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证券市场流动性的文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐静武 《财会通讯》2010,(8):109-112
本文在国内外文献基础上分析了证券市场流动性的涵义、基本特征和度量方法。对学术界衡量流动性的买卖价差、市场深度、价格冲击指数、流动性指数等方法以及影响流动性主要因素进行了梳理和综述。  相似文献   

流动性是市场能够进行迅速低成本交易的能力,市场的流动性越高,则进行即时交易的成本就越低。尽管国内外已有文献对流动性衡量的因素做过大量的研究,但是至今为止对流动性衡量方法没有达成统一的认识,这主要归咎于不同的衡量流动性的特征。针对影响流动性不同的基本因素,流动性衡量方法主要有价格法、交易量法、价量结合法、时间法等四大类。  相似文献   

大豆市场流动性和波动率的协整分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一 引言   流动性对于任何一个市场来说都是非常重要的,尤其在我们的金融市场中,流动性是其发展的生命线.学术界对流动性的描述很多,主要Grossman和Miler(1988)认为,流动性可以通过观察一个市场在当前报价和时间下执行交易的能力来评价.Amihud和Mendelson(1989)认为,流动性是在一定时间内完成交易所需的成本,或寻找一个理想的价格所需的时间.Glen (1994)认为,流动性是为迅速交易且不造成大幅价格变化的能力.本对流动性的描述是通过换手率(R)和交易率(T)来完成的,换手率定义为大豆合约成交量与整个市场成交量的比值,而交易率定义为大豆合约成交额与整个市场成交额的比值.我们对波动性的描述一般是通过描述其收益率的方式来研究的.其计算公式是就其收盘价格求自然对数,在本中用V来表示其波动率。  相似文献   

文章调查了价格限削机制对股票价格波动以及市场流动性的影响.首先刻画了实行价格涨跌幅限制后股票价格的变化特征,研究价格限制机制对股票价格波动的影响;随后在考虑延续冲击效应因素的基础上,通过对引入价格限制机制后投资者总成本的考察,研究了该机制对市场流动性的影响.文章结论认为,股票价格涨跌幅限制机制的引入,将增加股票市场的波动性,并且会导致投资者心理所能承受的潜在收益、损失量减小,使投资者更加频繁地买卖股票,从而增加市场换手率,进而提高整个市场的流动性.  相似文献   

流动性是证券市场运行质量的重要衡量指标。文章对证券市场流动性内涵进行归纳与总结,重新定义流动性内涵,认为证券流动性是证券资产与现金资产的相互转换能力,并对流动性与流通性的内涵进行了辨析;同时,文章还对影响证券市场流动性的因素加以总结,结果发现,证券交易特征、交易成本、市场竞争程度、交易机制与市场透明性等因素显著影响市场流动性水平。  相似文献   

证券市场流动性综合指标及计量理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券市场流动性包含了价格因素、量因素和交易时间因素三方面内容,但现有的众多流动性测度指标只衡量市场的某一方面因素。本文提出了等流动性概念,并以此为理论基础构造综合性流动性指标的计量模型。综合性的指标能够克服单一指标的缺陷,全面地刻画价、量和时间的三方面因素。本文使用上交所的指令数据对该模型进行了实证和检验,得到的综合指标和模型参数有明确的理论和现实意义,对各类传统的流动性指标也有较好的解释力,为理论和实务提供了一个具有分析力的理论框架。  相似文献   

我国债券场外交易量占到我国债券交易总额的95%以上,是投资者交易的最主要场所.我国债券场外交易市场主要指银行间市场,银行间债券市场价格的涨跌跟市场流动性息息相关.回购利率目前是银行间市场交易投资行为的成本指标,很多投资交易行为都将运用资金成本挂钩于回购利率,因此其起落变化将从成本角度影响投资交易行为.本文从银行间债券市场流动性角度入手,主要探讨价格类指标对于流动性状况的影响.  相似文献   

文章调查了价格限制机制对股票价格波动以及市场流动性的影响。首先刻画了实行价格涨跌幅限制后股票价格的变化特征,研究价格限制机制对股票价格波动的影响;随后在考虑延续冲击效应因素的基础上,通过对引入价格限制机制后投资者总成本的考察,研究了该机制对市场流动性的影响。文章结论认为,股票价格涨跌幅限制机制的引入,将增加股票市场的波动性,并且会导致投资者心理所能承受的潜在收益、损失量减小,使投资者更加频繁地买卖股票.从而增加市场换手率,进而提高整个市场的流动性。  相似文献   

正一、流动性与流动性溢价大到宏观经济的货币供需,小到企业和个人的资金运转,都涉及到流动性的影响和渗透。流动性溢价理论产生于证券交易市场,是流动性影响资产定价领域的一种重要表现形式。(一)流动性的涵义针对不同经济层面,流动性的涵义有所区别。宏观经济中的流动性是整个经济体系中货币的总投放量;资本市场中的流动性为参与交易的资金相对于交易资产的供给程度;个别资产的流动性则是指资产买卖的难易程度。有效市场假说认为资本市场中的价格已经包含了影响资产基本价值的所有信  相似文献   

文章在全球量化宽松货币政策的背景下引发了对下一轮流动性黑洞爆发可能性的思考。首先,结合正反馈交易和多重均衡理论探究了证券价格不连续运动的特点以及流动性黑洞形成的内在机理;其次,构建了包含价格变动和交易头寸的向量自回归模型,并以中国上证A股市场为例进行了实证分析。结果显示自2008年以来,国内A股市场存在明显的正反馈效应,这使流动性黑洞的爆发成为可能。上述结论为预测及防范流动性黑洞提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

在对流动性内涵认识的基础上,本文提出股票流动性的本质是股票与现金之间相互转化的能力,满足的是投资者正常的交易需求。从流动性的公司规模和成交金额特征、流动性与股价的关系和流动性水平的稳定性三个方面理论探讨和实证检验了流动性的股票特征,研究结果表明:(1)公司规模一定,可实现的成交金额越多,流动性越好;成交金额一定,公司规模越大,流动性越好;(2)股票的价格与股票流动性之间具有显著的正相关关系;(3)流动性水平在一定时期内具有稳定性。  相似文献   

Researchers have various ways to measure liquidity but most of them come with both merits and demerits. This study provides a literature review of low-frequency liquidity measures with a primary focus on liquidity measurement as well as its implication on asset pricing. Based on the dimension it captures, a range of existing low-frequency measures are divided into four categories of liquidity proxies including transaction cost, volume, price impact, and multidimension-based measures. We review some well-established liquidity proxies, a new bid–ask spread estimator and price impact ratios proposed recently. Finally, we discuss how good low-frequency liquidity measures are at capturing standard liquidity benchmarks, which are constructed from high-frequency intraday data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of trading intensity and OTC transactions on expected market conditions in the early development period of the European Carbon futures market. Past duration and trading intensity are used as information related order flow variables in modelling time between transactions in two new specifications of Autocorrelation Conditional Duration (ACD) models. This allows for specific investigation of non-linear asymmetric effects on expected duration and the impact of OTC transactions. Evidence is presented of two main types of trading episodes of increased and decreased trading intensity. Both have a significant impact on price volatility, which increases further if an OTC transaction intrudes. OTC transactions also play a dual role. They slow down trading activity in the short term (over the next five transactions) but increase it substantially in the long term (over ten transactions). Both the liquidity and information price impact components increase following an OTC trade, but the information impact is greater. Price volatility calms down faster than liquidity effects following an OTC trade, and this is more pronounced in ECX and in Phase II. The combined evidence points towards increased market depth, efficiency and maturity of the trading environment.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relation between retail investors’ participation in trading and aggregate stock market liquidity. The findings show a positive and significant relation between retail investors’ trading and stock market liquidity. Examination of the determinants of retail investors’ trading reveals that, on average, retail investors with more diversified trading activity tend to trade when liquidity is higher, the frequency of their arrival to the market is not affected by the level of liquidity, and retail investors are willing to trade at a lower liquidity level as sellers than as buyers. Moreover, retail investors’ trading does not create price noise at the aggregate market level. Overall, the evidence suggests that retail investors contribute to market quality.  相似文献   

This study analyzes market quality during the 2007–2008 credit crunch, by examining the impact of funding liquidity on market liquidity and price discovery of S&P 500 exchange-traded funds (i.e., S&P 500 depositary receipts [SPYs]) and index futures (E-minis). The empirical results show that funding liquidity affects market liquidity, and that the impact of illiquidity contagion between SPYs and E-minis was significant during the subprime mortgage crisis. In particular, the contagion effects between the two markets mediate the impact of funding illiquidity on market liquidity during the credit crunch. Considering the influences of other market factors on price discovery, we suggest that E-mini index futures made less contributions to price discovery during the credit crunch compared to normal periods. The empirical finding emphasizes the importance of the contagion effect between ETF and E-mini futures markets, when they suffer from external shocks.  相似文献   

目前中国城市住房市场不稳定程度较高,这不仅体现为房价的迅速变化,而且反映在交易量的大幅波动上,后者就是住房流动性的变化。有学者研究指出,以实际交易价格为基础的房价指数可能会低估住房市场的波动程度。为了更准确地把握住房市场的运行状态,本文借鉴美国MIT的相关技术,分析了住房流动性(交易活跃程度)对房价指数的影响,并尝试将流动性信息引入房价指数当中。我们发现,住房流动性对于房价指数有较大影响,且符合人们对于市场走势的直观判断,能够较好地反映市场转折点。  相似文献   

何建 《企业经济》2012,(6):174-177
当前,伴随发达国家的经济不景气和欧债危机的蔓延,我国经济也面临下行压力;发达国家不断向货币市场释放流动性,输入式通胀存隐忧;贸易保护主义抬头,贸易战升温;迫使人民币加快升值步伐,而近期人民币即期汇率连续跌停,汇率战拉开序幕;国际政治经济形势复杂多变,局部战事此起彼伏。这一切,对大宗商品市场和金融市场产生重要影响,引起商品价格巨幅波动且周期缩短,使我国企业迎来了改革开放以来前所未有的价格风险。相关企业必须作出快速反应,建立期货风险管理模式,运用金融衍生工具迎接挑战。  相似文献   

桂黄宝  徐汝峰 《价值工程》2006,25(3):116-118
流动性是一个市场的生命力所在。一个流动性好的市场才能很好的满足投资者的交易需求,减少投资者流动性风险是市场应该提供的功能之一。随着我国资本市场的逐步发展和成熟,投资者越来越注意到市场流动性的重要性。如何准确的界定流动性,如何用一系列的指标体系,来衡量一个市场的流动性,是理论界和市场投资者都很关注的问题。国内外对流动性的研究也很多,本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,提出了自己对于流动性测量的一种观点,通过建立一个基于收益率和相对交易量基础之上的模型,来探讨关于市场流动性的问题。  相似文献   

Stock price crash sensitivity refers to the conditional probability of a stock crash when the market collapses. It focuses on individual stocks' sensitivity to the market crash and can affect stock pricing significantly. Although the crash sensitivity of China's stock market is very high as a whole (Weigert, 2016), different individual stocks show varying degrees of crash sensitivity. This paper, adopting the perspective of institutional investors, explores the reasons for the difference in crash sensitivity in China's stock market, and finds that: First, institutional investors' shareholdings is positively related to firms' stock price crash sensitivity. However, after dividing institutional investors into professional (represented by financial institutions) and non-professional institutional investors (represented by general legal persons), we find that only professional institutional investors' shareholdings is negatively related to firms' stock price crash sensitivity. Second, the impact of professional institutional investors on the crash sensitivity is influenced by stock liquidity and media sentiment: when the stock liquidity of listed companies is good or the media sentiment is strong, the negative impact of professional institutional investors on the crash sensitivity is accordingly high. This paper, by highlighting the investor structure, attempts a pioneering exploration of the influencing factors of the difference in stock price crash sensitivity in China. Our empirical results enrich research on stock price crash sensitivity and the heterogeneity of institutional investors. They can also serve to guide regulatory authorities' development of institutional investors and efforts to maintain market stability.  相似文献   

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