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转基因食品发展迅速。但长期以来,也因其安全性等方面的问题也受到了很多的质疑,其支持者和反对者各执一词。但广大的普通消费者具体又是如何看待转基因食品的呢?笔者以广州市200多名消费者为样本,就消费者对转基因食品的认知、态度和购买意愿进行了调查。结果显示消费者对转基因食品的认知程度相对是比较高的,但是了解程度比较低;而对转基因食品的态度整体来说比较积极和乐观;在购买意向上对转基因水果和蔬菜的意向最强,而消费者对转基因食品的态度和购买意向与人口统计学特征之间的关联不是很明显。在此研究基础上,笔者提出了几点建议和一点将来研究方向。  相似文献   

目前,消费者对转基因食品持有不同的态度。明确了解消费者的态度及其购买转基因食品的意愿将有助于生产者及政府的决策。本文通过对南京市的超市消费者进行的问卷调查分析,得出了现阶段南京市消费者对转基因食品的认知度还比较低,接受程度也不高的结论。而转基因食品价格、消费者的收入、受教育程度等因素会对其购买意愿产生较大影响。  相似文献   

目的 为转基因食品市场发展提供较为可靠的依据。采用基于CVM法的调查问卷的方式了解消费者对转基因食品不同程度的关注状况,得出影响购买转基因食品的因素中经济因素占主要位置。  相似文献   

关于消费者对转基因食品的认知态度及标识的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因食品就是利用生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的道传物质,使其向人们所需要的目标转变.消费者对于自己的认知水平过于乐观,大部分人都声称对转基因食品有所了解,但其实并不真正了解.转基因食品可能带来经济效益和社会效益,也可能对人类健康和生态环境造成潜在风险和威胁,因此,消费者对转基因食品的态度比较复杂.对转基因食品实行强制标识,赋予了消费者基本的知情权和自主选择权.  相似文献   

在转基因技术飞速发展的今天,消费者的购买意愿将决定其是否选择购买转基因食品,从而最终影响转基因技术及其产品的发展方向和市场前景,因此研究消费者对转基因食品购买意愿就显得十分重要。本文基于计划行为理论,构建了影响消费者对转基因食品购买意愿形成的理论模型。通过LISREL软件建立结构方程。实证结果表明:消费者对转基因食品的购买意愿主要受到行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制和情感牵连等4个因素的影响。  相似文献   

浅析消费者对转基因食品的态度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姚琼 《江苏商论》2005,(2):12-14
尽管转基因食品能够为人类带来许多利益,但是,由于可能存在的健康风险、环境风险等问题,各国对转基因食品展开了激烈的争论。在这场争论中,消费者的态度扮演着十分关键的角色。本文详细介绍了农业转基因技术的应用现状和各国消费者对转基因食品的争论,并且分析了研究消费者态度对发达国家和中国的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的发展和进步,转基因技术也得到一定的发展,转基因食品也更多地出现在人们的日常生活中。但转基因食品的安全问题一直是社会关注的重点,一直影响消费者的消费观念和购买欲望。本文从转基因食品感知价值研究消费者购买意愿的影响,发掘其深层次的原因,帮助政府和企业作正确的市场决策,对引导消费者进行理性消费具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

李慧 《商》2014,(13):142-142
随着消费者自我保护意识日益增强,转基因技术在食品中的应用和推广越来越有赖于其支持,因而,消费者对转基因食品的态度日益成为学政两界关注的热点。本文从转基因食品的发展现状、消费者对其的态度差异、消费者态度的影响因素三个方面总结了近期国内外一系列有价值的研究成果,并针对目前调查方法和研究方法的不足提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于SOR模型,本文选择电商主播为研究变量,通过研究电商主播的魅力、推荐、展示和互动属性对消费者的认知态度和情感态度的影响作用,最终探讨其对消费者购买意愿的影响。通过对294份调查数据进行实证分析,结果发现主播的展示属性会对消费者的认知态度产生影响,进而影响消费者的购买意愿;主播的魅力和互动属性会对消费者的情感态度产生影响,进而影响消费者的购买意愿。  相似文献   

在中产阶级规模不断扩大背景下,消费者品牌需求日益强烈.本文从消费者感知视角出发,实证研究品牌认知对购买意愿的影响机制与路径差异.研究表明;品牌认知有助于提升消费者感知;消费者感知有助于购买意愿的提升;消费者感知的3个方面(质量感知、价值感知、情感感知)在品牌认知与购买意愿之间具有中介作用.品牌商家应通过管控产品品控、创...  相似文献   

This study explores product value with reference to brand development. The question of which perceived product value acts dominantly has received very little attention, in particular, whether multiple product value may importantly enhance consumers' brand preference/purchase. This research investigates relationships between multiple perceived snack foods' product value, brand preference and purchase intention. Findings show significantly positive effects of brand preference on purchase intention, and brand preference as a mediator between multiple perceived product value and purchase intention. Findings also reveal multiple value perceptions of snack foods, (e.g., functional-price/value for the money and performance/quality, emotional, and social dimensions) be significant in the formation of brand preference, whereas only functional-price/value for the money and emotional value relate to purchase intention directly.  相似文献   


This study outlines the controversy surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how it impacts North American based food service companies' marketing policies. Recent developments have made foods derived from GMOs a strategic marketing challenge for food service franchise and chain operations. Headlines such as “Why McDonalds Pulled Frankenfries from Menus” have unwittingly put restaurants on the frontline of the battle over foods made from GMOs (Martin, 2000). A survey method was used to explore food service operations' views regarding consumer acceptance of GMOs, right to know issues (labeling) and the benefits of GMOs, as well as food service companies' strategic response to this emerging technology. Findings indicate that food service establishments were generally concerned about customer opinions and tend to prefer government mandated labeling of GMOs. They also tend to feel that GMOs offer potential benefits to their industry and that customer concerns may fade over time.  相似文献   


In this study, a theoretical framework is developed to explain the differential effects of country-of-manufacture (COM) and brand image on the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of Koreans' consumer decision making. Although effects are product specific, findings, overall, indicate that brand image has a stronger effect than COM on Koreans' perceptions of hybrid global products. Moving the production of an electronic product (TV) to a developing country, however, negatively affected Koreans' evaluation of product performance, prestige (brand and technical), and purchase attitudes. The findings have interesting marketing implications for hybrid global brands and contribute to building a theory of COM.  相似文献   

This study applies both the Dual Mediation Hypothesis and Schema Congruity Theory to examine the effectiveness of mild controversial advertising executions on young adult consumer cognitions, affect, and behavior. Findings from this study suggest that advertisements featuring mild indecent language result in more positive advertisement attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions than when decent language is used. Young adult consumers also report more positive advertisement and brand attitudes, and a greater likelihood of purchase when they perceive the advertisement to be congruent with their existing schema, regardless of whether the execution is mildly controversial or noncontroversial in nature. The findings of this study are important to advertisers in the development of effective creative execution techniques.  相似文献   

本研究利用2×2×2组间因子实验对不同类型的产品稀缺信息影响购买意图的效果及品牌概念和购买渠道对这种影响效果的调整作用等问题进行了实证分析。结果发现产品的限量销售信息比限时销售信息能更为有效地刺激消费者对稀缺产品的竞争购买心理和对产品价值的感知,两种稀缺信息对购买意图的影响效果差异在购买象征意义较强的品牌时更为显著。本研究结果可为营销人员利用稀缺信息提高促销效果提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

基于消费者购买意愿的农机市场需求分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了科学研究农机市场消费者的购买行为,为农机企业生产符合农户需求的产品提供指导,同时为农机管理部门的政策制定提供依据,所以要在计划行为理论的基础上来做消费者对农机的购买意愿研究框架及研究模型,并采用Logistic回归方法对模型进行实证分析。从而了解到影响农户对农机购买意愿的因素主要有受教育水平、家庭收入、政策因素、消费者态度和知觉行为控制,然而这些因素对购买意愿的作用方向和程度不同。  相似文献   

Consumer awareness about organic foods has been growing. However, this trend is not always translated to consumer organic food purchases. It is argued that when it comes to assessing organics, one should expect consumers to use multiattribute evaluations due to credence attributes and organic standards that organic foods need to adhere to. A thorough review of the existing literature on consumer buying behavior of organic foods identifies healthism, hedonism, and trust among some factors that enhance consumer experiences with organic foods and therefore can affect their purchase intentions. This article is one the few studies that integrated multiple factors in one research framework to empirically evaluate their role in explaining consumer purchase intentions of organic foods. Results from a demographically representative sample completed by an online survey in Australia (N = 1011) provides support for the research hypotheses by revealing positive and statistically significant effects of healthism, hedonism, and trust on consumer purchase intentions. The study concludes with implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   


Social media increasingly allows consumers to interact with businesses, although the effects of this novel technology in the context of public relations are under-examined. Consistent with the ideas proposed by the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the present study conducted a 2 × 3 online experiment with a sample of 131 participants to examine the effect of message interactivity and source authority on consumers' ad attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions. Message interactivity had a positive effect on ad effectiveness via the indirect pathway of perceived informativeness. These findings relate to the ELM in that they suggest that users processed information more centrally than peripherally, or that interactivity had a larger effect on consumer attitudes than authority. Theoretical and practical implications of study results are discussed.  相似文献   

Functional foods are gaining greater popularity around the world. They are not just a new category of food products marketed for their health benefits, but their competitive market has made consumers become more favorable toward firms that are involved in this industry. The public is increasingly concerned about health and food-related risks. They tend to make decisions on food consumption, food storage, and food preparation on a more ideal perspective based on health and safety. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the factors and intention of Malaysian consumers to purchase synthetic functional foods. Structural equation modeling is used to accomplish the objectives of this study with the feedback received from the 2,004 households who were interviewed through a structural questionnaire. The results show that the most influential factors influencing consumer purchasing intention toward synthetic functional foods are perceived benefits followed by attitude and subjective norms.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Germany in order to assess consumers' acceptance of genetically modified (GM) foods with health benefits (bread, yohurt and eggs). Acceptability of GM foods increases when its source does not involve animal products such as eggs. Three factors have been identified as direct antecedents of the acceptance of GM foods: respondents' attitude towards biotechnology, health consciousness, and time pressure, being the first one the most salient one. Price consciousness has an indirect positive impact (mediated by health consciousness) upon acceptance of GM products. Males were more likely to accept GM foods with health benefits.  相似文献   

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