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It is possible to specify a model for interest rates in various ways, by giving the dynamics of the spot rate or of the forward rates, for example. A less well–developed approach is to specify the law of the state–price density process directly. In abstract, the state–price density process is a positive supermartingale, and the theory of Markov processes provides a rich framework for the generation of examples of such things. We show how this can be done, and provide simple examples (some familiar, some new) where prices of derivatives can be computed very easily. One benefit of the potential approach is that it becomes very easy to model the yield curve in many countries at once, together with the exchange rates between them.  相似文献   

基于BEER模型的人民币利率与汇率关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金融开放条件下,一国货币市场与国际货币市场将融为一体。研究利率与汇率之间的变动关系,对于合理引导宏观经济运行、有效实施货币政策等具有重要意义。基于我国市场化改革的现实,本文从长期均衡的角度分析我国利率与汇率的作用机制,通过建立BEER模型实证考察利率对人民币均衡汇率决定的影响作用,探讨利率与汇率机制有效性在我国的现实表现,进而寻求有效的措施以推动我国利率市场与汇率市场的良好互动发展。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of a Central Bank that wants the exchange rate to be as close as possible to a given target, and in order to do that uses both the interest rate level and interventions in the foreign exchange market. We model this as a mixed classical‐impulse stochastic control problem, and provide for the first time a solution to that kind of problem. We give examples of solutions that allow us to perform an interesting economic analysis of the optimal strategy of the Central Bank.  相似文献   


We have employed the three-dimensional continuous Morlet wavelet transform methodology to explore the co-movement amongst the returns of four major currencies in Ghana (dollar, euro, pound, and yen) for the period May 1999 to February 2018. The analysis reveals that the dynamics of the interdependence of the currencies is time-varying and heterogeneous. Our empirical findings demonstrate that the currencies are closely linked or interconnected. The lead–lag relationships between the returns of the exchange rates established that volatilities in the euro and yen significantly affect movements in the other currencies in daily and weekly exchange rate returns. The presence of lead–lag effects and stronger co-movements at short-run fluctuations may induce arbitrage and diversification opportunities to investors, albeit with limited space. The differences in the co-movements of returns and the evidence of contagion among the foreign exchange markets provide reliable incentive to the monetary authorities for unflinching strides to halt the speeding exchange rates.  相似文献   

马希平 《中国市场》2009,(36):47-49
金融危机以来,我国经济增长面临前所未有的压力。为此,国家分别采取了降低利率等货币手段以保证流动性。同时,我国的物价水平经过去年的快速增长后,开始逐步回落。本文分别从理论和实证方面对利率和物价的关系进行阐释,对实证结论做出合理解释,回顾了中国的利率市场化进程,并对利率市场化的改革提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to carry out a counterfactual analysis of the impact of alternative exchange rate regimes on the volatility of the nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and the bilateral rate against the US dollar for nine East Asian countries after the Asian financial crisis. Our hypothetical regimes include a unilateral basket peg (UBP), a common basket peg (CBP) and a hard peg against the dollar. We find that a UBP would minimise effective exchange rate volatility for all countries and provides the highest regime gains compared to actual. Although the gains for a CBP are always less than those for a UBP, the absolute differences between the two regimes appear to be small. In terms of the bilateral relationship against the dollar, the gains from a UBP or CBP could be quite significant for the non‐dollar peggers since a fall in effective instability would be accompanied by a fall in bilateral instability.  相似文献   

本文选取1996年到2013年的季度数据,利用具有符号约束的贝叶斯时变随机波动向量自回归模型(TVP-SV-VAR),针对人民币利率冲击、汇率冲击在不同经济环境中对于宏观经济的时变影响进行分析。结果表明,利率冲击对于物价的短期影响并不稳定,通胀水平越高影响越大,长期影响相对稳定。利率冲击主要通过资本形成影响产出,资本形成比重越高或利率敏感性越强则影响越大。汇率冲击对于物价水平的传递效应在通胀水平越高时越明显,整体上并未出现降低趋势。汇率主要通过支出转换效应对产出形成短期时变影响,长期时变影响则主要通过资产负债表效应和利率影响渠道。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a model for the pricing of European options under the assumption of a stochastic interest rate in a discrete-time context. This is accomplished by combining the well-known binomial model for a stock with a binomial model for the spot interest rate.  相似文献   

随着中国与其它国家的互动关系逐步加强,国内经济更易受外国货币政策冲击的影响。本文通过构建两国经济DSGE模型,采用参数校准法选取模型参数,利用经济变量波动特征和脉冲响应函数,分析了美国加息对人民币汇率和相关价格的影响。研究结果表明:美国加息会导致中国通货膨胀率下降和股票价格下跌,人民币汇率贬值,但汇率贬值不一定引起出口增加;美国加息冲击发生后,中国股票价格的相对波动性最大,其次是人民币汇率,随后是通货膨胀率,利率的相对波动性最小。最后提出完善宏观调控政策和加强金融宏观审慎管理制度建设等建议。  相似文献   

魏佳  荆雯  杨昆元 《江苏商论》2012,(8):157-160
本文通过对我国沪市股票价格指数、人民币汇率和存款基准利率三个变量运用VAR模型、VEC误差修正模型、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数和方差分解等方法进行实证研究,得出了以下结论:人民币汇率和存款基准利率对于股票价格指数均有不同程度的影响,而汇率变化对于股指变化的影响更大。同时股票价格指数对于汇率的变化也有一定程度的影响,而我国存款基准利率的调整则不受股票价格指数变化的影响。  相似文献   

本文通过构建一个四部门的动态随机一般均衡模型,实证检验了随着利率和汇率市场化改革的协同推进,国内经济在受到不同冲击时,产出和通胀的反应。研究发现,当国内经济受到国内利率和技术的正向冲击时,对利率和汇率实施一定程度的管制有利于稳定经济增长和物价水平;当国内经济受到国外利率和技术的正向冲击时,加速市场化有利于及时抵御外部冲击的不利影响;而当国内经济受到国内和国外利率的负向冲击时,加速市场化面临着稳增长和控通胀不可兼得的情形。因此,为了确保宏观经济的稳健运行,政府以及货币当局应当实时关注我国经济面临的主要冲击,根据具体的经济形势,灵活推进利率和汇率市场化改革。  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developing countries. Both the theoretical and the empirical literature are extremely divided on this issue. We apply a relatively new empirical technique – the continuous wavelet transform – to Bangladesh. Bangladesh is of interest because of its remarkable economic growth and poverty reduction during the last 30 years in combination with, for a developing country, a controlled inflation. The wavelet analysis is a contribution because it displays how the correlation and the lead–lag structure between variables change over timescales, taking into account that growth and inflation can follow several different cycles. Comovements between variables are generally studied in the time domain. Results from studies in the time‐domain study can be sensitive to the frequency of observations. On the other hand, studies in the frequency domain are not easily translated into time domains that can be associated with economic policies. The wavelet methodology finds a balance between time and frequency domains. Our study finds that growth Granger causes inflation at all frequency scales, starting from the short run to the very long run. Inflation, on the other hand, Granger causes growth in the long run but not in the short run. This result has implications for Bangladesh, and as such for similar developing countries, where some policymakers believe that inflation must be kept at very low levels for sustained economic growth.  相似文献   

人民币利率对汇率影响的实证研究:1981—2003   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
熊鹏 《财经论丛》2005,(5):70-77
定量分析人民币利率对汇率长期走势与短期波动的影响,对于中国利率市场化与汇率制度选择等问题意义重大.对时间序列变量进行单位根检验、协整检验,以及建立误差修正模型等实证研究表明:无论在长期还是短期,人民币利率对汇率都是反向影响.长期内,利率对人民币汇率存在较强的影响;短期内,利率对人民币汇率影响较弱.我国利率主要还是通过商品市场间接地对汇率产生作用.  相似文献   

雷蒙 《WTO经济导刊》2010,(11):93-93
近来,关于全球货币战争的说法甚嚣尘上。而处在矛盾漩涡正中的则是中美两国。其实,中美关于人民币是否低估及低估多少的争论由来已久,只不过随着美国中期选举的临近而再次被炒作为话题。9月29日,美国会众议院以348票对79票通过了《汇率改革促进公平贸易法案》,旨在对所谓低估本币汇率的国家征收特别关税,矛头直指中国。  相似文献   

陆前进 《财贸经济》2017,(12):51-65
本文首先考察了典型代理人效用最优化下的消费和健康人力资本等最优一阶条件,得到实际汇率和出生率均衡方程;同时结合生产者最优化进一步拓展该模型,得到健康支出、出生率等对实际汇率的影响.理论分析表明:政府健康支出、人口出生率、非贸易品与贸易品劳动生产率之比和实际汇率存在长期的均衡关系,政府健康支出、出生率对实际汇率都有一定的影响.面板数据动态最小二乘法的实证结果显示:政府健康支出和实际汇率是同向变化,两者之间都是正相关;人口出生率和实际汇率变化则依赖于具体的条件.  相似文献   

基于代表性家庭追求效用最大化,文中构建了一个由外国实际收入、汇率水平、货物出口以及经GARCH(1,1)模型估计所得条件方差作为汇率风险代理变量组成的服务出口方程。采用自回归分布滞后估计方程参数,并将汇率变动影响货物出口进而传导至服务出口的间接效应纳入分析框架。估计结果显示,汇率水平变动与服务出口之间存在负相关关系,而汇率风险却有助于推动服务出口;汇率变动对服务出口的累积净效应表明,汇率水平变动是汇率变动对服务出口最终影响效应的主导因素。最后从我国汇率变动与服务贸易发展角度也证实了该结论。  相似文献   

A fluctuating exchange rate has an impact on how firms value a given stream of profits, thereby affecting the ability of an international oligopoly to collude implicitly. The conversion effect arises because the foreign firm maximizes its profits earned on the home market measured in foreign currency. The discount factor effect captures the fact that exchange rate fluctuations are connected with fluctuations in the interest rates, thereby changing the present value of future profits. Although each effect refers to only one of the firms, considered together they have an identical impact on the home and the foreign firm. If the foreign country is small, the conversion effect and the discount factor effect exactly offset each other. Otherwise, the effects analysed make collusion more difficult to sustain.  相似文献   

本文运用协整关系分析和误差修正模型对1979—2008年度人民币双边实际汇率与美国、日本和欧盟对华直接投资的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:对美国而言,从长期来看,人民币对美元升值不仅不会导致中国FDI流入的减少,反而能够促进FDI流入的增加;对日本和欧盟而言,我国国内生产总值的增长率与其对华直接投资之间存在显著的正相关关系;对美、日和欧盟而言,我国的开放度和政策的稳定性对它们的对华直接投资均有显著的正面影响。  相似文献   

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