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An extensive literature has analyzed the implications of hidden shifts in the dividend growth rate. However, corresponding research on learning about growth persistence is completely lacking. Hidden persistence is a novel way to introduce long-run risk into standard business-cycle models of asset prices because it tightly intertwines the cyclical and long-run frequencies. Hidden persistence magnifies endogenous changes in the forecast variance of the long-run dividend growth rate despite homoscedastic consumption innovations. Not only does changing forecast variance make discrimination between protracted spells of anemic growth and brief business recessions difficult, it also endogenously induces additional variation in asset price discounts due to the preference for early uncertainty resolution.  相似文献   

We examine the theoretical implications of corporate income tax for a risky portfolio in a aggregate-endowment economy. In this model, corporate income tax affects the portfolio risk associated with the rebalancing motive during market clearance. An asset is defined as a portfolio of stocks and bonds whose portfolio weights are similar to financial leverage. Corporate tax can decrease after-tax consumption from dividends (increase leverage) and increase the tax shield that increases dividends (decrease leverage). Changes in dividends are responsible for the correlation between expected dividend growth and consumption growth and, thus, affect stock pricing and returns. Overall, the model is characterized by tax-induced portfolio risk associated with financial leverage.  相似文献   

This paper computes the welfare effect of the Great Moderation, using a representative-agent consumption-based asset pricing model. The Great Moderation is modeled according to the data properties of consumption and dividend growth rates, which display a reduction of their innovation-volatility and increased persistence: the latter is a characteristic that has been largely unaddressed in the literature. The theoretical model (a long-run risk model) is calibrated to match average asset pricing variables, as well as consumption and dividend dynamics before and during the Great Moderation. The model captures the relevant features of the Great Moderation (decreased variance, increased persistence, asset prices). It predicts only a modest welfare gain from Great Moderation (0.38 percent in consumption equivalent), due mainly to the utility cost of a late uncertainty resolution.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze an economy with two heterogeneous investors who both exhibit misspecified filtering models for the unobservable expected growth rate of the aggregated dividend. A key result of our analysis with respect to long-run investor survival is that there are degrees of model misspecification on the part of one investor for which there is no compensation by the other investor's deficiency. The main finding with respect to the asset pricing properties of our model is that the two dimensions of asset pricing and survival are basically independent. In scenarios when the investors are more similar with respect to their expected consumption shares, return volatilities can nevertheless be higher than in cases when they are very different.  相似文献   

The firms listed on China's stock market are less than ten years old and to date there has been relatively little research on the usefulness of their accounting disclosures for investors. This study focuses on the information content of annual earnings and dividend announcements made by listed Chinese companies. Earnings, cash dividends, and stock dividends are announced concurrently in China and so this allows for tests of their information usefulness and of the interactions between the three signals. Based on a data set of up to 1,232 announcements, we find that unexpected earnings, proxied by earnings changes, are positively related to abnormal returns. Thus, earnings are used by investors in setting market prices. Stock dividends corroborate or attenuate the earnings signal. If the sign of the unexpected stock dividend (increase, decrease) is the same as the sign of the unexpected earnings, then the earnings signal is stronger. If the signs are opposite, the earnings signal is weaker. Unexpected cash dividends have little impact on the earnings signal. Stock dividends per se have a small association with stock returns. In contrast, cash dividends have no discernible association with stock returns and this is consistent with dividend irrelevance arguments. Our results are robust across a number of sensitivity tests.  相似文献   

In a dynamic model with both private and local public capital accumulation, this paper examines how federal and local income taxes, local consumption tax, and federal matching grants for local public consumption and local public investment affect the long-run equilibrium (equilibria) of private consumption, private capital accumulation, local public consumption, and local public capital stock.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the macrodynamic effects of changes in various tax rates in an intertemporal optimizing framework. Two aspects emphasized include the role of dividend policy and the behavior of the stock market. Both permanent and temporary tax changes are considered, with the transitional adjustment paths being characterized in detail. The contrast between the short-run and long-run effects is highlighted. In particular, an increase in any of the tax rates will cause short-run employment to fall, and with the capital stock fixed instantaneously, the capital-labor ratio immediately rises. Over time, as the capital stock declines, the capital-labor ratio falls.  相似文献   

从股权结构看国有企业“所有者缺位”问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
股利政策是公司重要的财务政策,关系着公司的报酬率和风险,并对公司的长远发展有着极大的影响。本文通过对国有企业中现金股利和股票股利之间的博弈,以及为什么本应偏爱于现金股利的国有企业却更多地选择了股票股利的现象的分析,对国有企业股权失衡的问题和处理建议进行了探讨。  相似文献   

We study a sample of SEOs to examine the impact of private debt and unused credit lines on SEO underpricing and long-run stock and operating performance. We do not find significant effects of private debt financing on SEO underpricing and long-run stock underperformance. However, firms with more bank debt and unused lines of credit exhibit significantly better pre-issue operating performance. Changes in operating performance from the pre-issue year to the post-issue period are negatively related to the size of unused credit lines. Capital spending decreases with the size of unused credit lines in the year prior to SEOs, but increases following SEOs. Our overall evidence suggests that the post-issue operating performance we observed may be a result of overinvestment, which is enhanced by unused credit lines.  相似文献   

The catering theory of dividends proposed that corporate dividend policy is driven by prevailing investor demand for dividend payers, and that managers cater to investors by paying dividends when the dividend premium is high. While earlier research found that the dividend premium is not driven by traditional clienteles derived from market imperfections such as taxes, transaction costs, or institutional investment constraints, we find empirical evidence that demographic clienteles are an important source of the time-varying demand for dividend payers. In particular, we find that, as consistent with the behavioural life-cycle theory and the marginal opinion theory of stock price, the dividend premium is positively driven by demographic clientele variation represented by changes in the proportion of the older population. Our results are robust when controlled for the factors of investor sentiment, signalling, agency costs, tax clienteles, time trend, business cycle fluctuations and varying sample periods.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a situation in which a firm may be able to influence the investors’ ability to short-sell its stock. We analyze the effect short-selling restrictions have on the market price and the subsequent effect generated on the market for corporate control. More precisely, we argue that short-selling restrictions may lead to exclusion of pessimistic beliefs and may therefore inflate prices. Thus, if a company is poorly managed and has a stock with strong short-selling restrictions, a profitable takeover will not emerge because of the high stock price. The raider may not have the incentives to acquire the company as its price will be above its fundamental value, conditional on takeover, even accounting for the potential benefits of takeover. We then argue that such effects are detrimental to long-run shareholders and that a value-maximizing strategy is to have a stock with no short-selling restrictions.  相似文献   

The consequences of the 2 °C climate target and the implicitly imposed ceiling on CO2 have been analyzed in several studies. We use an endogenous growth model with a ceiling and an abatement option to study the effect of the ceiling on the allocation of limited funds for R&D, abatement and capital accumulation. It is found that the advantagenousness of abatement rises with the cost advantage of fossil fuel versus backstop. If the cost advantage is sufficiently large at some point in time it outweighs the costs of abatement and the gains of R&D and capital accumulation. The reallocation of production towards abatement may cause an increase or decrease in long-run consumption. In the latter case, abatement allows an intertemporal consumption trade-off which may even justify the disregard of everlasting growth. In case of stock dependent fossil fuel costs, an abatement induced speed-up of technology development may cause an increase in fossil fuel stock left in situ.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of output price uncertainty on the optimal investment behavior of a risk-neutral competitive firm with a constant returns to scale production function. In the presence of convex costs of adjustment, investment is an increasing function of q, the shadow price of capital. Given the current price of output, we find that increased uncertainty will raise the current rate of investment. Increased uncertainty will also increase the expected long-run capital stock if the price of output is serially uncorrelated. However, if the price of output is serially correlated, then the direction of the effect of increased uncertainty on the expected long-run capital stock depends on the curvature of the marginal adjustment cost function. In this case, we obtain results which are directly opposite of the results in the literature and we locate the flaw in the existing analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper I present a simple stock price decomposition model using the dividend discount model and dividend futures. The main contribution of this paper is the use of dividend futures which represent the risk-adjusted expectations of future dividends. This allows for the calculation of the implied equity risk premium and the decomposition of stock price movements into individual components. Due to the use of daily market data, this method can take into account the structural changes associated with falling interest rates and the Covid-19 pandemic. I empirically show the risk premium development of the S&P 500 Index and Euro Stoxx 50 Index in the last decade.  相似文献   

Using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, we decompose the log price‐dividend ratio into a market fundamentals component and a bubble component. The market fundamentals component depends on expectations of future dividend growth and required returns, while the bubble component is assumed to follow a Markov switching model that allows for the possibility of exploding and collapsing regimes. If prior beliefs allow for the possibility of persistent shocks to dividend growth and/or required returns, the posterior distribution suggests the bubble component contributes virtually nothing to the stock price movements over our sample. On the other hand, if one's priors rule out the possibility of persistent shocks to dividend growth and required returns, the bubble component can have a much larger role to play in stock price movements. However, the regime switching behavior of the bubble bears little resemblance to infrequent switching from an exploding bubble regime to a collapsing or dormant bubble regime. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the levels and changes in the post-IPO stock return volatility and provides insights into market responses to the presence of firm-specific risk. First, we document a negative relation between initial idiosyncratic volatility level and the post-IPO volatility change in that initially low volatility firms have more volatility increase and vice verse. This evidence suggests fundamental firm-specific changes after the IPO. Further, we find that underpricing and short-run post-IPO returns are positively related to the initial and corresponding idiosyncratic risk level. This finding suggests that underpricing compensates investors for acquiring costly information and firm-specific risk information is being incorporated into offer prices. Finally, we find that higher long-run post-IPO performance is related to both lower initial risk level and decreasing risk in the first year after the IPO.  相似文献   

Numerous authors have suggested that the price-earnings (P/E) ratio can be used to predict the future movement of stock prices. Such arguments are based on the belief that P/E ratios are mean-reverting. However, are the S&P P/E ratios really mean reverting? A review of the literature finds arguments on both sides, but the issue of mean reversion has not been tested adequately. Using unit roots and multiple structural breaks, we explicitly show that the P/E ratio is stationary around multiple breaks, which means that it will eventually revert to some long-run means. This result supports evidence that high P/E ratios relative to the current long-run mean will be followed by slow growth in stock prices and/or high earnings growth.  相似文献   

Most standard asset-pricing models assume that all shocks to consumption are permanent. We relax this assumption and allow also for non-permanent shocks. In our specification, the long-run mean of consumption growth is constant; consumption levels are subject to short-run deviations from their long-run trend. The implications of our model are dramatically different from those obtained in the prior literature. A canonical and parsimonious asset pricing model with CRRA preferences and non-permanent shocks can reproduce the equity premium, high return volatility and return predictability with a coefficient of relative risk aversion below ten. This finding suggests that non-permanent shocks can play an important role in explaining asset pricing puzzles.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of alternative measures of dividend yields to predict US aggregate stock returns. Following Miller and Modigliani [Journal of Business (1961), Vol. 34, pp. 411–433] we construct a cashflow yield that includes both dividend and non‐dividend cashflows to shareholders. Using a data set covering the course of the 20th century, we show in a cointegrating vector autoregression framework that this measure has strong and stable predictive power for returns. The weak predictive power of standard measures of the dividend yield is explained by the strong rejection of the implied cointegrating and causality restrictions on the impact of non‐dividend cashflows.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on shareholder reaction to growth-motivated dividend cuts and omissions. The results reveal that although growth announcements mitigate the capital loss induced by dividend decreases, the stockmarket response to growth-oriented dividend cuts is still strongly negative. However, the capital loss suffered by investors is significantly reduced when dividend cuts are accompanied with stock dividends. Two potential explanations of the results are explored: (1) shareholders find the immediate benefits of stock dividends more attractive than the potentially higher future rewards of investment opportunities; and (2) shareholders overreact to dividend announcements. Analysis of the performance of the firms for two years following the dividend cut indicates weak support for the overreaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

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