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《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(2):335-361
This paper discusses estimation of nonparametric models whose regressor vectors consist of a vector of exogenous variables and a univariate discrete endogenous regressor with finite support. Both identification and estimators are derived from a transform of the model that evaluates the nonparametric structural function via indicator functions in the support of the discrete regressor. A two-step estimator is proposed where the first step constitutes nonparametric estimation of the instrument and the second step is a nonparametric version of two-stage least squares. Linear functionals of the model are shown to be asymptotically normal, and a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is described. For the binary endogenous regressor case, it is shown that one functional of the model is a conditional (on covariates) local average treatment effect, that permits both unobservable and observable heterogeneity in treatments. Finite sample properties of the estimators from a Monte Carlo simulation study illustrate the practicability of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with inference on the coefficient on the endogenous regressor in a linear instrumental variables model with a single endogenous regressor, nonrandom exogenous regressors and instruments, and i.i.d. errors whose distribution is unknown. It is shown that under mild smoothness conditions on the error distribution it is possible to develop tests which are “nearly” efficient in the sense of Andrews et al. (2006) when identification is weak and consistent and asymptotically optimal when identification is strong. In addition, an estimator is presented which can be used in the usual way to construct valid (indeed, optimal) confidence intervals when identification is strong. The estimator is of the two stage least squares variety and is asymptotically efficient under strong identification whether or not the errors are normal.  相似文献   

The sample mean is one of the most natural estimators of the population mean based on independent identically distributed sample. However, if some control variate is available, it is known that the control variate method reduces the variance of the sample mean. The control variate method often assumes that the variable of interest and the control variable are i.i.d. Here we assume that these variables are stationary processes with spectral density matrices, i.e. dependent. Then we propose an estimator of the mean of the stationary process of interest by using control variate method based on nonparametric spectral estimator. It is shown that this estimator improves the sample mean in the sense of mean square error. Also this analysis is extended to the case when the mean dynamics is of the form of regression. Then we propose a control variate estimator for the regression coefficients which improves the least squares estimator (LSE). Numerical studies will be given to see how our estimator improves the LSE.  相似文献   

We consider the linear regression model where only a particular linear function of the dependent variables is observed, Stahlecker and Schmidt (1987) proposed a naive least squares (LS) estimator for regression coefficients in such a case. In this note we represent their estimator as a general ridge estimator. This observation leads to a view different from the previous work and provides an easy way of obtaining many important properties of the naive LS estimator. Our approach also gives some insight into the relationship between the naive LS estimator and the generalized least squares estimator.  相似文献   

In the paper the problem of simultaneous linear estimation of fixed and random effects in the mixed linear model is considered. A necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator of a linear function of fixed and random effects in balanced nested and crossed classification models to be admissible are given.  相似文献   

L. Nie 《Metrika》2006,63(2):123-143
Generalized linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models are used extensively in biomedical, social, and agricultural sciences. The statistical analysis of these models is based on the asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator. However, it is usually assumed that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent, without providing a proof. A rigorous proof of the consistency by verifying conditions from existing results can be very difficult due to the integrated likelihood. In this paper, we present some easily verifiable conditions for the strong consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator in generalized linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models. Based on this result, we prove that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent for some frequently used models such as mixed-effects logistic regression models and growth curve models.  相似文献   

This paper gives an analytical expression for the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the unknown parameters in the linear Haar-wavelet model. From the analytical expression, we solve for the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the BLUE in analytical form. Further, we use these eigenvalues to construct some conventional discrete optimal designs for the model. The equivalences among these optimal designs are demonstrated and some examples are also given.   相似文献   

Dr. A. Chaudhuri 《Metrika》1992,39(1):341-357
Summary General procedures are described to generate quantitative randomized response (RR) required to estimate the finite population total of a sensitive variable. Permitting sample selection with arbitrary probabilities a formula for the mean square error (MSE) of a linear estimator of total based on RR is noted indicating the simple modification over one that might be based on direct response (DR) if the latter were available. A general formula for an unbiased estimator of the MSE is presented. A simple approximation is proposed in case the RR ratio estimator is employed based on a simple random sample (SRS) taken without replacement (WOR). Among sampling strategies employing unbiased but not necessarily linear estimators based on RR, certain optimal ones are identified under two alternative models analogously to well-known counterparts based on DR, if available. Unlike Warner’s (1965) treatment of categorical RR we consider quantitative RR here.  相似文献   

Calibration Estimation in Survey Sampling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Calibration estimation, where the sampling weights are adjusted to make certain estimators match known population totals, is commonly used in survey sampling. The generalized regression estimator is an example of a calibration estimator. Given the functional form of the calibration adjustment term, we establish the asymptotic equivalence between the functional-form calibration estimator and an instrumental variable calibration estimator where the instrumental variable is directly determined from the functional form in the calibration equation. Variance estimation based on linearization is discussed and applied to some recently proposed calibration estimators. The results are extended to the estimator that is a solution to the calibrated estimating equation. Results from a limited simulation study are presented.  相似文献   

In the linear regression model without an intercept, the limiting power of the Durbin–Watson test (as correlation among errors increases) is shown to take only one of two values. This is either one or zero, depending on the underlying regressor matrix. Some examples and a simple rule to decide from a given regressor matrix which of these cases applies are also given.  相似文献   

We propose a Lagrange Multiplier‐type statistic to test the null hypothesis of cointegration allowing for the possibility of a structural break, in both the deterministic and the cointegration vectors. Our proposal focuses on the presence of endogenous regressors. The test complements the usual non‐cointegration tests so as to obtain stronger evidence of cointegration. We consider the cases of known and unknown dates of the break. In the latter case, we show that minimizing the Sum of Squared Residuals results in a super‐consistent estimator of the break fraction. Finally, the behaviour of the tests is studied through Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of estimating the slope of a linear relationship between two jointly normally distributed random variables is considered when outliers may occur in the explanatory variable. It will be studied as a special case of an errors-in-variables problem where the explanatory variable is measured which a nonnormally distributed error. In this more general model and under certain conditions a consistent estimator can be given with a normal limiting distribution. Applications to cases of outliers in the explanatory variable will be presented.  相似文献   

We study the generalized bootstrap technique under general sampling designs. We focus mainly on bootstrap variance estimation but we also investigate the empirical properties of bootstrap confidence intervals obtained using the percentile method. Generalized bootstrap consists of randomly generating bootstrap weights so that the first two (or more) design moments of the sampling error are tracked by the corresponding bootstrap moments. Most bootstrap methods in the literature can be viewed as special cases. We discuss issues such as the choice of the distribution used to generate bootstrap weights, the choice of the number of bootstrap replicates, and the potential occurrence of negative bootstrap weights. We first describe the generalized bootstrap for the linear Horvitz‐Thompson estimator and then consider non‐linear estimators such as those defined through estimating equations. We also develop two ways of bootstrapping the generalized regression estimator of a population total. We study in greater depth the case of Poisson sampling, which is often used to select samples in Price Index surveys conducted by national statistical agencies around the world. For Poisson sampling, we consider a pseudo‐population approach and show that the resulting bootstrap weights capture the first three design moments of the sampling error. A simulation study and an example with real survey data are used to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

Summary Applying the usual minimax criterion in finite sampling theory yields complicated solutions except the parameter space has certain invariance properties. A conditional minimax criterion is suggested. After a sample is selected it is reasonable to seek an estimator that has good properties (e.g. minimaxity) for that sample. Explicit solutions are given in the case where the parameter space is described by quadratic forms.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a special case of estimation with grouped data, where the dependent variable is only available for groups, whereas the endogenous regressor(s) is available at the individual level. By estimating the first stage using the available individual data, and then estimating the second stage at the aggregate level, it might be possible to gain efficiency relative to the OLS and 2SLS estimators that use only grouped data. We term this the mixed-2SLS estimator (M2SLS). The M2SLS estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. We also provide a test of efficiency of M2SLS relative to OLS and “2SLS” estimators.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper, Mak, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 55, 1993, 945, derived an efficient algorithm for solving non‐linear unbiased estimation equations. In this paper, we show that when Mak's algorithm is applied to biased estimation equations, it results in the estimates that would come from solving a bias‐corrected estimation equation, making it a consistent estimator if regularity conditions hold. In addition, the properties that Mak established for his algorithm also apply in the case of biased estimation equations but for estimates from the bias‐corrected equations. The marginal likelihood estimator is obtained when the approach is applied to both maximum likelihood and least squares estimation of the covariance matrix parameters in the general linear regression model. The new approach results in two new estimators when applied to the profile and marginal likelihood functions for estimating the lagged dependent variable coefficient in the dynamic linear regression model. Monte Carlo simulation results show the new approach leads to a better estimator when applied to the standard profile likelihood. It is therefore recommended for situations in which standard estimators are known to be biased.  相似文献   

We propose a multivariate realised kernel to estimate the ex-post covariation of log-prices. We show this new consistent estimator is guaranteed to be positive semi-definite and is robust to measurement error of certain types and can also handle non-synchronous trading. It is the first estimator which has these three properties which are all essential for empirical work in this area. We derive the large sample asymptotics of this estimator and assess its accuracy using a Monte Carlo study. We implement the estimator on some US equity data, comparing our results to previous work which has used returns measured over 5 or 10 min intervals. We show that the new estimator is substantially more precise.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider nonparametric regression analysis between two variables when data are sampled through a complex survey. While nonparametric regression analysis has been widely used with data that may be assumed to be generated from independently and identically distributed (iid) random variables, the methods and asymptotic analyses established for iid data need to be extended in the framework of complex survey designs. Local polynomial regression estimators are studied, which include as particular cases design-based versions of the Nadaraya–Watson estimator and of the local linear regression estimator. In this paper, special emphasis is given to the local linear regression estimator. Our estimators incorporate both the sampling weights and the kernel weights. We derive the asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) of the kernel estimators using a combined inference framework, and as a corollary consistency of the estimators is deduced. Selection of a bandwidth is necessary for the resulting estimators; an optimal bandwidth can be determined, according to the MSE criterion in the combined mode of inference. Simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate the proposed methodology and an application with the Canadian survey of labour and income dynamics is presented.  相似文献   

Ridge regression revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In general ridge (GR) regression p ridge parameters have to be determined, whereas simple ridge regression requires the determination of only one parameter. In a recent textbook on linear regression, Jürgen Gross argues that this constitutes a major complication. However, as we show in this paper, the determination of these p parameters can fairly easily be done. Furthermore, we introduce a generalization of the GR estimator derived by Hemmerle and by Teekens and de Boer. This estimator, which is more conservative, performs better than the Hoerl and Kennard estimator in terms of a weighted quadratic loss criterion.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》2018,72(2):126-156
In this paper, we study application of Le Cam's one‐step method to parameter estimation in ordinary differential equation models. This computationally simple technique can serve as an alternative to numerical evaluation of the popular non‐linear least squares estimator, which typically requires the use of a multistep iterative algorithm and repetitive numerical integration of the ordinary differential equation system. The one‐step method starts from a preliminary ‐consistent estimator of the parameter of interest and next turns it into an asymptotic (as the sample size n ) equivalent of the least squares estimator through a numerically straightforward procedure. We demonstrate performance of the one‐step estimator via extensive simulations and real data examples. The method enables the researcher to obtain both point and interval estimates. The preliminary ‐consistent estimator that we use depends on non‐parametric smoothing, and we provide a data‐driven methodology for choosing its tuning parameter and support it by theory. An easy implementation scheme of the one‐step method for practical use is pointed out.  相似文献   

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