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The lack of attractiveness of the Chinese stock market has become a hot topic of debate. Looking at the K line chart of Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange, the administration and supervision authorities should be aware that the Chinese stock market is facing another confidence crisis. Although there is no abrupt slump or excessive objection and dissension, the secondary market has ended the transitory partial bull market at the beginning of this year. 相似文献
人民币汇率改革使企业直接暴露在汇率风险之下,企业面临的汇率风险控制成为迫在眉睫的问题.企业在签订交易合同过程中,除了应注意选择货币的问题之外,还要充分利用金融工具避险,这已经成为一种在技术上解决汇率风险的主要方法.企业应多向银行咨询,利用其研究力量来帮助自己分析前景,合理在外汇市场上运用各种外汇衍生工具束规避风险.企业只有采用多种方式,才能使汇率风险化解到最小值. 相似文献
人民币汇率改革使企业直接暴露在汇率风险之下,企业面临的汇率风险控制成为迫在眉睫的问题。企业在签订交易合同过程中,除了应注意选择货币的问题之外,还要充分利用金融工具避险,这已经成为一种在技术上解决汇率风险的主要方法。企业应多向银行咨询,利用其研究力量来帮助自己分析前景,合理在外汇市场上运用各种外汇衍生工具来规避风险。企业只有采用多种方式,才能使汇率风险化解到最小值。 相似文献
国际贸易和国际金融越来越成为重要的经济活动,国际间的汇率变化等金融因素,对于国际贸易的影响越来越大。因此,如何规避金融风险愈来愈成为以国际贸易为主的企业,尤其是中小型外贸企业关心的头等大事。 相似文献
中国经济已经出现了"日本病"的症状,因此,必须进行深刻的体制改革,通过大规模减税、加快城市化启动内需,并迅速扩大资本市场上优良资产的供给,启动国内市场,走出一条大国发展道路,从根本上杜绝"日本病"。 相似文献
The increase in the group of atypical workers means that their social security protection needs reviewing. How far should we go in approaching social security for self-employed workers, flex workers, crowd workers and all new employment relationships differently? This will depend on the number of elements in respect to which the atypical employment relationship differs from the established standard: the full-time employee with a permanent employment contract. What we propose is a social security system that is sufficiently flexible in its implementation to give the different groups of workers an equal place and at the same time maintain a financially sustainable social security system providing sufficient social security protection for typical and atypical workers. 相似文献
The central theme of this paper is that sustained rapid growth cannot be achieved without rapid growth in trade. A review of the experience during the past four decades offers virtually no examples of countries achieving sustained rapid growth – called miracles in this paper – without simultaneously experiencing sustained rapid growth in trade in the presence of low or high but declining barriers to trade. Simultaneously, the claim that opening to trade leads to sustained income losses is unfounded. A review of the experience of the countries that have faced stagnation or declining per‐capita incomes on a long‐term basis – called debacles in this paper – reveals no connection to a sustained surge in imports. 相似文献
“仓至仓条款”的保险责任起讫时间为保险货物离开起运地发货人仓库开始运输之时,保险责任终止时间为被保险货物运抵保单载明目的地收货人仓库之时,然而在履行赔付的过程中,由于“仓对仓条款”的地点限制,装船前保险空缺,使投保人往往无法索赔,可采取在FOB、CFR条件下卖方投陆运险,CIF条件下,则卖方为被保险人,用FCA、CPT取代,FOB和CFR使买方具有可保利益的方法来规避可能发生的风险。 相似文献
高职新生在度过大学新生心理失衡期时,会出现各种不良心理。归纳了常见的十大不良心理,包括失落心理、防范心理、孤独心理、迷茫心理、苦闷心理、放纵心理、自卑心理、挫折心理、矛盾心理、厌学心理等,并针对每种不良心理进行了原因分析和对策探究。 相似文献
一段时间来,人们用跷跷板来解释前几年房价与股价的反向波动,或者认为是股价低迷,导致“游资”转向房地产,助长了房价的上涨;或者认为是房价上涨吸走了“游资”,使得股价长期低迷。言外之意是我国的房市与股市之间存在反相关关系。我们不禁要问:我国房市与股市历史运行中真的存 相似文献
公共风险是财政风险的源头.防范财政风险,应至少从4个方面入手:一是通过制度创新来控制公共风险,从而有效地减少财政风险;二是减少政府干预公共风险中的各种失误,防范由此而引发新的财政风险;三是建立风险管理机制,打破"风险大锅饭",抑制道德风险,减少风险的积聚和集中;四是增强政府抗风险能力. 相似文献
教育储蓄 教育储蓄是国家为了鼓励城乡居民积累教育资金,促进教育事业发展而推出的一项储蓄种类.教育储蓄最大的特点之一是国家规定免征利息税,单此一项,教育储蓄的实得利息收益就比其他同档次储种高20%以上.同时,教育储蓄还可以享受利率优惠,一年期、三年期教育储蓄按开户日同期同档次整存整取定期储蓄存款利率计息,六年按开户日五年期整存整取定期储蓄存款利率计息,可以说是零存整取的存法,却享受整存整取利率.开办教育储蓄的手续也非常简单,凡在校的小学四年级(含四年级)以上学生,为了支付将来上高中或大学等非义务教育而积蓄资金,均可到银行办理教育储蓄. 相似文献
为中国船厂开立《对外预付款还款保函》(下称“保函”)是国内银行支持中国船厂发展船舶出口贸易的重要手段,也是国内银行进军国际船舶融资市场的第一站。目前以中国进出口银行为代表,已有十几家国内银行将开立《保函》作为一项经常性的金融业务。 相似文献
当前全球经济颇有风声鹤唳,山雨欲来风满楼之势。大家都在谈论主要发达经济体滑向一场更为持久、更具破坏力的经济危机的危险。如何防范?长期主宰世界经济的七国集团如今也没有招数了,因为不敢触及其真实根源。其实根源在美国,其既要当霸主,又无力承担拯救全球经济的责任。 相似文献
The existence of large border effects is one of the main puzzles of international macroeconomics. The seminal paper by McCallum found that trade between any two Canadian provinces was (on average) 22 times greater than trade between any Canadian province and any US state. Although various authors have estimated internal and external border effects for the whole European Union and some specific European countries, none has done so in the manner that McCallum's seminal paper, stymied by lack of data on region‐to‐region international trade flows. This study uses a novel data set that captures intra and international truck shipments between Spanish regions and regions in seven European countries during the period 2004–11. It computes internal and external border effects, offering novel results for aggregate flows and the importing countries, and estimates several specifications of the gravity equation, so as to tackle such issues as the multilateral resistance term, heteroscedasticity, and zero flows and non‐linear relation between trade and distance. The paper also adds a detailed analysis on the external border effect for each Spanish exporting region and each of the seven European countries considered. By means of this analysis, we shed new light on the relative integration between regions of these seven countries and Spanish exporting regions. Finally, we conduct an extrapolation exercise, computing the ‘trade potentials’ that would be expected in a fully integrated Europe and estimating how long full integration would take to achieve between each Spanish exporting region and each European importing country. To this regard, two alternative scenarios are considered: one using the growth rates of the Spanish exports before the crisis (2001–08) and other considering the post‐crisis growth rates (2011–13). 相似文献
Over the past decade, a number of accounting and financial reporting frauds have led to lost stock wealth, destroyed public trust, and a worldwide recession that called for necessary reform. Regulatory responses and systemic reforms quickly followed, and we show that, while necessary, these reforms are insufficient. The purpose of this paper is to forward virtuous professionalism as a necessary path toward restoring financial reporting systems. We take the position of external observer and analyze the accounting profession over time to assess what has transpired within our financial reporting systems. Our analysis reveals that the combined influence of commercialism and regulatory response has led to a systemic decline in accounting’s professional ideals and, as a result, an erosion of public trust. We then propose virtuous professionalism as a necessary process for restoring financial reporting systems based on sociological, professional, and philosophical theories. We argue that virtuous professionalism is necessary for restoring the public servant identity of the accounting professional. We conclude that efforts to restore financial reporting systems should begin with reforms that restore professional identity shaped by virtues. 相似文献