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A number of general constraints to the economic development of less developed countries are also to be found in Transkei. They include political fragility, conflict between traditionalism and modernization, shortage of skilled manpower, lack of clearly defined economic development strategies, inappropriate economic policies, and a shortage of capital.

In addition, there are constraints particular to Transkei's development, such as recent socio‐political developments in South Africa, the absence of an organizational structure to facilitate the formulation of relevant policies, a decline in the inflow of private sector investment, and a shortage of technical and managerial expertise. The author proposes a number of principles to maximize manpower productivity in Transkei.  相似文献   


In the search for a “development theory”, during the 1950s and 1960s economists on the whole gave only limited consideration to the behavior of the state. Interest was mainly focused on the role of such factors as capital accumulation, education, transfer of technology, trade strategies etc in the development process. When the state entered the analysis, emphasis was usually put on its positive contribution to development: the state provides infrastructure and overhead capital, it corrects for externalities and designs overall development plans.1  相似文献   

关于国企经营者激励约束机制的现状及思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中小企业在促进经济繁荣、提供就业机会、开发新产品、保障社会稳定等方面起着重要作用。但从目前情况看 ,中小企业发展面临许多问题 ,必须采取有效措施 ,加快促进中小企业发展  相似文献   

陈淦棠 《特区经济》2001,(11):26-27
一、清理政府内部政令法规,建立完善透明公正的法律体系 在“入世”谈判中我国政府庄重承诺,在加入世贸组织后所有对外贸易活动只执行已公布的法律、法规,任何未经正式公布的内部文件或规定都不能执行。这将迫使我们摒弃习惯于使用内部文件管理经济的做法,迫使我们公开、公正地管理经济活动,杜绝管理经济活动的“黑箱操作”。应该说,我国法律、法规是公开透明的,法律、法规颁布实施时,都已采取多种形式公布。……  相似文献   

This article sets out to explore the role of historical events and politics in the migration and urbanisation of the Whittlesea subregion. The evolution of the independent national state of Ciskei from a Native reserve, bantustan and homeland is analysed. The development potential of the subregion is directly related to the subregion's peripheral location in the national spatial economy and to the regional and urban development of South Africa. The migration and urbanisation process is analysed from the first settlement by the Moravian Mission at Shiloh in 1828 to the present,Whittlesea offers focused settlement opportunities as the first base in a stepwise migration process to the metropolitan core areas. Whittlesea is spatially fragmented owing to different settlement actions, while the isolated areas are functioning independently. Migration from the subregion could be facilitated to influence an equilibrating urbanisation process at the regional and national levels.  相似文献   

加入WTO后经济特区的发展思路探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>众所周知,经济特区是我国对外开放的“排头兵”,也是我国经济体制改革的“试验田”。在长期与世界经济隔绝、国门刚刚打开的时候,经济特区作为对外窗口,发挥了难以替代的作用:国外(境外)先进的生产技术、管理经验、市场机制、组织形式、乃至资本,通过这一窗口流入我国,使我国的市场取向化改革有了一个可供借鉴的参照系;另一方面,我国的技术、产品、尤其是改革开放的决心和实际进度,也以此为桥梁得以让世界了解;可以说,20年来,经济特区作为我国对外开放政策的主要标志和成果之一,其发展成为我国的经济机体发展和开放程度的一个真实反映。不仅如此,经济特区还作为体制改革的“试验田”存在:从一开始创立,经济特区就被赋予较多的政策自主权力、特殊优惠政策和经济体制改革试验任务。如一些论者总结的,在特区的发展过程中,“趟过一片旧体制的“雷区”,冲破了许多传统意识  相似文献   

Politicians, planners and development agencies in areas such as Ciskei and Transkei are debating and planning for land tenure reform on the assumption that it holds the key to successful agricultural and rural development. This paper considers various land reform options available to planners working in the rural areas of Ciskei and Transkei, and argues that land tenure reform on its own is unlikely to foster agricultural development. Other constraints such as inadequate access to capital, to infrastructure and to agricultural services must also be overcome if agricultural development is to be achieved. The author makes several suggestions as to how general rural development may be promoted in the interim period while the more significant constraints mentioned above are being confronted.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(8):1119-1130
Recent analyses have established that there are significant costs as well as benefits to issuing indexed bonds. An assessment of the desirability of indexing hasproven to be clusive, perhaps because of the complexity involved in formulating the (presumably government) preferences by which indexing is to be evaluated and in ascertaining the optimal government policy with which to accompany indexing. This paper develops a general framework for examining indexed bonds. The envelope theorem is exploited to derive a convenient representation of the effects of indexing. The crucial elements in evaluating indexed bonds are the relative desirabilities of transferring purchasing power to the government and reducing consumer liquidity. The greater is the relative importance placed on the former, the more likely are the effects of indexed bonds to be favorably evaluated.  相似文献   

朱世平 《特区经济》2001,(10):38-41
福田辖区现有的工业外向型经济程度比较高,加入WTO后受到的冲击和挑战将首当其中,加入WTO后受到的冲击和挑战将首先当其冲。田区现有工业企业6000多家,2000年全年完成工业总产值(90年不变价)629.32亿元,比上年同期(以下简称同比)增长22.2%,占全市总额的20.5%;全年完成出口产品产值365.86亿元,同比增长25.4%,占工业总产值原58%,产品销售率达96.7%。工业经济类型中,外商及港澳台经济为79.4%,股份制及股份合作为16.15%,集体和国有经济为、3.19%。加入WTO对福田区工业的影响主要体现在。  相似文献   

Despite the prominence of minority firms within inner-city areas across the country, relatively little is known of their makeup, problems and relations with external agencies. Drawing on a study of 50 Asian employers and key players in local support bodies in the typical inner-city area of Wolverhampton, this paper assesses the market and managerial structure of minority firms, and their links with support agencies. It is argued that racism is a significant constraint on the development of such firms; and that current support from external agencies is lacking. A more focused and higher profile role for a dedicated “Asian Business Unit” is suggested as a strategy for the development of minority enterprise.  相似文献   

港口是天津最大的比较优势和战略资源。天津是我国北方最大的沿海开放城市,也是因航运而兴的老工商业城市。可以讲是“以港兴市,城以港兴”。20世纪80年代以来,中央先后三次对天津进行城市定位:1984年提出要把天津建设成为国际性的贸易港口城市;1986年提出天津应当成为现代化的  相似文献   

Although considerable initiative had been taken in South Africa with regard to stimulating the small business sector, it appeared that there was a relative lack of information on the legal restrictions retarding the development of this sector. The National Manpower Commission (NMC) therefore invited several interested organisations to form a working group to give attention to these restrictions. In addition to the legal restrictions, the working group also gave attention to the definition of a small business, the extent (or the job creating potential) of the small business sector and other restrictions existing in respect of this sector. This review comprises a summary and discussion of the report.  相似文献   

This review of A development framework for Gazankulu by the Institute of Development Studies, Rand Afrikaans University, 1983, has three parts. In the first I take issue with the notion of assessing Gazankulu within a ‘national development policy’ context, and argue that doing so muddles our understanding of the problems and policy possibilities. In the second part the goals of the Framework, its data base and recommendations, are considered more directly. Having noted certain problems, the third part of this review is devoted to a more technical evaluation of what should be done.  相似文献   

This review comments on three aspects of the report:
  • the technical aspects of presentation, style and general appearance

  • the document as a source of data and reference

  • the planning aspects of the document.

In addition, some information on the contents is supplied as so few copies of the report are available for general use.  相似文献   

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