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Cross-country panel data are used to assess the effect of free-tradeagreements on flows of foreign direct investment (FDI). Free-tradeagreements are found to have a significant positive effect onFDI flows, and free-trade agreements are found to matter morefor the smaller members of the agreement. For example, the NorthAmerican Free-Trade Agreement’s (NAFTA) effect on FDIflows into Mexico is much larger than its effect on flows intothe United States. These cross-country results are used to assessNAFTA’s effect on FDI flows into Mexico. After controllingfor a set of other factors—such as an increase in worldwideFDI flows—the trade agreement is found to generate FDIflows nearly 60 percent higher than they would have been withoutthe agreement.  相似文献   

We study the effect of shocks to the United States government bonds term premium on Latin American government bonds term premia. For doing so, we compute dynamic multipliers. Our main findings indicate that Latin American countries’ term premia respond permanently to changes in United States term premium. However, impulse-response functions vary depending on the country and particular time-length for which premia are computed. Responses are larger for Brazil and Colombia. Mexico exhibits the lowest responses for the four economies in our study. We discuss some political economy implications of our main findings.  相似文献   

To assess proposed macroeconomic adjustment programs, policymakersmust estimate import demand relative to the foreign exchangeavailable. Traditional models estimate import demand as a functionof relative prices (the real exchange rate) and income (grossdomestic product) but omit changes in foreign exchange. In the1980s, however, declines in foreign lending and the terms oftrade and increased debt service costs reduced foreign exchangeavailability in most developing countries and limited importcapacity. In this article two import models are presented which incorporateboth the traditional variables and indicators of import capacity—foreignexchange inflows and international reserves. The first modelassumes that import prices are exogenous, but in the secondmodel import prices are endogenous—allowing for governmentattempts to reduce import demand by increasing the domesticimport price. The models are estimated using data for twenty-onedeveloping countries for 1970–83. The results suggestthat the import model presented here does a better job of explainingimport behavior than do the traditional model (which excludeschanges in foreign exchange) and the Hemphill model (which excludesrelative import prices and income).  相似文献   

The paper extends a standard two‐country international real business cycle model to include financial intermediation by banks of loans and government bonds. The paper contributes an explanation for both the United States relative to the Euro‐area, and the United States relative to China, of cross‐country correlations of loan rates, deposit rates, and the loan premia. It shows a type of financial retrenchment for the United States relative to both Europe and China following a negative bank productivity shock, such as during the 2008 crisis. After 2008, results suggest that the Euro‐area has been more financially integrated with the United States, and China less financially integrated.  相似文献   

This article finds strong seasonal behavior in the innovations for three Canadian macroeconomic variables (industrial production, unexpected inflation and GDP). An APT model is estimated as a restricted nonlinear multivariate regression system using seven macroeconomic variables, various residual market factor (RMF) proxies, and the returns on fifty size related portfolios of equities that traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE). As in Chen, Roll and Ross (1986), five macrofactors (lagged industrial production, lagged GDP, term structure, unexpected inflation, and risk premium) have significantly priced risk premia. The risk premia are insignificant for RMF based on two value weighted indices, and marginally significant (0.10 level) for the RMF based on an equally weighted index, which is somewhat consistent with McElroy and Burmeister (1988) and Brown and Otsuki (1989). The significance of the RMF risk premium appears not to be robust to whether portfolios or individual securities are used in the estimations. The significance of the estimated risk premia for the macrofactors also appear not to be robust to the number of portfolios (equations) used in the estimations. Unlike the risk premia estimates for the RMF, those for the other macrofactors are generally unaffected by the inclusion of a January dummy. This implies that the January seasonal remains a market phenomenon that requires further study.  相似文献   

When economists in the 1950s and 1960s used growth models tounderstand the experience of developing countries, they allowedfor the possibility of technology differences between developingcountries and the United States. But because they did not havea good theory for talking about the forces that determined thelevel of the technology—in the United States any morethan in developing countries—technology factors tendedto be pushed into the background in policy discussions.  相似文献   

Numerous empirical studies, including Abraham and Hendershott (1996) , Muellbauer and Murphy (1997) , Leung (2004) , and Oikarinen (2009) , have identified a significant relationship between housing prices and macroeconomic factors. Using a linear regression on the comovement of macroeconomic factors and housing prices, this article employs an option‐pricing framework to price and hedge the fair premia of mortgage insurance (MI). Our model provides improved performance in terms of MI premium pricing, especially during periods that are characterized by high housing prices. Ignoring the impacts of macroeconomic factors on housing prices will lead to an underestimation of MI premia.  相似文献   

The petrochemical industry is known for its interrelations with the oil industry. In recent years the world has witnessed the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and an associated surge in demand for petroleum and oil products, alongside the emergence of alternative sources of oil and natural gas to those produced by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and Russia, such as Brazil’s pre-salt reserves and shale gas in the United States. The US is undergoing a veritable energy revolution with its use of unconventional oil and natural gas production techniques in low-permeability reservoirs, chiefly shale gas. Brazil’s prospects as an international player are on the rise thanks to the exploration of oil and natural gas from its pre-salt reserves, which could lead to exports of petroleum of over 2 million barrels/day. All these movements have a direct influence on the petrochemical industry. This article aims to foster discussions about the risks and opportunities facing the Brazilian petrochemical industry with the exploration of oil and natural gas in Brazil and unconventional sources in the United States. Systemic thinking and scenario-based planning were used as the basis for the analysis.  相似文献   

What is the role of financial speculation in determining the real oil price? We find that while macroeconomic shocks have been the main real oil price upward driver since mid-1980s, financial shocks have sizably contributed since early 2000s as well, and at a much larger extent since mid-2000s. Even though financial shocks contribute 44% out of the 65% real oil price increase over the period 2004–2010, the third oil price shock is a macro-finance episode: macroeconomic shocks actually largely account for the 2007–2008 oil price swing. While we then find support to the demand side view of real oil price determination, we however also find a much larger role for financial shocks than previously noted in the literature.  相似文献   

Could external restraint and internal balance in Mexico havebeen reconciled at levels of savings and investment that allowedsatisfactory growth in output without the 1989–90 restructuringof debt? What are the likely implications of Mexico's "Bradydeal" on economic growth? What are the macroeconomic effectsof debt-equity swaps? This article develops and estimates amodel to address these issues. The analysis concludes that the1989–90 agreement in Mexico will contribute materiallyto macroeconomic stability and the restoration of economic growth.  相似文献   

Using microprice data, we document new facts on price rigidity in France: (i) each month 20.1% of prices are changed, which compares to 24.1% in the United States—excluding sales, however, the fraction of prices modified each month is about the same in France and in the United States (around 17%); (ii) the distribution of price changes is quite dispersed; (iii) the frequencies of price increases and decreases contribute a lot to inflation variations, and price increases are more frequent in January (even when sales are excluded); (iv) sales contribute significantly to the volatility of inflation but play a minor role in the transmission of macroeconomic fluctuations to prices; and (v) during the Great Recession patterns of price adjustment were only slightly modified.  相似文献   

The debt crisis and declining living standards require carefulhusbanding of critically scarce foreign exchange in most Africancountries. But economic theory suggests that smaller countries,which import from only a few international suppliers and cannotsupport competitive markets and infrastructure, would be likelyto pay more rather than less for imports. Analysis of importunit values for 1962–87 shows that the twenty Africanformer French colonies paid a price premium of 20–30 percenton average over other importers for iron and steel imports fromFrance. The losses associated with these adverse prices totaledapproximately 2 billion dollars by 1987. The study also findsthat similar price premia (of 20–30 percent) were paidby former Belgian, British, and Portuguese colonies in Africafor imports of these products from their former rulers.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic news announcements move yields and forward rates on nominal and index-linked bonds and inflation compensation. This paper estimates the reactions using high-frequency data on nominal and index-linked bond yields, allowing the effects of news announcements on real rates and inflation compensation to be parsed far more precisely than is possible using daily data. Long-term nominal yields and forward rates are very sensitive to macroeconomic news announcements. Inflation compensation is sensitive to announcements about price indices and monetary policy. However, for news announcements about real economic activity, such as nonfarm payrolls, the vast majority of the sensitivity is concentrated in real rates. Accordingly, most of the sizeable impact of news about real economic activity on the nominal term structure of interest rates represents changes in expected future real short-term interest rates and/or real risk premia rather than changes in expected future inflation and/or inflation risk premia. Such sensitivity of real rates to macroeconomics news is hard to rationalize within the framework of existing macroeconomic models.  相似文献   

This study compares the macroeconomic impacts of China and the United States on international commodity markets using a factor-augmented vector auto-regression (FAVAR) model with latent factors extracted from a rich data set that includes various macroeconomic and financial indicators at monthly frequency. The main results suggest that whether or not the Chinese demand cause commodity prices to soar depends. Macroeconomic factors of China do have significant impact on commodity markets, but the impacts of the United States outperform those of China in terms of the size of coefficients and their level of significance, as well as the direction and magnitude of directional return spillovers. Moreover, the effects of these factors on individual commodity futures are not a universal phenomenon. Therefore, there is no systematic evidence of a relationship between strong growth in the emerging economy and the boom in commodity futures prices, either statistically or economically.  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate whether seasonal mean reversion in stock portfolio returns is related to common macroeconomic risk factors. I decompose excess returns into explained and unexplained returns using a multifactor pricing model. The explained excess returns exhibit January mean reversion; the unexplained excess returns do not. The mean reversion can be attributed to the components of return related to unexpected inflation, bond default premium, and market risk. The results do not depend on the time-series properties of the portfolio betas. Bond default premia and excess market returns are mean reverting in January.  相似文献   

This article provides evidence of information transmission fromthe United States and Japan to Korean and Thai equity markets.Information is defined as important macroeconomic announcementsin the United States, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. Using high-frequencyintraday data, I find a large and significant association betweendeveloped-economy macroeconomic announcements and emerging-economyequity volatility and trading volume at short time horizons.Previous studies’ findings of at most weak evidence oftransmission from developed to emerging economies may be dueto their use of lower frequency data and their focus on developed-economyfinancial market innovations as a proxy for information. (JELE44, G14, G15)  相似文献   

We estimate the contribution of international common factors to the dynamics of price inflation rates of a cross-section of 948 CPI products in four OECD countries: United States, Germany, France, and United Kingdom. We find two main results. First, on average, and at least in the sample 1991–2004, one international common factor explains between 15% and 30% of the variance of consumer prices (depending on the transformation applied to the data). Given the high level of disaggregation of our panel, this estimate is best viewed as a lower bound for the contribution of international factors to inflation dynamics. Second, we find a strongly positive and statistically significant relationship between exposure of consumer inflation to international shocks and trade openness at the sectoral level. The latter result holds regardless of whether the original data are expressed in local as opposed to common currency.  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - We analyze the role of macroeconomic uncertainty in predicting synchronization in housing price movements across all the United States (US) states...  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of oil price shocks on twelve countries American Depositary Receipt (ADR) returns using monthly data from 1999.01 to 2014.12. The results show that oil price shocks have a positive and statistically significant impact on ADR return in all twelve countries. These results are robust to the inclusion of other explanatory variables such as oil price volatility and the spillover of the United States stock market. Further analysis shows that this effect is stronger in the post financial crisis time period compared to the pre-financial crisis time period.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests several models of market behaviorover the 1965–81 period to identify the market behaviorof each of the five largest grain exporters in rice, wheat,and coarse grains. The results show that the United States hasexerted price leadership in the rice and coarse grains markets.The remaining major exporters in these markets have behavedin a manner consistent with a small-country exporter model inwhich their market demand is perceived to be perfectly elasticat the world price set by the dominant exporter. The resultsfor wheat suggest a shared dominance between the United States,Canada, and Australia, with the European Community and Argentinabehaving as small-country exporters. The short-run export supply curves for the five largest exportersappear to be very unresponsive to price. For rice, only Japan'sexports were found to have a significant and positive responseto an increase in the world export price. For wheat and coarsegrains, only the United States' exports were estimated to bepositively and significantly related to the export price. An important implication of the current market behavior of themajor exporters is that the opportunity exists for all otherexporters to sell all they can at the world price. However,a significant risk exists that the United States will stop supportingthe world price through its loan rate mechanism. A provisionfor such a change, the crop marketing loan provision, was includedin the Food Security Act of 1985 for wheat and coarse grainsand has already been implemented for rice.   相似文献   

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