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我国房地产经济的近期走势与对策探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨继瑞 《消费经济》2005,21(3):18-22
当前,国家防止房地产经济过热的宏观调控明显奏效。然而,国民经济持续增长、居民消费结构升级、城乡一体化进程加快以及经济适用房建设逐步规范等因素仍将有利于我国房地产业保持持续增长的势头。同时,央行加息所产生的“双刃剑”效应等因素,又将使房地产开发成本上升,从而必然对我国房地产业发展产生一定的影响。因此,推进房地产金融多元化,以规范经济适用房建设为核心,增加房地产市场的有效供给,控制房价过猛上涨将成为今年我国房地产领域的工作重点。  相似文献   

在各国政府的强力经济政策刺激下.全球经济复苏初露曙光。当经济复苏正在悄悄拉开帷幕的时候.造船市场又是一种什么样的情况呢?全球船市从2008年11月至今年5月连续7个月新船成交量都在100万载重吨以下.但从6月份开始突然发力,7月和8月分别达到634万和613万载重吨.形成了一波年内的小高潮。那能不能因此判断船市将由此反转呢?我们认为下这样的结论缺乏充足的依据.各方面的不确定因素难以支持船市目前走强的势头.2010年对全球船企来说仍然是困难重重的一年。  相似文献   

2004 will go down in history as a period of rapid expansion, even though the global economic growth rate slowed markedly during the course of the year. However, it did not come to a complete standstill despite the renewed increase in the price of oil and other energy commodities. Is there a threat of stronger price rises that would force the central banks to renounce their expansive course of monetary policy? Will the slowdown in the rate of global output expansion continue? If so, will this be only temporary, or can perhaps a return to a markedly faster rate of expansion be expected?  相似文献   

<正>以促进合作、共同发展为主题,由中国政府和牙买加政府共同举办的“中国-加勒比经贸合作论坛”首届部长级会议当地时间2月2日上午在牙买加首都金斯敦开幕。中国国家副主席曾庆红出席开幕式并发表题为“共同谱写中加互利合作的历史新篇章”的演讲。中加论坛是中国于2004年倡议建立的,这一倡议得到了加勒比国家的广泛响应。它以探讨  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,上市公司在社会化媒体平台发布信息,投资者评论这些信息并制定投资策略。现阶段,多数投资者是非理性的,他们缺乏获取真实信息的渠道,也不具备专业的投资理论知识,易受网络舆情的影响而产生"羊群效应"。通过利用中文文本分析技术对东方财富网股吧的评论进行分析,并构建投资者情绪指数,分析投资者情绪在短期对股票市场的影响。实证结果表明投资者情绪在短期的确会影响到股票的收益,该结论能帮助投资者有效利用互联网信息,制定投资决策。  相似文献   

As China successfully achieved its accession to WTO, it has attracted world attention. Where will be the next spot for economy booming. The world's attention begins to focus on China. Will it be the next economic giant in the world?The USA Business Week on December 9, 2002, issued an article - Greater China, Rise of a Economic Superpower, which describes that the mainland is absorbing the economies of Hong Kong and Taiwan faster than you think. How will this new superpower affect the world?  相似文献   

<正> 国际货币基金组织(IMF)9月25日发表《世界经济展望》报告认为,全球经济增长将持续下去,但增速低于此前的估计。相比之下,中国经济增长速度超过预期,总体运行态势良好。报告说,今年年初以来,在美国经济复苏的带动下,世界经济的增长速度逐步恢复,尤其是第一季度增长强劲,主要表现为工业生产和贸易的恢复。美国和亚洲新兴市场国家的增长速度均超过原先的估计。但是,此后世界经济增长面临的困难大大增加,金融市场明显走弱,其  相似文献   

邱仰林 《中国市场》2010,(24):86-88
对我国而言,在改革开放初期把钱投到美国国债比较保险,另外,购买美国国债量可以很大而且在市场上进出都很方便,但现在购买美国国债的量太大导致我国外汇储备中美元依存度更高这对我国是巨大的风险。  相似文献   


With the upgrading of Asia‘s global role, she also shows her care about her role in international organizations.……  相似文献   

China on December 20 revised its GDP (gross domestic product) for 2004 to 15.9878 trillion yuan (about 2 trillion U.S. dollars), up 2.3 trillion yuan, or 16.8% from the preliminary figures.  相似文献   

With the upgrading of Asia's global role, she also shows her care about her role in international organizations.  相似文献   

China on December 20 revised its GDP (gross domestic product)for 2004 to 15.9878 trillion yuan (about 2 trillion U.S. dollars), up 2.3 trillion yuan, or 16.8% from the preliminary figures.……  相似文献   

John Whalley 《The World Economy》2008,31(11):1454-1454
This paper discusses a central element in globalisation debate little addressed by economists, namely the interactions at global, national and community levels between globalisation and societally based values. Social values refer to wider notions of collective identity; religious values, attitudes towards materialism, moral beliefs, and a sense of collective awareness and are a broader and more encompassing concept than social capital discussed in recent economics and sociology literature. Social capital relates to trust, honesty and the social fabric of accepted norms central to the successful implementation of individual optimising decisions and denotes a communal asset reflecting strength of joint collective commitment whose amount can be increased or improved upon through investment of time and resources. Social values are much discussed in sociological literature going back to Comte, Durkheim, Parsons, and others. The issues taken up here are how different social values might interact and change as societies and their economies integrate (globalise). Processes of value competition, displacement and joint assimilation occur naturally to economists, but seem little studied by sociologists who seemingly place less stress on analytical comparative statics. Scenarios for how values can interact under globalisation are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

国际货币基金组织(IMF)9月14日在新加坡发表的《世界经济展望》报告预计,世界经济2006年和2007年将分别增长5.1%和4.9%,均比该组织今年4月的估计上调了0.2个百分点。国际货币基金组织认为,支持这一良好增长前景的因素包括通货膨胀的压力将会成功地得到遏制、发达国家的内需增长  相似文献   

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