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挑战与变革:基于信息社会环境的会计理性思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从信息社会入手,详细阐述了这个社会的基本环境特征,为我们理解处于这种环境之下的会计将会面临怎样的挑战提供了先导逻辑;按照这种逻辑,本文进而归纳出信息社会环境下会计所面临的三大方面的严峻挑战,并深入探讨了这些重要挑战的具体表现与成因;最后提出,为了迎接信息社会环境对会计的重要挑战,传统会计必须在三个主要方面进行变革,而变革传统会计的基本思想则是充分结合信息社会的环境特征将IT有机地、彻底地渗透到财务与会计之中,也就是走会计信息化的发展道路。  相似文献   

E. B. Masini   《Futures》2001,33(7)
Challenges coming from futures studies to other disciplines because of the rapidity and inter-relatedness of changes for which no discipline on its own can face the different correlated and global challenges, will be examined mainly in relation to social sciences. social sciences on the other hand reflect the need to overcome fragmentation within each discipline and between the various social sciences, in an effort at least of interdisciplinarity to face the growing uncertainty in decision making at every level: local, national and international. Social sciences are also slowly realising that a future oriented perspective is needed to empower analysis and actually reflect society in its continuous dynamicity. Citizens need the possibility to live within the rapidity of changes in the Information Society through the availability of futures studies in different forms as well as social analysis that is dynamic and interdisciplinary. The special link between society and ecological issues in a future oriented perspective will be the specific area to express the relevancy of the correlation between futures studies and social sciences.  相似文献   

Scandinavian countries are often portrayed in policy debates as model examples having shown how to square concerns for efficiency and equity. The core principle of the Scandinavian welfare model is an individual entitlement to public sector provisions combined with collective financing via taxes. However, a high employment rate is needed to ensure financial viability of this model. The Scandinavian model faces several challenges which affect the possibilities of maintaining a high employment ratio, namely, demographic changes, a growth dilemma and globalisation. This paper discusses how these challenges affect the need and scope for reforms of the Scandinavian welfare model.   相似文献   

The nature of work is currently undergoing a complete transformation. In response to economic pressures organizations are reshaping themselves into totally new forms. Information technology is underpinning this transformation by providing the backbone for new organizational structures and new ways of working. The implications of this transformation are far reaching, particularly as the entire concept of work changes. The boundaries which have traditionally existed between organizations, individuals, family, home life and community will disappear as work increasingly becomes situation-independent and centred in the home. Our current understanding of the meaning of work will become increasingly obsolete and therefore will force individuals to search for new meanings of work in their lives. As a result work will take on an entirely different meaning. This article explores the problems of the meaning of work in a context of change. We look forward to a future in which the nature of work as we know it now will have changed beyond recognition. The question we address is this: what will work mean to us in the future?  相似文献   

Young people's complex and contradictory understandings of the future are inevitably influenced by their past experiences and the environment in which they currently live. Where this environment is itself particularly complex or contradictory then the understandings young people hold of the future will be affected. This paper, based on foresighting workshops held at three Israeli/Palestinian universities, examines the differing environmental attitudes and understandings of the future that young people hold in Israel and Palestine, before analysing the implications of these for achieving more sustainable development in the region. Despite the very real challenges the region is facing, these foresighting workshops showed that young people think systematically and rationally about the future. They are not filled with pessimism but recognise the challenges they face and can identify realistic solutions to those problems which they see as being of the greatest importance. The foresighting workshops showed that there was some common understanding of the participants about the key future environmental challenges that they face together with possible means for tackling these challenges.  相似文献   

Energy is fundamental for present societies. In particular, transportation systems depend on petroleum-based fuels whose production levels are unsustainable. The inevitability of a peak of oil production (“Peak Oil”) is a now an accepted concept, although its date is still not consensual. In this work we discuss the peak of oil production and analyze the problems it will create. As much as can be inferred at this moment, the impact of the Peak Oil will certainly be significant but can still range from relatively benign to almost catastrophic scenarios. As a direct effect of Peak Oil, the increase in energy prices will be concentrated on the liquid fuels and the transportation sector will be specially affected. We believe that the cheap, wide-scale air transport that our present societies take for granted will revert to a more expensive and restrictive model closer to the selective commercial air transport of the early jet age. In our opinion the present road transportation systems will suffer an important transition that includes a reduced incidence of long distance road cargo movements, partially replaced by increased railway transportation, and, in terms of people commuting, a significant increase of mass transit and electrical vehicles. During this phase of forced adaptation, some countries will face greater challenges than others. However, the future of overall mankind and of particular countries, regions, or any groupings of people, is not yet fixed: it depends on decisions that are being taken at the present moment and on decisions that will still be taken in the future. As such, predicting the impact of the Peak Oil is something that must be done through a continuously refined process of information collection and analysis.  相似文献   

This paper explores how foresight researchers involved in environmental, nature and planning issues attempt to balance salience, credibility and legitimacy while generating knowledge in interaction with policy-makers and other social actors. Engaging stakeholders in foresight processes can increase the robustness of foresight knowledge, broaden the spectrum of issues addressed, and create ‘ownership’ of the process. While in foresight practices stakeholder participation becomes more and more popular to resort to as enabling factor for generating salient, legitimate and credible foresight knowledge, participation can also compromise these qualities. We analysed two foresight projects conducted at the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, one that developed future visions for Dutch nature policy and another that focused on future pathways for Dutch urban sustainable development policy. We illustrate that the dynamics of the research setting – changes in the socio-political context and the internal dynamics of the participatory efforts – complicated the balancing process. We conclude that one of the main challenges for futures practitioners is, therefore, to work within the dynamics of the research setting, and to position themselves strategically in this setting; by acting as ‘reflective futures practitioners’.  相似文献   

艾亚 《国际融资》2010,(12):8-10
在2010中关村论坛上,国际货币基金组织总裁特别顾问朱民应邀做主旨演讲。他在演讲中谈到全球经济正在进入一个新的不确定阶段,而这一新变化的表现是全球的经济增长开始放慢,  相似文献   

The concept of subsidiarity is examined as a possible golden rule to be applied in restructuring the federal balance, ie the relationship between the EC, the member states and the regions. The concept of subsidiarity is used broadly to include an examination of the kind of institutional rearrangement that the EC is trying to define for itself. Four deficits (capacity, policy, implementation and democracy) of the present institutional set-up are reviewed in order to determine what kind of innovative arrangements need to be designed to enable the EC to face the challenges of the next decade. On the assumption that the process of integration has indeed become irreversible, two options in the institutional development towards political union are evaluated.  相似文献   

Global sustainability problems pose serious challenges for humanity. In handling these problems education for sustainable development (ESD) is seen as important. Different key competences that ESD should focus on have been introduced, such as the ability to deal with future dimensions. Still, studies indicate that future dimensions are not always included in ESD and that many young people are pessimistic concerning the global future. Therefore, one could argue that a focus on anticipatory emotions, especially hope, should be included in ESD. There is a worry, however, that hope will lead to unrealistic optimism and/or less engagement. The aim of this paper is to problematize the discussion about hope in relation to ESD and the global future by grounding it in theories from different disciplines and in empirical research about young people, hope, and climate change. The review shows that hope is a complex, multifaceted, and sometimes contested concept. Hope can be related to denial, but in other cases it can help people face and do something constructive with their worries about the global future. The close relation between hope and trust is emphasized and a need for critical emotional awareness in ESD is argued for.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,通货膨胀目标制逐渐成为全球主流的货币政策框架选择。但在全球金融危机爆发后,国际经济金融环境的巨大变化对通胀目标制提出挑战,通胀目标制是否已经过时成为了当前全球货币政策框架研究的一个热点议题。文章以英国为例,揭示了危机以来通胀目标制实践所遇到的制约,阐述了对通胀目标制进行完善而不是放弃的理由,探讨了未来通胀目标制的调整方向以及中央银行会面临的相关挑战。  相似文献   

Work-Life Balance (WLB) continues to be a concern of audit professionals because the long work-hours environment can have negative effects for both individuals and organizations. Audit firms have continuously committed to helping employees with the creation of work-life balance and well-being programs. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the firm's official commitment to work-life balance is reflected in supervisors' evaluation of subordinates. This study conducts a between subjects experiment using actual audit supervisors as participants to capture responses to ways that a hypothetical staff person might pursue WLB. As part of this, a hypothetical non-financial WLB metric used as part of the formal performance evaluation process is examined as a potential tool for strengthening the effectiveness of audit firm investments in WLB. The results show that WLB alternatives still have negative career consequences, and these consequences would not be mitigated by the use of a formal WLB performance evaluation metric. Although career consequences of WLB are not significantly related to gender, performance evaluation is not gender neutral.  相似文献   

文章回顾了2019年利率衍生品市场,认为在趋势投资相对受限、短期交易兴起的环境下,利率衍生品重要性上升。展望2020年,市场挑战是显性的,但机会也蕴藏在波动中。综合经济基本面、政策立场、机构资产负债等因素看,预计回购利率全年大概率继续在较宽的区间波动,Shibor品种利率中枢下降空间有限。衍生品市场基础设施逐渐完善、债市开放力度进一步加大等因素,有助于提升市场深度和定价准确性。  相似文献   

Nearly one in ten professionals now works part-time. But all too often, part-time work creates as many problems as it solves. At best, many part-timers work more hours than they intended. At worst, they see their importance to their organizations dwindle. Two generations have wrestled with such arrangements, and today some part-time professionals have found ways to overcome the challenges, with shining results. Drawing on two years of research investigating part-time engineers, financial analysts, IT specialists, and consultants, the authors present five strategies used by successful part-timers to make their unique position work for themselves and their companies. To begin with, successful part-time professionals take pains to make their work-life priorities, their schedules, and their plans for the future transparent to the organization. Second, they broadcast the business case for their arrangement, being careful to demonstrate that the arrangement has not disrupted the business and may even have a positive impact. Third, they establish routines to protect their time at work and rituals to protect their time at home. Fourth, they cultivate champions in senior management who protect them from skeptics and advocate for their arrangements up and down the ranks. And last, they gently but firmly remind their colleagues that, despite their part-time status, they're still major players in the organization who cannot be ignored. Taken together, these strategies not only help the part-timer deal with the organization but also make the organization itself more receptive to the possibilities of part-time work.  相似文献   

管晓永  任捷 《征信》2020,38(3):45-50
区块链技术具备的去中心化、共识决策、信息透明、不可篡改、无法抵赖、分布式数据库等特点,从根本上克服了目前基于观念、规制和经验的信用管理的理念和技术缺陷,这些特点恰恰是群体、社区和社会信用管理所需要的核心技术要素。区块链技术的应用对传统征信业务及其发展带来了理念、规程和技术等方面的变革,未来征信业将面临良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

本文总结了中国金融业改革与发展的成绩和经验,指出在后危机时期,金融业面临的机遇和挑战。今后将进一步深化金融改革和扩大开放,充分发挥市场在金融资源配置中的基础性作用,促进国民经济又好又快地发展。  相似文献   

Monetary and financial stability: Here to stay?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We argue that changes in the monetary and financial regimes over the last twenty years or so have been subtly altering the dynamics of the economy and hence the challenges that monetary and prudential authorities face. In particular, the current environment may be more vulnerable to the occasional build up of financial imbalances, i.e. over-extensions in (private sector) balance sheets, which herald economic weakness and unwelcome disinflation down the road, as they unwind. As a result, achieving simultaneous monetary and financial stability in a lasting way may call for refinements to current monetary and prudential policy frameworks. These refinements would entail a firmer long-term focus, greater symmetry in policy responses between upswings and downswings, with greater attention to actions during upswings, and closer coordination between monetary and prudential authorities.  相似文献   

Conclusion The decisive reform approach taken in Hungary shows that radical reforms can be undertaken, although Hungary has had the advantage that its financial markets were already comparatively well developed. Some of the greatest challenges facing the transition countries in the coming years will be in the social field. Success in meeting these challenges will go a considerable way to determining the prospects for economic growth. In this, the labour market situation remains one of the most important aspects. In the final analysis, the number of employed contribution-payers determines the scope for old-age provision. There is no single ideal concept for pension reform. The question of whether changes in the existing pay-as-you-go system will suffice or more far-reaching measures are required can only be answered with a view to the concrete conditions prevailing in each individual country. While from a social point of view a gradual transition is to be preferred, the longer governments wait to take the necessary steps, the harsher and less popular the necessary measures are likely to become in future. Overall it can be expected that the three-pillar model of pension insurance will spread in the transition countries, i.e. part of the public pension insurance system will be converted to the fully funded principle.  相似文献   

This study examines the influences of alternative work arrangements (AWAs), subordinate gender, and supervisor attitudes and beliefs regarding AWAs on performance evaluation judgments in public accounting. One hundred and forty-two experienced professionals from two US Big Four firms evaluated a hypothetical subordinate’s performance in an experimental setting. Results indicated that subordinate gender and AWA participation were significantly related to supervisors’ perceptions of the subordinate’s career success. We also found that individual differences in supervisors’ attitudes and beliefs regarding AWAs were systematically related to their performance evaluation judgments, and indicate that cultural support for AWAs is not uniform among experienced Big Four professionals. Further, the association between these attitudes and beliefs and performance evaluation judgments are consistent with an organizational justice interpretation of AWA use. Implications of these results for the Big Four’s work-life balance initiatives in the US are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the real effects of financial reporting and disclosure on corporate innovation, highlighting both the possible channels of influence and the potential challenges that researchers face when attributing causal effects. We discuss the concept of innovation, emphasising the specific characteristics that make investments in innovation difficult to report. We then provide a review of the nascent work relating disclosure to innovation, which we organise around three channels: financing, compensation and learning. Finally, we discuss recent efforts aimed at increasing the quality of corporate disclosures, including disclosures of firms’ innovative activities. Throughout the paper, we highlight the trade-offs of disclosure (reduced information asymmetry and increased proprietary costs), which are particularly exacerbated in the context of corporate innovation.  相似文献   

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