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Consumers boycott some goods because they do not approve the ways they are manufactured. I examine the efficacy of boycotts and the role of trade policy in influencing the foreign exporter's technology choice. Even when its technology choice is unobservable, boycott threats can prompt the foreign firm to adopt the technology consumers prefer. Import policy can augment this effect, but when boycotts can have a substantial impact on demand, a use of ad valorem tariffs yields the unintended result. Specific tariffs and quotas are free of this defect, but specific tariffs are more effective than quotas in addressing consumers' concern.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider trade policies intended to affect the production of a foreign monopolist that generates negative externalities. We derive the optimal tariff and optimal import quota and examine which policy measure should be used to maximize domestic welfare. We find that if the domestic government does not have full information on the foreign firm's production method and if cross‐border externalities exist, import quotas are in some cases preferable to tariffs. Otherwise, however, tariffs are preferable to quotas. JEL Classification: F13, F18  相似文献   

This Paper endogenizes the choice between import tariffs and quotas of two policy active countries in a duopsonistic world market. Without uncertainty, import quotas are welfare superior to import tariffs in equilibrium. If two importers can precommit to a type of instrument before deciding the level of the instrument to use in a future period, an import quota equilibrium emerges. We introduce asymmetric risk in the import demand schedule of the two importers. There exists a range of parameters in which a mixed equilibrium emerges, i.e. one country uses a tariff while the other restricts trade with an import quota. The likelihood that both importers choose a different trade instrument in equilibrium is increasing with the correlation coefficient of the two random shocks. [F13]  相似文献   

This paper supplies equations for partial-equilibrium calculations of the welfare effects of tariffs and quotas when the imported good and the competing domestic good are imperfect substitutes in demand. The equations take into account the response of the price of the domestic substitute. Although other studies have acknowledged this response, they have failed to account for it in their welfare calculations. To demonstrate the importance of this response, it is shown how it affects the calculations for the welfare costs of tariffs and quotas on US imports of footwear. It is shown that ignoring the response of domestic prices leads to significant overstatement of the welfare costs of tariffs and significant understatement of the welfare costs of quotas for the industry.  相似文献   

Tariffs and quotas are alternative trade instruments. In most cases it has been shown that the use of tariffs results in a higher national welfare than the use of quotas. Most of the research in this field has been purely theoretical. This paper aims to give an empirical contribution. Referring to the Norwegian apple market, we analyse the effects of tariffs and quotas. A tariff system is estimated to be slightly more efficient than a quota system (+ 2%). However, the distributional effects are substantial. Wholesalers and importers are main gainers in a quota system, while consumers and farmers are losers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** :  This paper compares the social efficiency of the two main regulatory instruments used to promote renewable energy sources in electricity generation (RES-E), taking into consideration their role in promoting the preservation of the climate. They are based on a purchase obligation and act either by price (feed-in tariffs) or by quantity (RES-E quotas). In their reference design, the instruments show different performances in several dimensions: market incentives intensity, control of the cost for consumers, safeguards of RES-E investments, and conformity with the new market regime of the electricity industry. The comparison shows that neither instrument offers an optimal solution in each of these dimensions. In particular, the intrinsic qualities of the quotas instrument that are put forward to mandate its adoption by the EU members are overestimated. A government will thus select an instrument in accordance with the relative importance of its objectives: environmental policy versus cost control by market pressure.  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of the tariffication of a quota when there are several potential distortions present in a country, including domestic monopoly and wage rigidities. It is generally presumed that tariffs are superior to quotas because of their transparency and revenue-raising attributes. However, in the presence of multiple distortions, liberalization of a single policy instrument may result in net welfare losses. The findings suggest that, in a general equilibrium context, such a liberalization policy will have ambiguous effects upon aggregate domestic welfare in the country undertaking the tariffication.  相似文献   

It has been shown that trade restrictions such as tariffs, import quotas, and voluntary export restrictions, lead to quality upgrading of imports. In this paper, however, we reconsider this proposition by focusing on the nature of cost functions. Based on a standard vertical differentiation model, we analyze the effects of tariffs on quality and quantity of imports. We show that if a fixed cost is an increasing function of quality, tariffs lead to quality downgrading of imports. Moreover, we discuss minimum quality requirements (MQR) for such a trade policy. We show that MQR increases the amount of imports and an importing country's welfare in the presence of the fixed cost function. These issues will be addressed in the context of a foreign monopoly.  相似文献   

Unemployment and the welfare effects of trade policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  In this paper the welfare effects of tariffs and import quotas in the presence of involuntary unemployment are derived and compared. The framework used is the standard model of a competitive small open economy with many goods and factors. Optimum levels of the respective trade policy instruments are derived, as well as welfare increasing reform strategies. In all cases, the labour intensity of the import‐competing sectors turns out to be a crucial variable for deriving the welfare effects. JEL classification: F13, F16  相似文献   

We examine the nonequivalence of tariffs and quotas under international duopoly in a simple general equilibrium trading model; in particular, we study the welfare effects of a change in regime from a tariff to a quota. We first show that the results established by our predecessors in a partial-equilibrium segmented domestic market model do not straightforwardly carry over to a general equilibrium context. We next extend the segmented domestic market model to an integrated world market model and re-examine the equivalence of tariffs and quotas as well as the welfare aspects of the change in the regime.  相似文献   

This paper considers some policy choices posed by the prospective Australian resources boom, distinguishing between the investment boom and the export boom and between the adjustment and the non-adjustment options. With adjustment both booms are likely to lead to real appreciation, raising the ‘Dutch disease’ issues. Non-adjustment means accumulating foreign exchange reserves by preventing both nominal appreciation and inflation. It is discussed whether protection by tariffs or quotas should be lowered or raised because of the export boom. An Appendix analyzes the monetary policy implications of both the floating rate (adjustment) and the fixed rate (non-adjustment) cases.  相似文献   

This paper surveys the recent literature on the effects of United States protection. Most of these studies find that tariffs provide limited benefits to protected industries but cause considerable harm to household and industrial consumers of protected goods. Most studies do, however find some terms-of-trade benefits to the United States in the present structure of protection. Also, studies of quotas find that they have become more important in recent years and that they are a major source of welfare losses for the United States. This general agreement regarding the effects of United States policy arises from papers employing different research methodologies and addressing different questions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we theoretically discuss volume and share quotas in the market where firms engage in Cournot competition. We show the equivalence among specific taxes, and volume quotas and share quotas with respect to equilibrium quantities. By using these results, we analyze comparative statics effects of volume and share quotas. Further, we apply the results to the examination of international oligopoly models with tariffs, import volume quotas, and import share quotas. Finally, we extend the model to endogenize the set of firms and derive a non-equivalence result of volume quotas and specific taxes.  相似文献   

This paper explores how political–economy forces shape quantitative barriers against the rest of the world in an FTA. We show that whereas the dilution of lobbying power in an FTA typically leads to a relaxation of external quotas, this result is likely to be overturned as integration deepens. In particular, we show that cooperation among member countries on the level of their external quotas, cross–border lobbying by import–competing interests in the free–trade area, and the consolidation of national external quotas into a single one, all lead to stiffer restrictions against imports from the rest of the world. We also show that, unlike tariffs, endogenous quotas are not crucially affected by the presence of rules of origin.  相似文献   

The Nonequivalence of Tariffs and Quotas in a Dynamic Trade Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper provides a novel (and old) argument for the nonequivalence of tariffs and quotas, based on the famous paper by Hotelling published in 1931. Unlike tariffs, quantitative restrictions are inherently dynamic. As long as the foreign exporter earns positive marginal profits, he raises their present value by frontloading sales. As a result, unlike a tariff, equilibrium with a quota exhibits quantity and price dispersion over time. The dispersion may be significant even with small discount rates.  相似文献   

This paper extends the well known Kemp–Wang proposition regarding customs unions and tariffs to the case of import quotas. It is shown that a customs union in the presence of import quotas will leave each country, whether a member of the customs union or not, not worse off than before the formation of the customs union. The partial-equilibrium approach is used in this study.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between foreign trade and employment in a small open economy, and carries out some empirical work using Mexican data. It is argued that employment multipliers are not stable if intermediate inputs are imported. Actual employment multipliers will be given by the relationship between effective demand and installed capacity in each sector, and will depend strongly on whether quotas or tariffs are in operation. It is also found that Mexican exports are capital intensive relative to its imports.  相似文献   

This article reviews changes in Australian protection policy between 1967 and 1995, particularly the political economy aspects. The story is quite complex, and until 1974 was unusual by international standards, with a sophisticated Australian tariff debate and the remarkable transparency role of the Industry Assistance Commission (IAC), and its predecessor, the Tariff Board. The role of Alf Rattigan, Chairman of the Tariff Board and later the IAC, is stressed. Liberalisation since 1988 has been drastic, so that most tariffs will be brought down to 5 per cent by the year 2000. All quotas were ended by 1993. This can be contrasted with very high protection levels in 1967 and quite high levels even in 1987. Substantial unilateral trade liberalisation normally requires exchange rate depreciation, and the floating of the Australian dollar made the tariff reductions possible. The motives for Australian trade liberalisation in the 1980s are compared with those for similar liberalisations in many developing countries.  相似文献   

TRIMs, environmental taxes, and foreign investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various second-best policy mixes of investment measures and environmental taxes for a polluted, small open economy with foreign capital and immovable trade restrictions are examined. The optimal policy mix depends on the types of trade restrictions. When tariffs are in place, strict policies of pollution taxes and export requirements are optimal for alleviating tariff-induced consumption and production distortions. When involuntary quotas are used in lieu of tariffs, however, the optimal policy mix is a zero export requirement and Pigouvian taxes on pollution. For the case of VERs, however, the optimal policy demands export requirements and a less stringent pollution tax.
TRIMs, impôts environnementaux et investissement étranger. Ce mémoire examine certains ensembles de politiques de second-ordre portant sur l'investissement et les impôts environnementaux dans une petite économie ouverte polluée où il y a capital étranger et restrictions au commerce international. Quand on a des droits de douane en place, des politiques de fiscalité environnementale et d'exportations requises sont optimales pour corriger les distorsions aux patterns de production et de consommation engendrées par les droits de douane. Cependant quand des contingentements involontaires sont en place plutôt que des droits de douane, le mélange optimal de politiques est de ne pas requérir d'exportation mais d'imposer des taxes à la Pigou sur la pollution. Pour ce qui est des restrictions volontaires à l'exportation, le mélange optimal de politiques réclame une taxe moins forte sur la pollution accompagnée par un certain niveau d'exportation requis.  相似文献   

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