齐头并进,而是从不同的方向、沿着不同的山麓,攀登同一座顶峰。几十年来,印度在许多方面都被用来与中国进行对比。这两个国家都面临着一些相似的社会问题,——人口众多、贫穷问题和根深蒂固的旧文化传统,并且在近似的时间里取得了民族独立斗争的胜利。  相似文献   

高续增 《银行家》2007,(6):133-137
在印度的社会转型过程中,民族中的智慧者辛苦地充当“中介人”的角色,在外部文明和本民族传统之间来回穿梭;俄罗斯的社会转型更像是由最高统治者亲自上台出演的一场独角戏;日本的社会转型则好比是皮影戏,那个最高决策人躲在幕后,人们只能看到表面的花花绿绿,却看不清表演者的真实面目,至于整个剧目进程是由谁来协调和指挥,那些“影戏人子”怎么就让主宰者玩得那么随心应手,这些都是外界人始终无法弄清楚的。  相似文献   

Conclusion If current pension laws remain in force, it is already clear that the financial problems facing the state pension scheme are bound to deteriorate further. Unlike countries such as Poland and Hungary, Russia must make the required changes against the background of declining national income, making this task far more difficult. So far, old-age pensions have failed to keep pace with wages. The fact that the real value of pensions has halved since the outbreak of the financial crisis is clear evidence that pensioners are one of the groups of the Russian population that has suffered most from the repercussions of the crisis.  相似文献   

There do not exist acceptable risk criteria of any industrial activity in Russia. The authors analysed worldwide criteria of acceptable risk, industrial accident frequencies in Russia, and the real state that the technological equipment is in. Risk-reduction measures would require a significant amount of material input in Russia. In the present condition of the Russian economy this is practically impossible. For that reason, the establishment of risk levels of 10?6 or less (fatalities per year) for the population living near major hazards plants (that would correspond to international practice) cannot be arranged for all industrial activities at present. Therefore, the following structure of zoning can be offered for individual risks. For existing potentially dangerous objects: (1) a risk level larger than 10?4 deaths per year is a zone of inadmissible risk; (2) a risk level between 10?4 and 10?5 deaths per year is a zone of rigid risk control; (3) a risk level below 10?5 deaths per year is a zone of acceptable risk. For new plants: the risk levels should be reduced one order of magnitude for each zone. Taking into account the results of the analysis of emergencies in Russia, the criteria of societal risk are also presented.  相似文献   

Our historically-informed field study focuses upon the socio-political processes by which heterogeneous budgeting compromises are reached by a variety of contending parties in seeking and resisting fundamental change, as well as the consequences of those compromises within the State of Wisconsin’s transformative Welfare Works (W-2) Program. Despite the continuing political rhetoric of comprehensive changes in the manner in which budgets are formulated, and, more broadly, the welfare system through adoption of a “market-based delivery system” and “performance-based contracts,” we find that the adopted and transformed regulation and budgeting regime facilitated more incremental changes in welfare delivery. Our field observations identify the manner in which budgeting facilitated this shift from a comprehensive to incremental strategy in terms of: (1) the malleable nature of budgeting, which provided the needed organizational flexibility to shift resources from one application to another in an ostensibly rational manner, thereby ensuring the legitimacy of the emerging organizational arrangements and related dramatic budget cuts under W-2; and (2) the active role played by institutional entrepreneurs in the construction, challenge and deployment of budgets in shaping, and thereby endogenizing welfare reform regulations at both the federal and state level. Refining our theoretical line of reasoning, field observations suggest that W-2 and the social context to which it was applied were mutually endogenous rather than fully endogenous, and that the principal actors implicated in the change process may be more aptly described as cultural entrepreneurs rather than institutional entrepreneurs; they also suggest that the forms endogenization and entrepreneurship take are reciprocally interdependent such that the manner in which each plays out conditions the other. Implications are explored.  相似文献   

随着前苏联的解体,俄罗斯从20世纪90年代开始,进行了一场轰轰烈烈的社会变革. "休克疗法"迅速带来了社会体制的转型,但社会、经济的相关改革并未随之停止, "休克"之后的调整一直持续至今.作为经济体系的核心部门,金融领域更是经历了无数的风风雨雨.  相似文献   

1979年,中国银行签订了第一个代理国外信用卡的协议,率先将信用卡引入中国.2009年,中国信用卡产业经过30年的风雨历程,在跨越式增长中,不断探索着一个产业的发展之路.  相似文献   

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