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从“国家审计是国家经济社会运行的免疫系统”的理论出发,全面阐述了救灾款物审计目标符合“免疫系统”理论国家审计的根本要求、救灾款物审计的方法是发挥“免疫系统“功能作用的重要手段、救灾款物审计的效果验证了构建“免疫系统”的必要性等基本观点。  相似文献   

审计“免疫系统”理论高度概括了审计的本质。基建工程审计理论发展至今已经形成跟踪审计形式,正好与“免疫系统”功能理论不谋而合。内部审计作为审计免疫系统的子系统之一,实行工程跟踪审计存在优势与不足。通过把“免疫系统”论与跟踪审计模式相结合对内部审计机构如何进一步发挥基建工程审计“免疫系统”功能作出分析。  相似文献   

“审计免疫系统论”认为:审计本质上是一个国家经济社会运行的“免疫系统”,具有维护经济社会发展的秩序,起到预防、揭示和抵御经济社会运行中的障碍、矛盾和风险的‘免疫系统’功能。审计免疫系统包括三个子系统,即国家审计免疫系统、内部审计免疫系统和社会审计免疫系统。三个免疫子系统相互作用、相互联系、协调配合,共同维护国家经济社会运行的健康和安全。  相似文献   

实现审计转型发挥审计“免疫系统”功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在改革开放30周年和新中国审计成立25周年之际,刘家义审计长提出了国家审计作为国家经济社会运行“免疫系统”的重要理论,揭示了审计的本质就是“免疫”。随着社会环境的发展变化,审计从“看家护院”到“免疫系统”是在科学发展观指导下的重大创新。本文结合工作实际,以发挥好审计“免疫”功能为主线,以创新性思考为切人点,对审计实践进行了梳理和提炼,实现六个方面的审计转型,力促审计“免疫系统”建设。  相似文献   

唐小红 《会计师》2010,(5):84-85
<正>一、免疫系统论下的政府审计本质与目标(一)政府审计功能的拓展。免疫系统最初起源于医学和人体免疫学,具有保护、清除、修补等三大功能。将"免疫系统"运用于政府审计,就是将政府审计的服务监督作用和人体免疫系统的功能较好地衔接起来。(1)免疫系统的  相似文献   

内部控制审计具有部分类似于“审计免疫系统”的功能,并且具有其他类型审计无法替代的作用.文章探讨了在免疫系统论视角下的内部控制审计.  相似文献   

文章从营造良好的内部审计环境条件、构建高效的内部审计模式的角度,对内部审计践行免疫系统功能的途径和方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

项俊波董事长在农业银行总行2008年第一次集中审计动员会上提出了农业银行内部审计要发挥“免疫系统”功能的观点,要求审计系统提升审计和内控工作的质量和水平,从源头上发现风险。农行内部审计“免疫系统”观点的提出,深刻揭示了审计的本质,丰富了审计89内涵,拓展了审计工作89外延,是审计理论的重大创新,为农行内部审计的科学发展指明了方向。笔者就如何发挥农行内部审计的免疫系统功能,谈些粗浅看法。  相似文献   

本文对内部审计“免疫系统”功能新的理念进行了详细分析,就基层人民银行如何有效发挥内审“免疫系统”功能做了论述,并提出了发挥内审“免疫系统”功能的体现途径。  相似文献   

近年来,水利部黄河水利委员会(以下简称黄委)审计局预算执行审计处(以下简称预算执行审计处)深入学习习近平总书记在黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展座谈会上的重要讲话精神,积极践行水利改革发展总基调,全面贯彻落实黄委党组“维护黄河健康生命,促进流域人水和谐”的治黄思路和总体要求,提高政治站位,把准审计方向,发挥审计职能,创新方式方法,有效发挥了内部审计的预防、揭示、抵御等“免疫系统”功能。  相似文献   

经济的快速发展,使全球环境问题日益严重,尤其是全球气候变暖已经严重威胁到人类社会的可持续发展,并成为世界性的政治、经济、法律和技术问题。碳审计作为现代审计中有效应对全球变暖等环境问题的新举措,是一种全新的环境规制工具。论文将从“国家审计免疫系统论”的视角下,结合目前国内外碳审计的研究现状,探索分析适合我国国情的碳审计模式,以期发挥碳审计在经济社会环境的免疫作用。  相似文献   

国家审计是国家经济安全保障体系中的重要组成部分,在该体系中处于最基础、最重要和最具操作性的地位。维护国家经济安全是国家审计的首要任务。文章探讨了国家审计维护经济安全的理论基础、基本依据与作用机理,研究发现:国家审计维护经济安全的理论基础溯源于受托责任理论和公共选择理论,基本依据涵盖审计产生原始动因与审计目标、公共受托责任、审计法定职责和免疫系统功能四个方面,作用机理涉及国家审计工作的监测、鉴证、预防、预警、纠偏和修复六个维度。  相似文献   

对我国审计收费制度及收费现状的理性思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
结合我国特殊的制度背景研究审计收费问题已逐渐成为审计理论研究的热门话题。本在相关课题调研的基础上,对我国审计收费现状进行了分析,并结合中西方审计收费制度的理论和实践。提出了改进我国审计收费制度的建议。  相似文献   

Audit firms are increasingly engaging with advanced data analytics to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of external audits through the automation of audit work and obtaining a better understanding of the client’s business risk and thus their own audit risk. This paper examines the process by which audit firms adopt advanced data analytics, which has been left unaddressed by previous research. We derive a process theory from expert interviews which describes the activities within the process and the organizational units involved. It further describes how the adoption process is affected by technological, organizational and environmental contextual factors. Our work contributes to the extent body of research on technology adoption in auditing by using a previously unused theoretical perspective, and contextualizing known factors of technology adoption. The findings presented in this paper emphasize the importance of technological capabilities of audit firms for the adoption of advanced data analytics; technological capabilities within audit teams can be leveraged to support both the ideation of possible use cases for advanced data analytics, as well as the diffusion of solutions into practice.  相似文献   

独立审计是公司治理的重要外部机制,但考察独立审计治理功能影响公司真实经营业绩的文献还较少。从减少信息不对称、提升治理效率与决策能力角度,提出了一个独立审计的公司外部治理功能影响公司真实经营业绩的理论框架。选取事务所规模、审计收费和审计意见作为审计质量的替代变量,以我国2007年-2009年上市公司为样本,实证研究发现事务所规模及审计收费均与公司真实经营业绩正相关;审计意见对公司滞后一年的真实经营业绩没有影响,这可能与我国监管及诉讼制度不完善导致"非标"意见未给公司及其内部人带来显著成本有关。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,西方的新制度经济学及产权理论、交易费用理论传入我国,与我国的制度演变相结合,引起了我国经济学的革命,也掀起了作为经济学的分支学科——会计学的革命。我们也有必要从新的视角对整个审计理论体系进行审视,这种审视的系统性、深刻性,要求首先对赖以演绎出整个审计理论体系的逻辑起点进行新的审视。逻辑起点具有先导性,是推动学科研究进一步发展成熟的基础;逻辑起点还同时具有终极性,这既意味着它是审计理论中最为基本的范畴,同时也是审计理论体系的出发点和目的。文章全面剖析了审计动因的产权因素,从产权经济学角度审视审计理论体系,确立审计理论体系的逻辑起点——产权动因论。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether highly ranked audit firms in Iran, as determined by the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO), earn a fee premium, firstly, by providing superior quality audit services or, secondly, due to reputation created by the ranking system implemented by the SEO. We employ price discrimination theory, and we test quality discrimination versus brand reputation explanations in the context of a unique institutional setting (where international audit firms are not allowed to operate). The data are derived from firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) for the period 2006 to 2015. Our results show that the quality of audit services (using all of our measures) provided by the highest ranked audit firms is not superior to that of the non-highest ranked firms. In addition, the audit fee models suggest that the highest ranked firms charge significantly more audit fees compared to lower ranked firms. We employ several sensitivity tests and the results do not change materially. Such findings go against the “quality-based price discrimination” view but support the reputation-based view, and make a significant contribution towards understanding the economic consequences of state-determined ranking of audit firms rather than allowing the market to determine quality differentiation.  相似文献   

Kevin Koh  Li Li  Xuejiao Liu  Chunfei Wang 《Abacus》2023,59(1):340-380
This study examines the effects of audit partner diversity on audit quality. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2004–2018, we find that audit quality is positively associated with audit partner diversity in educational background, gender, and generational cohort. These findings suggest that diverse partner teams outperform homogenous teams and support the information perspective that audit partner diversity produces different viewpoints and perspectives, thus reducing judgement bias and leading to higher audit quality. Furthermore, we find that client information asymmetry, auditor task motivation, and task ability play a moderating role in reinforcing the positive effects of audit partner diversity on audit quality. Our findings have practical implications for audit firm personnel dispatching and team formation, and heighten the need to integrate team dynamics in the audit quality framework.  相似文献   

In response to the increasingly sophisticated corporate information system environment in producing accounting data, audit firms are undertaking information system (IS) audit in addition to conventional auditing. This study focuses on examining the impact of input level of IS audit on audit quality. We collected data on IS audit hours, a unique reporting requirement for Korean listed-firms as disclosed in the External Audit Implementation Details beginning in 2014. Simultaneously, we used the amount of discretionary accruals and measure of conservatism, C_Score as the proxies of the audit quality. By empirically examining a sample set that includes 2,370 corporate-year observations from the Korea Composite Stock Price Index (2014–2018), we found that IS audit hours and IS audit personnel had a statistically significant negative correlation when estimating with amount of discretionary accruals using the model of Kothari et al. (2005) and positive correlation with C_Score. Even when the group was divided into Big 4 and non-BIG 4, these results were apparent in firm samples that were audited by Big 4 audit firms, whereas those audited by non-Big 4 firms did not show these results. Taken together, the following conclusion can be derived. Audit quality has improved through conducting IS audit in response to new types of audit risks that have emerged because of the use of information technology in corporations. Significantly, this study analyzes empirically the effect that the effort of IS auditing has on improving audit quality by using a unique reporting requirement for Korean-listed firms. The study confirms that an appropriate level of IS audit input can improve audit quality. In addition, it is meaningful that IS audit practice is following the risk-based approach of the Clarified International Standards on Auditing (ISA).  相似文献   

中央与地方财权与事权的不对称使转移支付制度成为实现地方政府财力与事权匹配的基本手段,以弥补政府间纵向财政失衡和横向财政失衡。但目前我国财政转移支付因体制的诱致性变迁、设计理念缺陷、事权与支出责任分离等原因,存在效能不彰、运行效率漏损、结构不合理、规范性水平低、程序规制失范等问题。在全面深化财税体制改革下,国家审计机关可以发挥&quot;免疫系统&quot;功能和国家治理作用,对转移支付从审计内容、审计导向、资金流向等方面提升审计层次,把问效、问绩、问责贯穿转移支付审计过程始终,关注转移支付资金的安全性、效率性、经济性,实现政府支出责任随事权转移、各级政府财力与事权相匹配,优化转移支付,完善政府治理。  相似文献   

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