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上海闵行经济技术开发区地处黄浦江上游水源保护区,特殊的地理位置和敏感的环境因素,给开发区以制造业为主的产业发展带来了压力,同时也提出了更高要求。为此,开发区从建立至今,努力探索"低碳制造引领、土地集约使用、污染物总量控制、企业履行环境责任"的模式,不断地在绿色生产、环境保护、节能减排、机制创新等领域进行实践,坚持走低碳经济、可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

孙广达 《价值工程》2010,29(12):244-244
钻井行业面临着钻井市场日趋全球化及各国对生态环境质量要求越来越高的形势,同时,伴随着《环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》的颁布实施,这标志着实施以"节能、降耗、减污、增效"为目的的清洁生产已是大势所趋,它的实施是ISO14000国际先进标准的要求,是增强市场竞争力的需要,更是可持续发展的需要。当然由于清洁生产技术是一门新课题,还不成熟,还需要不断完善。通过清洁生产技术的推广应用,能从根本上解决石油钻井环境保护工作存在的重大技术难题,填补了公司的空白,其潜在的经济和社会效益显著,具有良好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

加强节能减排,实现低碳发展,是生态文明建设的重要内容,是促进经济提质增效升级的必由之路。“十二五”规划纲要明确提出了单位国内生产总值(GDP)能耗和二氧化碳排放量降低、主要污染物排放总量减少的约束性目标,交通运输作为全国节能减排的三个重点行业之一,与2005相比,力争“十二五”末营运货车单位运输周转量能耗下降12%。要完成“十二五”发展规划节能要求,需要强化行业统计能力,对市场上现有原理设备进行分析,探讨其在车辆上应用的优缺点,对于加强交通行业能源消耗计量与统计能力建设,进一步完善节能减排的计量、统计、监测、核查体系,确保相关指标数据准确一致意义重大。  相似文献   

贾英杰 《价值工程》2010,29(24):254-254
为了合理利用热量和资源,提高效益,对除氧器的乏汽回收已经成为能源待开发项目中较为重要的课题。对于排出余气的回收技术,许多厂家积极研究,采用多种合理回收手段,实现了节能减排效果。对于此项技术,还需要更多力量的投入,深入挖掘节能潜力,将余气中的能量以更大比例、更多方式进行利用,实现能源可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

巩永华 《价值工程》2014,(31):183-184
ICT在节能减排和促进低碳经济发展中的重要性得到政府的重视和认可,本文在分析ICT技术推动节能减排所受影响因素的基础上,从通信产业节能减排先行和ICT助力其他行业节能减排两个方面,提出实现ICT推动节能减排的具体途径。  相似文献   

应对气候变化的形势要求中国创新能源开发利用模式。可持续能源发展理念的核心是节能减排与新能源的开发利用,中国的能源和环境状况决定了创新能源开发利用模式对于应对气候变化、转变经济发展方式的重要现实意义。本文在阐明创新能源开发利用模式的必要性的基础上,探讨了中国在创新能源开发利用方面取得的积极成效,对中国创新能源开发利用模式的发展目标和行动策略进行了探索,表明了中国作为负责任的大国在应对气候变化中做出的不懈努力和突出贡献。  相似文献   

刘历 《价值工程》2010,29(20):245-245
节能减排是发展和落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的重大举措。本文从高校的视角对节能减排进行研究,笔者首先分析了高校节能减排的意义,在此基础上,分析了高校节能减排的现状,并针对此现状提出了相应的对策,以促使高校的节能减排工作进一步深入开展。  相似文献   

王联合 《价值工程》2010,29(30):85-85
煤炭是我国的主要能源,是国民经济发展的重要基础。针对目前我国煤炭行业快速发展的过程中面临着严重的资源和环境问题,分析了在新形势下煤矿企业开展节能减排工作的必要性和紧迫性。从煤矿企业节能减排存在的种种问题入手,提出关于煤矿企业节能减排的合理化建议。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a quantitative lifecycle model with uninsurable labor income and housing return risk to investigate how Korean households make saving and portfolio decisions. The model not only incorporates the special roles housing plays in the portfolio of households: collateral, a source of service flows, as well as a source of potential capital gains or losses, but also adds to existing models of wealth accumulation some unique institutional features present in Korea, namely the rental system (‘chonsae’) and the lack of a mortgage system. When the model is calibrated to match the Korean economy, several key features of the data are better able to be reproduced. The paper also analyzes the role of institutional features by comparing several alternative housing market arrangements to assess their impact on wealth accumulation, portfolio choices, and homeownership. A 10 percentage points reduction in down-payment requirement is associated with approximately 1 percentage point increase in the aggregate homeownership ratio in Korea. Lower down-payment also increases the fraction of aggregate wealth held in housing assets but lowers aggregate net worth with mixed demographic implications.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the dismantling of apartheid has resulted in an improvement in the standard of living for the vast majority of South Africans. The study is based on a panel data set from the Kwazulu‐Natal province. We use weighted quantile regressions to examine the distribution of standards of living, which corrects for the potential bias arising from non‐random sample attrition. Our results show that there has been a significant increase in the spread of the distribution of household expenditure of the non‐white households residing in Kwazulu‐Natal province. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

徐艳 《价值工程》2012,31(3):45
因资源和建筑能源的过分消耗,节能成为世界各国建筑能源战略的重要内容。目前中国正处于工业化和经济化快速发展的重要阶段,建筑节能设计标准根本无法满足建筑节能的要求。因此必须考虑地源热泵等可再生能源在建筑中的应用。  相似文献   

A bstract . A two-Stage least squares estimate of the distribution of income in the Third World is derived in this paper using the per capita ownership of cars, infant mortality rates, and the average daily caloric requirement along with the per capita Gross Domestic Product. Previous work by Kitznets 1955 had established a relationship between the distribution of income and GDP/CAP, but with the inclusion of the three additional "proxy" variables, the distribution of income is estimated with a great deal more precision. For example, the R-squared for the estimate of the share of income earned by the poorest 20% of households increases from 0.30 to 0.68 by incorporating the proxy variables.
Using the parameters estimated via two-stage least squares on a set of 23 countries for which the distribution of income Is known, the paper then estimates the distribution of income for a set of 43 countries for which this data is unknown. The results indicate that countries like Singapore and Sri Lanka have relatively even distributions of income for their stage of development, and countries like Brazil, Kenya, Bolivia , and Gautemala have highly skewed distributions of income for their level of GDP/CAP.  相似文献   

目前,如何最大限度地节约水电的开支已成为医院后勤管理工作的挑战性问题。医院应积极响应并贯彻落实国家有关节能减排的方针政策,进一步提高员工节约水电的意识,采取多项节水节电措施,为节能减排工作作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Integrated chain management (also called ‘life cycle management’) has become a central concept in environmental policy in the Netherlands. Integrated chain management requires two essential changes in the existing pattern of production and consumption. It calls for a reduction in the use of fossil energy sources (natural gas, oil and coal) and a switch to the utilization of sustainable energy sources based on solar and wind energy. Integrated chain management further involves preventing the diffuse spread of pollution, finding substitutes for environmentally hazardous substances and retaining substances in the substance cycle for as long as possible. The insights gained in the Netherlands into how the concept of integrated chain management can be translated into day to day corporate practice are summarized. It is argued, firstly, that industry needs to conduct integrated chain analyses to identify possible options for environmental improvements extending to the whole production chain; secondly, that the results of such chain analyses will only be implemented if the concept of integrated chain management is incorporated by companies in their strategic planning; and, finally, that the implementation of environmental improvements will often require forms of strategic co-operation with external parties. It is concluded that most efforts have focused on elaborating a methodology for integrated chain analysis. The actual implementation of the specific improvement options — integrated chain management — still occurs to only a limited extent in Dutch industry.  相似文献   

To encourage economic progress, China's government has been pushing domestic consumption as a substitute for its waning growth in investment and exports. It has also been promoting greener policies for growth, of which green consumerism is a prime component. By examining the economy through the lens of household energy consumption, this paper lays out the challenges the nation must overcome through green consumption. We explore the trends in household energy use and decompose energy used indirectly by households into six factors: changes in total population, urbanization rate, energy efficiency, interindustry input mix, household consumption preferences, and per capita household consumption level. Doing so yields insights into how progress in industrial technology, household income, urbanization, and lifestyles has affected energy use in the production of goods and services used by households. It also offers policy suggestions on how China might guide lifestyle changes to effect green consumption.  相似文献   

Evolving Electric Utility Regulatory Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract . Current electric utility pricing methods understate the marginal social casts of electricity. Electricity prices are set to cover the utility's average cost rather than the higher marginal social cost. This mispricing hides from consumers the true cost their consumption imposes on society and, thereby, encourages them to ignore efficient conservation opportunities. Additionally, the conservation market suffers from a number of imperfections such as barriers to the acquisition of information, high upfront capital costs and the lack of conservation equipment availability. The electricity and conservation multimarket equilibrium is not achieved. The result is that society overconsumes (excess demand) electricity, overinvests in electric generating plants and underinvests (excess supply) in conservation resources. The large, yet uncertain, level of foregone conservation investment offers new opportunities for regulators and electric utility managers to improve economic efficiency with regulatory and planning policies that appropriately encourage the cost effective use of conservation resources. In the absence of the most efficient policy, marginal social cost pricing, integrated resource planning (IRP) is being adopted as a potential second-best regulatory policy and utility resource planning framework to improve energy efficiency. IRP uses mathematical optimization methods to search among many alternate resource portfolios of electricity creating and saving technologies. These methods identify the mix that best meets society's needs with the least social cost , where the social external costs and benefits of generating plant and conservation, respectively, are considered. Such a goal requires the choice of a resource portfolio that optimizes a complex objective function. As a result, the solution offers a resource action plan for electric utilities that may be Pareto-improving.  相似文献   

史进  童昕  张洪谋  陶栋艳 《城市发展研究》2012,19(2):98-107,124
以北京市的亦庄新城为例,采用基于微观模拟的大尺度城市模型UrbanSim作为分析工具,考察不同产业结构变化情景下,北京市经济技术开发区向亦庄新城转型过程中的土地利用和能源消耗变化的空间特征。模拟结果揭示了在不受政府调控干预的条件下,现有住房供应与需求存在结构性不匹配,导致模拟环境下,亦庄新城家庭的数量未达到规划目标,而且落地率(实际数量与规划数量之比)持续下降;同时,产业结构变动本身对新城的能耗水平会带来较大影响,服务经济转型有助于新城能耗下降。  相似文献   

Using restricted Census microdata that link households to the Census block in which they live, this paper re-examines the question of whether racial differences in sociodemographic characteristics can explain observed levels of racial segregation. We develop a simple measurement framework designed to make use of the rich joint distribution of individual and neighborhood characteristics that these data provide, analyzing segregation patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area. The results indicate that racial differences in the collective set of characteristics we consider do have the potential to explain a considerable amount of the observed segregation, although more so for Asians and especially Hispanics than whites and blacks. Different sociodemographic factors emerge as potentially important for each race.  相似文献   

This paper builds on a chronological set of studies which develop a marketing approach to energy conservation in Ireland. Drawing on the fields of identity theory and self‐identity in consumption, it adopts a consumer behaviour approach to the segmentation of the market, analysing hedonic aspects of energy consumption. Using existential‐phenomenologicalism as a methodological frame, the focus of the two‐staged research is on collecting data from a small group of industry professionals and committed energy conservers, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the motivators for energy conservation behaviour. The results of this study reveal new traits of the energy conserver personality including a high aversion to consumption, a strong sense of caution with regard to personal finances and a marked interest in investing in energy‐saving technologies. Additional findings confirm personality traits previously associated with energy conservers such as active, thrifty, careful, technically minded and environmentally conscious. Although the market has been successful in targeting messages at the early adopter segment of energy conservers who are personally motivated, future marketing appeals to other market segments must focus on offering more tangible rewards for energy conservation behaviour. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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