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《国际经济学》课程是经济类专业的重要基础理论课程,在课程体系中处于核心地位。结合当前《国际经济学》教学模式改革的必要性,构建了以学生为主体的"主体——四维互动"教学模式,通过对"主体——四维互动"教学模式的主要特征分析,提出了实施案例教学实现教师和学生的互动、运用探究式教学方式培养学生合作学习能力等具体"主体——四维互动"教学模式实施方案。  相似文献   

The appointment of para‐professionals to overcome skill shortages and/or make efficient use of expensive resources is well established in both developing and developed countries. The present research concerns para‐teachers in India. The literature on para‐teachers is dominated by training for special needs settings, largely in developed societies. Little has been published about para‐teachers working in developing countries with children without disabilities, despite this being a common occurrence. The present research investigates how contextual factors influence the design and implementation of professional support for para‐teachers. The research participants were 12 para‐teachers and five management and administrative staff. Contextual factors included characteristics of para‐teachers, classrooms and students from under‐resourced settings; and the practices and policies found in a non‐school educational setting, here a non‐governmental organization. The study indicates that each factor has potentially enhancing and hindering effects which need to be taken into consideration when designing and implementing professional development work.  相似文献   

课程思政是新时代下高等院校实施教育教学改革的重要途径,也对高校教师探索课程教学模式创新提出更高要求。课程思政既是一种彰显"学科道德价值"的教学理念突破,也是一场追求"成人且成才"的教学模式改革,更是一次力争"构思精准"的教学系统设计。作为学科基础课程的宏观经济学具有知识特性、教学资源和师资队伍等优势,可采用"分析学情—设计目标—构思方案—组织教学—反馈体验"的思政教学"五步法"推进课程思政的教学改革。开展课程思政还需关注三个细节:一是教学理念不盲;二是教学组织不模糊;三是教学方法不固化。  相似文献   

田富强 《商》2014,(5):229-229
几年来,为了学生更全面的发展,教育部门进行了课程改革。综合实践活动课程就是新课程改革中出现的新事物。经过几年的实践与发展,教师从一开始的不知从何下手到现在的得心应手,并且在多年来的逐渐实践中摸索出适合自己学校和学生特色的教学道路。对综合实践活动课程的实施也不再是最初的千篇一律的模式,开始呈现出多样化的模式。学校不再照搬照抄固有模式,在不断地实践中摸索出自己的一条特色教学道路,更好的实施综合实践活动课程。  相似文献   

Enterprise architecture (EA) implementation refers to a set of activities ultimately aiming to align business objectives with information technology infrastructure in an organization. EA implementation is a multidisciplinary, complicated and endless process, hence, calls for adequate education and training programs that will build highly skilled personnel (called enterprise architects) with diverse competencies. This development of domain‐specific competencies is also supported by European policies on education and vocational training. To this end, the authors present training uses of the Enterprise Architecture Competence Framework (EA‐CF). EA‐CF is a proposed conceptual model that describes EA competencies in compliance to the European e‐Competence Framework (e‐CF). The authors argue that EA stakeholders can consult the framework regarding competencies they want to underpin and thus identify the corresponding skills, knowledge and attitudes that result as learning outcomes in EA courses and training programs.  相似文献   

高校会计专业实践性教学问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,高校会计专业实践性教学目标不明确、体系不完整,课时比例偏低、师资队伍不足,实践基地建设薄弱,实习流于形式.这些问题导致了高校会计专业的教学已不能满足社会需要.高校应加快实践性教学改革,以社会需求为导向,以实际应用能力培养为目标,从会计专业的课程体系、培养目标、教学内容、教学方法的角度出发,构建会计专业实践教学培养的新模式,以适应人才市场需要的应用型会计人才.  相似文献   

文章首先指出了《电子商务基础及应用》课程性质和培养目标,接着分析了传统该课程教学中存在问题,并针对这些问题提出了以工作过程为导向,以项目为载体,以能力培养为核心,以职业能力和职业素养为评价体系的课改实施模式,最后总结了这种教改实施的意义。  相似文献   

当前,计算机科学与技术专业培养人才过程中的主要矛盾是:学校重视理论知识的系统传授,轻视应用技能的强化培养,培养的人才偏重于学科型、学术型,缺乏独立解决问题的能力;对计算机开发、管理工具和方法的应用不熟、经验不足、缺乏对现实事物的抽象能力。为促进我国信息化进程的发展,为提高计算机专业毕业生的就业率。需要对现行的教学模式进行改革,应转变教学观念,以市场为导向、培养实用型人才为目的,改革教学体系与课程设置,构建双师型师资队伍。开展校企合作,建设以项目为主导的实践实习基地,提高学生综合运用能力。  相似文献   

This paper describes the scope of the challenge needed to support university teaching staff to become effective global e‐teachers. This challenge involves teachers in broadening their understanding of cultural diversity, as well as acquiring new skills in educational design and online teaching and learning. Three ways of supporting teachers are described: growth of individual teachers’ skills and confidence, a focus on curriculum and educational design, and development of appropriate university policy. In reality, support is needed in all three areas. Finally, some general principles for staff development of the global e‐teacher are suggested.  相似文献   

Professional development plans (PDPs) have recently been introduced in Dutch schools to support teachers' professional development. However, teachers' beliefs regarding the use of PDPs have not been systematically researched, whereas research on the use of PDPs indicates that the implementation is not always successful and depends on how use is perceived by users. Some teachers may doubt the usefulness and purpose of a PDP, and this might influence their reactions to its introduction. Using Fishbein and Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour, the current study explored teachers' characteristics (such as age and years of experience in education) and their beliefs about intention to use a PDP. Clusters of teachers with similar characteristics and beliefs were identified to permit the design of interventions specific to each cluster. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted to reveal these beliefs and characteristics for a sample of 41 teachers working in schools where using a PDP was mandatory. The results showed that most teachers had a positive attitude towards using a PDP. However, because using a PDP was mandatory, they felt pressured to produce one. Moreover, it was not a priority. This was because of their high workload. The present study contributes to the literature by adding knowledge of teachers' beliefs about the use of PDPs. This knowledge may help the PDP to become a more effective device in promoting teachers' professional development.  相似文献   

Designing educational sequences that enhance the cognitive, behavioral, and critical skills of a diverse learning community seeking global competencies, requires mindfulness of different international educational models, a tailored curriculum designed to build different types of awareness learning, and clarity in targeted outputs keeping in mind a range of potential occupations and life situations in which such skills will be used. This article outlines conceptual frameworks for global awareness sequences in international management programs, building on existing cross-cultural research, training literature, and comparative analysis of different higher education models. It updates global competence learning frameworks to include recent advances in cultural intelligence, critical reflexivity, and post-colonial perspectives on management education. It calls attention to changing student demographics as a catalyst for moderate curriculum reform, especially a rehabilitation of core global awareness knowledge components eclipsed by cross-cultural courses and humanities requirements. A curriculum for business students with a sequential and/or simultaneous implementation of three pedagogical dispositions (knowledge, behavior, and critical acculturation) is discussed.  相似文献   

文章分析了改革中职学校家具专业室内人体工程学课程的必要性,阐述了课程培养目标和课程设计的基本思路。从课程的内容设计,课程的教学组织和课程考核方案等方面阐述了课程开发和实践的具体做法和思路,以便进一步提高教学效率,增强教学效果,使教学内容、方法、手段也能与时俱进。  相似文献   

Over 4000 prospective secondary and elementary teachers were tested in a national study to determine their knowledge of fourteen consumer subject areas. In the area of consumer food and nutrition knowledge the prospective teachers achieved only 48%. This area of consumer food and nutrition was found to be a critical weakness of prospective teachers relative to their performance in the other consumer subject areas. Prospective home economics and agriculture teachers scored higher than other majors on the food and nutrition questions but still revealed a poor cognitive grasp of the subject. Because of their impact on children's attitudes toward food and their eating patterns, prospective teachers need to be knowledgeable about food concepts. This study has implications for educators and college curriculum committees concerning the need for college level courses which deal with food and nutrition concepts.  相似文献   

Increasingly, training and development is playing an important and strategic role in the economic success of US organisations (Marquardt, 1999, Tannenbaum and Yukl, 1992). US organisations recognise that they now operate in a new global economy, an economy which involves the use of advanced technologies and increased responsiveness to customers’ needs. It is becoming one that requires greater and greater innovation and flexibility in production, service delivery and market know‐how. American firms realise more than ever that employee knowledge gained through training and development has become a strategic necessity and more and more the source of strategic advantage (Drucker, 1994).  相似文献   

本科会计专业课程体系优化设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济的迅猛发展,使得社会对会计人才的素质和能力提出了更新、更高的要求。我国的本科会计教育在课程设置上还存在着诸多弊端,课程整体结构不合理,课程设置缺乏整体规划,注重理论知识传授,忽视能力、素质培育。优化本科会计专业课程体系,应树立以培养能力为本位的课程观,以满足社会需求为核心,建立四位一体的模块化课程体系,使学校的培养目标符合社会的需要。  相似文献   

本科会计专业课程体系优化设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场经济的迅猛发展,使得社会对会计人才的素质和能力提出了更新、更高的要求。我国的本科会计教育在课程设置上还存在着诸多弊端。课程整体结构不合理,课程设置缺乏整体规划,注重理论知识传授,忽视能力、素质培育。优化本科会计专业课程体系,应树立以培养能力为本位的课程观,以满足社会需求为核心,建立四位一体的模块化课程体系,使学校的培养目标符合社会的需要。  相似文献   

非体育类高校开设体育类专业有其自身特点。以成都理工大学为例,通过对社会体育专业办学四年总体情况的思考,针对办学过程中在培养目标、课程设置、办学特色、专业发展等方面存在的突出问题,提出社会体育专业课程设置应在社会体育专业特色的课程体系下协调术科课程的取舍和教学规格的统一;专业发展应根据办学实际,重视和加强专业教师的体育科研能力;根据我校以地学为优势的办学特点,确立以对不同人群户外运动作健身指导以及服务于体育产业发展的人才培养目标,不断完善和推进学校体育专业方向的培养模式。  相似文献   

地方高校创业创新型工商管理专业人才培养模式探讨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
创业创新型人才培养主要依靠创业创新教育。目前,国内地方性高校工商管理专业创业创新性教育存在人才培养目标定位不清晰、创业课程设置和内容体系不一致及缺少创业教育特点等误区。借鉴国内外高校创业教育的经验,地方高校创业创新型工商管理专业人才的培养模式应是在加强专业基础教育的前提下,侧重培养学生的创业态度、行为和技能,鼓励具有地方特色的课程设置,并重构地方高校工商管理专业的课程体系,改革以教师为主体的教学方式,以培养具备创业创新素质的高层次人才。  相似文献   

Almost two thirds of home economics (HE) teachers in Sweden are formally unqualified (FU). Historically, HE has focused more on fostering and prescribing the ‘right’ choices whereas the modern (2011‐) curriculum focuses on teaching consequences of choices and giving students tools for assessing alternatives. Restraining from prescribing norms requires a high degree of professionalism. The objective of this study was to empirically investigate the prevalence of intentions of FU teachers to prescribe consumption norms not supported by the curriculum. Furthermore, to investigate to what extent these intentions are correlated with years of experience as a teacher, personal preferences, or personal consumption. The intention to transfer norms were measured using the concept of intentional misalignment applied to a survey distributed to a sample of FU teachers attending complementary teacher education. A two part survey was used. The first part consisted of multiple choice questions asking the teachers how important they saw it to transfer different consumption norms to their students (e.g. to consume local or organic food). These responses were evaluated quantitatively (Spearman rank correlation, Wilcoxon rank sum test and Kruskal‐Wallis analysis of variance). The second part consisted of an open‐ended question asking teachers to describe what they saw as the most important take‐home message for students in HE. The answers were compared to the national curriculum to identify intentions to transfer unsupported norms. The study indicates that more than a third of the FU HE teachers in Sweden express the intention to prescribe specific types of consumption or to transfer consumption norms that are not supported by the curriculum. The prevalence is correlated to personal preferences and thus indicates difficulties with keeping a professional perspective. These teachers must be given collegial support and opportunities for continued education–to ensure high‐quality HE education for future generations.  相似文献   

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