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This paper considers methods for estimating the slope coefficients in large panel data models that are robust to the presence of various forms of error cross-section dependence. It introduces a general framework where error cross-section dependence may arise because of unobserved common effects and/or error spill-over effects due to spatial or other forms of local dependencies. Initially, this paper focuses on a panel regression model where the idiosyncratic errors are spatially dependent and possibly serially correlated, and derives the asymptotic distributions of the mean group and pooled estimators under heterogeneous and homogeneous slope coefficients, and for these estimators proposes non-parametric variance matrix estimators. The paper then considers the more general case of a panel data model with a multifactor error structure and spatial error correlations. Under this framework, the Common Correlated Effects (CCE) estimator, recently advanced by Pesaran (2006), continues to yield estimates of the slope coefficients that are consistent and asymptotically normal. Small sample properties of the estimators under various patterns of cross-section dependence, including spatial forms, are investigated by Monte Carlo experiments. Results show that the CCE approach works well in the presence of weak and/or strong cross-sectionally correlated errors.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of estimating semiparametric panel data models with cross section dependence, where the individual-specific regressors enter the model nonparametrically whereas the common factors enter the model linearly. We consider both heterogeneous and homogeneous regression relationships when both the time and cross-section dimensions are large. We propose sieve estimators for the nonparametric regression functions by extending Pesaran’s (2006) common correlated effect (CCE) estimator to our semiparametric framework. Asymptotic normal distributions for the proposed estimators are derived and asymptotic variance estimators are provided. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that our estimators perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

Explicit asymptotic bias formulae are given for dynamic panel regression estimators as the cross section sample size N→∞N. The results extend earlier work by Nickell [1981. Biases in dynamic models with fixed effects. Econometrica 49, 1417–1426] and later authors in several directions that are relevant for practical work, including models with unit roots, deterministic trends, predetermined and exogenous regressors, and errors that may be cross sectionally dependent. The asymptotic bias is found to be so large when incidental linear trends are fitted and the time series sample size is small that it changes the sign of the autoregressive coefficient. Another finding of interest is that, when there is cross section error dependence, the probability limit of the dynamic panel regression estimator is a random variable rather than a constant, which helps to explain the substantial variability observed in dynamic panel estimates when there is cross section dependence even in situations where N is very large. Some proposals for bias correction are suggested and finite sample performance is analyzed in simulations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new testing procedure for detecting error cross section dependence after estimating a linear dynamic panel data model with regressors using the generalised method of moments (GMM). The test is valid when the cross-sectional dimension of the panel is large relative to the time series dimension. Importantly, our approach allows one to examine whether any error cross section dependence remains after including time dummies (or after transforming the data in terms of deviations from time-specific averages), which will be the case under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. Finite sample simulation-based results suggest that our tests perform well, particularly the version based on the [Blundell, R., Bond, S., 1998. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 87, 115–143] system GMM estimator. In addition, it is shown that the system GMM estimator, based only on partial instruments consisting of the regressors, can be a reliable alternative to the standard GMM estimators under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. The proposed tests are applied to employment equations using UK firm data and the results show little evidence of heterogeneous error cross section dependence.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the estimation and predictive performance of several estimators for the dynamic and autoregressive spatial lag panel data model with spatially correlated disturbances. In the spirit of Arellano and Bond (1991) and Mutl (2006) , a dynamic spatial generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator is proposed based on Kapoor, Kelejian and Prucha (2007) for the spatial autoregressive (SAR) error model. The main idea is to mix non‐spatial and spatial instruments to obtain consistent estimates of the parameters. Then, a linear predictor of this spatial dynamic model is derived. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we compare the performance of the GMM spatial estimator to that of spatial and non‐spatial estimators and illustrate our approach with an application to new economic geography.  相似文献   

This paper develops an estimation and testing framework for a stationary large panel model with observable regressors and unobservable common factors. We allow for slope heterogeneity and for correlation between the common factors and the regressors. We propose a two stage estimation procedure for the unobservable common factors and their loadings, based on Common Correlated Effects estimator and the Principal Component estimator. We also develop two tests for the null of no factor structure: one for the null that loadings are cross sectionally homogeneous, and one for the null that common factors are homogeneous over time. Our tests are based on using extremes of the estimated loadings and common factors. The test statistics have an asymptotic Gumbel distribution under the null, and have power versus alternatives where only one loading or common factor differs from the others. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the tests have the correct size and good power.  相似文献   

Recent approaches to testing for a unit root when uncertainty exists over the presence and timing of a trend break employ break detection methods, so that a with-break unit root test is used only if a break is detected by some auxiliary statistic. While these methods achieve near asymptotic efficiency in both fixed trend break and no trend break environments, in finite samples pronounced “valleys” in the power functions of the tests (when mapped as functions of the break magnitude) are observed, with power initially high for very small breaks, then decreasing as the break magnitude increases, before increasing again. In response to this problem, we propose two practical solutions, based either on the use of a with-break unit root test but with adaptive critical values, or on a union of rejections principle taken across with-break and without-break unit root tests. These new procedures are shown to offer improved reliability in terms of finite sample power. We also develop local limiting distribution theory for both the extant and the newly proposed unit root statistics, treating the trend break magnitude as local-to-zero. We show that this framework allows the asymptotic analysis to closely approximate the finite sample power valley phenomenon, thereby providing useful analytical insights.  相似文献   

We propose a test for the slope of a trend function when it is a priori unknown whether the series is trend-stationary or contains an autoregressive unit root. The procedure is based on a Feasible Quasi Generalized Least Squares method from an AR(1) specification with parameter αα, the sum of the autoregressive coefficients. The estimate of αα is the OLS estimate obtained from an autoregression applied to detrended data and is truncated to take a value 1 whenever the estimate is in a T−δTδ neighborhood of 1. This makes the estimate “super-efficient” when α=1α=1 and implies that inference on the slope parameter can be performed using the standard Normal distribution whether α=1α=1 or |α|<1|α|<1. Theoretical arguments and simulation evidence show that δ=1/2δ=1/2 is the appropriate choice. Simulations show that our procedure has better size and power properties than the tests proposed by [Bunzel, H., Vogelsang, T.J., 2005. Powerful trend function tests that are robust to strong serial correlation with an application to the Prebish–Singer hypothesis. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 23, 381–394] and [Harvey, D.I., Leybourne, S.J., Taylor, A.M.R., 2007. A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis. Journal of Econometrics 141, 1302–1330].  相似文献   

It is well known that the standard Breusch and Pagan (1980) LM test for cross-equation correlation in a SUR model is not appropriate for testing cross-sectional dependence in panel data models when the number of cross-sectional units (n)(n) is large and the number of time periods (T)(T) is small. In fact, a scaled version of this LM test was proposed by Pesaran (2004) and its finite sample bias was corrected by Pesaran et al. (2008). This was done in the context of a heterogeneous panel data model. This paper derives the asymptotic bias of this scaled version of the LM test in the context of a fixed effects homogeneous panel data model. This asymptotic bias is found to be a constant related to nn and TT, which suggests a simple bias corrected LM test for the null hypothesis. Additionally, the paper carries out some Monte Carlo experiments to compare the finite sample properties of this proposed test with existing tests for cross-sectional dependence.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a unit root test for panel data with cross-sectional dependence. The test generalizes the nonlinear IV unit root test of Chang (2002) to the case where there exist some common factors in panels. The main idea is to eliminate the cross-sectional dependence through the method of principal components as in Bai and Ng (2004) and then apply Chang’s test to the treated data. Under certain conditions, the proposed test is consistent and has a standard normal limiting distribution under the null hypothesis. Simulation results show that the proposed test compares favorably to other alternative tests.  相似文献   

Harvey, Leybourne and Taylor [Harvey, D.I., Leybourne, S.J., Taylor, A.M.R. 2009. Simple, robust and powerful tests of the breaking trend hypothesis. Econometric Theory 25, 995–1029] develop a test for the presence of a broken linear trend at an unknown point in the sample whose size is asymptotically robust as to whether the (unknown) order of integration of the data is either zero or one. This test is not size controlled, however, when this order assumes fractional values; its asymptotic size can be either zero or one in such cases. In this paper we suggest a new test, based on a sup-Wald statistic, which is asymptotically size-robust across fractional values of the order of integration (including zero or one). We examine the asymptotic power of the test under a local trend break alternative. The finite sample properties of the test are also investigated.  相似文献   

Perron [Perron, P., 1989. The great crash, the oil price shock and the unit root hypothesis. Econometrica 57, 1361–1401] introduced a variety of unit root tests that are valid when a break in the trend function of a time series is present. The motivation was to devise testing procedures that were invariant to the magnitude of the shift in level and/or slope. In particular, if a change is present it is allowed under both the null and alternative hypotheses. This analysis was carried under the assumption of a known break date. The subsequent literature aimed to devise testing procedures valid in the case of an unknown break date. However, in doing so, most of the literature and, in particular the commonly used test of Zivot and Andrews [Zivot, E., Andrews, D.W.K., 1992. Further evidence on the great crash, the oil price shock and the unit root hypothesis. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 10, 251–270], assumed that if a break occurs, it does so only under the alternative hypothesis of stationarity. This is undesirable since (a) it imposes an asymmetric treatment when allowing for a break, so that the test may reject when the noise is integrated but the trend is changing; (b) if a break is present, this information is not exploited to improve the power of the test. In this paper, we propose a testing procedure that addresses both issues. It allows a break under both the null and alternative hypotheses and, when a break is present, the limit distribution of the test is the same as in the case of a known break date, thereby allowing increased power while maintaining the correct size. Simulation experiments confirm that our procedure offers an improvement over commonly used methods in small samples.  相似文献   

Tests for symmetry and seasonal unit roots are developed for an extended model of Hylleberg et al. (1990. Seasonal integration and cointegration. Journal Econometrics 44, 215–238.) which can represent both partial seasonal unit roots and threshold effects. Methods based on ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation and instrumental variable (IV) estimation are proposed and compared. For adjusting mean functions, ordinary mean adjustment and recursive mean adjustment are both considered. Several tests are constructed from various combination of estimation schemes and mean adjustment schemes. Among the tests, the tests based on IV-estimation are recommended because they have very simple limiting null distributions and have finite sample power properties comparable to those based on the OLSE. The recommended tests are applied to a US unemployment rate data set and find evidences for both nonstationarities associated with zero frequency and threshold effects.  相似文献   

Time invariance of factor loadings is a standard assumption in the analysis of large factor models. Yet, this assumption may be restrictive unless parameter shifts are mild (i.e., local to zero). In this paper we develop a new testing procedure to detect big breaks in these loadings at either known or unknown dates. It relies upon testing for parameter breaks in a regression of one of the factors estimated by Principal Components analysis on the remaining estimated factors, where the number of factors is chosen according to Bai and Ng’s (2002) information criteria. The test fares well in terms of power relative to other recently proposed tests on this issue, and can be easily implemented to avoid forecasting failures in standard factor-augmented (FAR, FAVAR) models where the number of factors is a priori imposed on the basis of theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a drifting-parameter asymptotic framework to derive accurate approximations to the finite sample distribution of the principal components (PC) estimator in situations when the factors’ explanatory power does not strongly dominate the explanatory power of the cross-sectionally and temporally correlated idiosyncratic terms. Under our asymptotics, the PC estimator is inconsistent. We find explicit formulae for the amount of the inconsistency, and propose an estimator of the number of factors for which the PC estimator works reasonably well. For the special case when the idiosyncratic terms are cross-sectionally but not temporally correlated (or vice versa), we show that the coefficients in the OLS regressions of the PC estimates of factors (loadings) on the true factors (true loadings) are asymptotically normal, and find explicit formulae for the corresponding asymptotic covariance matrix. We explain how to estimate the parameters of the derived asymptotic distributions. Our Monte Carlo analysis suggests that our asymptotic formulae and estimators work well even for relatively small nn and TT. We apply our theoretical results to test a hypothesis about the factor content of the US stock return data.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a dynamic discrete-time bivariate probit model, in which the conditions for Granger non-causality can be represented and tested. The conditions for simultaneous independence are also worked out. The model is extended in order to allow for covariates, representing individual as well as time heterogeneity. The proposed model can be estimated by Maximum Likelihood. Granger non-causality and simultaneous independence can be tested by Likelihood Ratio or Wald tests. A specialized version of the model, aimed at testing Granger non-causality with bivariate discrete-time survival data is also discussed. The proposed tests are illustrated in two empirical applications.  相似文献   

We consider within-group estimation of higher-order autoregressive panel models with exogenous regressors and fixed effects, where the lag order is possibly misspecified. Even when disregarding the misspecification bias, the fixed-effect bias formula is quite different from the correctly specified case though its asymptotic order remains the same under the stationarity. We suggest bias reduction methods under the possible time series misspecification.  相似文献   

The paper derives a general Central Limit Theorem (CLT) and asymptotic distributions for sample moments related to panel data models with large nn. The results allow for the data to be cross sectionally dependent, while at the same time allowing the regressors to be only sequentially rather than strictly exogenous. The setup is sufficiently general to accommodate situations where cross sectional dependence stems from spatial interactions and/or from the presence of common factors. The latter leads to the need for random norming. The limit theorem for sample moments is derived by showing that the moment conditions can be recast such that a martingale difference array central limit theorem can be applied. We prove such a central limit theorem by first extending results for stable convergence in Hall and Heyde (1980) to non-nested martingale arrays relevant for our applications. We illustrate our result by establishing a generalized estimation theory for GMM estimators of a fixed effect panel model without imposing i.i.d. or strict exogeneity conditions. We also discuss a class of Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimators that can be analyzed using our CLT.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of constructing confidence sets for the date of a single break in a linear time series regression. We establish analytically and by small sample simulation that the current standard method in econometrics for constructing such confidence intervals has a coverage rate far below nominal levels when breaks are of moderate magnitude. Given that breaks of moderate magnitude are a theoretically and empirically relevant phenomenon, we proceed to develop an appropriate alternative. We suggest constructing confidence sets by inverting a sequence of tests. Each of the tests maintains a specific break date under the null hypothesis, and rejects when a break occurs elsewhere. By inverting a certain variant of a locally best invariant test, we ensure that the asymptotic critical value does not depend on the maintained break date. A valid confidence set can hence be obtained by assessing which of the sequence of test statistics exceeds a single number.  相似文献   

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