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重复性早期妊娠流产在育龄妇女中的发病率为1%,然而只有50%的夫妇找到了明确的病因,对该病的治疗方法也存在很多争议。近年来重复性早期妊娠流产发病率有升高趋势,现就近年的病因学研究结果,尤其是遗传学和免疫学方面的研究进展作一综述,以利于该疾病的预防和治疗。  相似文献   

人绒毛膜促性腺激素(H.CG)是妊娠妇女早期胎盘中合脑体细胞滋养层分泌的一种糖蛋白激素,在妊娠45~90天里。HCG在胎盘中的合成达到最高峰,并大量存在于孕妇的血和尿液中,从孕妇尿液中每天排泄的HCG最高值可达5mg,妊娠六个月后HCG的浓度降低90%。近年来,由于人们对HCG研究日渐深入,HCG结构成分已被弄清,它是一个含糖蛋白在30%的糖蛋白激素,其四级结构是由α—和β—亚基结合而成,α—亚基是几种  相似文献   

081623封闭式拉细麦管法玻璃化冷冻保存人类早期胚胎的临床结果观察/童先宏…∥现代妇产科进展.—2008,17(8).—613~615,619该文作者在早期实验研究的基础上,用自制的封闭式拉细麦管冷冻保存的人类早期胚胎,一共复苏了151个周期,464枚胚胎,丢失胚胎27枚,胚胎存活率88.79%(388/437),移植周期临床妊娠率21.77%(32/147),种植率9.52%(36/378),流产率12.5%(4/32),诞生18例健康婴儿。IVF组、ICSI组、IVM组三种助孕方式获得的胚胎解冻后的胚胎存活率、临床妊娠率、种植率均无差异(P>0.05)。冷冻前胚胎质量对解冻后移植周期的临床妊娠率有明显的影响。当移植至少一枚Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级胚胎时,其临床妊娠率、种植率和流产率分别是28.72%和12.02%和0%,流产率低于常规的新鲜胚胎移植流产率。作者认为,与采用Cryoloop和Cryotip为装载容器的玻璃化冷冻方法相比,该法的临床妊娠相近,但避免了液氮潜在的污染,是冷冻早期胚胎理想的方法。表3参12(周继铭)081624两种短效曲普瑞林降调节方案诱发排卵效果比较/裴莉…∥现代妇产科进展.—2008,17...  相似文献   

目的:探讨终止早早孕的临床新法及临床价值。方法:选择符合早早孕诊断且要求终止妊娠的孕妇48例,在超声引导下采用胚胎移植外套管(软管)外置20ml注射器抽吸妊娠物,终止早早孕。另选100例药流终止早早孕作为对照,比较两组的完全流产率、疼痛、出血量、流产后阴道流血时间等。结果:两组疼痛、出血量、流产后阴道流血时间,吸胚组较对照组,有极显著性差异(P<0.001),完全流产率两组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:超声引导下软管抽吸妊娠物终止早早孕的操作简便、器械简单、安全有效、无痛苦、轻损伤、恢复快,是一种安全、有效、可行的终止早早孕的新方法。  相似文献   

为了满足我国年轻夫妇的美好心愿:“良好地妊娠、顺利地分娩、科学地育儿”,黑龙江科学技术出版社于1990年出版了《当代最新妊娠、分娩、育儿知识》一书。该书以新颖独特的形式、优美形象的插图、浅显通俗的文字,为妊娠期妇女提供了孕期生活、营养调配、胎教和胎儿发育科学知识和具体指导;为即将分娩的孕妇提供了思想、物质准备、分娩方法以及无痛分娩的积极建议;为分娩后的妇女提供了如何顺利地度过产褥期、恢复体形及育儿的科学方法。书中还较详细地叙述了孕产期的各种异常现象和常见疾病,并提供了治疗方法和预防措施。《当代最新妊娠、分娩、育儿知识》一书出版发行后,引起了广大读者良好的反响,特别是得到广大年轻妇夫和年轻父母的欣赏和好评。  相似文献   

081641B超检测妊娠晚期子宫下段瘢痕厚度对再次剖宫产的意义/李学和…∥实用妇产科杂志.—2008,24(9).—568~569目的:探讨B超检测妊娠晚期子宫下段瘢痕厚度对再次剖宫产术的意义。方法:对2007年1~12月该院再次剖宫产病例在术前均行B超检查子宫下段瘢痕厚度。其中瘢痕厚度>3mm组60例,瘢痕厚度≤3mm组26例,对病例的术前宫缩情况、术中出血量、缩宫素总用量与产后出血发生率进行比较。结果:再次剖宫产孕妇B超检查子宫下段瘢痕厚度≤3mm组在术前宫缩、产后出血发生率、缩宫素总用量上与>3mm组孕妇相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:术前B超检测妊娠晚期子宫下段瘢痕厚度对再次剖宫产术中的处理有指导意义。表1参3(原文摘要)081642腹部超声与阴道超声在异位妊娠诊断中的价值/罗青…∥中国计划生育学杂志.—2008,16(8).—486~488对收治的197例异位妊娠患者进行回顾性分析,对比经腹部超声(TAS)和经阴道超声(TVS)两种检查方法的阳性确诊率。结果:197例中75例经TAS检查诊断62例,阳性确诊率82.3%;72例经TVS检查诊断65例,阳性确诊率90.3%;50例经TA...  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工流产术后即时放置吉妮环(CINIUD)的效果。方法:2007年2月至2008年5月,对停经6~8周要求终止妊娠且同时有避孕要求的妇女788例在人工流产术后即时放置吉妮环,术后定期(30d、60d、90d、12个月)门诊、电话随访。结果:788例累计观察12个月妊娠率0.3%,脱落率0.4%,取出率1.3%,续用率98%。结论:人工流产术后即时放置CINIUD有安全性高,避孕效果好,脱落率低,不良反应少,累计续用率高等优点,适于临床推广应用。  相似文献   

成岩作用对本区砂岩储层起着重要的控制作用。根据对普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜等资料的分析,对该区成岩作用进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

药物代谢是新药研究的重要环节之一,从药物代谢在新药开发初期寻找具有良好药代性质的候选物、先导物结构改造和结构修饰、硬药和软药的设计方面等,阐述了药物代谢在药物研究中的重要作用。探讨药物代谢研究在新药研究中的作用,将推动新药研究的开展,加速新药研究开发的进程。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是一个不断由实践到认识,再由认识到实践,循环往复、逐步深化的过程。开展思想政治工作研究的意义和作用,就在于催化和加速这个过程,从而使之尽快实现工作的科学化。离开了实现工作的科学化,也便失去了研究的意义和作用。而研究的意义和作用的体现,又离不开研究成果的转化与应用。  相似文献   

Consumers are increasingly interested in how animals are handled, transported, and cared for. This study provides the first examination of US resident support for a ballot initiative banning use of gestation crates (stalls) in the swine industry. Results suggest latent associations consumers possess between gestation crate use and perceptions of food safety, pork quality, and farm size are more influential determinants of ban support than observable socioeconomic factors. Implications for consumer groups, policy makers, and the swine industry are assessed. Moreover, several suggestions for valuable future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper assesses US resident support for mandatory labeling of animal welfare information on pork and egg products and outlines policy considerations for assessment prior to implementing any mandatory labeling policies regarding animal welfare practices. Results suggest consumers support mandatory labeling indicating use of gestation crates (stalls) and laying hen cages. Estimates suggest consumers would be willing to pay about 20% higher pork and egg prices to obtain this production practice information. Demographic and latent perception drivers of this support are highlighted. Multiple issues that warrant consideration prior to imposing mandatory labeling are discussed revealing lines of corresponding future research.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(10):914-932
This article analyzes the engagement of Japanese, Korean and Chinese participants in the development of Internet standards at IETF on the basis of four quantitative metrics: attendance, patenting, authorship and leadership. The results are strikingly divergent. Japanese involvement in Internet standardization began early and Japan was, for many years, second only to the U.S. in terms of IETF participation. Though Japanese participation has declined since the early 2000s, Japan remains a major contributor to IETF standardization. Korean involvement in IETF has always been significant, but below the levels of Japan and major European countries. Korean participation in IETF has also declined over the past decade, and has been dominated by one firm, Samsung. Though meaningful Chinese involvement in IETF did not begin until the mid-2000s, it has rapidly expanded in recent years. Today, China is a major player in numerous areas of Internet standardization in terms of three metrics (participation, patenting and leadership), and is rapidly gaining in terms of document authorship as well. Most of China׳s recent IETF involvement can be attributed to Huawei, though other Chinese firms have recently begun to increase their participation in the organization. Thus, contrary to some views that China׳s engagement with standardization is primarily one of indigenous innovation and “catching up”, China׳s experience with IETF demonstrates deliberate and effective engagement with a major Western standards-development organization on its own terms.  相似文献   

Irrigation,agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall goal of our paper is to understand the impact that irrigation in China has had on grain production and incomes, in general, and income and poverty alleviation in poor areas, in particular. The paper seeks to meet three objectives. First, we describe the relationship among irrigation status, yields and household crop revenue. Second, we seek to understand the magnitude and nature of the effect that irrigation has on yields and crop revenue. Finally, we seek to understand the impact that irrigation has on incomes in poor areas. Our analysis shows that irrigation contributes to increases in yields for almost all crops and in income for farmers in all areas. The importance of crop income in poor areas and the strong relationship between crop revenue and irrigation provides evidence of the importance of irrigation in past and future poverty alleviation in China. We also show that in the majority of the villages that invested in new irrigation, returns are positive even after accounting for increases in capital and production costs.  相似文献   

中国苯酚/丙酮市场展望及其最新投资情况   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年中国苯酚/丙酮市场相当活跃。受电子通讯工业、汽车工业和建筑业发展驱动,苯酚/丙酮下游产品迅速发展,拉动苯酚/丙酮需求强劲增长。由于国内苯酚/丙酮市场供应紧张,苯酚/丙酮进口量成倍增加,中国苯酚/丙酮市场需求直线上升,引起国内外资本的高度关注。文章还介绍了中国苯酚/丙酮市场现状及发展趋势、下游产品投资热点及装置最新投资情况。  相似文献   

Three paradoxes have been revealed in the study of business networks by Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) researchers. These are: seeking opportunities and then facing limitations, influencing others and yet being influenced in turn, and controlling and yet being out of control in network situations. These paradoxes have previously received little critical evaluation. This article investigates these paradoxes through in depth interviews with twenty-two business managers in Chinese-Western intercultural relationships. Three specific dilemmas relating to the fundamental Chinese cultural principle of guanxi are revealed. These dilemmas are: dilemmas between strong personal ties (guanxi) and weak personal ties, dilemmas between previous understandings and new learning of guanxi ties, and conflicting obligations between inner and outer circles of guanxi networks. These guanxi dilemmas occur in emerging Chinese-Western intercultural networks, irrespective of the specific cultural variations, contractual constraints, or corporate policies applying. This paper identifies a need for more acute study of guanxi cultural norms and their behavioral consequences in emerging Chinese-Western intercultural relationships, given the rise of China in the global economy.  相似文献   

We analyze trends in crop yields and yield variability of barley, maize, oats, rye, triticale and wheat in Switzerland from 1961 to 2006. It shows that there have been linear increases in crop yields since the 1960s. However, yields of barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat have leveled off in Switzerland since the early 1990s, which contrasts linear trends in cereal yields that is usually assumed for Europe. We show a relationship between the introduction of agricultural policy measures towards environmentally friendly cereal production that fostered widespread adoption of extensive farming practices and the observed leveling-off of crop yields. Thus, this paper emphasizes that agricultural policy can be an important reason for slowing crop yield growth. Agricultural policy measures will be one of the key driving forces of future crop yields. Thus, the potential leveling-off of crop yields that is indicated in this study should be considered in analyses of future land use and food supply as well as in the evaluation of agri-environmental measures and policy reforms.  相似文献   

Strategy research explains why some firms outperform others, typically using profit rates, shareholder returns, and other continuous dependent variables. This paper investigates winning as the dependent variable, as measured by distributions of annual industry leadership in profits and returns to investors. This shift in dependent variable introduces alternative null models of competitive parity, including skew distributions derived from the natural sciences, and empirical distributions from nonbusiness domains such as chess, politics, sports, and beauty pageants. An empirical study of 20‐year leadership in U.S. industries shows that performance distributions in business follow statistical power laws resembling those in natural phenomena, and closely resemble distributions found in sports, politics, and other nonbusiness domains. The results support a presumption of persistent performance advantages in business, but show that business outcomes are indistinguishable from outcomes in the wider scientific and competitive landscape, and are amenable to explanation using relatively simple heuristics. The paper shows how the choice of null model shapes firm performance explanations, and explores the consequences of a more inclusive approach to null models in strategy research. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the activities performed by the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe and Balkan countries (NCDNCEE) in the past decade. The article gives a retrospective of the achievements and challenges in building capacity in nutrition research.Recognizing the lack of capacity and incoherent nutritional situation in CEE/BC, the United Nations University (UNU), Food & Nutrition Programme and the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) encouraged the formation of NCDNCEE in 2005, which became CAPNUTRA in 2012.The network’s aim was to initiate and support tailor-made activities for capacity development in food & nutrition in research and training in CEE/BC. To identify the challenges and needs of nutrition research in the region, the network performed inventories on existence of food composition databases, food systems elements, dietary surveys, micronutrient recommendations, application of dietary assessment methods and grey literature. Further on, the network focused on the development of food composition databases and concomitant data management software, the Diet Assess & Plan platform for food consumption collection, dietary intake assessment and nutrition planning. These and other elements form the Balkan Food Platform, which underpins harmonized nutrition research in CEE/BC. Among key actions promoted by the platform are EFSA-supported dietary surveys conducted in four Balkan countries, on children and adults, in which food consumption data are collected and analysed in a harmonized way. Cooperation with FAO and active participation in international research projects enhanced the exchange of information and knowledge and brought international recognition to the CAPNUTRA network.  相似文献   

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