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李志伟 《价值工程》2011,30(15):240-241
足球比赛是一项整体的对抗项目,需要运动员不但具备良好的身体素质和团队的紧密配合,更需要每个人都有过硬的技术本领,同时要求运动员具有优良的足球意识。文章通过对足球比赛中的抢截球技术结构和特点的分析,阐明了如何培养运动员具备抢截球意识并在比赛中合理的运用该技术,从而提高比赛的获胜几率。  相似文献   

In a country with an ageing work-force, a decline in the number of new entrants to the labour market and an acute labour shortage, it would be reasonable to assume that employers would encourage older workers to remain in employment for as long as possible. In the case of Singapore, however, private sector employers often retired employees at age 55 and hired younger workers in their place. In many cases older workers re-hired had to accept lower pay and lower grade jobs. In an attempt to tackle this sort of age discrimination in employment, the government passed the Retirement Age Act in 1993. Prior to its enactment, the government urged employers to raise the retirement age voluntarily, but the response was poor, especially in the non-unionized sector. This paper argues that employers resisted the extension of the retirement age because they perceived older workers in stereotypical terms. The main issues which gave rise to the Retirement Age legislation are discussed. So also is the possible impact of the legislation on some HRM practices. The paper also proposes some future directions for research on older workers in Singapore.  相似文献   

就当前全球采购中出现的问题,以ACCO(美国富俊)公司为调研主体展开论述.通过访谈、实地走访、企业资料查阅等调研方法对本公司在中国本土采购中面临的上游供应商产品准时交货率低、质量合格率差、采购产品品种多批量少、采购成本核算模糊等问题进行了长达5年的跟踪与调研.通过深入分析,从中发现问题,进而提出解决的策略,为跨国公司在中国采购工作的顺利进行打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   

潘口水电站溢洪道出口防冲段边坡布置有预应力锚索,由于地质条件差,地下水丰富等原因,锚索成孔非常困难。实际施工过程中,采取了固壁灌浆法及跟管钻进法进行成孔作业,顺利完成了锚索成孔。  相似文献   

This study investigates manufacturers' online channel introduction strategies by considering two typical retailing formats, namely, reselling and agency selling. Online spillover effect and contract negotiation are considered to make the model more consistent with practice. We find that with a strong bargaining power, the manufacturer will always be profitable when it introduces online channels, whether it is reselling or agency selling. Meanwhile, agency selling is always profitable for the manufacturer than reselling. Interestingly, we find that an incentive alignment exists when two online channels are introduced, where agency selling is profitable for both the manufacturer and the e-commerce platforms (EPs).  相似文献   

经济系统由于嵌入了制度或者一些非经济关系,导致了企业产品的价格并非纯粹由供求关系所决定.在考虑专用性的情况下,可剥夺准租或剩余的谈判成为产品价格决定的一个组成部分,本文研究的重点在这种状况下对产品价格的影响.  相似文献   

This paper compares the objectives, results obtained and communication patterns used by men and women in 1159 purchasing role plays over a period of 18 years. Results show statistically significant, but weak relationships, which should be considered as tendencies only. Male negotiators set higher objectives than female negotiators, specifically under conditions of high competitiveness. Women on the other hand are more realistic and strive for mid-range objectives. The outcome of the observed negotiations is higher for female negotiators, specifically under conditions of high and slightly less under conditions of medium competitiveness. Male negotiators are more likely to obtain mid-range results. Female negotiators are more likely to reach no deal at all. Although women more and more take on identical roles as men, the observed differences in negotiation results do not seem to diminish over time. Women finally use fewer tactics and more open communication patterns.  相似文献   

This study proposes a multi-agent-based model for bilateral multi-objective negotiation in electronic commerce trading. The function and behaviour of several types of agents are discussed. These agents interact with each other in our negotiation support system model to create the most appropriate solution for both negotiating parties. In particular, we are concerned with a win-win negotiation approach in which agents seek to strike a fair deal that also maximizes the payoff for everyone involved. That is, if the opponent cannot accept an offer then the proponent should endeavour to find an alternative to make a trade-off. Against this background, a utility model based on fuzzy constraint satisfaction problems is proposed to ensure that these agents reach a solution that is fair for both negotiating parties if such a solution exists. The model uses prioritized fuzzy constraints to indicate how concessions should be made when necessary. In addition, by incorporating the notion of a negotiation argument into our evaluation model, the agents can sometimes reach agreements that would otherwise be impossible. Finally, a numerical example is given to display the applicability of the proposed approach for electronic trading assistance.  相似文献   

党中央、国务院高度重视改革工作,把2005年作为改革攻坚的关键一年,并于年初做了总体部署.一年来,我国改革攻坚取得新的进展,特别是一些多年酝酿的重点领域和关键环节的改革有所突破,主要是:农村综合改革试点取得重大进展,国有经济战略性调整取得明显成效,非公有制经济发展的体制和政策环境进一步改善,国有资产和金融监管体制不断完善,人民币汇率形成机制改革顺利实施,上市公司股权分置改革进展平稳,国有独资商业银行股份制改革迈出重要步伐,行政管理体制改革力度显著增强.改革在各领域的有序展开,有力地促进了经济平稳较快发展与社会和谐进步.  相似文献   

Increased competitions for water resources in many regions worldwide call for cooperative approaches. The competitions are complex for humans to resolve due to numerous alternatives and different or conflicting preferences of multiple stakeholders over multiple criteria, which might even oppose desirable environmental objectives. Parties also have incomplete information about the preferences of the counterparties. Electronic negotiation, empowered by intelligent agent technology, is a combination of artificial intelligence, economics, and psychology to find beneficial joint agreements in complex paradigms such as this. This study investigates a multilateral sustainable automated negotiation among intelligent agents representing stakeholders, including the legal party ‘nature’ as one of the stakeholders. It defines decision criteria and alternatives in the framework of cultural factors, elicits preferences of the stakeholders regarding the criteria without their intervention using a multi-criteria decision-making method, prunes the solution space before starting the negotiation by recognizing a general social treaty, determines the multi-issue specific treaty by learning the stakeholders, and demonstrates bidding and acceptance strategies.  相似文献   

从三鹿事件浅析我国上市公司内部控制存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从公司治理结构、风险意识、信息传递与沟通、监督4个方面剖析三鹿集团内控失效原因,并提出了完善内部控制的相关措施.  相似文献   

This article seeks to describe and understand relational interaction processes in project networks, and suggests that there is a connection between the characteristics of a project network and the type of interactions within it. We suggest that time, legitimacy and power structure determine the type of interaction processes that occur. Four case studies of service-producing project networks show that relational interaction processes tend to change over time—shifting between the dimensions of consent and negotiation. Project networks seeking to acquire legitimacy are characterised by consent-based interaction processes such as mapping by rhetoric and maintaining an element of vagueness. Legitimate project networks are, on the other hand, characterised by negotiation-based interaction processes such as meetings between the representatives of different interests. Thus, actors in different types of project network adopt different interaction strategies in managing project networks with a view to creating legitimacy or mutual commitment.  相似文献   

Individuals are becoming more technologically savvy and self-sufficient, often transferring what they have learned in the personal realm of apps and chats into the organizational realm. Self information technology (IT) service, or an employees' attempts to solve their technological problem without first seeking the assistance of the IT department personnel, is a phenomenon that has been witnessed for a while but has not yet achieved sufficient theoretical scrutiny. Grounded in qualitative data collected from IT department personnel, an initial theory of self IT service is presented that denotes self IT service as a distinct concept with its own set of drivers and effects. Our study not only informs and expands existing conceptualizations of IT service, but also provides insights for researchers and organizations on how to harness the self IT service phenomenon for their advantage.  相似文献   

Many questions of customer/supplier negotiation dynamics remain unanswered. One reason behind this is that most existing models do not entirely reflect the complex relationship between negotiation behavior and the attained outcome of the negotiation process, analyzing the former from a purely dichotomous perspective. This study examines supplier negotiation behavior and how it impacts the outcome (satisfaction) from the customer´s perspective, thereby proposing a new characterization of negotiation behavior. Our analysis is based on a case study of 21 customer/supplier negotiations carried out by four leading supermarket chains in Costa Rica. Evidence supports our proposal that in customer/supplier negotiations, supplier negotiation behavior can include both integrative and competitive actions within the same negotiation, thereby justifying our proposal of different classifications existing within the negotiation continuum. It was also noted that supplier negotiation behavior influences a customer´s perceived satisfaction level. These findings are relevant to both academia and the professional world and can be used to promote better implementation and performance of agreements attained during a negotiation.  相似文献   

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