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This paper presents an original top-down approach, made of original models and solving methods, and a decision support system (DSS) for the execution of the strategic planning, the tactical planning and the operational planning in a multi-echelon multi-stage multi-commodity and multi-period production, distribution and transportation system. The DSS is a software platform useful for the design, management and control of real instances. It can efficiently supports the decision making process of logistic managers and planners of large enterprises as multi-facilities companies and production–distribution networks. A significant case study is illustrated. The results obtained by the application of different problem settings are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an original top-down approach, made of original models and solving methods, and a decision support system (DSS) for the execution of the strategic planning, the tactical planning and the operational planning in a multi-echelon multi-stage multi-commodity and multi-period production, distribution and transportation system. The DSS is a software platform useful for the design, management and control of real instances. It can efficiently supports the decision making process of logistic managers and planners of large enterprises as multi-facilities companies and production–distribution networks. A significant case study is illustrated. The results obtained by the application of different problem settings are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, a simplified version of the tourism area life cycle model is developed in order to identify different stages of tourism evolution among the regions of Southwest Europe (Italy, France, Spain and Portugal). This information has been included as a dummy variable in a panel data model which aims to explain regional tourism attractiveness, between 2003 and 2008, including other variables related to sustainability (regional natural and cultural resources), regional innovative efforts and other elements related to tourism infrastructures and economic conditions that influence regional tourism performance. The results obtained show that 50% of the inland regions and 56% of the west coast regions are in the exploration stage while 52% of the south coast regions are in stagnation. An important result from the application of the panel data model is the identification of a positive relation between the regional availability of natural and cultural assets, the regional efforts on innovation and the evolution of tourism demand, suggesting that these regions are generally incorporating these local specific resources in innovative ways to differentiate their tourism supply.  相似文献   

This paper studies a closed-loop supply chain that uses containers for transporting products from a supplier to a retailer. At the retailer, used containers are collected and returned to the supplier. The supplier inspects returned containers, and either repairs and reuses or disposes them. This paper studies the case where the fraction of containers that are returned to the supplier is stochastic, and where an RFID system can be used to support the tracking of container positions in the supply chain. The use of RFID leads to improved information on the return of containers and better return predictability as well as higher return rates, which we model as an increase in the mean return rate of containers and a reduction in return variance. The paper first develops a mathematical planning model for this scenario, and it then studies how the use of RFID impacts the performance of the system. In addition, it analyzes under which conditions the use of RFID is economical, and in which situations traditional container systems should be preferred.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated model that jointly optimizes the strategic and tactical decisions of a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC). The strategic level decisions relate to the amounts of goods flowing on the forward and reverse chains. The tactical level decisions concern balancing disassembly lines in the reverse chain. The objective is to minimize costs of transportation, purchasing, refurbishing, and operating the disassembly workstations. A nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation is described for the problem. Numerical examples are presented using the proposed model.  相似文献   

The examination of the possible direct link between environmental protection and firm performance has generally produced mixed results. This paper contributes to the literature by considering the antecedents of hotel managers' environmental attitudes to check whether perceptions of the external and internal factors are behind the adoption of a proactive environmental management. The study also tests whether or not the resource‐based view of the hotel mediates the positive relationships of proactive environmental management and improved environmental performance with competitive advantage and financial performance. This contribution is original because this study develops a comprehensive whole picture of this path process, which has previously only been partially discussed in the literature. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aims to test a new conceptual model based on the relationship between quality management (QM), environmental management maturity (EMM), adoption of external practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) (green purchasing and collaboration with customers) and green performance (GP) with data from 95 Brazilian firms with ISO 14001. To our knowledge, such links and relationships are not simultaneously identified and tested in the literature. The results indicate the validation of all of the research hypotheses. This paper highlights that an improvement in green performance will require attention to quality management, environmental management maturity, and green supply chain.  相似文献   

The emissions generated by motor vehicles remain a major source of air pollutants that affect public health and contribute to anthropogenic climate change. These negative externalities can be reduced, in part, with the implementation of environmentally oriented road pricing schemes, which can be designed using optimization-based approaches. In this paper, a toll design problem is proposed for determining toll locations and levels that minimize the expected human exposure to air pollutants and the related environmental inequalities, subject to constraints on pollutant concentration levels and implementation costs. The practical use of the proposed problem is hindered in most real-world applications by the computational costs associated with the evaluation of candidate solutions, as is common for network design problems. Furthermore, the problem cannot be expressed analytically given the multiple types of models (e.g., traffic assignment, emissions, air dispersion models) that would be required to evaluate a single design alternative. For these reasons, a derivative-free surrogate-based solution algorithm is proposed for mixed integer problems like the ones considered here. Numerical examples are used to illustrate possible applications of the proposed model and to test the performance of the surrogate-based algorithm. Relative to a joint simulated annealing-genetic algorithm heuristic and a genetic algorithm-based approach, the proposed algorithm found better solutions in fewer function evaluations.  相似文献   

Noise management regulations and policies at commercial airports are reviewed. A cross-sectional study of environmental noise and community health based, on the SF-36, was conducted in residential neighborhoods near Sydney Airport with high exposure to aircraft noise and in a matched control suburb unaffected by aircraft noise. Noise measurements were analysed and a novel noise metric formulated based on background environmental noise levels. After controlling for confounders, subjects who have been chronically exposed to high aircraft noise level are more likely to report stress and hypertension compared with those not exposed to aircraft noise. Policy implications and further research are described.  相似文献   

Complex network theory is a framework increasingly used in the study of air transport networks, thanks to its ability to describe the structures created by networks of flights, and their influence in dynamical processes such as delay propagation. While many works consider only a fraction of the network, created by major airports or airlines, for example, it is not clear if and how such sampling process bias the observed structures and processes. In this contribution, we tackle this problem by studying how some observed topological metrics depend on the way the network is reconstructed, i.e. on the rules used to sample nodes and connections. Both structural and simple dynamical properties are considered, for eight major air networks and different source datasets. Results indicate that using a subset of airports strongly distorts our perception of the network, even when just small ones are discarded; at the same time, considering a subset of airlines yields a better and more stable representation. This allows us to provide some general guidelines on the way airports and connections should be sampled.  相似文献   

After 50 years of experience with high-speed rail (HSR) development in Asia and Europe, there are important lessons that can be derived to inform future efforts to introduce HSR. This paper identifies and explores three strategic models of HSR development: (1) exclusive corridors (e.g., Japan), (2) hybrid networks—both national (e.g., France and Germany) and international (e.g., European Union), and (3) comprehensive national networks (e.g., China and Spain). Evaluations of these models yield outcomes that range from generally positive assessments of the corridor and national hybrid models to more concerns and uncertainties about the international hybrid and comprehensive national network models. When applying these lessons to the United States, contextual differences can make direct applications problematic. At the same time, though, certain elements of these three models that have been proven to be successful elsewhere may be adaptable to the U.S. and other newcomers to HSR development.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2004,11(2):105-115
The concept of quality of life is elusive and this paper reports on a study that has tried to deconstruct the concept in order to better understand what older people say quality of life means to them. The focus here is on the transport dimension where quality of life is broken down into mobility patterns, locality and social networks. The paper first sets the scene with a summary of secondary data and it then systematically presents data from interviews carried out with 1000 older people as part of the British Office for National Statistics Omnibus Surveys in Britain under the three headings mentioned above. A substantial amount of diversity and variation is found in the data by quality of life ratings and the expectations of the respondents. It is argued that both the active (travel related) and passive (locality and social networks) elements need to be brought together so that the quality of life for the elderly can be better understood.  相似文献   

This paper examines temporal variation in the demand for cycling to understand how environmental conditions may promote or hinder active travel. The role of environmental conditions is considered in terms of the prevailing weather as well as the concentration levelof local air pollutants. Using data derived from the London Bicycle Sharing Scheme, a set of autoregressive distributed lag models are specified to explore these relationships. The models distinguish casual cyclists from regular cyclists to allow the analysis to consider the demand profiles of these two market segments separately rather than jointly. The analysis makes use of an open science approach, with the data inspected, the models applied, and the results derived being made freely available to interested parties through an online repository.The results of the models indicate that the demand of casual cyclists is more strongly linked to concurrent weather condition as compared to the demand of regular cyclists, though regular cyclists seem to be more inclined to delay trips to avoid inclement weather. The associations between cycling demand and air quality levels is mixed, with high concentrations of ozone linked with lower levels of demand from regular cyclists while high concentrations of particulate matter 10 are positively related to both regular and casual cycling demand. The findings of this paper could provide benefits to bicycle sharing system managers such as in planning the schedule of maintenance work as well as highlighting the need to inform cyclists about the actions they can take to reduce their exposure to local air pollutants.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the geography of seat capacity at Spanish airports between 2001 and 2008. Concentration and deconcentration patterns for different markets have been identified. For this purpose, we use the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), the Concentration Ratio (CR) and the Lorenz curve. From our analysis, we conclude that seat capacity follows a deconcentration pattern due to the growth of low-cost carriers at small- and medium-sized Spanish airports. This is in line with earlier studies for Europe as a whole. Intercontinental seat capacity still remains very much concentrated in Madrid and, to a lesser extent, in Barcelona. However, new strategies by long-haul airlines bypassing the primary European hubs foster the deconcentration of seat capacity in the Asian and North American markets. In the case of Spain, the recent liberalization of the EU-US market may become an important enabler of such network strategies, e.g., Delta has operated a route from Valencia to New York-JFK since 2009. In other intercontinental markets, capacity is more and more concentrated in Madrid. We highlight the restructuring of Iberia’s network as an important factor behind the increasing dominance of Madrid in intercontinental markets.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the long‐run and short‐run relationship between tourism, real effective exchange rate and economic growth in Croatia. The econometric framework used for analysis is the Johansen Maximum Likelihood cointegration technique. For testing the stability of long‐run equilibrium relationship vector error correction model technique has been applied on a quarterly data set covering the period 1996–2013. The main findings of the paper confirm the stability of the long‐run equilibrium relationship between tourist arrivals (ARRIVAL), openness of the economy (OPEN) and real effective exchange rate as independent variable and gross domestic product (GDP) as dependent variable in Croatia. Furthermore, the results indicate short‐run causality between OPEN and GDP, as well as between real effective exchange rate and GDP. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a mathematical model that designs a reliable multi-modal transportation network for a biofuel supply chain system, where intermodal hubs are subject to site-dependent probabilistic disruptions. The disruption probabilities of intermodal hubs are estimated by using a probabilistic model which is developed using real world data. We developed an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm to solve this challenging NP-hard problem. Numerical analysis show that the model selects to use intermodal hubs located in areas with low disruption probabilities. In case of a disaster, the reliable solution results in 6.21% savings over the minimum cost solution.  相似文献   

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