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面对百年未有之大变局,世界经济不确定性明显增加,另类资产逐渐引起全球投资者的关注,成为当今世界资产配置的重要组成部分。作为典型的另类资产,民间有在经济繁荣时期购买艺术品、在经济不确定时期投资黄金的经验总结。这一传统民间智慧在当今开放市场时代是否可以古为今用,值得深入探讨。本文采用最近20年全球中国艺术品拍卖市场微观数据和上海黄金交易所黄金现货数据,将艺术品和黄金放在统一框架下进行分析,探究国际和国内宏观经济对两类另类资产投资的影响差异,以及在不同经济周期情况下两类资产的资产配置效应。研究发现:艺术品市场受国内宏观环境影响较大,艺术精品市场与股票市场的替代效应更强;黄金作为全球认可的准货币,全球黄金市场受国际市场(汇率、全球经济政策不确定性等)影响较大;艺术品和黄金在当今全球化市场下呈现出新的投资特征,艺术品抗内部通胀、黄金抗外部风险,艺术品和黄金市场组合具有“双重避险效应”。在全球经济政策低(高)不确定性时期,两类资产相关性负相关(接近于0),在不同经济周期时期两类资产都能够降低资产组合的风险来提高资产配置的投资表现。  相似文献   

房产在中国家庭的资产配置中起绝对的主导作用,而风险金融资产特别是股票的占比过低。现有文献大多刻画了中国家庭资产配置“重房产、轻风险金融资产”的特征事实,但这种配置结构是否有效,还没有被深入研究过。利用2019年中国家庭金融调查数据和资产历史表现数据,本文首次发现了中国家庭实际资产组合收益率的均值—方差与经典投资组合理论中有效资产组合收益率的均值—方差并不一致,提出家庭对房产收益分布的预期回报率持有错误的认知可能是导致此现象的一个主要原因。进一步将这一假设引入标准的均值—方差投资组合理论框架,构建了一个具有主观认知的资产配置结构模型,实证检验了这一假设并定量研究了其对中国家庭资产配置的影响。结构估计的结果表明:中国家庭普遍高估了房产的预期回报率,且平均高估2.8个百分点。更为重要的是,家庭对房产预期回报率的认知偏差在城市级别层面存在差异:一线城市家庭低估了房产预期回报率,而非一线城市家庭则高估房产预期回报率最高达4.9个百分点。反事实分析表明,高估房产预期回报率使中国家庭的财富平均减少了相当于5.2个百分点的家庭年收入,而在非一线城市则减少了最高达8.9个百分点。  相似文献   

TARCH-M模型在测度上海证券市场风险中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要介绍一种新的模型,即TARCH-M模型来对上海证券市场风险波动进行实证分析.该模型保留了传统GARCH模型描述收益率波动集群性和过度峰度的优势,而且能描述金融资产收益率序列的有偏分布,同时根据资产定价理论,把股票风险波动考虑到股票收益率模型中.通过该模型,我们可以根据rt的历史数据对未来的风险波动σ2t进行预测,从而可以很好地测度出上海证券市场的风险波动,为政府部门监管股市,避免股市大起大落,为投资者规避市场风险提供理论依据.  相似文献   

本文用中国家庭金融调查2013年数据,研究发现金融知识通过优化家庭资产组合显著促进了家庭财富积累,这表现为具有较高金融知识水平的家庭会将资产更多地配置到金融资产上,尤其是风险金融资产上;同时会降低其在非金融资产上的配置,但会提高生产经营性资产的配置.分位数回归结果表明,金融知识对低资产家庭财富积累影响更大;异质性分析结果表明,金融知识对农村地区、高年龄组和低教育水平家庭财富积累的边际影响更大.此外,基于对中国家庭金融调查2014和2015年最新季度数据的分析发现,金融知识会显著促进家庭财富增长,这进一步证实了金融知识对财富积累的积极作用.  相似文献   

本文利用中国人民银行发布的资金流量表(金融交易)中住户部门流量金融资产年度数据,同时结合历年居民住宅销售额,从通胀预期、家庭资产配置的视角对1992-2010年中国家庭流量资产配置的特点和影响因素进行了理论构建和实证分析。住宅作为非金融资产的主要组成部分,在家庭流量资产中占比很高。本文的实证分析表明:金融资产配置对自身收益不敏感,但对其他金融资产的收益和风险敏感,表现出较强的替代效应;同时基于通货膨胀的预期会增加家庭房地产的配置,而过度预期又会造成房地产的超配。基于此,政府应当通过调控通胀预期、发展新型金融产品等措施,引导居民更合理的资产配置,促进房地产行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文以2000年1月1日—2008年7月31日期间的股票市场数据、债券市场数据和货币市场数据为基础编制股票收益率指数、债券收益率指数和现金资产收益率指数,通过对上述三指数均值方差最优化方法来实证分析中国养老基金的战略资产配置问题。研究结果表明:中国养老基金需要配置30%左右的股票资产来提高长期收益水平,投资股票不仅可以抵御通货膨胀对养老基金的侵蚀,还可以分散基金投资风险。建议社保基金监管部门放宽对个人账户基金和企业年金的股票投资限制。  相似文献   

机构投资者对于资本市场理性投资理念的形成具有重要推动作用,但在目前制度安排下,机构投资者出现了非理性投资行为,导致了资产配置失效。为了提高资产配置效率,引入下偏方差理念,并在该分析框架下构建机构投资者的资产配置模型,该模型为机构投资者在风险证券上的资金配置提供理论指导。同时根据下偏方差的资产配置结论提出规范化机构投资者资产配置的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于企业价值和投资的二元化,构建了一个政治经济学的企业投资选择模型,提出金融-生产投资收益率和风险缺口是影响制造业企业金融投资行为的重要因素.以中国2006-2020年制造业A股上市企业财务数据,利用系统GMM模型说明了金融-生产投资收益率缺口的扩大、金融-生产投资风险缺口的缩小提高了中国制造业企业金融资产份额.将投资收益率缺口和投资风险缺口进一步分解后发现,金融投资收益率和生产投资风险的提高是中国制造业企业扩大金融资产份额的根本原因,而生产投资风险的提高是矛盾的主要方面.中国制造业企业扩大金融投资的现象具有阶段性和特殊性,如2012年以后,支撑前期经济增长的社会经济条件改变,导致国内实体经济风险加大,更多社会资金流向金融领域推高了金融投资收益率,最终表现为制造业企业金融资产份额扩大.因此,要以供给侧结构性改革为抓手,恢复实体经济增长动力,同时警惕金融风险,发挥金融服务实体经济的作用.  相似文献   

范亚舟 《新经济》2023,(1):102-114
本文通过西南财经大学的中国家庭金融调查(CHFS2019)相关数据研究发现,基于问卷调查结果显示的我国居民金融素养整体偏低,居民风险金融资产占总金融资产的比例仅为3%。无论是通过因子分析构建的金融素养因子还是通过金融相关问题加总的金融素养都能显著促进家庭金融资产多样化,但金融素养的提高对股票、基金、理财等配置的影响程度是不一样的,金融素养的提升对理财产品配置的边际影响最大。此外,家庭收入、受教育程度等因素促进金融资产多样化,促进理财产品等风险金融资产配置;自有住房抑制风险金融资产配置和金融资产多样化;婚姻对风险金融资产配置和金融资产多样化无显著影响。提升投资组合有效性,优化金融资产配置,需提高金融素养,一方面投资者需要加强金融知识学习,另一方面要充分发挥金融机构的作用,加大金融服务供给,解决投资中的信息不对称问题。  相似文献   

张爱国  胡勇 《经济师》2008,(8):91-92
证券及其它风险资产的投资首先需要解决的是两个核心问题:即预期收益与风险。那么如何测定组合投资的风险与收益和如何平衡这两项指标进行资产分配是市场投资者迫切需要解决的问题。文章应用马科维茨均值—方差模型进行最有效证券的研究,建立了资产优化配置的均值—方差模型。  相似文献   

This paper employs mean–variance spanning tests to examine the diversification potential of multinational firms and foreign market indices from the perspective of investors in the G7 countries over the 1984–1995 period. We find evidence that multinational corporations may have provided diversification benefits for investors in Germany and the United States. We find that the addition of foreign market indices to a domestic portfolio—inclusive of multinationals—provided substantial diversification benefits in all countries. The economic importance of the shift of the portfolio frontier varied considerably across markets.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of the existence of diversification benefits in international stock markets when oil producing countries are included in a global portfolio. Moreover, it examines whether recent oil shocks and financial events have significant impact on the conditional correlations and diversification benefits. Using stock returns from developed, emerging, GCC countries and a global portfolio, the empirical findings show that while developed and emerging stock markets have experienced increased correlations over relatively long periods of time, the correlation in GCC stock markets remained low and constant offering high diversification benefits. Interestingly, the paper also finds that, during 2012–2014, the rising conditional correlation levels have reversed trends in developed and emerging markets alike offering more potential for international diversification. Our results are robust to model selection, data frequency, and innovations distribution.  相似文献   

This article investigates the comparative performance of International Islamic and conventional portfolio diversification across different financial market regimes and provides an optimal choice from an American investor’s viewpoint during the period 2002–2014. Using a bootstrap-based stochastic dominance (SD) test and monthly MSCI prices of Islamic stock market indices and their conventional counterparts in 38 countries from North and Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific regions, we find that SD relationships between Islamic and conventional optimal-diversified portfolios change systematically according to investment region and market regime. Essentially, for all regimes, US investors are indifferent between Islamic diversification and its conventional counterpart, which implies that arbitrage diversification opportunities are rare and short lived in all regions. However, across all regions, especially in a crisis regime, Islamic portfolio diversification can be a good substitute for conventional diversification. Islamic portfolio diversification in North and Latin America, Europe and Global regions is an optimal choice for the risk-averse American investors. Finally, results imply that portfolio diversification among Islamic market indices can be a good hedge, offering investors superior investment alternatives during any financial meltdown or economic slowdown due to the conservative nature of Sharia-compliant investments.  相似文献   

吴立广  黄珍 《产经评论》2012,(1):138-146
本文运用2009年中国8家QDII基金境外组合的周收益历史数据,与基于全球29个股市指数的收益数据构建的国际投资分散化有效前沿进行比较,探讨QDII基金在境外投资过程中是否存在"本土偏好"。研究发现我国QDII基金与国际投资分散化有效边界都存在着不同程度的偏差,反映出较显著的本土偏好的投资行为。本土偏好减弱了国际分散化效果,降低了QDII基金的绩效。资本管制、交易成本和信息不对称是造成本土偏好的主要原因,因此放松资本管制,降低交易成本,降低信息获取成本,加快资本市场开放和合作能够使投资者更好地享受国际分散化投资带来的利益。  相似文献   

This article analyses the potential diversification benefits available to high-net-worth investors utilizing multiple portfolio managers. We show that enlisting seven actively managed portfolios from multiple portfolio managers generate significant benefits in terms of risk reduction, and, interestingly, diversification benefits are shown to be larger for low-risk portfolios compared to high-risk portfolios.  相似文献   

吴立广  黄珍 《经济前沿》2012,(1):138-146
本文运用2009年中国8家QDII基金境外组合的周收益历史数据,与基于全球29个股市指数的收益数据构建的国际投资分散化有效前沿进行比较,探讨QDII基金在境外投资过程中是否存在“本土偏好”。研究发现我国QDII基金与国际投资分散化有效边界都存在着不同程度的偏差,反映出较显著的本土偏好的投资行为。本土偏好减弱了国际分散化效果,降低了QDII基金的绩效。资本管制、交易成本和信息不对称是造成本土偏好的主要原因,因此放松资本管制,降低交易成本,降低信息获取成本,加快资本市场开放和合作能够使投资者更好地享受国际分散化投资带来的利益。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, a number of studies have examined the benefits of diversifying equity investments internationally, particularly into emerging markets. In the portfolio construction process, many researchers have criticised Markowitz's Portfolio Theory because of its inherent assumptions such as symmetric and constant correlations. In this study, we use a conditional copula model to estimate the time‐varying asymmetric correlations of stock markets and construct optimal portfolios by using estimated correlations. We find that optimised portfolios provide significant benefits for both Australian and the US investors. Out‐of‐sample results show Copula model provides results closer to the in‐sample‐estimated benefits of diversification. The results have important implications for portfolio managers who seek to diversify into emerging markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of bilateral international equity and bond portfolio reallocation across a large cross-section of countries spanning over two sample periods: 1997-2001 and 1997-2005. We find that the strongest drivers are the marginal diversification benefits arising from the pure asset component and the initial degree of underweight. This evidence suggests that global portfolio reallocations over the asset boom and bust period were determined by optimal diversification considerations. We also find that due to economic and monetary union (EMU) the weight assigned by euro area investors to investment in euro area countries increased significantly in equity and fixed income portfolios, with a trade diverting effect against the British bond market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short and long-term price linkages among major art and equity markets over the period 1976–2001. The art markets examined are Contemporary Masters, French Impressionists, Modern European, 19th Century European, Old Masters, Surrealists, 20th Century English and Modern US paintings. A global equity index (with dividends and capitalisation changes) is also included. Multivariate cointegration procedures, Granger non-causality tests, level VAR and generalised variance decomposition analyses based on error-correction and vector autoregressive models are conducted to analyse short and long-run relationships among these markets. The results indicate that there is a stationary long-run relationship and significant short and long run causal linkages between the various painting markets and between the equity market and painting markets. However, in terms of the percentage of variance explained most painting markets are relatively isolated, and other painting markets are generally more important than the equity market in explaining the variance that is not caused by innovations in the market itself. This suggests that opportunities for portfolio diversification in art works alone and in conjunction with equity markets exist, though in common with the literature in this area the study finds that the returns on paintings are much lower and the risks much higher than in conventional financial markets.The authors would like to thank delegates to the 14th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, University of New South Wales, seminar participants at the Queensland University of Technology and Massey University, Masaki Katsuura, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. The financial assistance of a Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Business Research Initiative Grant is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper develops scenario optimization algorithms for the assessment of investable financial portfolios under crisis market outlooks. To this end, this research study examines from portfolio managers' standpoint the performance of optimum and investable portfolios subject to applying meaningful financial and operational constraints as a result of a financial turmoil. Specifically, the paper tests a number of alternative scenarios considering both long-only and long and short-sales positions subject to minimizing the Liquidity-Adjusted Value-at-Risk (LVaR) and various financial and operational constraints such as target expected return, portfolio trading volume, close-out periods and portfolio weights. Robust optimization algorithms to set coherent asset allocations for investment management industries in emerging markets and particularly in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) financial markets are developed. The results show that the obtained investable portfolios lie off the efficient frontier, but that long-only portfolios appear to lie much closer to the frontier than portfolios including both long and short-sales positions. The proposed optimization algorithms can be useful in developing enterprise-wide portfolio management models in light of the aftermaths of the most-recent financial crisis. The developed methodology and risk optimization algorithms can aid in advancing portfolio management practices in emerging markets and predominantly in the wake of the latest credit crunch.  相似文献   

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