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This paper examines the role of community norms and values in determining employees' ethical perceptions. The local community is viewed as a microculture which contributes to the ethical framework within which firms operate. Research findings indicate the existence of a community-based microculture that potentially moderates an organization's ability to create homogenous organizational ethical cultures in various geographical locations.  相似文献   

Both customers and suppliers are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental issues in modern food chains. A firm’s decision to implement green supply chain management is based on the social objectives of the firm and its management, its desire to pursue corporate social responsibility, its relationships with channel partners, and environmental determinants such as government legislation. The speed at which green supply chain management is implemented within an organization depends on its agility and its ability to facilitate innovation. Innovation may take the form of new product development or new process development, including the introduction of environmental management systems and total quality management in both production and purchasing. This article presents a conceptual model to explain how the various theoretical constructs are related and how innovation effects green supply chain management and performance.  相似文献   

Electronic data interchange (EDI), a specific form of interorganizational systems, has the potential to significantly influence business operations and the exchange of business documents in a number of industries and to provide substantive tangible and intangible benefits to the participating firms. However, successful implementation and diffusion of these systems innovations requires the cooperation and commitment of all participating member firms. A number of interorganizational as well as internal, organization-specific factors can influence both the extent to which EDI is diffused and used and the level of subsequent benefits that accrue to the firms.

Research from sociopolitical process framework in marketing, organizational theory, innovation theory, use of information technology for competitive advantage, and information systems (IS) implementation was used to identify 3 interorganizational variables (customer support, customer expertise, competitive pressure) and 4 organizational variables (internal support, EDI's benefits potential, EDI compatibility, resource intensity). In this study, we develop a multidimensional measure for EDI diffusion to capture both external integration and internal integration. We then examine the influence of these 7 variables on the extent to which EDI adopter firms pursue diffusion and whether more diffusion leads to superior organizational-level outcomes.

Two senior executives (the chief executive officer and a senior manager responsible for the IS function or EDI) from 83 firms in the motor carrier industry participated in a field survey. The results from a structural equation model (SEM), developed using LISREL, provide quite a strong support for the hypothesized relations. All 4 organizational variables and 2 of the 3 interorganizational variables (customer support and competitive pressure) influence EDI diffusion. The results also indicate that external integration dimension of diffusion enables adopter firms to achieve improved operational and market-oriented performance, whereas internal integration contributes only to operational performance.  相似文献   

艾瑞艾森所发表在<亚太发展杂志>的关于"亚洲低收入国家与正崛起国家增长的决定性因素之对比分析"一文,通过采用146个国家1970年至2000年期间的数据和增长回归标准,对亚洲低收入国家经济增长的决定性因素进行研究,发现占国内生产总值比率较高的投资、开放性、小学招生率及法规对增长均产生良性影响;占国内生产总值比率较高的政府开支却与低增长相关.而且,亚洲正崛起国家与低收入国家之间的对比分析表明在前者国家的投资对增长的刺激更明显、更有效.得出的结论是:低收入国家与正在崛起国家应该制定相关政策,并通过提高资本的边际生产力刺激投资.各项政策应该结合起来,其重点是:教育和培训劳动力,提升人力资本素质;促进外国技术转让;改善经商环境;深化财政部门的改革;促进贸易开放,改善体制以及强化法院和警察职能的司法体制.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of two comparative leadership styles on organizational performance outcomes. The leadership styles undertaken is transformational and servant leadership. A sample of 155 participants is taken from profit-oriented service sector of Pakistan. Data through survey gathered on a five point likert scale from organizations. AMOS and SPSS are used for statistical analysis. The result shows that, transformational leadership has more impact on organizational learning than servant leadership. Furthermore organizational learning enhances organizational performance. Managers and leaders of corporate sector can get benefited from this study. Their main objective is to maximize the profitability of organization thus, they can choose leadership style which polishes their abilities and helps them to achieve profit maximization.  相似文献   

Sustainable Consumption Governance: A History of Promises and Failures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What are the implications of the current international political, and economic settings for consumer policy, and, in particular, those regarding sustainable consumption? In terms of improvements in the efficiency of consumption, the settings have induced efforts to this effect and show potential for further progress. In terms of necessary changes in consumption levels and patterns, however, little progress has been made since the Rio Summit nor is there likely to be any in the near future. These two dimensions of sustainable consumption need to be differentiated, as there is a substantial amount of controversy regarding our ability to achieve sustainable consumption on the basis of improvements in efficiency alone. The paper traces these differences with respect to the work of the major international governmental organizations (IGOs) engaged in developing sustainable consumption governance. It argues that the lack of commitment to strong sustainable consumption among IGOs can be explained by their “weakness” as actors in global governance and the existence of strong opposing interests among consumers and business actors.  相似文献   

随着我国经济步入新常态,整个社会消费发生了革命性变革,既反映在供给侧的商业模式业态中,也反映在消费侧的社会消费结构变化中。这些变化都要求对原有的消费统计模式和指标进行相应调整以便于更加准确地把握当前的消费形势。东京都有关消费的统计调查涉及多个领域,其数据准确、翔实、丰富,为政府管理和决策提供了重要依据。学习东京都消费统计的方法和经验,对完善上海消费统计体系具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Carrier selection is a specialized sourcing decision with sustainability impacts in every supply chain. This research tests the effects of a transportation carrier's economic, environmental, and social sustainability performance on a shipper's carrier selection decision. Underrepresented experimental methods are used to test an a priori hypothesis derived from behavioral decision theory logic. Results contradict commonly held win–win, trade‐off, and ecological perspectives of sustainable supply chain management by finding that the economic dimension of sustainability has the greatest effect on carrier selection. Our research highlights this managerial preference and offers a theoretically grounded explanation for selection behaviors. This is one of the first empirical studies to simultaneously consider all three dimensions of sustainability. It also moves beyond an internal focal firm focus to evaluate sustainability effects through the eyes of external supply chain members. Our unique approach and findings offer managerial opportunities for differentiation and resource allocation as well as policy implications for the broader transportation system.  相似文献   

Firms are increasingly integrating sustainability into their supply chain management (SCM) practices. The goal is to achieve sustainable flows of products, services, information and capital to provide maximum value to all corporate stakeholders. Prior research on SCM integration has insufficiently addressed sustainability. The objective of this research is to provide for a coherent and testable model of sustainable supply chain management integration (SSCMI). By drawing on four cases from the German manufacturing industry, we seek to identify the most important factors that enable or impede the integration of sustainability into SCM.  相似文献   

新兴市场国家是否在经济发展到一定水平后污染水平会下降呢?本文使用22个新兴市场国家1996-2009年的面板数据,分别采用参数和半参数方法估计了新兴市场国家的环境库兹涅茨曲线。研究认为:环境库兹涅茨曲线所描述的污染物排放量和经济增长之间典型的倒"U"型关系在不同的样本、模型设定形式和估计方法下并不一定得到满足,但是环境库兹涅茨曲线假说中所描述的污染物排放量和经济增长之间先上升后下降的整体趋势还是存在的,只不过下降的过程可能非常缓慢或者存在着波动。此外,在参数模型估计中,提高技术进步和贸易依存度可以减少二氧化碳排放量,而在半参数模型中,则截然相反。  相似文献   

环保的大量投入对生产性投资具有挤出效应,如果只是静态地看待环保投入的挤出效应,而不考虑环保技术进步对环保资本品投入的替代作用,可能就会忽略环保投入具有生产性的一面。而从环保投资两重性来考虑经济增长和环境品质之间的关系构成了一个全新的研究视角,通过把环保技术进步效应加入内生经济增长模型发现:环保技术的采用在降低污染排放量的同时也促进了经济增长;生产技术进步可以提高生产效率,只是减少单位投入的污染排放,却要带来总量更大的污染;外资进入对提高经济增长虽有益处,但对环保设备投资却有挤出效应;从经济增长的角度看,生产技术进步对经济增长和居民效用水平提高的贡献程度要大于环保技术的贡献程度。  相似文献   

本文首先选取国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显示性比较优势指数对中国文化产品贸易与文化服务贸易的国际竞争力进行了对比分析,发现中国文化产品贸易国际竞争力较强,而文化服务贸易国际竞争力较弱.进而,分别从产品性质、产业发展、市场竞争、价值链分解程度、外资参与度等方面分析了中国文化产品及服务贸易国际竞争力现状的成因.最后,基于中国国内要素禀赋变化、人均收入水平变化、文化服务产业市场化程度、国际化程度以及相关政策领域的趋势,本文认为中国文化服务贸易竞争力将不断提高,并相应提出政策建议.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - This study makes a novel attempt to disentangle the complex relationships between making sustainable purchasing choices and happiness, while also considering the key...  相似文献   

Comparatively little attention has been devoted towards the identification of different manifestations of market orientation. The aim of this paper is to explore and describe the distinguishing behaviours, systems, structures, strategies and performance characteristics of of market orientation in different situations. The paper begins with an overview of existing research into the market orientation construct, including an analysis of attempts to conceptualise and operationalise the market orientation construct. Thereafter the limited amount of research into differing forms of business orientation and market orientation is presented and reviewed critically. After a discussion of the-two phase research design and methodology adopted in the study, the results of three in-depth case studies are presented including the development of a propositional inventory. Thereafter, the analysis of responses to a mailed questionnaire survey is presented and discussed. The evidence leads to a series of implications and conclusions for practitioners and theorists.  相似文献   

本文是对浙江省专业市场集群的一个案例研究.作者将专业市场作为"集群"来研究动态协调规模经济和范围经济的机制,以此来解释专业化市场集群的整体发展.选取较为典型的义鸟小商品市场,从市场发源、摊位批发和划行归市三个阶段,对专业市场集群的演变进行实证研究.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated effects of learning orientation or market orientation on innovation-driven organizational performance. While these studies have enhanced our understanding of innovation processes in the firm, they have been unable to determine the relative contribution of learning orientation and market orientation to innovation. The integration of these two fundamental strategic orientations in this research enables such an assessment. The model in this research also measures the degree to which market orientation and learning orientation influence organizational performance, independent of their effect on product innovation. The most notable finding is the potential preeminence of learning orientation over market orientation. The implications are of critical importance to marketers because they provide insights into the type of organizational culture that is associated with high levels of performance.  相似文献   

我国与世界各国最终消费率的比较分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
与世界水平相比,我国最终消费率长期偏低并持续走低.本文在分析我国及世界各国最终消费率变动趋势的基础上,对我国最终消费率的发展状况及变动特征进行了国际比较,提出了我国最终消费率不同于世界各国最终消费率变动趋势的特征.同时,通过对世界主要国家提高最终消费率的经验借鉴,探讨了我国提升最终消费率的有效路径.  相似文献   

本文以763家上海证券交易所A股上市公司2003年的横截面数据为观察值,运用logistic回归分析分别考察了股权结构和组织特征对现金股利发放概率的实证影响。本文发现,股权结构(第一大股东持股、前二大股东持股和前三大股东持股)对现金股利发放概率具有显著的正向影响。公司各项组织特征(成长性机会、每股收益、每股留存盈余、资产规模和财务杠杆)也对现金股利发放概率具有显著的影响。本文的结论支持自由现金流假说。  相似文献   

一、食品消费支出比较分析 1、农村居民恩格尔系数居高不下.恩格尔系数作为衡量居民生活水平、生活质量的一个重要指标,其变动幅度大小具有重要意义.农村居民由于受到收入水平、消费水平和环境的制约,恩格尔系数一直居高不下,1978年为67.7%,1985年为57.4%,1995年为58.6%,1999年为52.56%,基本维持在52%以上,从1985年至1999年下降幅度仅为4.84%.同期城镇居民恩格尔系数为:1978年为57.5%,1985年为52.25%,1990年为54.24%,1995年为49.7%,1999年为41.86%,同期下降幅度为10.93%.恩格尔系数偏高,表明食品支出在生活消费支出中所占比重较大,这严重影响了农村居民对享受资料、发展资料的消费,进而影响消费结构的优化.  相似文献   


The traditional formulation of customer value is a trade off of benefits and sacrifices, with intrinsic quality typically being the primary benefit, and price typically being the primary sacrifice. While additional sacrifices have been proposed in the literature (e.g., time and effort), we explore three additional benefits, the extrinsic attributes of industry leadership, innovation, and customer focus and their effects on a hierarchical quality-value-intention system. Data gathered from two distinct business-to-business domains, one goods and one services, showed that extrinsic attributes impacted elements of the quality-value-intention system. It was also found that quality and customer focus (an extrinsic attribute) differed in their effects across goods and services contexts. Managerial implications are discussed for creating customer perceived value in goods and services industries.  相似文献   

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