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In an experiment, choice-based (revealed-preference) utility of money is derived from choices under risk, and choiceless (non-revealed-preference) utility from introspective strength-of-preference judgments. The well-known inconsistencies of risky utility under expected utility are resolved under prospect theory, yielding one consistent cardinal utility index for risky choice. Remarkably, however, this cardinal index also agrees well with the choiceless utilities, suggesting a relation between a choice-based and a choiceless concept. Such a relation implies that introspective judgments can provide useful data for economics, and can reinforce the revealed-preference paradigm. This finding sheds new light on the classical debate on ordinal versus cardinal utility.  相似文献   

A new condition is introduced for the existence of equilibrium for an economy where preferences need not be transitive or complete and the consumption set of each agent need not be bounded from below. The new condition allows us to extend the literature in two ways. First, the result of the paper can cover the case where the utility set for individually rational allocations may not be compact. As illustrated in Page et al. [Page Jr., F.H., Wooders, M.H., Monteiro, P.K., 2000. Inconsequential arbitrage. Journal of Mathematical Economics 34, 439–469], the no arbitrage conditions do not apply to an economy with a non-compact utility set. Second, we generalize the arbitrage-based equilibrium theory to the case of non-transitive preferences.  相似文献   

Separation results, as they are usually understood, refer to conditions under which a firm’s production decisions are independent of its risk attitudes. Well-understood situations where separation occurs typically include those where technically feasible production opportunities are replicable in financial markets. This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions for separation that go beyond these well-understood spanning conditions. To do so, we present a unified treatment of the production and financial decisions available to a firm facing frictionless financial markets and a stochastic production technology under minimal assumptions about the firm’s technology and objective function.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new approach to the estimation of consumer demand models with unobserved heterogeneity subject to revealed preference inequality restrictions. Particular attention is given to nonseparable heterogeneity. The inequality restrictions are used to identify bounds on counterfactual demand. A nonparametric estimator for these bounds is developed and asymptotic properties are derived. An empirical application using data from the UK Family Expenditure Survey illustrates the usefulness of the methods.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for constructing a volatility risk premium, or investor risk aversion, index. The method is intuitive and simple to implement, relying on the sample moments of the recently popularized model-free realized and option-implied volatility measures. A small-scale Monte Carlo experiment confirms that the procedure works well in practice. Implementing the procedure with actual S&P500 option-implied volatilities and high-frequency five-minute-based realized volatilities indicates significant temporal dependencies in the estimated stochastic volatility risk premium, which we in turn relate to a set of macro-finance state variables. We also find that the extracted volatility risk premium helps predict future stock market returns.  相似文献   

Model averaging by jackknife criterion in models with dependent data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The past decade witnessed a literature on model averaging by frequentist methods. For the most part, the asymptotic optimality of various existing frequentist model averaging estimators has been established under i.i.d. errors. Recently, Hansen and Racine [Hansen, B.E., Racine, J., 2012. Jackknife model averaging. Journal of Econometrics 167, 38–46] developed a jackknife model averaging (JMA) estimator, which has an important advantage over its competitors in that it achieves the lowest possible asymptotic squared error under heteroscedastic errors. In this paper, we broaden Hansen and Racine’s scope of analysis to encompass models with (i) a non-diagonal error covariance structure, and (ii) lagged dependent variables, thus allowing for dependent data. We show that under these set-ups, the JMA estimator is asymptotically optimal by a criterion equivalent to that used by Hansen and Racine. A Monte Carlo study demonstrates the finite sample performance of the JMA estimator in a variety of model settings.  相似文献   

A structural intertemporal model of agricultural asset arbitrage equilibrium is developed and applied to agriculture in the North Central region of the US. The data are consistent with a unifying level of risk aversion. The levels of risk aversion are more plausible than previous estimates for agriculture. However, the standard arbitrage equilibrium is rejected; perhaps, this is due to the period and the shortness of the period studied.  相似文献   

This paper is an up-to-date survey of the state-of-the-art in consumer demand modelling. We review and evaluate advances in a number of related areas, including different approaches to empirical demand analysis, such as the differential approach, the locally flexible functional forms approach, the semi-non-parametric approach, and a non-parametric approach. We also address estimation issues, including sampling theoretic and Bayesian estimation methods, and discuss the limitations of the currently common approaches. We also highlight the challenge inherent in achieving economic regularity, for consistency with the assumptions of the underlying neoclassical economic theory, as well as econometric regularity, when variables are nonstationary.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with estimating preference functionals for choice under risk from the choice behaviour of individuals. We note that there is heterogeneity in behaviour between individuals and within individuals. By ‘heterogeneity between individuals’ we mean that people are different, in terms of both their preference functionals and their parameters for these functionals. By ‘heterogeneity within individuals’ we mean that the behaviour may be different even by the same individual for the same choice problem. We propose methods of taking into account all forms of heterogeneity, concentrating particularly on using a Mixture Model to capture the heterogeneity of preference functionals.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and studies the econometric properties of a general new class of models, which I refer to as jump-driven stochastic volatility models, in which the volatility is a moving average of past jumps. I focus attention on two particular semiparametric classes of jump-driven stochastic volatility models. In the first, the price has a continuous component with time-varying volatility and time-homogeneous jumps. The second jump-driven stochastic volatility model analyzed here has only jumps in the price, which have time-varying size. In the empirical application I model the memory of the stochastic variance with a CARMA(2,1) kernel and set the jumps in the variance to be proportional to the squared price jumps. The estimation, which is based on matching moments of certain realized power variation statistics calculated from high-frequency foreign exchange data, shows that the jump-driven stochastic volatility model containing continuous component in the price performs best. It outperforms a standard two-factor affine jump–diffusion model, but also the pure-jump jump-driven stochastic volatility model for the particular jump specification.  相似文献   

We develop an efficient and analytically tractable method for estimation of parametric volatility models that is robust to price-level jumps. The method entails first integrating intra-day data into the Realized Laplace Transform of volatility, which is a model-free estimate of the daily integrated empirical Laplace transform of the unobservable volatility. The estimation is then done by matching moments of the integrated joint Laplace transform with those implied by the parametric volatility model. In the empirical application, the best fitting volatility model is a non-diffusive two-factor model where low activity jumps drive its persistent component and more active jumps drive the transient one.  相似文献   

The price of a product depends on its characteristics and will vary in dynamic markets. The model describes a processing firm that bids in an auction for a heterogeneous and perishable input. The reduced form of this model is estimated as an expanded random parameter model that combines a nonlinear hedonic bid function and inverse input demand functions for characteristics. The model was estimated by using 289,405 transactions from the Icelandic fish auctions. Total catch and gut ratio were the main determinants of marginal prices of characteristics, while the price of cod mainly depended on size, gutting and storage.  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel data model with time-varying individual effects. The data are assumed to contain a large number of cross-sectional units repeatedly observed over a fixed number of time periods. The model has a feature of the fixed-effects model in that the effects are assumed to be correlated with the regressors. The unobservable individual effects are assumed to have a factor structure. For consistent estimation of the model, it is important to estimate the true number of individual effects. We propose a generalized methods of moments procedure by which both the number of individual effects and the regression coefficients can be consistently estimated. Some important identification issues are also discussed. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed methods produce reliable estimates.  相似文献   

Structural vector‐autoregressive models are potentially very useful tools for guiding both macro‐ and microeconomic policy. In this study, we present a recently developed method for estimating such models, which uses non‐normality to recover the causal structure underlying the observations. We show how the method can be applied to both microeconomic data (to study the processes of firm growth and firm performance) and macroeconomic data (to analyse the effects of monetary policy).  相似文献   

We present a new econometric model of aggregate demand and labor supply for the United States. We also analyze the allocation full wealth among time periods for households distinguished by a variety of demographic characteristics. The model is estimated using micro-level data from the Consumer Expenditure Surveys supplemented with price information obtained from the Consumer Price Index. An important feature of our approach is that aggregate demands and labor supply can be represented in closed form while accounting for the substantial heterogeneity in behavior that is found in household-level data. As a result, we are able to explain the patterns of aggregate demand and labor supply in the data despite using a parametrically parsimonious specification.  相似文献   

The hazard rate of investment is derived within a real‐option model, and its properties are analysed so as to directly study the relation between uncertainty and investment. Maximum likelihood estimates of the hazard are calculated using a sample of multinational enterprises (MNEs) that invested in Central and Eastern Europe over the period 1990–98. Employing a standard, non‐parametric specification of the hazard, our measure of uncertainty has a negative effect on investment, but the reduced‐form model is unable to control for nonlinearities in the relationship. The structural estimation of the option‐based hazard is instead able to account for the nonlinearities and exhibits a significant value of waiting, although the latter is independent of our measure of uncertainty. This finding supports the existence of alternative channels through which uncertainty can affect investment.  相似文献   

The size properties of a two-stage test in a panel data model are investigated where in the first stage a Hausman (1978) specification test is used as a pretest of the random effects specification and in the second stage, a simple hypothesis about a component of the parameter vector is tested, using a tt-statistic that is based on either the random effects or the fixed effects estimator depending on the outcome of the Hausman pretest. It is shown that the asymptotic size of the two-stage test equals 1 for empirically relevant specifications of the parameter space. The size distortion is caused mainly by the poor power properties of the pretest. Given these results, we recommend using a tt-statistic based on the fixed effects estimator instead of the two-stage procedure.  相似文献   

This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of common cyclical features in Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) processes integrated of order 0, 1, 2, where the common cyclical features correspond to common serial correlation (CS), commonality in the final equations (CE) and co-dependence (CD). The results are based on local rank factorizations of the reversed AR polynomial around the poles of its inverse. All processes with CS structures are found to present also CE structures and vice versa. The presence of CD structures, instead, implies the presence of both CS and CE structures, but not vice versa. Characterizations of the CS, CE, CD linear combinations are given in terms of linear subspaces defined in the local rank factorizations.  相似文献   

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