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采用PNP,PCA,FMR和FR指标对1998~2007年中国松香区域竞争力进行实证分析,结果表明:中国松香产地集中度偏高,主产地松香产量悬殊较大,福建和广东松香产量国内占有率呈下降之势;广西、云南和广东松香产能具有较强比较优势,广西、云南和江西松香比较优势呈增长之势;广西和云南松香深加工程度偏低,福建、江西和湖南松香深加工发展迅猛,广东松香深加工能力呈快速下降之势。  相似文献   

对20012011年中国松香产品对外贸易特征及结构进行实证分析研究的结果表明:中国松香产品贸易以出口为主,进口量相对较小;近年来松香出口额增长迅猛,但进口额增长乏力;国际松香价格一路高涨,而中国松香产品出口价格远低于进口松香价格;松香进出口均主要集中于380610和380690两类松香,出口主要集中于欧盟、美国、日本和韩国,出口市场集中率较高。因此,提出主动实施松香深加工和品牌战略、控制松香出口规模、多元化出口市场战略、关注新兴市场等对策建议。  相似文献   

国家林业局发布灾后候鸟禽流感防控紧急通知;京津工程为“绿色奥运”奠定良好生态基础;5天21件政协提案热切关注生态文明;中国科学家建议鼓励松香深加工产品出口;枣实蝇增列为全国林业检疫性有害生物。  相似文献   

基于“钻石模型”大体框架分析中国松香产品参与国际竞争面临的问题,研究发现中国松香生产面临企业整体规模偏小与产能过剩现象突出、采脂及松脂加工技术落后、深加工产品比例偏低、物流缓慢与库存成本偏高、国内市场恶性竞争、国际市场竞争激烈、欧盟REACH法规、欧美对进口深加工松香关税措施等问题。因此,提出坚决淘汰非法松香生产企业、积极组建松香生产集团、提高松香生产准入门槛、提升松香各产业链技术水平、恢复松香深加工产品出口退税、引导企业做好各种国际认证及品牌打造、实施松香出口多元化战略、主动控制出口规模等对策。  相似文献   

介绍了发展中国家的概念模型和钻石模型,运用此理论分析了中国松香产业贸易效率与技术发展的关系,以及中国松香产业的竞争力,分析中国松香贸易中技术要素中的技术能力与国际贸易中的国际竞争力之间的关系,从而为中国松香产业的技术和贸易发展提供政策依据,以引导松香产业的规模经济和国际竞争力。  相似文献   

松香作为一种重要的林化产品,不仅在促进林区农民增收脱贫发面发挥着重要作用,还是我国重要的林化出口产品。在梳理中国松香及其深加工产业发展历程的基础上,深入分析了中国松香及其深加工产业发展现状,并剖析了中国松香及其深加工产业面临的主要问题,最后从多措并举加强松脂原料供给、加强松脂采集监管,推广科学采脂、鼓励技术创新促进松香产业升级和放宽松香及深加工产品的出口限制等方面提出了促进松香产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国林化产品对外贸易特征及产品结构分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
实证分析1998~2007年中国林化产品对外贸易特征及产品结构,结果表明:中国林化产品贸易额增长迅速,但贸易逆差不断扩大,林化产品出口主要集中于松香、活性炭、松节油和糠醛,进口主要集中于天然橡胶和棕榈油,林化产品和分类林化产品的进口、出口地位差异都很大;380610和380690类松香分别为中国松香前2大出口品种,380210类活性炭为中国活性炭主要进口品种;技术分类天然橡胶和151190类精炼棕榈油分别为中国天然橡胶和棕榈油主要进口品种。  相似文献   

初探中国天然橡胶预警预报系统的建立   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从警情指标的设置原则、警情指标体系的构成、警情指标警级设置原则、警情指标警级设置四方面对建立中国天然橡胶预警预报系统进行探讨,并以1996~2001年的相关数据进行分析检验,结果完全符合当时的状况。  相似文献   

对完善农村信用社监控指标的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应市场经济发展的需要,加强对农村信用社的业务监管,金融监管部门制订了流动充足性、资产安全性、资本充足性和收益合理性以及高风险信用社界定等一系列监控指标,对防范农村信用社信贷风险,提高农村信用社资产质量,增强农村信用社自我约束、自我发展的能力起到了积极效果。但是,随着金融业务的不断发展,现行农信社监管指标体系存在内在缺陷,影响了金融监管部门对农村信用社的监管评价,急需完善。  相似文献   

“人均纯收入”指标是现阶段用于衡量我国人口年平均经济收人水平的经济统计指标,也是用于尺衡量农村贫困地区农村人口年平均经济收入水平的经济统计指标。在一定温饱标准的情况下,这一指标又是农村贫困地区温饱水平界定的综合性经济指标,(如人均纯收人人民币637元为2003年温饱线指标标准界定值)。笔者认为,在一定范围内(县、乡、村)用“人均纯收入”这一指标作为说明温饱(脱贫)程度的综合性经济指标,显然有它的缺陷性。为弥补这一缺陷,现提出增设“农村贫困地区温饱覆盖率”指标,愿与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

中国林业对外贸易态势评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了中国林业进出口现状及各类林产品的比较优势,认为作为林产品进口大国,中国林业应在鼓励原材料型林产品进口的同时,加大对林业科研投入,逐步培育木材产品的比较优势;充分利用现有的劳动力资源,积极适应国际市场需求,促进有比较优势的林产品出口。  相似文献   

Agricultural shares of output and employment in thirteen Pacific basin countries are analyzed with reference to a global baseline for 1980. Per-capita output parity ratios are lower in the ASEAN, ANICs, and Japan as compared to their trading partners in North America and Oceania. Wide differences in land-labor ratios influence the directions of technological change, economies of scale, and dynamic comparative advantage. Differential changes in the partial productivities of land and labor between the high and middle income economies suggest that there has been a narrowing of the gap in land productivities and a widening of the gap in labor productivities across the Pacific. The implication is that there has been a regressive international impact on wages for farm labor. Further, since agriculture's share of land resources does not tend to fall as fast as its share of output and labor, increasing structural imbalance in terms of differential land rents to agriculture vis-à-vis non-agriculture results in greater adjustment pressures on the property and derived institutional systems that control natural resource allocation decisions. The results are consistent with the heavy adjustment burdens that agriculture and developing economies have been bearing as a result of expanding trade and capital flows, and the need to focus more attention on the structure, functioning, and performance of the different institutional systems that control resource allocation decisions in these countries.  相似文献   

山东省渔业产业竞争力实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文基于产业组织理论构建起“SCP-S”分析框架,在界定渔业产业竞争力与评价指标体系的基础上,采用因子分析法对我国沿海九省区渔业产业的竞争力进行综合评价与排序.山东省综合排名第二,在渔业产业基础、科研投入、水产品出口方面存在竞争优势,但存在着捕捞强度过大、产业链有待完善、产业安全系数较低的问题.文章从整合渔业产业链、转移剩余劳动力、进一步维护产业安全方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨农村劳动力转移影响区域农地利用效率的途径,并对二者的关系进行实证检验。研究方法:采用数据包络分析(DEA)测算全国各省1990、1995、2000和2005年的农地利用效率,在此基础上,结合人口普查数据和各省经济发展数据,形成一套省级层面的面板数据,通过构建计量模型估计、检验劳动力省内和省际转移对农地利用效率的影响。研究结果:(1)各省农地利用效率存在显著的时空差异;(2)劳动力省内转移促进了农地利用效率的提高;(3)劳动力省际转移对劳动力输入地区的农地利用效率存在一定程度的负面影响。研究结论:从提高农地利用效率出发,未来的政策应该鼓励农村劳动力转移,特别是本省内流动;同时在理论和政策层面关注劳动力转移过程中的负面影响。  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the dynamics of labor market participation of Chinese rural households. Based on a theoretical farm household framework the choice between four distinct labor market participation states is empirically analyzed. Using household data over the period 1995–2002 from the province Zhejiang we apply a discrete time hazard approach to analyze households' labor market participation histories. In particular, we investigate the movements between autarky and participation in general and, more specifically, the shifts between part-time and full-time farming. Estimation results suggest significant duration dependence, more precisely, a decreasing risk of moving from one state to another with an increasing time a household occupies one of these states. Further, the likelihoods of starting any participation in labor markets and to start part-time farming are considerably higher than to end participation or to return to full-time farming. In addition, we find that labor market participation decisions are significantly related to several household and farm characteristics.  相似文献   

利用1992~2007年间FAO统计数据库主要刨花板强国的数据,使用劳动力资源禀赋系数、制造业雇员平均每小时工资、全员劳动生产率等定量指标,从劳动力数量、劳动力成本、劳动力质量3个方面,对劳动力资源对中国刨花板产业国际竞争力的影响进行分析比较,结果表明:中国劳动力数量优势很强,但靠劳动力的数量优势以保持竞争优势不是长久之计,劳动力成本低廉的优势和近年来不断提升的劳动力质量有利于提高中国刨花板产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动与地区经济差距   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪90年代以来中国出现了地区经济差距不断扩大和劳动力流动规模不断扩大并存的现象.这是不符合经济学理论的.多数学者将这种理论与现实的相悖归咎为包括户籍制度在内的制度性障碍.本文认为户籍制度是我国劳动力流动的制度约束,并依此约束建立了中国农村劳动力流动对地区经济差距影响的模型,分析了农村劳动力流动对地区经济差距的影响.研究表明,尽管流动方式不尽相同,转型期中国农村劳动力流动在一定程度上扩大了中国地区经济差距.  相似文献   

徐旺生 《中国农史》2002,21(4):12-18
本文提出一个“效率空间”的概念 ,然后从农业起源方式、生活方式和继承制度等三个方面 ,论证中国传统农业不存在效率空间 ,是一种“效率”较高但是没有“效率空间”的农业类型 ,而西方古代农业是一种“效率”较低但是有“效率空间”的农业类型。文章还认为 ,黄宗智教授的“过密型增长”是一种比较典型的、晚期的表现形式。实际上 ,早在秦汉时期 ,中国单一种植业占主导地位的生产模式 ,无需太多的土地即可养活较多的人口 ,对劳动力有较高的需求 ,局部地区已经出现“过密型增长” ,只是因为存在异地移民 ,才使得这种“过密”表现得较隐蔽。近代以后 ,中国东南地区已经无可垦之地 ,才会出现典型的“过密型增长”。  相似文献   

The article examines gender differences in agricultural productivity using panel data for Tanzania. At the national level, there is weak evidence of mean differences in productivity between male and female plots, but conditional on manager characteristics, plot characteristics, inputs, and crop choice, plots managed solely by a woman are consistently found less productive than all other plots. An Oaxaca‐Blinder‐type decomposition reveals that important factors explaining the gender differential are plot area and family labor. Women are able to obtain higher yields on smaller plots farmed with less male labor and more female labor and thus cover the gender gap in productivity at the aggregate level, but there are still significant unobservable factors which contribute to widening the gap.  相似文献   

Transition and agricultural labor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reforms have strongly affected agricultural employment in transition countries but in remarkably different ways. We present a theoretical model and an empirical analysis to explain differences in labor adjustment during transition. We show that the differences are due to a combination of variations in initial conditions and differences in reform policies and effects. The removal of price distortions and subsidies caused wage and price adjustments during transition and a reduction in labor demand in agriculture. Surplus labor outflow from agriculture was further stimulated by the privatization of the farm assets as they improve incentives and remove constraints for optimal factor allocation and structural adjustment. The shift to individual farms, which was especially strong in labor‐intensive production systems with low labor productivity in agriculture, has reduced the outflow of labor from agriculture by improving farm governance and labor efficiency, although this effect was mitigated by losses in scale economies due to disruptions and market imperfections in transition. In general, labor outflow was considerably lower on individual farms than on corporate farms, due to a combination of factors related to human capital, access to finance, and physical capital. In the last section of the article we present a general framework for understanding labor adjustments in transition countries. Specifically, we show that there are several patterns of labor transition. In one pattern, followed by, e.g., the Czech Republic and Hungary, there is initially a strong survival of the restructured large‐scale corporate farms that have laid off many workers. In the second phase of transition, gradually the importance of individual farms increases. In other countries, such as Romania, the opposite has happened. In these countries there is an immediate strong shift to individual farms, while labor use increases on average in agriculture. After this initial phase, the shift to individual farms continues, albeit more slowly, and labor use in agriculture starts to decline. Finally, our analysis shows that in countries such as Russia and Ukraine much of the surplus labor is still employed by little‐reformed former collective and state farms. Major adjustments await more progress in agricultural and general reforms.  相似文献   

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