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县乡财政状况的好与坏,对发展县域经济、推进新农村建设以及扩大内需、拉动经济增长具有举足轻重的作用。但由于历史背景、自然禀赋、经济政策等方面的因素,致使中国目前县乡财政还存在负担沉重、财力不足、收支不平衡、总体实力弱等诸多问题。国家必须通过制度设计、政策支持和体制创新等手段从根源上解决中国县乡财政困难的现状,着力提高县乡财政收支能力,为实现国家经济的全面、协调以及可持续发展奠定坚实的财政基础。  相似文献   

徐旭川 《沿海经贸》2002,(12):33-34
县乡财政是我国的基层财政.自 1984年设立乡级财政以来,县乡财政在收支总量上都有了大幅度地增长.但在我国社会经济转型过程中,县乡财政运行也出现诸多问题,如:县乡财政赤字严重,全国有 40%以上的县级财政有赤字;财政支出结构失衡,存在大量"吃饭财政"现象;地方公共品有效供给不足,居民基本的生活费用和卫生医疗、市政基础设施等不能得到充分保障;县乡财政可支配财力有限等.概括起来说,就是县乡财政收支矛盾突出,运行效率较低.当前,县乡财政问题已直接影响到基层政权的建设,地方经济的发展和社会环境的稳定.加强对县乡财政问题的研究有着十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

中国县乡财政困难背后蕴含着深刻的政府与社会、政府之间的关系的矛盾。以往在技术层面上修修补补式的改革不能从根本上解决问题。因此,本文主张采取财政立宪的制度创新思路。包括两个方面的内容,一方面是通过完善法治和建立有效的民主决策监督机制,实现纳税人对政府的根本约束和监督;另一方面是规范政府间的财政分配关系,抑制政府间的过分自利倾向,实现政府间的合理分权与制衡。  相似文献   

袁岳虎 《商业时代》2005,(17):91-92
西部作为我国的一个特殊经济区域,其经济欠发达与可持续发展之间的矛盾变得越来越突出,并由此带来西部县乡财政危机与政府失灵问题。财政体制创新,不仅是解决西部经济欠发达与实现可持续发展的最优政策选择,而且也是构筑西部县乡公共财政发展的基石。  相似文献   

农村税费改革后县乡财政问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国农村税费改革的深入进行,县乡财政逐渐陷入困境,特别是全部免征农业税后,乡级财政更是步履维艰,乡镇负债难以化解。要解决这一问题,必须大力发展县域经济,积极培育县乡收入增长点;完善分税制改革,形成地方财政稳定的收入来源;健全科学的地方转移支付制度;逐步减少行政级次,缩减财政供养人员;加快县乡财政债务治理。  相似文献   

农村税费改革是中央解决"三农"问题的一项重要决策,它对于规范农村收入分配制度、建设农村小康社会、减轻农民负担具有重要的作用和意义,但同时也导致了不可忽视的县乡财政问题.本文在农村税费改革的背景下分析出现的县乡财政问题及解决措施.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的综深发展,西部经济欠发达与科学发展之间的矛盾变得十分突出,并由此带来一定程度的财政危机与政府失灵.伴随新一轮农村综合改革,西部财政,特别是西部县乡财政,如何通过财政制度创新,走出困境,不仅是振兴西部经济的战略选择,而且是构筑西部财政科学发展的基石.  相似文献   

中国财政体制的目标定位与改革思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏杰长 《财贸经济》2003,(10):26-30
在向市场经济体制转型过程中,明确财政体制改革的方向与目标是极为重要和紧迫的.用公共财政理论构筑与市场经济模式相适应的现代财政体制,是一个方向性选择.今后一段时期,财政体制的改革与创新要从界定政府事权范围、科学划分政府间税种、规范政府间转移支付制度、完善支出管理制度等方面入手.  相似文献   

宫晓霞 《商场现代化》2005,(29):239-240
县乡财政困难是当前我国财政运行中的突出问题.而这一问题的存在与我国县乡财政体制不完善密切相关.因此,要缓解县乡财政困难,必须完善我国县乡财政体制.本文就目前我国县乡财政体制面临的问题及完善对策谈一些粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

取消农业税后,县乡基层财政运行将更加困难。本文结合调查的实际情况,着重分析农业税取消后县乡财政受到的影响,从制度创新和完善的角度提出改革思路和政策建议:合理划分县乡财权事权,建立公共财政体制;完善财政转移支付制度;重构权力均衡体系,建立健全克服“买税卖税”行为发生的制度基础等。  相似文献   

县乡财政解困和政府改革:目标兼容与路径设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在政府治理结构改革的框架下研究了县乡财政解困和政府改革的目标兼容性问题.首先,文章给出一个理论分析框架,用于说明政府级次安排与政府治理结构效率之间的关系.其次,在此框架下分析了精简政府级次改革方案的社会成本,指出该方案虽能够实现县乡财政解困,但却会扭曲政府改革目标,其所引致的社会成本已超出社会理性所能允许的边界.最后,文章又考察了旨在精简机构的横向政府改革与县乡财政解困的目标兼容性问题,指出基层政府辖区优化调整方案的实施能够带来政府改革和财政改革的"双赢".  相似文献   

农村公共产品供给与相关体制安排   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
孙开 《财贸经济》2005,(6):40-44
农村公共产品和服务的有效提供,对于改善农民的生产、生活环境,对于发展农业生产和增加农民收入具有重要作用.长期以来,从方式、范围和数量方面看,我国农村在各类公共产品的提供上存在着诸多矛盾,并在一定程度上制约着"三农"问题的解决.在构建农村公共财政框架体系的过程中,应适当增加各类农村公共产品的供给,处理好体制框架建设与公共产品供给之间的关系,为县乡基层财政逐步解困创造必要的条件.  相似文献   

For decades, scholars and policy-makers have been interested in how fiscal policy influences entrepreneurship. Until now, research has focused on fiscal policy at the federal or regional level and used macro-economic outcome measures. Considerably less attention was given to how municipal governments can influence economic outcomes at the micro level. The present study examines the effect of municipal taxes, spending and tax compliance costs on firm profitability within the Flemish hospitality industry. This is an interesting research setting, since Flemish municipalities have far-ranging fiscal autonomy which has resulted in a proliferation of local taxes, many of which are specific to the hospitality industry. The findings reveal that local taxes have a negative impact on firm profitability, while aggregate public spending has a positive influence. The tax effect is economically relevant and exceeds the public spending impact. Finally, we find no impact of compliance costs from local taxes.  相似文献   

孙开 《财贸经济》2011,(9):5-10,135
财政改革向着省以下财政体制和基层财政领域逐步延伸,是我国财政发展的自然逻辑。在这一进程中,需要我们进一步厘清优化地方财政体制所亟待解决的关键问题和政策着力点。在剖析我国近年来地方财政体制改革措施的基础上,本文认为,应从各地间差异较大的财政省管县实施办法中提炼出“优势特色”,以县级财政为重点整合地方财政级次,构建与县级基层政府责任相匹配的基本财力长效保障机制,同时不削弱市级和乡镇财政的特有功能,建立辖区内和跨辖区的地方财政转移支付体系,提高省以下财政体制的整体运行效率。  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is obliged to implement pollution charges in accordance with the EU environmental policy. The charges may affect international competitiveness of the country, since they are applied to the domestically produced, but not to the imported commodities. We investigate how such environmental taxation of six main pollutants affects the Czech competitiveness. Using computable general equilibrium modeling with bottom-up approach, we consider a small-open economy with endogenous unemployment and ten types of taxes. A distinction between taxes on products and taxes on production is essential for analysis of a fiscal policy. Emissions reduction is possible in our model either through substitution with less polluting inputs, or a reduction of output, or through technical abatement. The last channel for emission reduction is ignored by other studies. The results show that the imports should not be affected by the tax reform, except for coal. Exports will increase in the non-energy-intensive and the biomass industries, but it will decrease in the chemical, the coal, and the metal industries. The overall effect on the trade balance is slightly negative. We conclude that investments in energy-saving technologies are necessary in order to preserve international competitiveness.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the trade-off between the advantages of risk sharing and the perils of common pool problems in federal fiscal arrangements. Under the assumption of asymmetric information we evaluate two alternative regimes of intergovernmental transfers. In one regime, the central government pre-commits to a certain level of transfers that compensate vertical fiscal imbalances and provide some limited ex-ante insurance. In the other regime, it accommodates ex-post the fiscal needs of the different provinces. In this second case, full-insurance results, but the economy is subject to a tragedy of the fiscal commons, with excessive subnational spending, insufficient local taxation, and reduced production of federal public goods. We find the range of parameters for which one or the other institutional regime will be preferable. The result is a fiscal-federalism version of the usual trade-off between rules and discretion.  相似文献   

中国基层财政体制改革中的政府级次问题   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
减少政府财政级次,推进"乡财县管"和"强县扩权"改革,为最终构建中央、省、市县三级政府体制奠定基础的总体改革方向是值得肯定的.但是,中国各地的情况千差万别,应当重视当前改革中暴露出的问题,鼓励和允许多种模式的地方财政体制并存发展,避免自上而下、"一刀切"式的改革.  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue is to examine small businesses, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and show that, although these three concepts have their own specific literature and can be dealt with independently, they are closely related. From Schumpeter to the present, a stream of literature unites the concept of entrepreneurship with its ability to make new combinations of factors and corresponding innovations in processes and products; similarly, in a broad stream of literature, the most characteristic dimension of entrepreneurship is closely linked to small businesses. Small and large companies have different advantages and drawbacks with innovation, but small businesses provide the most conducive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation that are not necessarily sustained by the know-how and resources characteristic of large-scale production, but require commitment and close cooperation between company members. In this introduction, we show how the three topics converge in four articles dealing with micro-start-ups and innovation, institutional determinants of entrepreneurship, and determining factors in entrepreneurs’ individual characteristics.  相似文献   

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