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The 1990s have witnessed a dramatic rise in consumer demand for, and hence provision of, call centres in the UK. Central to the success of call centres is customer service. Although there exists an ever-expanding tranche of literature on call centres and customer service, it primarily focuses on aspects of their functionality. In contrast, this article encompasses analysis of organisational perspectives and employee perceptions in its review of the contemporary nature of customer service in UK call centres. Drawing from recent, exploratory research, the article asserts that, in general, there is significant potential for improving customer service and satisfaction through the medium of more sophisticated employee management practices.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the mediating role of psychological capital (PsyCap) between work engagement and the six dimensions of quality of work life (QoWL). Data were collected from the employees working in the accident and emergency department of tertiary hospitals in India involved in rendering emergency healthcare services. Structural analysis showed that PsyCap fully mediates the relationship between work engagement and control at work and partially between work engagement and the other five dimensions of QoWL. These results augment broaden and build theory by explaining the role of PsyCap in channelizing the positive effect of work engagement to improve employees’ QoWL. Hospitals with the accident and emergency department are encouraged to recruit psychologically capable employees. Such employees can transfer the benefits of their personal resources and engagement to the quality of life at work and be less prone to burnout.  相似文献   

We examine the impacts of changes to the options multiplier on market efficiency by analyzing their effects on arbitrage proxies based on the performance of options spread strategies. Despite the intentions of the reforms, both decisions to raise and reduce the multiplier significantly increase the frequency and probability of arbitrage opportunities. Whereas the increment in the multiplier also deteriorates market efficiency by increasing the duration and average size of the arbitrage opportunities in a day, the decrement does not affect these proxies. Our results overall provide evidence that reforms to the options multiplier do not enhance market efficiency and suggest that retail investors are not homogeneously noisy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2023,99(2):228-246
Frontline employees (FLEs) play a critical role in shaping customer experiences and purchase intentions in retail settings. Yet not all FLEs display the same work behaviors or motivational tendencies. Adopting person-environment fit theory, this research investigates whether multiple work climates can coexist within a workplace to support FLEs with different work behaviors. Using multisource data from 285 FLEs and 31 supervisors in the retail banking sector, this study examines whether a quality-focused climate and an initiative-focused climate positively influence FLE service performance via different FLE behaviors. It also examines the moderating effect of FLE self-regulatory focus on the relationship between work climate and FLE behaviors. The results demonstrate that when FLEs are willing to innovate and take risks, a work climate that supports initiative-taking will encourage them to go beyond prescribed job roles to satisfy customer needs. In contrast, when FLEs seek to minimize or avoid risks, a work climate that reinforces rule adherence will support them in using standardized procedures to satisfy customer needs. Managers should not assume that one climate fits all or that one climate is better than the other as this study shows that a quality-focused and an initiative-focused climate can operate in tandem to enhance FLE service performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between ethical leadership and employee voice behaviour by focusing on the mediating role of organizational identification and the moderating role of organizational trust. The results of distinctive data from 293 supervisors–follower pairs in an insurance group from the People's Republic of China reveal that ethical leadership positively relates to employee voice behaviour, and that organization identification fully mediates the positive influence of ethical leadership on employee voice behaviour. We also found that organization trust moderates the relationship between the organization identification and employee voice. Furthermore, the mediating effect between ethical leadership and employee voice is moderated by organizational trust, that is to say moderated mediation. We discuss implications of these findings for research and practice.  相似文献   

Based on the Conservation of Resources Theory, this research aims to examine the relationship between seasonal employee leadership (SEL) and turnover intention (TI). The data was obtained by administering a survey to 450 seasonal employees working in 15 five-star hotels in Antalya. The findings revealed that SEL reduces TI, which is an important problem for the tourism industry. The study results show that SEL was negatively related to workplace ostracism (WO) and work alienation (WA) and TI. Further, the findings show the serial mediating effect of WO and WA between SEL and TI. The study makes useful recommendations to managers to eliminate ostracism, curb the feeling of alienation and decrease TI.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the relationship between authentic leadership and employee proactive behavior. Based on self-determination theory, we argue that such a relationship is sequentially mediated by psychological empowerment and core self-evaluations. In addition, political skill plays a moderating role in the third stage. These hypotheses are validated by a sample of 65 leaders and 275 subordinates from two private enterprises in mainland China. Results show that authentic leadership (Time 1) influences employees’ proactive behavior (Time 3) through the psychological empowerment (Time 1) and core self-evaluations of employees (Time 2), and the relationship between core self-evaluations and proactive behavior is positively moderated by employees’ political skill. In addition, bootstrapping results also verify the moderating role played by employees’ political skill in the indirect relationship between authentic leadership and proactive behavior through core self-evaluations. Theoretical and managerial implications are further discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

论品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业之间的竞争,集中体现为品牌统治权的争夺,实质是对消费者的争夺。只有与消费者建立长期持久的关系,才能取得竞争的先机。而信任是长期关系的基础,是关系营销取得成功的关键,与心理契约存在正相关关系。系统梳理、借鉴有关品牌信任和心理契约研究成果,并从理论上论证了品牌关系生命周期中消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的横向动态关系与纵向互动关系同时存在,它们共同形成了消费者品牌信任与心理契约建立的动态整合模型。  相似文献   

The entire service sector has acknowledged the importance of employee creativity. However, the underlying mechanism due to which employees are engaged in creativity has been relatively unexplored. Moreover, where the banking service sector in advanced countries has realized the potential role of employee creativity for a bank's success, the same was not fully realized in the context of a developing country, especially in Pakistan. Against this backdrop, the current study is an effort to explore the underlying mechanism of employee creativity as an outcome of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the mediating effects of work engagement (WE) and psychological safety (PS) in the banking sector of Pakistan. Data were collected (n = 483) from banking employees through a self-administered questionnaire, which used the paper and pencil method. The hypotheses of the current survey were validated by employing structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS software. The results confirmed that employee creativity, as an outcome of CSR, was significantly influenced by the CSR orientation of a bank. Furthermore, PS and WE produced a significant mediation effect (41%) between the relationship of CSR and employee creativity. The findings of the current study are helpful to the banking sector of Pakistan in understanding the CSR-employee creativity mechanism, which is of utmost importance from the standpoint of competition.  相似文献   

Drawing on a tripartite perspective on attitudes, this study examines the influence of psychological ownership and territoriality on turnover intention, as well as the moderating role of work relationship closeness on the relationship between territoriality and turnover intention. Analyses of longitudinal data collected from 341 employees in three Chinese automobile manufacturing companies demonstrate that employees’ psychological ownership is negatively related to their turnover intention. As well, territoriality is negatively related to turnover intention and mediates the relationship between psychological ownership and turnover intention. Additionally, work relationship closeness moderates the relationship between territoriality and turnover intention such that the negative relationship is stronger when employees experience a higher level of work relationship closeness. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Value co-creation (VC) is generally considered as having mutually beneficial implications for all actors involved. Nonetheless, emerging evidence on value co-destruction and its consequences on the wellbeing of co-creating actors implies that narrowing down on specific fallouts of this process is needed for managerial interventions. This paper contributes to the value-co-creation literature by exploring the relationship between customer participation in VC on some difficult to detect employee service behaviors: workaholism and fear-based silence. The extent to which employee trust (TRS) in employee – hotel relationship moderates these relations is assessed. While the findings from 422 frontline employee-customer data within luxury hotels in Ghana support a negative effect of VC on fear-based silence and workaholism, TRS buffered these effects. We recommend that VC in service failure and recovery be approached with tact, compassion, and forgiveness.  相似文献   

This paper examines the employment relationship of older workers by studying the effects of psychological contract breach on psychological contract violation and turnover intentions. Despite an accumulating body of research calling for a multidimensional conceptualization of the psychological contract, the majority of studies adopt a unidimensional approach. Furthermore the literature on older worker psychological contracts is often limited to comparisons between age groups or different generations. This research addresses these gaps by using a multidimensional approach of breach and expands research by including older worker identity in the examination of older worker psychological contracts. This research contributes to the literature by identifying specific areas of the psychological contract that exert a direct effect on violation and an indirect effect on turnover intentions. A second contribution lies in the finding that older worker identity moderates the relationship between breach and violation for those areas. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the environment experienced by private businesses in China through examining their relationships with the major stakeholders—namely government, supplier, employee, customer, and competitor.Since the announcement of the economic reform in 1978, substantial political and economic power has been delegated from the central government to the regions. Endowed with this power, local governments have crucial influence on the size of the private sector within their jurisdiction. Being outside the state allocation plan, private firms have less access to raw materials and credit. In the volatile political climate of China, they are vulnerable to attack during political campaigns. Maintaining a cordial relationship with local cadres, through paying bribes and various charges, is thus a prerequisite for survival. Having solicited political backing, a private entrepreneur can not only run his business more smoothly, but also may be more tolerated in his illegal activities such as tax evasion, profiteering, and selling banned products. In short, the whole situation can be described as a collusion of local governments and private businesses at the expense of the central government's interest.Under the economic reform, the distribution system has become less rigid than before. It is easier for private firms to secure supplies, whether raw materials or manufactured goods. Labor input is also not a problem for most private firms which are small in size and employ mainly unskilled workers. However, large private enterprises have to compete with state, collective, and foreign enterprises for managerial staff who are in short supply.There have been marked changes in the consumption pattern since the early 1980s. People spend less on staple foods and more on non-staple foods, consumer goods, and services. Moreover, China is experiencing a consumption boom. Altogether this offers great opportunities to the private sector, which has been expanding its share of industrial output and retail sales very fast. On the other hand, competition is becoming much keener. State enterprises are improving their efficiency and giant multinational corporations are rushing in. As there are few entry barriers, private entrepreneurs are also competing fiercely among themselves.The ideological contradiction of having labor exploitation by private entrepreneurs in a socialist country has prevented the Chinese government from actively encouraging private business. The private sector has been assigned a supplementary role in the dominant public economy. This status has led to discrimination against private firms in obtaining factor inputs, accounting partly for their vulnerability to bureaucratic harassment by local cadres. This will continue to hamper private business development. It is concluded that ideological and political reforms, in addition to the economic reform, are required for providing a more conducive environment for private businesses. The Chinese experience of liberalizing the private sector offers useful insights to governments of other developing countries.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on Multinationals in the Middle East first reviews the historical growth and development of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the territory extending from Morocco to Turkey alongside the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean as far east as Iran, and south to Sudan and Yemen. Then, several opportunities and challenges affecting MNEs in the region are discussed, including economic and social diversity, non-market strategies and entry-mode choices, and animosity toward MNEs. The seven papers featured in the special issue that address these topics are then discussed.  相似文献   

Japanese trade unions have contributed much to the economic stability and success of Japanese enterprises. Globalization has, however, placed substantial pressure on the Japanese industrial relations system and, in turn, upon the enterprise union system. Not all changes can be directly attributed to globalization. We contend, however, that the success of Japanese firms, both in exports and in overseas production, has made the Japanese economy reliant on a strong world economy. Economic downturns that have been witnessed in a number of countries in 1990s have weakened the demand for Japanese export products. This, in combination with the Japanese banking and financial crises, has created pressure for an overhaul of employment and human resource management systems. This article examines these pressures and the response by trade unions.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an investigation of the growing management and marketing problem of tenancy development in new shopping centres. The paper notes the critical importance of tenancy development in an increasingly competitive market, and reports on a survey of thirty shopping centres which examines patterns of tenancy development in the early crucial years of their growth. The survey highlights significant tenancy problems facing some developers/landlords, with major implications for rental income growth, retail synergy and sales growth, and for future shopping centre marketing strategies.  相似文献   

凯伦(Heartland,原名华伦媒体)是中国领先的户外传播代理公司,由首批留美广告学硕士林建潮(Jay Lin)于2000年创立,秉承策略、创新、实效的服务理念,致力于为客户提供包括策划、购买、创意、制作和执行、监测和维护在内的全方位服务。2007年凯伦加入了全球知名传媒品牌安吉斯集团旗下的户外传播代理公司Posterscope,成为其全球网络的重要一员。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the evolution of corporate governance reforms in the emerging economies of China and India. We first describe the two major driving forces behind governance reforms in these countries: privatization and globalization. After summarizing the evolution of governance reforms in each context, we identify four major obstacles that impede their implementation in both countries, namely: (1) lack of incentives, (2) power of the dominant shareholder, (3) underdeveloped external monitoring systems, and (4) shortage of qualified independent directors. Next, we highlight practical implications of these governance challenges for foreign firms contemplating, or already involved in, major investments in these emerging economies. We emphasize that foreign firms that are sensitive to context-specific challenges are more likely to put in place appropriate contractual or other safeguards, as well as identify more practical and meaningful forms of participation in the governance of their ventures. Finally, we conclude with some implications for future research.  相似文献   

Venture capital (VC) as an industry has existed for more than 50 years, yet it has only moderately developed beyond the USA despite numerous trials of governments to foster it. Vast research endeavors have been carried out to understand the antecedents, barriers, and facilitators of the industry. However, the focus has been rather limited and accounted almost exclusively for formal features of institutional environments, leaving the informal dimensions unexplored. This paper tries to close that gap. Based on longitudinal country-level data on 18 European countries, we first explore if the “usual suspects,” mostly embodied in reformable formal institutions, do play a role in the European context. We also investigate if informal institutions, and in particular social capital, may exert a prominent effect. In this respect, we found that the impact of social capital on VC activity is indeed indirect, through determining those structural formal institutions which in turn significantly affect VC activity. These findings contribute to the literature on VC and inform European policy makers on the most promising channels for creating a prosperous institutional environment for the financing of innovative start-ups.  相似文献   

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