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This paper develops an estimation procedure for a common deterministic time trend break in large panels. The dependent variable in each equation consists of a deterministic trend and an error term. The deterministic trend is subject to a change in the intercept, slope or both, and the break date is common for all equations. The estimation method is simply minimizing the sum of squared residuals for all possible break dates. Both serial and cross sectional correlations are important factors that decide the rate of convergence and the limiting distribution of the break date estimate. The rate of convergence is faster when the errors are stationary than when they have a unit root. When there is no cross sectional dependence among the errors, the rate of convergence depends on the number of equations and thus is faster than the univariate case. When the errors have a common factor structure with factor loadings correlated with the intercept and slope change parameters, the rate of convergence does not depend on the number of equations and thus reduces to the univariate case. The limiting distribution of the break date estimate is also provided. Some Monte Carlo experiments are performed to assess the adequacy of the asymptotic results. A brief empirical example using the US GDP price index is offered.  相似文献   

During the past two decades, innovations protected by patents have played a key role in business strategies. This fact enhanced studies of the determinants of patents and the impact of patents on innovation and competitive advantage. Sustaining competitive advantages is as important as creating them. Patents help sustaining competitive advantages by increasing the production cost of competitors, by signaling a better quality of products and by serving as barriers to entry. If patents are rewards for innovation, more R&D should be reflected in more patent applications but this is not the end of the story. There is empirical evidence showing that patents through time are becoming easier to get and more valuable to the firm due to increasing damage awards from infringers. These facts question the constant and static nature of the relationship between R&D and patents. Furthermore, innovation creates important knowledge spillovers due to its imperfect appropriability. Our paper investigates these dynamic effects using US patent data from 1979 to 2000 with alternative model specifications for patent counts. We introduce a general dynamic count panel data model with dynamic observable and unobservable spillovers, which encompasses previous models, is able to control for the endogeneity of R&D and therefore can be consistently estimated by maximum likelihood. Apart from allowing for firm specific fixed and random effects, we introduce a common unobserved component, or secret stock of knowledge, that affects differently the propensity to patent of each firm across sectors due to their different absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

This paper proposes maximum likelihood estimators for panel seemingly unrelated regressions with both spatial lag and spatial error components. We study the general case where spatial effects are incorporated via spatial errors terms and via a spatial lag dependent variable and where the heterogeneity in the panel is incorporated via an error component specification. We generalize the approach of Wang and Kockelman (2007) and propose joint and conditional Lagrange multiplier tests for spatial autocorrelation and random effects for this spatial SUR panel model. The small sample performance of the proposed estimators and tests are examined using Monte Carlo experiments. An empirical application to hedonic housing prices in Paris illustrate these methods. The proposed specification uses a system of three SUR equations corresponding to three types of flats within 80 districts of Paris over the period 1990-2003. We test for spatial effects and heterogeneity and find reasonable estimates of the shadow prices for housing characteristics.  相似文献   

Market liquidity as dynamic factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use recent results on the Generalized Dynamic Factor Model (GDFM) with block structure to provide a data-driven definition of unobservable market liquidity and to assess the complementarity of two observed liquidity measures: daily close relative spreads and daily traded volumes for a sample of 426 S&P500 constituents recorded over the years 2004-2006. The advantage of defining market liquidity as a dynamic factor is that, contrary to other definitions, it tackles time dependence and commonness at the same time, without making any restrictive assumptions. Both relative spread and volume in the dataset under study appear to be driven by the same one-dimensional common shocks, which therefore naturally qualify as the unobservable market liquidity shocks.  相似文献   

This paper develops an estimation and testing framework for a stationary large panel model with observable regressors and unobservable common factors. We allow for slope heterogeneity and for correlation between the common factors and the regressors. We propose a two stage estimation procedure for the unobservable common factors and their loadings, based on Common Correlated Effects estimator and the Principal Component estimator. We also develop two tests for the null of no factor structure: one for the null that loadings are cross sectionally homogeneous, and one for the null that common factors are homogeneous over time. Our tests are based on using extremes of the estimated loadings and common factors. The test statistics have an asymptotic Gumbel distribution under the null, and have power versus alternatives where only one loading or common factor differs from the others. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the tests have the correct size and good power.  相似文献   

Equilibrium business cycle models have typically less shocks than variables. As pointed out by Altug (1989) International Economic Review 30 (4) 889–920 and Sargent (1989) The Journal of Political Economy 97 (2) 251–287, if variables are measured with error, this characteristic implies that the model solution for measured variables has a factor structure. This paper compares estimation performance for the impulse response coefficients based on a VAR approximation to this class of models and an estimation method that explicitly takes into account the restrictions implied by the factor structure. Bias and mean-squared error for both factor- and VAR-based estimates of impulse response functions are quantified using, as data-generating process, a calibrated standard equilibrium business cycle model. We show that, at short horizons, VAR estimates of impulse response functions are less accurate than factor estimates while the two methods perform similarly at medium and long run horizons.  相似文献   

This study develops a methodology of inference for a widely used Cliff–Ord type spatial model containing spatial lags in the dependent variable, exogenous variables, and the disturbance terms, while allowing for unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the GMM estimator suggested in  and  for the spatial autoregressive parameter in the disturbance process. We also define IV estimators for the regression parameters of the model and give results concerning the joint asymptotic distribution of those estimators and the GMM estimator. Much of the theory is kept general to cover a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for dealing with the ‘curse of dimensionality’ in the case of infinite-dimensional vector autoregressive (IVAR) models. It is assumed that each unit or variable in the IVAR is related to a small number of neighbors and a large number of non-neighbors. The neighborhood effects are fixed and do not change with the number of units (N), but the coefficients of non-neighboring units are restricted to vanish in the limit as N tends to infinity. Problems of estimation and inference in a stationary IVAR model with an unknown number of unobserved common factors are investigated. A cross-section augmented least-squares (CALS) estimator is proposed and its asymptotic distribution is derived. Satisfactory small-sample properties are documented by Monte Carlo experiments. An empirical illustration shows the statistical significance of dynamic spillover effects in modeling of US real house prices across the neighboring states.  相似文献   

We provide a new central limit theorem (CLT) for spatial processes under weak conditions that are plausible for many economic applications in which location is endogenous. In particular, our CLT is designed for problems that have some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: (i) Agents choose the locations of observations to maximize profits, welfare, or some other objective. (ii) The objects that are chosen (e.g., stores or brands) interact with one another. For example, they can be substitutes or complements. (iii) Interaction can be complex. In particular, interaction between i and j need not depend only on the distance between the locations of i and j, but can also depend on distance to or location of other observations k, or possibly on the number of other such observations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a drifting-parameter asymptotic framework to derive accurate approximations to the finite sample distribution of the principal components (PC) estimator in situations when the factors’ explanatory power does not strongly dominate the explanatory power of the cross-sectionally and temporally correlated idiosyncratic terms. Under our asymptotics, the PC estimator is inconsistent. We find explicit formulae for the amount of the inconsistency, and propose an estimator of the number of factors for which the PC estimator works reasonably well. For the special case when the idiosyncratic terms are cross-sectionally but not temporally correlated (or vice versa), we show that the coefficients in the OLS regressions of the PC estimates of factors (loadings) on the true factors (true loadings) are asymptotically normal, and find explicit formulae for the corresponding asymptotic covariance matrix. We explain how to estimate the parameters of the derived asymptotic distributions. Our Monte Carlo analysis suggests that our asymptotic formulae and estimators work well even for relatively small nn and TT. We apply our theoretical results to test a hypothesis about the factor content of the US stock return data.  相似文献   

Principal components estimation and identification of static factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is known that the principal component estimates of the factors and the loadings are rotations of the underlying latent factors and loadings. We study conditions under which the latent factors can be estimated asymptotically without rotation. We derive the limiting distributions for the estimated factors and factor loadings when NN and TT are large and make precise how identification of the factors affects inference based on factor augmented regressions. We also consider factor models with additive individual and time effects. The asymptotic analysis can be modified to analyze identification schemes not considered in this analysis.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a nonlinear panel data model which can endogenously generate both ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ cross-sectional dependence. The model’s distinguishing characteristic is that a given agent’s behaviour is influenced by an aggregation of the views or actions of those around them. The model allows for considerable flexibility in terms of the genesis of this herding or clustering type behaviour. At an econometric level, the model is shown to nest various extant dynamic panel data models. These include panel AR models, spatial models, which accommodate weak dependence only, and panel models where cross-sectional averages or factors exogenously generate strong, but not weak, cross sectional dependence. An important implication is that the appropriate model for the aggregate series becomes intrinsically nonlinear, due to the clustering behaviour, and thus requires the disaggregates to be simultaneously considered with the aggregate. We provide the associated asymptotic theory for estimation and inference. This is supplemented with Monte Carlo studies and two empirical applications which indicate the utility of our proposed model as a vehicle to model different types of cross-sectional dependence.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, spatial-interaction models have been increasingly used in economics. However, the development of a sufficiently general asymptotic theory for nonlinear spatial models has been hampered by a lack of relevant central limit theorems (CLTs), uniform laws of large numbers (ULLNs) and pointwise laws of large numbers (LLNs). These limit theorems form the essential building blocks towards developing the asymptotic theory of M-estimators, including maximum likelihood and generalized method of moments estimators. The paper establishes a CLT, ULLN, and LLN for spatial processes or random fields that should be applicable to a broad range of data processes.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analysis of size distributions of innovations, which are known to be highly skewed. We use patent citations as one indicator of innovation significance, constructing two large datasets from the European and US Patent Offices at a high level of aggregation, and the Trajtenberg [1990, A penny for your quotes: patent citations and the value of innovations. Rand Journal of Economics 21(1), 172–187] dataset on CT scanners at a very low one. We also study self-assessed reports of patented innovation values using two very recent patent valuation datasets from the Netherlands and the UK, as well as a small dataset of patent licence revenues of Harvard University. Statistical methods are applied to analyse the properties of the empirical size distributions, where we put special emphasis on testing for the existence of ‘heavy tails’, i.e., whether or not the probability of very large innovations declines more slowly than exponentially. While overall the distributions appear to resemble a lognormal, we argue that the tails are indeed fat. We invoke some recent results from extreme value statistics and apply the Hill [1975. A simple general approach to inference about the tails of a distribution. The Annals of Statistics 3, 1163–1174] estimator with data-driven cut-offs to determine the tail index for the right tails of all datasets except the NL and UK patent valuations. On these latter datasets we use a maximum likelihood estimator for grouped data to estimate the tail index for varying definitions of the right tail. We find significantly and consistently lower tail estimates for the returns data than the citation data (around 0.6–1 vs. 3–5). The EPO and US patent citation tail indices are roughly constant over time, but the latter estimates are significantly lower than the former. The heaviness of the tails, particularly as measured by value indicators, we argue, has significant implications for technology policy and growth theory, since the second and possibly even the first moments of these distributions may not exist.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider semiparametric estimation of a generalized correlation coefficient in a generalized bivariate probit model. The generalized correlation coefficient provides a simple summary statistic measuring the relationship between the two binary decision processes in a general framework. Our semiparametric estimation procedure consists of two steps, combining semiparametric estimators for univariate binary choice models with the method of maximum likelihood for the bivariate probit model with nonparametrically generated regressors. The estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The estimator performs well in our simulation study.  相似文献   

Macroeconometric data often come under the form of large panels of time series, themselves decomposing into smaller but still quite large subpanels or blocks. We show how the dynamic factor analysis method proposed in Forni et al. (2000), combined with the identification method of Hallin and Liška (2007), allows for identifying and estimating joint and block-specific common factors. This leads to a more sophisticated analysis of the structures of dynamic interrelations within and between the blocks in such datasets, along with an informative decomposition of explained variances. The method is illustrated with an analysis of a dataset of Industrial Production Indices for France, Germany, and Italy.  相似文献   

Self-selection can bias estimates of treatment effects from randomized experiments if one is interested in extrapolating results to the general population. This paper notes that there is an isomorphism between the Roy model for the sorting of workers into sectors and the decision of subjects to participate in randomized experiments. The main implication is that, as the probability of receiving active treatment rises, patients who are less optimistic about new treatment will begin to enroll and estimates of treatment effects will fall. This, in turn, implies that selection bias is positive. These findings are confirmed with data from trials of ulcer medications.  相似文献   

Earlier studies on income inequality and crime have typically used total income or total earnings. However, it is quite likely that it is the changes in permanent rather than in transitory income that affects crime rates. The purpose of this paper is therefore to disentangle the two effects by, first, estimating region‐specific inequality in permanent and transitory income and, second, estimating crime equations with the two separate income components as explanatory variables. The results indicate that it is important to separate the two effects; while an increase in the inequality in permanent income yields a positive and significant effect on total crimes and three different property crimes, an increase in the inequality in transitory income has no significant effect. Using a traditional, aggregate, measure of income yields insignificant effects on crime.  相似文献   

This paper uses spatial empirical methods to detect and analyze trade patterns in a historical data set on Chinese rice prices. Our results suggest that spatial features were important for the expansion of interregional trade. Geography dictates, first, over what distances trade was possible in different regions, because the costs of ship transport were considerably below those for land transport. Spatial features also influence the direction in which a trading network is expanding. Moreover, our analysis captures the impact of new trade routes both within and outside the trading areas.  相似文献   

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