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We examine the CBOE option market depth and bid-ask spreads. Absence of price effects surrounding large option trades suggests excellent market depth. However, bid-ask spreads for the CBOE options and the NYSE stocks are nearly equal, even though an average option is equivalent to less than half a stock plus borrowing. We explain this tradeoff between market depth and bid-ask spreads on the CBOE and the NYSE by differences in market mechanisms. We also show that the adverse-selection component of the option spread, which measures the extent of information-related trading on the CBOE, is very small.  相似文献   

创业板市场IPO定价效率研究——来自香港市场的经验证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对香港创业板市场IPO抑价现象进行了实证检验,研究表明,香港创业板IPO市场定价效率相对较低:风险投资家能够带领风险企业提前上市并得到投资者认同;IPO企业经营年限、价值不确定性及IPO发行时信息处理效率等变量对香港创业板IPO市场定价效率有显著影响:承销商、审计事务所的鉴证功能得不到体现;高效的IPO发行机制有利于创业板IPO市场效率的提高。  相似文献   

The use of options as a component of executive remuneration in large listed corporations in Australia grew materially between 1997 and 2002. This growth coincided with a significant degree of concentration of ownership of those options in the hands of a small cadre of board members and senior executives. We conclude that this phenomenon, to date essentially unexplored in the literature, has significant implications for the quality of governance outcomes in firms that use options in their incentive and remuneration systems .  相似文献   

The amount and timing of unscheduled principal amortization determines the ex-post yield to holders of mortgage-backed securities. In this paper, the relationship between pool characteristics and the early return of principal is addressed. Empirical results are based on actual terminations from June 1985 to June 1986 on a sample of all GNMA pools. The relative termination experience of pools with loan rates close to the refinancing rate faced by the underlying borrower is examined in detail. The impact of pool age and size is also considered. Unscheduled termination depends on the refinancing rate, as well as the specific characteristics of a pool.  相似文献   

Previous research shows, using data from three quarters after the implementation of regulation fair disclosure (Reg FD), that there is an improvement in the informational efficiency of stock prices after Reg FD. We compare the informational efficiency of stock prices in four pre-Reg FD quarters (1999–2000) and 12 post-Reg FD quarters (2002–2005). The improvement in the informational efficiency of stock prices previously reported in the immediate aftermath of Reg FD persists in later periods.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, the market of credit derivativeshas expanded rapidly, and the importance of pricing problemsfor credit derivatives has been recognized especially in the last decade.Among these securities, the pricing problems of credit derivativeswith an early exercise, such as American put options,have not received enough attention. In view of this need, this paper develops a continuous stochastic modelof American put options on defaultable bonds.The method of obtaining a solution is based on a new result of the optimalstopping problem for a diffusion process with a jump.Some characterizations of American put options are providedusing partial differential equations.  相似文献   

We introduce a model that captures the main properties thatcharacterize employee stock options (ESO). We discuss the likelihoodof early voluntary ESO exercise, and the obligation to exerciseimmediately if the employee leaves the firm, except if thishappens before options are vested, in which case the optionsare forfeited. We derive an analytic formula for the price ofthe ESO and in a case study compare it to alternative methods.  相似文献   

Since 1998, large investment banks have become active as issuers of options, generally referred to as call warrants or bank‐issued options. This has led to an interesting situation in the Netherlands, where simultaneously call warrants are traded on the stock exchange, and long‐term call options are traded on the options exchange. Both entitle their holders to buy shares of common stock. We start with a direct comparison between call warrants and call options, written on the same stock and with the same exercise price, but where the call option has a longer time to maturity. In 13 out of 16 cases we find that the call warrants are priced higher, which is a clear violation of basic option pricing rules. In the second part of the analysis we use option pricing models to compare the pricing of call warrants and call options. If implied standard deviations from options are used to price the call warrants, we find that the call warrants are strongly overpriced during the first five trading days. The average overpricing is between 25 and 30%. Only a small part of the overpricing can be explained by rational arguments such as transaction costs. We suggest that the overvaluation can be explained by a combination of an active financial marketing by the banks and the framing effect.  相似文献   


We consider two models in which the logarithm of the price of an asset is a shifted compound Poisson process. Explicit results are obtained for prices and optimal exercise strategies of certain perpetual American options on the asset, in particular for the perpetual put option. In the first model in which the jumps of the asset price are upwards, the results are obtained by the martingale approach and the smooth junction condition. In the second model in which the jumps are downwards, we show that the value of the strategy corresponding to a constant option-exercise boundary satisfies a certain renewal equation. Then the optimal exercise strategy is obtained from the continuous junction condition. Furthermore, the same model can be used to price certain reset options. Finally, we show how the classical model of geometric Brownian motion can be obtained as a limit and also how it can be integrated in the two models.  相似文献   

A mean-variance risk-return tradeoff relationship is derived for the diffusion process limiting case of a state-preference model, with aggregate consumption serving as a pivotal variable. The model is compared to other recent models along the dimensions of generality and tractable implementation. The incorporation of stochastic interest rates in general equilibrium and arbitrage-based valuation models is examined, and an extension to earlier methods is discussed, in connection with the implementation of “robust” general valuation procedures.  相似文献   

One option-pricing problem that has hitherto been unsolved is the pricing of a European call on an asset that has a stochastic volatility. This paper examines this problem. The option price is determined in series form for the case in which the stochastic volatility is independent of the stock price. Numerical solutions are also produced for the case in which the volatility is correlated with the stock price. It is found that the Black-Scholes price frequently overprices options and that the degree of overpricing increases with the time to maturity.  相似文献   

This article studies the pricing of options in an extended BlackScholes economy in which the underlying asset is not perfectlyliquid. The resulting liquidity risk is modeled as a stochasticsupply curve, with the transaction price being a function ofthe trade size. Consistent with the market microstructure literature,the supply curve is upward sloping with purchases executed athigher prices and sales at lower prices. Optimal discrete timehedging strategies are then derived. Empirical evidence revealsa significant liquidity cost intrinsic to every option.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of options with default risk. The comparative statics of such options can differ from those of ordinary options, and early exercise of such American call options can be optimal. Several examples of options with default risk are considered.  相似文献   

The price movements of certain assets can be modeled by stochastic processes that combine continuous diffusion with discrete jumps. This paper compares values of options on assets with no jumps, jumps of fixed size, and jumps drawn from a lognormal distribution. It is shown that not only the magnitude but also the direction of the mispricing of the Black-Scholes model relative to jump models can vary with the distribution family of the jump component. This paper also discusses a methodology for the numerical valuation, via a backward induction algorithm, of American options on a jump-diffusion asset whose early exercise may be profitable. These cannot, in general, be accurately priced using analytic models. The procedure has the further advantage of being easily adaptable to nonanalytic, empirical distributions of period returns and to nonstationarity in the underlying diffusion process.  相似文献   

我国商业银行的服务定价策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO以后,外资银行大举进入中国,为了增强我国商业银行的竞争力,我国正逐步建立银行服务收费制度。然而,不同银行对此反应也截然不同。对此,笔者认为与存款有关的服务收费与否以及多少取决于商业银行自身的市场定位与营销策略,存款定价可以用来为银行的各种服务形成特定的客户基础。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approximation method for pricing barrier options with discrete monitoring under stochastic volatility environment. In particular, the integration-by-parts formula and the duality formula in Malliavin calculus are effectively applied in pricing barrier options with discrete monitoring. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first one that shows an analytical approximation for pricing discrete barrier options with stochastic volatility models. Furthermore, it provides numerical examples for pricing double barrier call options with discrete monitoring under Heston and λ-SABR models.  相似文献   


The volatility smile and systematic mispricing of the Black–Scholes option pricing model are the typical motivation for examining stochastic processes other than geometric Brownian motion to describe the underlying stock price. In this paper a new stochastic process is presented, which is a special case of the skew-Brownian motion of Itô and McKean. The process in question is the sum of a standard Brownian motion and an independent reflecting Brownian motion that is similar in construction to the stochastic representation of a skew-normal random variable. This stochastic process is taken in its exponential form to price European options. The derived option price nests the Black–Scholes equation as a special case and is flexible enough to accommodate stochastic volatility as well as stochastic skewness.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method for pricing exotic options whose payoff functions depend on several stochastic indices and American options in multidimensional models. This method is based on two ideas. One is an application of the asymptotic expansion method for the law of a multidimensional diffusion process. The other is the combination of the asymptotic expansion method and the method called backward induction. The author applies the method to the problems of pricing call options on the maximum of two assets in the CEV model, average strike options in the Black–Scholes model and American options in the Heston model. Numerical examples show practical effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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