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党的十六大以后,产权市场发展正面临着难得的机遇.事实证明,加快推进市场体系建设,是大力发展要素市场的需要,是深化国有企业改革的需要,是快速增长的国外资本和蕴藏巨大潜力的国内民间资本参与国民经济结构调整的需要,是建设多层次资本市场的需要.是加快东北老工业基地改造的需要.  相似文献   

废金属市场是生产资料市场整体的一部分。我国废金属市场的建立和发展起步较晚,尚有许多理论和实践问题需要研究和探索。本文仅就建立废金属市场的原则、模式及需要注意的事项谈点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

大学生就业出现困难,原因不是总量问题而是结构问题。由于长期以来我国高等教育学科专业的设置是供给导向型的,许多专业培养的大学生并不符合就业市场的需要。这就有必要建立和完善市场主导型就业机制。社会上需要什么样的人才,首先通过劳动力市场的供求信号反映出来,进而教育部门按照这种信号进行学科、专业和教学内容的调整,以适应市场的需要。建立这样一种市场信号生成机制、传导机制和调整机制,需要有一个需求导向型的教育体制。  相似文献   

大学生就业出现困难,原因不是总量问题而是结构问题。由于长期以来我国高等教育学科专业的设置是供给导向型的,许多专业培养的大学生并不符合就业市场的需要。这就有必要建立和完善市场主导型就业机制。 社会上需要什么样的人才,首先通过劳动力市场的供求信号反映出来,进而教育部门按照这种信号进行学科、专业和教学内容的调整,以适应市场的需要。建立这样一种市场信号生成机制、传导机制和调整机制,需要有一个需求导向型的教育体制。  相似文献   

戴斌  吴雪峰   《华东经济管理》2010,24(5):135-138
市场经济是一种以市场为基础配置社会资源的经济运行体制,市场不是万能的,知识产权市场属于市场的一种,同其他市场一样,存在着诸多市场失灵的情形,实施知识产权战略不仅需要市场的有效推动,同样需要政府的积极作为。文章论述了知识产权市场中政府角色扮演的必要性、政府角色扮演的合法性以及知识产市场中政府角色定位的原则,最后提出知识产权市场中政府角色的扮演。  相似文献   

何剑 《黑河学刊》2005,(2):38-40
金融创新是当代资本市场发展的核心,现代金融市场创新呈现出广泛性、深入化、快速性和动力强劲性的时代特点。中国资本市场的发展就是对现代资本市场创新演进制度的学习和使用。在准确理解资本市场创新内涵的基础上。中国资本市场的创新需要超常发展,同时需要制度环境的配合。  相似文献   

<正> 在一般人的眼中,农业结构调整是农民根据市场信息自主决策的行为,与政府没有关系。其实不然,结构调整离不开政府,而且还需要政府担大任。一、农业结构调整中的市场缺陷需要政府弥补农业结构调整中的战略性产品需要政府调控。经济学理论承认市场并不是万能的,存在着失灵的地方。市场失灵主要是在具有外部性或者社会公益领域。虽然农业结构调整从总体上讲,属于市  相似文献   

面对发展重心的转移。可口可乐不得不重新审视自己在农村市场的劣势:原来的老渠道管理方法已无法适应四五级市场的需求。真正要在农村市场扎下根,需要改变的不仅仅只是营销模式,还需要打造一支专门运作此类复杂市场的班子。[编者按]  相似文献   

随着市场经济不断的发展和成熟,石化企业产品的生产、销售和服务完全由市场所引导。这就需要了解市场信息,把握市场动态,充分了解市场的走向和发展趋势。石化企业在市场营销中,必须把产品和市场结合起来,这样才能使产品在市场上有效的流通,提高企业的效益。然而,这就需要对市场信息进行分析以及对客户信息进行管理。只有这样才能立足市场,了解市场需求,调整企业的销售策略。我国石化企业大多是国有制企业,长期处于垄断地位和计划经济的影响下,市场意识不强,缺乏市场竞争力,就更需要在市场营销中重视信息的分析和客户信息的管理。  相似文献   

市场的发展需要经济的推动,同时也需要法律的保障和规范。对于尚处于幼稚期的产权交易市场而言,健全的法律法规是一只有力的手,扶持着这棵幼苗,保护它不会在市场的狂风暴雨下夭折。[编者按]  相似文献   

以创新效率评价作为切入点,着重分析不同行业领域企业研发机构创新效率评价核心指标的选择问题。研究发现:效率评价指标体系的设定对于不同行业领域企业研发机构最终的评价结果会产生直接的影响,其中,高学历人员等人力资源类指标对劳动密集型行业效率影响较大;经费支出等财力物资类指标对资本密集型行业效率影响较大;有效发明专利等创新成果类指标对技术密集型行业效率影响较大;而新产品产值等经济效益类指标对于三大类行业效率均有明显影响。  相似文献   

目前市场经济正悄然进入一个新国企时代,新国企、核心员工、核心竞争力的培育和构筑成为经济领域和企业家共同关注的话题。笔者认为人称新国企的核心员工要具备的能力不应是一维单向的,而是多维度且复合型的。新国企员工作为一位管理者要有计划与组织能力,作为一个领导者要有指挥与激励能力,作为一个战略家要有预见与决断能力,作为一个政治家要有谋略与干预能力,作为“地球村“的一个“知本家“要有文化融合与知识整合能力。这些能力的融合就成为营造新国企核心竞争力的全部内涵。针对核心竞争力研究的实际,以山东齐鲁增塑剂股份有限公司的做法为例,提出了增强国有企业核心竞争力的模式,对当前重塑企业信誉、深化改革具有特别重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

胡逸群  杨昌龙 《科技和产业》2021,21(12):186-192
选用2008—2018年中国工业省级面板数据,基于价值链视角,分析正式环境规制和非正式环境规制对工业研发努力的影响。研究结果显示:正式环境规制对研发投入、新产品开发的影响呈显著倒“U”形,对专利产出的影响不显著;非正式环境规制仅对研发投入的影响呈显著“U”形,对专利产出及新产品开发的影响均不显著。经进一步研究发现,正式环境规制与非正式环境规制在影响研发投入的过程中还存在着显著互补效应,意味着在双重环境规制管制下,中国更易于实现科技、经济与环境的共同进步。  相似文献   

The Chinese economy is slowing down and is in the midst of a structural transformation from export‐led and investment‐led growth to domestic demand‐led and consumption‐led growth. While there are widespread concerns among China's trading partners about the effect of the slowdown in China's growth on their exports, China's structural changes are also likely to have a significant impact: for example, China will import fewer machines and more cosmetics. The central objective of the present paper is to empirically examine the effect of China's structural transformation on the exports of East Asian economies, which have close trade linkages with China. We find that economies that have failed to increase the share of consumption goods in their exports to China have suffered larger declines in their quantities of exports to China. In addition, economies that have suffered losses in their shares of China's parts and components imports have faced reductions in their shares in China's total imports.  相似文献   


There has been a noticeable trend in recent research towards the use of private archives in the study of the commercial behaviour of and relations between individual businesses. Previously only public records have tended to be used, and attention has been focused on one aspect of an economy as a whole, or of a region, or a single important town. Even if, for example, the names of importers or exporters have been entered in customs records, official sources cannot provide an answer to anything like all the important questions. Many business histories have been published which have not contributed very much because they have generally not advanced beyond the narrative level, leaving untapped the incomparable material contained in accounts and ledgers. A pre-requisite for the study of private business firms is, of course, that documentary series should have been preserved unbroken for a fairly long period. Farmers did not keep account books, and only through the accounts of the merchants with whom they traded may we examine their businesses. Only a small proportion of merchants’ accounts in North Ostrobothnia from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have been preserved; but entries may by even a single merchant in respect of goods bought from or sold to farmers add up over several decades to such an enormous material that some form of sampling is called for limiting him to the classification employed in the official statistics.  相似文献   


Youth unemployment continues to be a burden and concern for the South African government. Being economically insecure, the situation is dire with the government needing to provide resources to a population who should be economically independent. There is a need to look at the social determinants of economic insecurity among youth in South Africa. Family formations could either promote or inhibit economic well-being. This article aims to assess whether economic security improves as youth enter into unions and/or have children. The South African National Income Dynamics Study is used. Unmarried youth with no children are measured at baseline (2008) and followed up over time to examine whether economic security status changes as union status changes. Results show that while economic security, employment (from 7.61% to 25.67%) and net income per month (from 19.48% to 32.79%) increase over time, youth who marry but have no children have the lowest risk of economic insecurity (relative risk ratio?=?0.02, p < 0.05) compared with those who remain unmarried but have children. Special attention needs to be given to youth who have children and are unmarried and among those who marry and have children soon after.  相似文献   

The European Community (EC)'s preferential trade agreements with Mediterranean countries have been subject to little ex post assessment. This paper analyses the preferences' impact on EC textile and clothing imports from Mediterranean countries. The preferred imports grew faster than world trade or OECD imports from developing countries, and as a proportion of EC imports and Mediterranean exports; EC preferences thus appear to have had a significant effect on Mediterranean countries' textile and clothing exports, although some recipients have taken greater advantage than others. Post-1977 EC protectionism in these products further benefited the preference-recipients, who were largely unimpeded by quatitative restrictions.  相似文献   

As China joins the World Trade Organization, the authors question whether China’s large firms will be able to compete on the global level playing field. Over the past two decades, Chinese large enterprises have undertaken extensive evolutionary change but, at the same time, the world’s leading firms have undergone a revolutionary transformation. Based on analysis of firms with the aerospace, oil and petrochemical industry, the authors conclude that China’s leading firms face critical challenges, even in sectors in which China’s policy-makers have scored significant successes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a few stylized facts on the patterns of China's industrialization by computing a set of multi-dimensional measures on industrial concentration, regional specialization, and clustering based on census data at the firm level in 1995 and 2004. Our results show that China's rapid industrialization is characterized by the following patterns: industries have become more spatially concentrated; regions have become increasingly specialized; and firms have become more interconnected, both within industries and within regions. In addition, the number of firms is growing faster in clustered areas than non-clustered ones. Together these patterns suggest that China's industrialization process is largely cluster-based—a phenomenon in which a large number of highly interconnected firms are located within a well-defined geographic region.  相似文献   

Speculative attacks on fixed or ‘fixed but adjustable’ exchange rate regimes seem to have become a standard feature of the landscape of foreign exchange markets. The supposed excesses of seemingly untethered financial markets have been documented for some time, but only recently have the concerted attacks by speculators on exchange-rate regimes begun to occupy the popular imagination.Economic models of this phenomenon, however, have been around for some time, and are useful in characterizing the real-world speculative attacks that have occurred in the last 10–15 years in a number of countries. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of one such model. We also sketch some implications of that model for the speculative attack on the Greek drachma in May 1994.  相似文献   

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