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股权分置改革对上市公司并购市场的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
股权分置改革后,上市公司并购的市场环境和制度环境都有很大变化,其并购方式、融资模式、支付手段及定价机制也与以前有很大不同。本文首先对我国上市公司股权分置的历史背景进行了剖析,阐明了其历史地位和缺陷性;其次,分析了股权分置条件下上市公司实施并购的问题;最后,探讨了在新《公司法》、《证券法》实施的环境下,股权分置改革后我国上市公司并购的发展趋势。  相似文献   

从会计信息披露的可靠性、相关性、及时性和客观性的角度入手,构建了一个会计信息质量的综合指数,采用多元回归分析的方法对我国机构投资者与上市公司会计信息质量之关系进行了实证研究,并分析了股权分置改革的实施对上述关系的影响.研究结果表明:股权分置改革前后,机构投资者的持股比例、持股的机构投资者数量、前十大流通股东中机构投资者的数量均与会计信息质量正相关;股权分置改革不会影响上述相关关系.  相似文献   

股权分置改革基本完成、新会计准则正式开始实施等重大制度变迁对实务操作和理论研究中的会计问题提出了重大挑战。在经过了几年的运行之后,这些制度环境变化的会计效果无疑成为关注的焦点。学者们的经验研究发现,股权分置改革在逐渐改变利益相关者的逐利动机和实现方式,新会计准则有助于提高上市公司的会计信息质量。与此同时,金融危机等重大事件也在影响着制度变迁的经济后果,进而体现为差异化的会计结果。  相似文献   

本文旨在考察中国上市公司会计信息的宏观预测价值。研究发现,上市公司汇总的会计盈余增长率与未来GDP增长率显著正相关,在控制股票回报率之后,上述关系依然存在,这表明上市公司披露的会计盈余具有明显的宏观预测价值。随后的研究发现,2007年前后完成的股权分置改革和企业会计准则国际趋同等强制性制度变迁显著提高了会计盈余的宏观经济信息含量,这表明股权分置改革以及企业会计准则的国际趋同显著提升了企业的会计信息质量,进而促进会计信息宏观预测价值的改善;此外,我们发现,强政府干预的存在削弱了会计信息的宏观预测价值,而良好的法律环境有助于其宏观预测价值的提升。  相似文献   

本文从股权分置制度变迁的角度研究管理层股权激励有效性及内在机理。以2005年股权分置改革为结构断点进行Chow检验,发现股权激励治理效应回归方程在2003—2009年全样本期间发生了显著的结构性变化,股权分置改革改善了管理层股权激励的治理效应,减少了过度投资。进一步研究表明,股权分置制度变迁对国有公司管理层股权激励效应影响显著,缓解了公司代理问题,但是对非国有公司没有显著影响。上述研究对于解决国有公司过度投资具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

股权分置改革的盈余质量效应   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
股权分置改革后,股价直接决定了股东的财富,持有大量非流通股的控股股东有动机操纵盈余以最大化自身的利益。国有股权转让的限制,导致国有控股股东盈余操纵动机弱于其他股东。本文研究了股权分置改革对国有控股公司和非国有控股公司盈余质量的不同影响。研究结果表明,股权分置改革后,非国有上市公司向上盈余管理程度显著提高,盈余持续性显著降低;而国有上市公司的盈余管理程度和盈余持续性都没有显著变化。本文检验了股权分置改革的成效,研究结论可为投资者的投资行为提供决策支持。  相似文献   

赵华  杨斌 《济南金融》2010,(3):73-77
本文采用股权分置改革前后的新股样本数据,对影响我国A股初始收益率的相关因素展开实证分析。研究发现,股权分置和发行管制是造成股权分置改革前A股IPO市场高初始收益率的根本原因,而在股权分置改革后,由于发行继续受到严格管制和投资者旧有定价理念及盈利模式的延续,新股的初始收益率仍然存在继续高企的制度基础和市场条件。因此,在股权分置改革后,管理层应进一步推进发行监管制度改革,实现股票供给市场化。  相似文献   

本文采用股权分置改革前后的新股样本数据,对影响我国A股初始收益率的相关因素展开实证分析。研究发现.股权分置和发行管制是造成股权分置改革前A股IPO市场高初始收益率的根本原因,而在股权分置改革后.由于发行继续受到严格管制和投资者旧有定价理念及盈利模式的延续,新股的初始收益率仍然存在继续高企的制度基础和市场条件。因此,在股权分置改革后,管理层应进一步推进发行监管制度改革,实现股票供给市场化。  相似文献   

会计信息的信贷决策有用性:基于所有权制度制约的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
廖秀梅 《会计研究》2007,11(5):31-38
本文在我国制度背景下以两阶Logit回归模型考察我国会计信息的信贷决策有用性。模型包括银行信贷决策的会计财务指标,也包括所有权性质等制度因素。结果表明,会计信息可以降低信贷决策中信息不对称程度,但是信贷决策有用性在所有权制度层面被削弱,主要源于企业与银行均为政府终极所有时银行监督缺位。银行信贷决策中是否使用会计信息不单单是会计信息质量问题,也受所有权制度约束。  相似文献   

刘丽艽 《浙江金融》2005,(12):43-43,29
为了配合股权分置改革,国务院国资委发布了<关于上市公司股权分置改革中国有股股权管理有关问题的通知>,<通知>鼓励将资产重组与股权分置改革结合起来,这为上市公司并购提供了良好的政策环境.  相似文献   

股权分置改革刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
上市公司解决股权分置方案由非流通股股东、公司管理层、机构投资者、自然人股东之间的博弈决定.解决股权分置后证券市场更加活跃、市盈率进一步降低、保荐机构分化更加明显.从首批四家解决股权分置试点情况看,解决股权分置还应当建立公司管理层激励机制、修改国有股考核办法、建立流通股股东谈判机制.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the Split Share Structure Reform on the well-known foreign share discount puzzle in China. Existing literature confirms that foreign investors are more concerned about insider expropriation because of their information disadvantage relative to domestic investors. The split share structure of the ownership of Chinese listed firms created a conflict of interests between state and private shareholders. Since, before the reform, state shareholders held restricted shares that denied them any wealth effect from share price movements, they had a limited incentive to work with private shareholders to ensure that managers maximized the stock market value of the firm. By abolishing the trading restrictions for state shareholders, this reform has increased the incentive alignment between state and private shareholders, encouraging them to monitor managers. If foreign investors’ concerns over the corporate governance implications of the split share structure at least partly contributed to their discounting of Chinese listed firms, then this discount should be reduced following the reform. Indeed, our evidence confirms this prediction, especially among Chinese listed firms with more state ownership or restricted shares. Our findings imply that this significant institutional reform of the Chinese stock market has benefitted minority investors.  相似文献   

While China had been vigorously pursuing economic reform since the late 1980s, it wasn't until the 2005–2006 time period that non-tradable stock reform took place. The case of Hunan Valin Steel provides a rich look inside about the dynamics of the non-tradable share reform in China, and demonstrates the impact of good financial design helping the company to turn aside the financial distress, while minimizing costs to benefit the stockholders. Moreover, this case provides an illustration of the challenges posed by agency problems in China, with conflicted interests between tradable shareholders (public investors) on one hand and non-tradable shareholders (governments and state-owned enterprises) on the other. Not only does the split share structure result in conflicted interests and asymmetric information between managers and owners, but it also made it difficult to establish effective corporate governance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the earnings management activities in Chinese listed firms and the impact of the split share structure reform (SSSREF). We demonstrate that Chinese listed firms exhibited a long-term positive relationship between real and accrual-based earnings management activities over the 2002–2011 period. This reflects the environment of weak investor protection and lack of effective corporate governance in China. Our results also indicate that the SSSREF in China has not fundamentally improved firms' quality of financial information. This may be because ownership concentration remains high. However, it is of interest that the reform has created an incentive alignment effect exogenously. We find that firms' use of discretionary accruals was constrained, and they have consequently shifted to less detectable and under-scrutinized real earnings activities after the reform. This shift is similar to that seen with the direct regulatory changes in accounting reporting rules on firms' earnings behaviors in developed countries where the investor protection environment is strong. We suggest that firms' shifting between the accrual and real-based earnings methods is an overlooked area for investors to consider in the emerging market context, and may require the attention of regulators.  相似文献   

股权分置改革中的机构合谋与内幕交易   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文考察了股权分置改革过程中机构投资者与非流通股股东之间的合谋问题以及合谋的可能途径——内幕交易。文章的基本发现有两个:第一,在控制了影响股改对价水平的主要因素之后,机构投资者对方案的赞成比例与股改对价水平之间存在显著的负相关关系,而全体流通股股东以及大个体流通股股东对方案的赞成比例与对价水平之间呈现显著的正相关关系;第二,机构投资者对方案的赞成比例越高,公司的内幕交易程度也越高,而其他流通股股东的表决意见与内幕交易程度之间没有显著关系。这意味着机构投资者与非流通股股东利用内幕交易进行了合谋,合谋的结果使得非流通股股东得以支付一个较低的对价水平,而机构投资者则通过内幕交易获得额外收益。  相似文献   

股权分置改革对中国股市波动性与有效性影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年的股权分置改革是我国股市建立以来最重大的制度性变革,对股市的波动性和有效性产生了深远的影响。本文运用GARCH模型对2001年6月1日至2010年5月31日的万得全A指数进行了实证分析;区分了股权分置改革对市场波动性影响的短期效应和长期效应;重新解读了市场有效性的变化。研究发现:(1)股改的短期效应提高了市场的波动性;(2)股改的长期效应导致了市场波动性的下降;(3)新信息对市场波动性的影响变小了;(4)冲击对市场影响的长期记忆性变大。  相似文献   

We investigate the share market response to China’s split share structure reform and find average negative daily return around the government announcement on 29 April 2005. However, there is a turnaround at individual companies’ decision to implement the reform where we find positive and significant average daily return, contingent on the type of consideration. We attribute this change in market sentiment to the company’s announcement that the reform will involve the payment of consideration to holders of tradable A‐shares. Our results also show that holders of tradable A‐shares earn significant abnormal daily returns when companies propose to pay in cash or warrants or combine any of these payment methods with bonus shares.  相似文献   

The split share structure reform removes a significant market friction in China's capital market by allowing previously non‐tradable shares to be freely tradable at market prices. Such a reform reduces the agency conflict between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders as the former now care more about stock prices. We find that state‐owned firms, but not non‐state‐owned firms, significantly increased their tax avoidance activities after the reform. We attribute this differential effect to the dual role of the government as state‐owned firms’ controlling shareholder as well as the tax claimant. Further, this effect is more pronounced for state‐owned firms that are more likely to be influenced by the government prior to the reform. Finally, the reform reinforces a positive association between tax avoidance and firm value. Overall, our study suggests that when controlling shareholders are more concerned about stock prices, state‐owned firms engage more in tax avoidance activities to enhance firm value.  相似文献   

股权分置改革中若干法律问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股权分置改革是一次利益关系重新配置的过程,无论是从法理上看还是从现行法律上看,都是十足的法律问题,因此必须有法律思想的导入,按照法学的理念和方式来推进.当前在经济学思维指导下的股权分置改革已经走入法律误区,产生诸多法律上的困惑和缺憾.本文就股权分置改革过程中的流通股股东与非流通股股东分类表决问题、法律救济问题和立法问题展开法律分析,藉此呼吁法学界和法律界尽快全面参与股权分置改革,为确保改革的公正、公开、公平做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

Prior literature suggests that related party transactions may have a potentially detrimental effect on firm valuation because it undermines the corporate governance benefits a firm offers to minority shareholders. The share structure reform provides a unique opportunity to study to what extent the negative valuation effect of related party transactions interacts with corporate governance. Our empirical analysis confirms that related party transactions are detrimental to firm valuation. More importantly, we show that the negative effect of operating related party transactions on firm valuation declined after the share structure reform, partly due to the fact that the quality of corporate governance improved after the reform.  相似文献   

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