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胶黏剂作为一种新型的连接材料在国民经济的各个领域应用越来越广泛。胶黏剂的剪切强度与黏接过程中形成的化学键等作用力以及胶黏剂本身的结构有关,同时还与胶接材料表面状况、胶接工艺等因素有密切联系。主要研究了胶接材料的表面处理方法、漂洗水温、胶层厚度、胶液稳定性等因素对胶黏剂剪切强度的影响。  相似文献   

随着国家,企业,客户对安全、绿色、环保理念的不断增强,发展环保型、节能型胶黏剂,同时加大研发力度和发展高技术含量、高附加值、高性能的胶黏剂新产品已经成为胶黏剂行业的新发展趋势。而水性聚氨酯胶黏剂因其环保性而越来越受到重视,市场潜力巨大。胶黏剂业内人士表示,近两年中国胶黏剂市场发展较快,但仍处于发展中。目前国外一些发达地区和国家已经将环保型绿色胶黏剂广泛应用于建筑、家具、制鞋、汽车等行业。而环保型绿色胶黏剂价格相对较高,因此在中国推广存在一定的难度。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车工业的快速发展,汽车专用胶应用越来越广泛,专家预计汽车用胶黏剂和密封剂将持续增长。  相似文献   

胶黏剂是指能把同种或异种材料表面紧密连接起来,并且能满足一定物理化学性能要求的非金属物质,因此又被称粘合剂、粘接剂和粘着剂等,简称为胶。  相似文献   

主导着中高端胶黏剂领域的跨国公司,为了降低生产成本、扩大市场份额,保持其在全球市场的领先地位,近年来在亚洲这一胶黏剂产量最大地区,实施了一系列兼并重组行动,全球胶黏剂市场的生产和消费重心逐步向亚洲转移。近日召开的2008醋酸乙烯及下游市场论坛上,亚洲胶黏剂协会理事长陈标山表示,亚洲市场在全球的地位日益提高,在世界经济发展整体放缓背景下,成为全球胶黏剂市场耀眼亮色。  相似文献   

中国胶黏剂工业协会日前发布了国内第一份《胶黏剂行业道德规范报告》,此举将促进行业规范健康发展。中国石油和化学工业协会肯定了胶黏剂工业协会这一做法。  相似文献   

<正> 以彩印复合塑料薄膜包装各种食品,目下非常风行。它们中有一般的复合薄膜袋垫封口包装,有装填食品后于真空包装机中抽真空后自动封口的真空包装。至于某些含汤食品在真空包装后再经杀菌工序者,它与普通罐头一样,也可以室温保存,即成为所谓“软罐头”了。 上述各类软包装的共同点,就是应用各种塑料薄膜作为包装材料,而它是高分子化学物质的产物,一般从业人员,食品加工销售人员对这类包装材料的性能是比较陌生的,所以有必要  相似文献   

全世界主导高端胶黏剂市场的跨国大公司,为了确保全球国际大公司领先地位,努力维护、扩大市场份额,近两年用尽一切手段抢占亚洲新兴市场,在以中国为主的亚洲市场开展了一系列的兼并、重组、合资、收购活动,促进了中国胶黏剂市场的供应、需求、产品结构全面加快速度向高端市场发展。为此中国胶黏剂产出总量近年都以12%左右的速度增长,但产值总价却以25%左右的速度增长,令全世界侧目,说明中国胶黏剂行业提高高端产品比例的结构调整已经见效。  相似文献   

中国高端环氧胶的发展前景广、空间大。全世界主导高端胶黏剂市场的跨国大公司,为了确保全球国际大公司领先地位,努力维护、扩大市场份额,近年用尽一切手段抢占亚洲新兴市场,为此在以中国为主的亚洲市场,开展了一系列的兼并、重组、合资、收购活动,促进了中国胶黏剂市场的供应、需求,产品结构全面加快速度向高端市场发展。为此中国胶黏剂产出总量,近年都以12%左右的速度增长,  相似文献   

由于“标准适用产品减产、总量少、应用面萎缩,不宜作行业标准规范”等因素,拟将HG/T2188--1991橡胶用胶黏剂、RS、HG/T2189--1991橡胶用胶黏剂、RE、HG/T2190--1991橡胶用胶黏剂、RH、HG/T2191--1991橡胶用胶黏剂A等4项橡胶助剂行业标准废止。由于“已有国标替代并已实施”的原因,拟将HG/T2744--1996硫化促进剂、NS、HG/T3644--1996防老剂4020行业标准废I匕。  相似文献   

随着中国市场经济的快速发展、科学技术水平的提高、金融市场的发达,总包工程形式的增多及市场竞争将更加激烈,营销模式对于企业战略的具体落实来说非常重要。我国现段的工业设备市场营销模式及展望。  相似文献   

TAFE培训包的开发工作由澳大利亚政府根据社会经济发展的需要提出任务并配套经费,由相应领域内有资质的专业机构和行家、专家学者进行系统性开发;再由国家培训质量委员会审核批准并发布实施;TAFE培训包有利于建立统一规范的职业教育市场,有利于实现教育系统间的沟通与协调,有利于保障职业教育与培训的办学质量,有利于实现培训与就业的“无缝衔接”。  相似文献   

Recently, concerns have been rising that the energy transition may impair the security of power supply in Germany by increasing the risk of shortages and black-outs in the long run. While power generation from volatile wind and solar energy has grown rapidly, incentives to invest in conventional back-up capacity have diminished. To respond to these concerns, the German government has adopted an energy policy reform package to strengthen the regulatory framework for the power market. But is this package appropriate to sustainably safeguard the German power supply?  相似文献   

This paper examines short‐run information transmission between the U.S. and U.K. markets using the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 index futures. Ultrahighfrequency futures data are employed—which have a number of advantages over the low‐frequency spot data commonly used in previous studies—in establishing that volatility spillovers are in fact bidirectional. The generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic model (GARCH) is employed to estimate the mean and volatility spillovers of intraday returns. A Fourier flexible function is utilized to filter the intradaily periodic patterns that induce serial correlation in return volatility. It was found that estimates of volatility persistence and speed of information transmission are seriously affected by intradaily periodicity. The bias in parameter estimation is removed by filtering out the intradaily periodic component of the transaction data. Contrary to previous findings, there is evidence of spillovers in volatility between the U.S. and U.K. markets. Results indicate that the volatility of the U.S. market is affected by the most recent volatility surprise in the U.K. market. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:553–585, 2005  相似文献   

李庚 《价格月刊》2012,(9):44-46
在市场竞争中,服装企业除了要提高产品质量,选择合理的分销渠道,还要制定合理的价格。在分析当前市场服装定价畸形等乱象的基础上,提出服装定价应随"市"而变,顺应消费者的需求变化,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

The European Employment Strategy is the subject of controversial discussion. It is hard to find an economic justification for transnational responsibility since European labour markets are heterogenous and spillover effects of national employment policies are almost negligible. In its latest communication, the European Commission fails to provide a masterplan for a recovery of the struggling labour markets, although it provides convincing and less convincing proposals for tackling unemployment in EU member states. There is a suspicion that the package mainly serves as a first step towards transferring employment policy responsibilities from the national to the EU level. But the EU labour market policy lacks appropriate instruments and competences. Finally, it is questionable whether the package fits in an economic growth plan.  相似文献   

Packaging has emerged as an important competitive tool. An innovative package can pre-empt a market position, create a new market and lead to greater sales and profits, just as an improved or reformulated product can. This report investigates the adoption process for packaging innovations in food and food-related items. It seeks to answer certain questions pertaining to the adoption process: Do early adopters differ from the general population? What factors serve to accelerate the rate of adoption of packing innovations by consumers? What kinds of packinging innovations become successes? The results of a small-scale empirical study comparing early adopters of packaging innovations with the general populations provide some answers to these questions. The report concludes with recommendations to management for successful innovative packaging.  相似文献   

随着企业经营环境的改变,业务外包已经成为企业集中优势发展核心业务的有效手段,而人力资源外包正成为公司外包业务中的领头羊。培训职能是人力资源管理中最经常被外包的业务之一,但是在我国,培训外包成功的案例却不多。应针对我国企业培训外包服务市场的现况,企业和培训公司应该从改善自身问题入手,共同打造一个成熟的培训外包服务市场。  相似文献   

吴建业 《中国市场》2010,(21):54-55
<正>名词解释:"亚市指数":以亚市的各种交易统计数据和市场调查数据为基础,利用指数形式及时反映汽车交易市场的交易动态和交易趋势,重点反映经销商和消费者层面的市场变化。是由亚运村汽车交易市场推出"汽车市场晴雨风向指数"简称"亚市指数"。  相似文献   

This paper raises doubts about the proposition that monetary policy is effective, under flexible exchange rates, in stabilizing domestic output. It is argued that if the price elasticities of the demands for exports and imports are affected by the transition to flexible rates, and capital flows are assumed to be dependent on the exchange rate, the efficacy of monetary policy under flexible rates will not necessarily follow.  相似文献   

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