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Theory on the pricing of financial assets can be traced back to Bernoulli's famous St Petersburg paper of 1738. Since then, research into asset pricing and derivative valuation has been influenced by a couple of dozen major contributions published during the twentieth century. These seminal works have underpinned the key ideas of mean–variance optimisation, equilibrium analysis and no-arbitrage arguments. This paper presents a historical review of these important contributions to finance.  相似文献   

The rough Bergomi model, introduced by Bayer et al. [Quant. Finance, 2016, 16(6), 887–904], is one of the recent rough volatility models that are consistent with the stylised fact of implied volatility surfaces being essentially time-invariant, and are able to capture the term structure of skew observed in equity markets. In the absence of analytical European option pricing methods for the model, we focus on reducing the runtime-adjusted variance of Monte Carlo implied volatilities, thereby contributing to the model’s calibration by simulation. We employ a novel composition of variance reduction methods, immediately applicable to any conditionally log-normal stochastic volatility model. Assuming one targets implied volatility estimates with a given degree of confidence, thus calibration RMSE, the results we demonstrate equate to significant runtime reductions—roughly 20 times on average, across different correlation regimes.  相似文献   

This paper provides an industry standard on how to quantify the shape of the implied volatility smirk in the equity index options market. Our local expansion method uses a second-order polynomial to describe the implied volatility–moneyness function and relates the coefficients of the polynomial to the properties of the implied risk-neutral distribution of the equity index return. We present a formal, two-way representation of the link between the level, slope and curvature of the implied volatility smirk and the risk-neutral standard deviation, skewness and excess kurtosis. We then propose a new semi-analytical method to calibrate option-pricing models based on the quantified implied volatility smirk, and investigate the applicability of two option-pricing models.  相似文献   

Starting from a no-dynamic-arbitrage principle that imposes that trading costs should be non-negative on average and a simple model for the evolution of market prices, we demonstrate a relationship between the shape of the market impact function describing the average response of the market price to traded quantity and the function that describes the decay of market impact. In particular, we show that the widely assumed exponential decay of market impact is compatible only with linear market impact. We derive various inequalities relating the typical shape of the observed market impact function to the decay of market impact, noting that, empirically, these inequalities are typically close to being equalities.  相似文献   

We develop a discrete-time stochastic volatility option pricing model exploiting the information contained in the Realized Volatility (RV), which is used as a proxy of the unobservable log-return volatility. We model the RV dynamics by a simple and effective long-memory process, whose parameters can be easily estimated using historical data. Assuming an exponentially affine stochastic discount factor, we obtain a fully analytic change of measure. An empirical analysis of Standard and Poor's 500 index options illustrates that our model outperforms competing time-varying and stochastic volatility option pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether excess volatility of asset prices and serial correlations of stock monthly returns may be explained by the interactions between fundamentalists and chartists. Fundamentalists forecast future prices cum dividends through an adaptive learning rule. In contrast, chartists forecast future prices based on the observation of past price movements. Numerical simulations reveal that the interplay of fundamentalists and chartists robustly generates excess volatility of asset prices, volatility clustering, trends in prices (i.e. positive serial correlations of returns) over short horizons and oscillations in prices (i.e. negative serial correlations of returns) over long horizons, often observed in financial data. Moreover, we find that the memory of the learning rule plays a key role in explaining the above-mentioned stylized facts. In particular, we establish that excess volatility of asset prices; volatility clustering and autocorrelation of returns at different horizons emerge when fundamentalists have short memory. However, volatility clustering as well as short-run and long-run dependencies, observed in financial time series, are more pronounced when fundamentalists have longer memory.  相似文献   

Based on a general specification of the asset specific pricing kernel, we develop a pricing model using an information process with stochastic volatility. We derive analytical asset and option pricing formulas. The asset prices in this rational expectations model exhibit crash-like, strong downward movements. The resulting option pricing formula is consistent with the strong negative skewness and high levels of kurtosis observed in empirical studies. Furthermore, we determine credit spreads in a simple structural model.   相似文献   

Standard delta hedging fails to exactly replicate a European call option in the presence of transaction costs. We study a pricing and hedging model similar to the delta hedging strategy with an endogenous volatility parameter for the calculation of delta over time. The endogenous volatility depends on both the transaction costs and the option strike prices. The optimal hedging volatility is calculated using the criterion of minimizing the weighted upside and downside replication errors. The endogenous volatility model with equal weights on the up and down replication errors yields an option premium close to the Leland [J. Finance, 1985 Leland, HE. 1985. Option pricing and replication with transaction costs. J. Finance, 40: 12831301. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 40, 1283–1301] heuristic approach. The model with weights being the probabilities of the option's moneyness provides option prices closest to the actual prices. Option prices from the model are identical to the Black–Scholes option prices when transaction costs are zero. Data on S&P 500 index cash options from January to June 2008 illustrate the model.  相似文献   

The exploration of option pricing is of great significance to risk management and investments. One important challenge to existing research is how to describe the underlying asset price process and fluctuation features accurately. Considering the benefits of ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) in depicting the fluctuation features of financial time series, we construct an option pricing model based on the new hybrid generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (hybrid GARCH)-type functions with improved EEMD by decomposing the original return series into the high frequency, low frequency and trend terms. Using the locally risk-neutral valuation relationship (LRNVR), we obtain an equivalent martingale measure and option prices with different maturities based on Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical results indicate that this novel model can substantially capture volatility features and it performs much better than the M-GARCH and Black–Scholes models. In particular, the decomposition is consistently helpful in reducing option pricing errors, thereby proving the innovativeness and effectiveness of the hybrid GARCH option pricing model.  相似文献   

This study examines the Chinese implied volatility index (iVIX) to determine whether jump information from the index is useful for volatility forecasting of the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50ETF. Specifically, we consider the jump sizes and intensities of the 50ETF and iVIX as well as cojumps. The findings show that both the jump size and intensity of the 50ETF can improve the forecasting accuracy of the 50ETF volatility. Moreover, we find that the jump size and intensity of the iVIX provide no significant predictive ability in any forecasting horizon. The cojump intensity of the 50ETF and iVIX is a powerful predictor for volatility forecasting of the 50ETF in all forecasting horizons, and the cojump size is helpful for forecasting in short forecasting horizon. In addition, for a one-day forecasting horizon, the iVIX jump size in the cojump is more predictive of future volatility than that of the 50ETF when simultaneous jumps occur. Our empirical results are robust and consistent. This work provides new insights into predicting asset volatility with greater accuracy.  相似文献   

The occurrence and the transmission of large shocks in international equity markets is of essential interest to the study of market integration and financial crises. To this aim, implied market volatility allows to monitor ex ante risk expectations in different markets. We investigate the behavior of implied market volatility indices for the U.S. and Germany under a straightforward mean reversion model that allows for Poisson jumps. Our empirical findings for daily data in the period 1992 to 2002 provide evidence of significant positive jumps, i.e. situations of market stress with positive unexpected changes in ex ante risk assessments. Jump events are mostly country-specific with some evidence of volatility spillover. Analysis of public information around jump dates indicates two basic categories of events. First, crisis events occurring under spillover shocks. Second, information release events which include three subcategories, namely—worries about as well as actual—unexpected releases concerning U.S. monetary policy, macroeconomic data and corporate profits. Additionally, foreign exchange market movements may cause volatility shocks.  相似文献   

The behavior of the implied volatility surface for European options was analysed in detail by Zumbach and Fernandez for prices computed with a new option pricing scheme based on the construction of the risk-neutral measure for realistic processes with a finite time increment. The resulting dynamics of the surface is static in the moneyness direction, and given by a volatility forecast in the time-to-maturity direction. This difference is the basis of a cross-product approximation of the surface. The subsequent speed-up for option pricing is large, allowing the computation of Greeks and the delta replication strategy in simulations with the cost of replication and the replication risk. The corresponding premia are added to the option arbitrage price in order to compute realistic implied volatility surfaces. Finally, the cross-product approximation for realistic prices can be used to analyse European options on the SP500 in depth. The cross-product approximation is used to compute a mean quotient implied volatility, which can be compared with the full theoretical computation. The comparison shows that the cost of hedging and the replication risk premium have contributions to the implied volatility smile that are of similar magnitude to the contribution from the process for the underlying asset.  相似文献   

The intraday nonparametric estimation of the variance–covariance matrix adds to the literature in portfolio analysis of the Greek equity market. This paper examines the economic value of various realized volatility and covariance estimators under the strategy of volatility timing. I use three types of portfolios: Global Minimum Variance, Capital Market Line and Capital Market Line with only positive weights. The estimators of volatilities and covariances use 5-min high-frequency intraday data. The dataset concerns the FTSE/ATHEX Large Cap index, FTSE/ATHEX Mid Cap index, and the FTSE/ATHEX Small Cap index of the Greek equity market (Athens Stock Exchange). As far as I know, this is the first work of its kind for the Greek equity market. Results concern not only the comparison of various estimators but also the comparison of different types of portfolios, in the strategy of volatility timing. The economic value of the contemporary non-parametric realized volatility estimators is more significant than this when the covariance is estimated by the daily squared returns. Moreover, the economic value (in b.p.s) of each estimator changes with the volatility timing.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend option pricing under Lévy dynamics, by assuming that the volatility of the Lévy process is stochastic. We, therefore, develop the analog of the standard stochastic volatility models, when the underlying process is not a standard (unit variance) Brownian motion, but rather a standardized Lévy process. We present a methodology that allows one to compute option prices, under virtually any set of diffusive dynamics for the parameters of the volatility process. First, we use ‘local consistency’ arguments to approximate the volatility process with a finite, but sufficiently dense Markov chain; we then use this regime switching approximation to efficiently compute option prices using Fourier inversion. A detailed example, based on a generalization of the popular stochastic volatility model of Heston (Rev Financial Stud 6 (1993) 327), is used to illustrate the implementation of the algorithms. Computer code is available at www.theponytail.net/  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to improve the predictability of aggregate stock market volatility with industry volatilities. The empirical results show that individual industry volatilities can provide useful predictive information, while the predictive contribution is limited. We further consider the spillover index between industry volatilities and find it displays strong predictive power for stock market volatility. Based on the portfolio exercise, we find that a mean-variance investor can achieve sizeable economic gains by using volatility forecasts of the spillover index. In addition, we conduct three extended analyses and further demonstrate the superior performance of the spillover index. Also, our results show robustness to a series of alternative settings. Finally, we investigate why the spillover index performs better and answer what information it contains. The results show that the spillover index can reflect and explain investor sentiments that are related to stock market volatility.  相似文献   

We examine the information content of the CBOE Crude Oil Volatility Index (OVX) when forecasting realized volatility in the WTI futures market. Additionally, we study whether other market variables, such as volume, open interest, daily returns, bid-ask spread and the slope of the futures curve, contain predictive power beyond what is embedded in the implied volatility. In out-of-sample forecasting we find that econometric models based on realized volatility can be improved by including implied volatility and other variables. Our results show that including implied volatility significantly improves daily and weekly volatility forecasts; however, including other market variables significantly improves daily, weekly and monthly volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

As a means of validating an option pricing model, we compare the ex-post intra-day realized variance of options with the realized variance of the associated underlying asset that would be implied using assumptions as in the Black and Scholes (BS) model, the Heston, and the Bates model. Based on data for the S&P 500 index, we find that the BS model is strongly directionally biased due to the presence of stochastic volatility. The Heston model reduces the mismatch in realized variance between the two markets, but deviations are still significant. With the exception of short-dated options, we achieve best approximations after controlling for the presence of jumps in the underlying dynamics. Finally, we provide evidence that, although heavily biased, the realized variance based on the BS model contains relevant predictive information that can be exploited when option high-frequency data is not available.  相似文献   

Pricing options on a stock that pays discrete dividends has not been satisfactorily settled because of the conflicting demands of computational tractability and realistic modelling of the stock price process. Many papers assume that the stock price minus the present value of future dividends or the stock price plus the forward value of future dividends follows a lognormal diffusion process; however, these assumptions might produce unreasonable prices for some exotic options and American options. It is more realistic to assume that the stock price decreases by the amount of the dividend payout at the ex-dividend date and follows a lognormal diffusion process between adjacent ex-dividend dates, but analytical pricing formulas and efficient numerical methods are hard to develop. This paper introduces a new tree, the stair tree, that faithfully implements the aforementioned dividend model without approximations. The stair tree uses extra nodes only when it needs to simulate the price jumps due to dividend payouts and return to a more economical, simple structure at all other times. Thus it is simple to construct, easy to understand, and efficient. Numerous numerical calculations confirm the stair tree's superior performance to existing methods in terms of accuracy, speed, and/or generality. Besides, the stair tree can be extended to more general cases when future dividends are completely determined by past stock prices and dividends, making the stair tree able to model sophisticated dividend processes.  相似文献   

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