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This paper investigates the network design problem arising from the regional hazardous waste management system. The problem is to identify the locations of various waste facilities, and determine the transportation routes of hazardous wastes and waste residues between those waste facilities. Aiming at minimizing jointly the total cost and total risk, the problem is formulated as a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model. By exploiting the advantages of the model, three multi-objective optimization approaches are customized to find highly qualified non-dominated solutions. The effectiveness and efficiency of the approaches are examined both on a hypothetical case and a realistic case.  相似文献   

We study the effect that installing sidewalks and crosswalks, as traffic calming facilities, has on the safety and usability of a transportation network with automobile, public transit and walking as modes of transportation. A mathematical programming model is proposed for this problem whose objective is to minimize the safety hazard for pedestrians and the total transportation cost of the network. We utilize a customized greedy heuristic and a simulated annealing algorithm for solving the problem. The computational results indicate that installing sidewalks and crosswalks at proper locations can reduce the overall transportation cost and improve pedestrians’ safety.  相似文献   

This paper studies the robust optimization approach for the routing problem encountered in daily maintenance operations of a road network. The uncertainty of service time is considered. The robust optimization approach yields routes that minimize total cost while being less sensitive to substantial deviations of service times. A robust optimization model is developed and solved by the branch-and-cut method. In computational experiments, the behavior of the robust solutions and their performance are analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation. The robust optimization model is also compared with a classic chance-constrained programming model. The experimental analysis provides managerial insights for decision makers to determine an appropriate routing strategy.  相似文献   

A mixed-integer, non-linear model is developed for designing robust global supply chain networks under uncertainty. Six resilience strategies are proposed to mitigate the risk of correlated disruptions. In addition, an efficient parallel Taguchi-based memetic algorithm is developed that incorporates a customized hybrid parallel adaptive large neighborhood search. Fitness landscape analysis is used to determine an effective selection of neighborhood structures, while the upper bound found by Lagrangian relaxation heuristic is used to evaluate quality of solutions and effectiveness of the proposed metaheuristic. The model is solved for a real-life case of a global medical device manufacturer to extract managerial insights.  相似文献   

The multi-commodity network flow problem is an important sub-problem in several heuristics and exact methods for designing route networks for container ships. The sub-problem decides how cargoes should be transported through the network provided by shipping routes. This paper studies the multi-commodity network flow problem with transit time constraints which puts limits on the duration of the transit of the commodities through the network. It is shown that for the particular application it does not increase the solution time to include the transit time constraints and that including the transit time is essential to offer customers a competitive product.  相似文献   

This paper presents a freight transport optimization model that simultaneously incorporates multimodal infrastructure, hub-based service network structures, and the various design objectives of multiple actors. The model has been calibrated and validated using real-life data from the case study of hinterland container transport of the Netherlands, where CO2 pricing, terminal network configuration, and hub-service networks are chosen as the design measures. Policy packages combining multiple types of policies show better network performance as compared with the optimal performance resulting from a single policy type. This illustrates the value of incorporating multiple types of policies simultaneously in freight transport optimization.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for designing the supply chain network for biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants. This framework is inspired by existing practices with products with similar physical characteristics to biomass. We present a hub-and-spoke supply chain network design model for long-haul delivery of biomass. This model is a mixed integer linear program solved using benders decomposition algorithm. Numerical analysis indicates that 100 million tons of biomass are located within 75 miles from a coal plant and could be delivered at $8.53/dry-ton; 60 million tons of biomass are located beyond 75 miles and could be delivered at $36/dry-ton.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated model that jointly optimizes the strategic and tactical decisions of a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC). The strategic level decisions relate to the amounts of goods flowing on the forward and reverse chains. The tactical level decisions concern balancing disassembly lines in the reverse chain. The objective is to minimize costs of transportation, purchasing, refurbishing, and operating the disassembly workstations. A nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation is described for the problem. Numerical examples are presented using the proposed model.  相似文献   

The emissions generated by motor vehicles remain a major source of air pollutants that affect public health and contribute to anthropogenic climate change. These negative externalities can be reduced, in part, with the implementation of environmentally oriented road pricing schemes, which can be designed using optimization-based approaches. In this paper, a toll design problem is proposed for determining toll locations and levels that minimize the expected human exposure to air pollutants and the related environmental inequalities, subject to constraints on pollutant concentration levels and implementation costs. The practical use of the proposed problem is hindered in most real-world applications by the computational costs associated with the evaluation of candidate solutions, as is common for network design problems. Furthermore, the problem cannot be expressed analytically given the multiple types of models (e.g., traffic assignment, emissions, air dispersion models) that would be required to evaluate a single design alternative. For these reasons, a derivative-free surrogate-based solution algorithm is proposed for mixed integer problems like the ones considered here. Numerical examples are used to illustrate possible applications of the proposed model and to test the performance of the surrogate-based algorithm. Relative to a joint simulated annealing-genetic algorithm heuristic and a genetic algorithm-based approach, the proposed algorithm found better solutions in fewer function evaluations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multi-objective possibilistic programming model to design a sustainable medical supply chain network under uncertainty considering conflicting economic, environmental and social objectives. Effective social and environmental life cycle assessment-based methods are incorporated in the model to estimate the relevant environmental and social impacts. An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm utilizing three efficient acceleration mechanisms is devised to cope with computational complexity of solving the proposed model. Computational analysis is also provided by using a medical industrial case study to present the significance of the proposed model as well as the efficiency of the accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm.  相似文献   

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