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This study addresses an integrated facility location and inventory allocation problem considering transportation cost discounts. Specifically, this article considers two types of transportation discounts simultaneously: quantity discounts for inbound transportation cost and distance discounts for outbound transportation cost. This study uses an approximation procedure to simplify DC distance calculation details, and develops an algorithm to solve the aforementioned supply chain management (SCM) problems using nonlinear optimization techniques. Numerical studies illustrate the solution procedures and the effects of the model parameters on the SCM decisions and total costs. Results of this study serve as a reference for business managers and administrators.  相似文献   

Designing robust and resilient retail networks under operational and disruption risks can create substantial competitive advantage. In this paper, a deterministic multiple set-covering model is first proposed. Then, it is extended to a possibilistic scenario-based robust model by scenario generation and disruption profiling to design a robust and resilient retail network. The developed models are validated through randomly generated examples and a real case study in retailing. Numerical results demonstrate that designing retail chains without considering operational and disruption risks is really misleading. Also, multiple covering of retail stores as the measure of redundancy increases the network’s resilience significantly.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a new problem in designing and planning a multi-echelon and multi-product supply chain network over a multi-period horizon in which customer zones have price-sensitive demands. Based on price-demand relationships, a generic method is presented to obtain price levels for products and then, a mixed-integer linear programming model is developed. Due to the problem intractability, a simulated annealing algorithm that uses some developed linear relaxation-based heuristics for capacity planning and pricing is presented. Numerical results demonstrate the significance of the model as well as the efficiency of the solution algorithm and linear relaxation-based heuristics.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for designing the supply chain network for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants. This framework is inspired by existing practices with products with similar physical characteristics to biomass. We present a hub-and-spoke supply chain network design model for long-haul delivery of biomass. This model is a mixed integer linear program solved using benders decomposition algorithm. Numerical analysis indicates that 100 million tons of biomass are located within 75 miles from a coal plant and could be delivered at $8.53/dry-ton; 60 million tons of biomass are located beyond 75 miles and could be delivered at $36/dry-ton.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop both static and dynamic supply chain network models with multiple manufacturers and freight service providers competing on price and quality. The manufacturers compete with one another in terms of price and quality of the product manufactured, whereas the freight service providers compete on price and quality of the transportation service they provide for multiple modes. Both manufacturers and freight service providers maximize their utilities (profits) while considering the consequences of the competitors’ prices and quality levels. Bounds on prices and quality levels are included that have relevant policy-related implications. The governing equilibrium conditions of the static model are formulated as a variational inequality problem. The underlying dynamics are then described, with the stationary point corresponding to the variational inequality solution. An algorithm which provides a discrete-time adjustment process and tracks the evolution of the quality levels and prices over time is proposed, and convergence results given. Numerical examples illustrate how such a supply chain network framework, which is relevant to products ranging from high value to low value ones, can be applied in practice.  相似文献   

A mixed-integer, non-linear model is developed for designing robust global supply chain networks under uncertainty. Six resilience strategies are proposed to mitigate the risk of correlated disruptions. In addition, an efficient parallel Taguchi-based memetic algorithm is developed that incorporates a customized hybrid parallel adaptive large neighborhood search. Fitness landscape analysis is used to determine an effective selection of neighborhood structures, while the upper bound found by Lagrangian relaxation heuristic is used to evaluate quality of solutions and effectiveness of the proposed metaheuristic. The model is solved for a real-life case of a global medical device manufacturer to extract managerial insights.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated model that jointly optimizes the strategic and tactical decisions of a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC). The strategic level decisions relate to the amounts of goods flowing on the forward and reverse chains. The tactical level decisions concern balancing disassembly lines in the reverse chain. The objective is to minimize costs of transportation, purchasing, refurbishing, and operating the disassembly workstations. A nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation is described for the problem. Numerical examples are presented using the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bi-level robust optimization model, where a food company maximizes its profit and minimizes post-harvest loss by optimally deploying grain processing/storage facilities and determining grain purchase price, while a group of spatially distributed non-cooperative farmers determine harvest time, shipment, storage, and market decisions under yield uncertainty and market equilibrium. The non-cooperative behavior of the food company and the farmers is represented by a bi-level Stackelberg leader follower’s game model with mixed-integer decision variables. The proposed model and solution approach are applied to case studies for Illinois and Brazil.  相似文献   

Global supply chain design: A literature review and critique   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
In this paper, we review decision support models for the design of global supply chains, and assess the fit between the research literature in this area and the practical issues of global supply chain design. The classification scheme for this review is based on ongoing and emerging issues in global supply chain management and includes review dimensions for (1) decisions addressed in the model, (2) performance metrics, (3) the degree to which the model supports integrated decision processes, and (4) globalization considerations. We conclude that although most models resolve a difficult feature associated with globalization, few models address the practical global supply chain design problem in its entirety. We close the paper with recommendations for future research in global supply chain modeling that is both forward-looking and practically oriented.  相似文献   

Considering economic, environmental and social impacts, this paper presents a new sustainable closed-loop location-routing-inventory model under mixed uncertainty. The environmental impacts of CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, wasted energy and the social impacts of created job opportunities and economic development are considered in this paper. The uncertain nature of the network is handled using a stochastic-possibilistic programming approach. Furthermore, for large-sized problems, a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm and lower bounds are developed and discussed. Finally, a real case study is provided to demonstrate the applicability of the model in real-world applications, and several in-depth analyses are conducted to develop managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study presents a mathematical model that designs a reliable multi-modal transportation network for a biofuel supply chain system, where intermodal hubs are subject to site-dependent probabilistic disruptions. The disruption probabilities of intermodal hubs are estimated by using a probabilistic model which is developed using real world data. We developed an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm to solve this challenging NP-hard problem. Numerical analysis show that the model selects to use intermodal hubs located in areas with low disruption probabilities. In case of a disaster, the reliable solution results in 6.21% savings over the minimum cost solution.  相似文献   

Events such as the 2008 Heparin tragedy, in which patients lost their lives due to tainted pharmaceuticals, highlight the necessity for supply chain designers and planners to consider the risk of even low probability incidents in supply chains. The goal of this research is to design a single-period, single-product supply chain model with capacitated facilities to hedge against the possibility of sending tainted materials to consumers. Given that our mixed-integer stochastic model is NP-hard, we develop efficient heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms to obtain acceptable solutions. Computational experience is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multi-objective possibilistic programming model to design a sustainable medical supply chain network under uncertainty considering conflicting economic, environmental and social objectives. Effective social and environmental life cycle assessment-based methods are incorporated in the model to estimate the relevant environmental and social impacts. An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm utilizing three efficient acceleration mechanisms is devised to cope with computational complexity of solving the proposed model. Computational analysis is also provided by using a medical industrial case study to present the significance of the proposed model as well as the efficiency of the accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper studied the design of a two-echelon supply chain where a set of suppliers serve a set of terminals that receive uncertain customer demands. In particular, we considered probabilistic transportation disruptions that may halt product supply from certain suppliers. We formulated this problem into an integer nonlinear program to determine the optimal system design that minimizes the expected total cost. A customized solution algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation was developed to efficiently solve this model. Several numerical examples were conducted to test the proposed model and draw managerial insights into how the key parameters affect the optimal system design.  相似文献   

This paper presents a location-inventory-pricing model for designing the distribution network of a supply chain with price-sensitive demands and inventory-capacity constraints. The supply chain has market power and uses markup pricing. An efficient Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is proposed to solve the model. Our numerical study shows that by moderately increasing the number of possible values for pricing decisions, the model can be used to find near-optimal solutions of a similar location-inventory-pricing problem with continuous pricing decisions. The approach used here to incorporate pricing decisions can be applied to other supply-chain design and planning problems with price-sensitive demands.  相似文献   

依据勘测设计特点,提出了应充分依靠、鼓励设计企业不断优化设计,对项目设计实施动态跟踪管理的理念,提出了选择评价设计队伍的标准。同时建议设计企业应树立唯物求真的风尚,重视总体人才,增强系统设计理念,建立工程经验的积累和推广机制,做好施工配合等工作。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a two-stage mixed integer programming (MIP) interdiction model in which an interdictor chooses a limited amount of elements to attack first on a given network, and then an operator dispatches trains through the residual network. Our MIP model explicitly incorporates discrete unit flows of trains on the rail network with time-variant capacities. A real coal rail transportation network is used in order to generate scenarios to provide tactical and operational level vulnerability assessment analysis including rerouting decisions, travel and delay costs analysis, and the frequency of interdictions of facilities for the dynamic rail system.  相似文献   

The study of ports in supply chain systems is an emerging area of importance which has drawn more attention from researchers in recent years. This paper presents a new perspective in this research area by examining the calling patterns of container shipping services in order to understand the dynamics of port connectivity and inter-port relationships in the supply chains. Empirical evidence is drawn from four major ports in East Asia, namely Shanghai, Busan, Kaohsiung and Ningbo. The study identifies the shipping capacity, trade routes and geographical regions connected to the ports, shipping lines involved, and the extensity and intensity of inter-port relationships among the four container ports from liner shipping network’s perspective. The findings show that most of the shipping capacity employed on the major east–west trade routes became non-exclusive and involved calls at two or more of the four ports. Port planners, terminal operators and carriers could capitalise on opportunities through exploitation of complementary relationships that exist among the selected ports, such as offering a package for shipping lines to call at a portfolio of terminals owned by the same terminal operator. Policy and research implications as well as recommendations are discussed for various stakeholders concerned with port planning and regional development.  相似文献   

A mixed integer linear programming formulation is proposed for the simultaneous design of network and fleet deployment of a deep-sea liner service provider. The underlying network design problem is based on a 4-index (5-index by considering capacity type) formulation of the hub location problem which are known for their tightness. The demand is elastic in the sense that the service provider can accept any fraction of the origin–destination demand. We then propose a primal decomposition method to solve instances of the problem to optimality. Numerical results confirm superiority of our approach in comparison with a general-purpose mixed integer programming solver.  相似文献   

分析铁路行业选择勘测设计队伍现行设计方案竞选机制实施中存在的局限,建议优化竞选机制,加大对设计项目中关键环节的动态管理和对以往投标时承诺兑现的评价,以全过程保障设计质量。  相似文献   

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