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宋弘 《现代经济信息》2012,(20):209-210
本文利用2003年-2010年我国31个省市自治区的相关数据,采用panel data模型,采用人均教育投入,人均受教育年限和教育不平等程度对我国整体教育水平与区域经济发展的关系进行了实证研究,结果显示我国区域教育水平对经济的影响方式存在明显差异。其中,经济发达地区的教育投入对经济发展的贡献最大,教育不平等对经济发展影响最小;经济落后地区教育投入对经济促进作用最小,教育不平等对经济发展的负面影响最大。对此实证结果进行解释并在此基础上提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文使用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2008—2015年数据,利用1999年高校扩招这一政策冲击,研究高等教育扩张对阶层间教育机会不平等的影响。研究发现高校扩招总体上缩小了阶层间相对教育机会不平等,在变换了出生队列分界年、度量指标等一系列稳健性检验后回归结果仍然成立。扩招引起的阶层间教育机会不平等缩小仅发生在省属高校,扩招对教委直属或部委所属高校的教育机会不平等没有显著影响,而在地区所属高校中扩招反而扩大了教育机会不平等。进一步分析发现,扩招对教育机会不平等的影响程度与家庭经济能力、人员和信息流通以及家庭教育背景有关。  相似文献   

教育对收入分配公平有着重要的影响。多数研究认为,教育水平的提高会降低收入分配不平等程度,教育不平等会加剧收八分配的不平等。教育与收入分配不平等之间不仅存在密切关系,而且这种关系比较稳定,尽管不能拒绝平均受教育年限扣收入分配不平等程度之间的倒U型关系,但现阶段中国正处于例U型曲线项点左侧,平均受教育年限的增加不是降低而是提高了收入分配的不平等程度。同时,社会公平是教育公平的前提,收入分配不会平将妨碍教育公平。  相似文献   

文章通过对盖勒和斯利亚的理论模型进行扩展,将城乡二元结构和政府行为引入跨期模型,揭示了城乡教育不平等和城乡收入差距可以通过政府实施农村偏向的教育投入政策予以改善的内在机理。基于2001~2011年的省级面板数据,文章建立联立方程组和分布滞后模型进行了实证检验。实证研究结果表明:第一,城乡教育不平等将会加剧城乡收入差距,城乡收入差距也会促使城乡教育不平等的程度进一步加大。第二,缩小城乡初中教育经费的差距可以有效地降低城乡教育不平等和城乡收入差距,而缩小城乡小学或高中教育经费的差距对降低城乡教育不平等和缩小城乡收入差距并无显著作用。实证研究结果的政策含义在于实施农村偏向的教育投入政策,增加对农村初中教育的支持力度为打破城乡教育不平等和城乡收入差距"恶性循环"的怪圈提供了一个解决思路。  相似文献   

本文探讨研究生教育扩张后,研究生教育报酬的组成与工资不平等的来源。本文设立大学毕业生与研究生两种劳动市场,并利用台湾"人力运用调查"数据进行实证分析。实证发现,研究生教育扩张对于两类劳动报酬均有显著的正向效果。高等教育劳动的工资不平等主要是两类劳动的组内不平等所致;世代效应是各组工资分配不平等的主要来源,惟年轻的研究生世代之不平等效果已减低。基于分配平等的观点,研究生教育扩张于社会整体有利。  相似文献   

我国城乡教育不平等与收入差距扩大的动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过构造一个内生收入函数模型,利用省级面板数据,本文实证研究了我国城乡教育不平等与收入差距扩大的动态关系.研究发现:城乡教育不平等是收入差距扩大的一个重要原因,城乡教育差距第上升1%,城乡收入差距将上升6.4个百分点;并且随着市场化改革的深入,教育差距对收入差距的影响越来越重要.  相似文献   

贸易对收入不平等的影响是自H-O模型诞生以来国际贸易研究的一项重要内容,伴随新新贸易理论的发展,一系列新的收入不平等贸易影响机制得以发现。本文根据各影响机制依附的基础理论模型将贸易影响收入不平等的新发现归结为Melitz-type模型的解释、比较优势拓展模型的解释以及消费效应、隐性契约效应的解释三类,对相应的最新理论文献进行了概括性解读,并简单评述了当前研究的特点与不足。  相似文献   

本文回顾了近半个多世纪以来有关收入和财富分配持续性不平等的原因及其动态演化方面的理论,包括收入和财富分布的随机过程模型、新古典框架下不平等的动态演化理论、人力资本投资对持续性不平等的影响、不完全资本市场下持续性不平等的动态演化、经济增长中持续性不平等的动态演化以及其他各种机制对不平等动态演化的影响等。论文还对有关持续性不平等理论的发展脉络和内在演化逻辑进行了梳理,并在此基础上对现有文献进行了总体评述,并对今后研究的发展方向作了简单讨论。  相似文献   

持续性不平等的原因及其动态演化综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王弟海  龚六堂 《经济学》2008,(1):731-774
本文回顾了近半个多世纪以来有关收入和财富分配持续性不平等的原因及其动态演化方面的理论,包括收入和财富分布的随机过程模型、新古典框架下不平等的动态演化理论、人力资本投资对持续性不平等的影响、不完全资本市场下持续性不平等的动态演化、经济增长中持续性不平等的动态演化以及其他各种机制对不平等动态演化的影响等。论文还对有关持续性不平等理论的发展脉络和内在演化逻辑进行了梳理,并在此基础上对现有文献进行了总体评述,并对今后研究的发展方向作了简单讨论。  相似文献   

本文基于1990-2007年间我国29个省份数据,运用较为前沿的面板协整技术,实证检验了人力资本不平等与全要素生产率增长之间的长期稳定关系。研究表明:(1)近些年来,中国的教育扩张有效地促进了人力资本积累和人力资本不平等程度的改善;(2)人力资本不平等对全要素生产率增长具有显著的负向影响。因此,在强调人力资本积累、加大教育投入的同时,应关注教育资源分配的公平性,减少人力资本不平等,以促进全要素生产率的进一步增长。  相似文献   

传统的代际流动性研究并没有对代际流动性的短期值和长期值作有效区分,也未考虑人力资本形成中的不确定性,因而“代际流动性越高则不平等程度越低”这一分析结论并未在中国的现实中呈现。文章据此通过构建一个代际交叠模型比较分析了公共教育体制和市场教育体制下的代际流动性。模型动态分析发现:(1)公共教育体制下的不平等程度的长期值比市场教育体制下更低。(2)代际流动性短期值的升高并不总是伴随着不平等程度的下降,当社会受到某种剧烈冲击时可能发生两者同升同降的情况。(3)政府进行激进式的教育体制改革会使人力资本收敛速率发生跃升,并且使不平等程度的短期值和长期值都增大,而代际流动性则会在突降后在逐渐收敛到新的更低的稳态值。(4)人力资本积累不确定性参数值反映了个体不可观测的技能或先天禀赋,是影响代际流动性和不平等程度的重要因素。不确定性的突然上升会使不平等程度的短期值迅速上升,并且会使不平等程度的长期值达到新的高位,虽然代际流动性短期值也会迅速上升,但依旧会逐渐收敛到以前的稳态值不变。文章的研究有益于厘清代际流动性与不平等程度的复杂关系,也能为相关实证研究提供参考。  相似文献   

We analyze the evolvement of education inequality and the gender gap in Ghana before and after two major education reforms. Using different measures of inequality, our findings suggest that the gender gap at the basic school level has closed following the introduction of the education expansion policies, but inequalities persist at the postbasic school levels and across regions. We further demonstrate that the educational expansion–schooling inequality nexus is best illustrated by an inverted U-shaped Kuznets curve. We find that after an average of 6 years of schooling has been reached, inequality starts to decline, and gender equality can be achieved when the average years of schooling reach 9.  相似文献   

Using a cross‐section of countries, this paper empirically examines whether greater enrolment rates in higher education are associated with increases or decreases in subsequent income inequality as measured by the Gini coefficient. It finds a negative association between the two, suggesting that countries with larger enrolment rates saw their income inequality decrease relative to other countries. These findings are robust to the inclusion of several control variables and to limiting the sample to non‐OECD countries.  相似文献   

Juan Yang 《Applied economics》2018,50(12):1309-1323
The findings on education expansion and income inequality have important implications for policymakers to implement effective policies to reduce income inequality. This study attempts to explain how education expansion affects income inequality by education distribution and the rate of return to education. We decompose the effect of education expansion on wage gaps into price effect and structure effect. We compare the income inequality from 2002 to 2013 using the Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) 2002 and CHIP2013 survey data and employ FFL decomposition method. Our findings suggest that income inequality increased in 2013 and that income inequality among the high-income groups increased even more significantly. The structure effect of education expansion on income inequality is negative, when average education increases one year, the income gap between 80th and 20th will decrease 1.2%, in other words, education expansion decreases income inequality by allowing a wide range of individuals to attend college. However, this effect is offset by the price effect, which is positive and much more significant in magnitude. One extra year of average education will increase income gap by 29% which means that the demand for high-skilled labour is increasing faster than the supply and thus lead to the increasing premium for higher education return.  相似文献   

This article presents new results on the relationship between income inequality and education expansion – that is, increasing average years of schooling and reducing inequality of schooling. When dynamic panel estimation techniques are used to address issues of persistence and endogeneity, we find a large, positive, statistically significant and stable relationship between inequality of schooling and income inequality, especially in emerging and developing economies and among older-age cohorts. The relationship between income inequality and average years of schooling is positive, consistent with constant or increasing returns to additional years of schooling. While this positive relationship is small and not always statistically significant, we find a statistically significant negative relationship with years of schooling of younger cohorts. Statistical tests indicate that our dynamic estimators are consistent and that our identifying instruments are valid. Policy simulations suggest that education expansion will continue to be inequality reducing. This role will diminish as countries develop, but it could be enhanced through a stronger focus on reducing inequality in the quality of education.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reassess the impact of inequality on growth. The majority of previous papers have employed (system) GMM estimation. However, recent simulation studies indicate that the problems of GMM when using non‐stationary data such as GDP have been grossly underestimated in applied research. Concerning predetermined regressors such as inequality, GMM is outperformed by a simple least‐squares dummy variable estimator. Additionally, new data have recently become available that not only double the sample size compared to most previous studies, but also address the substantial measurement issues that have plagued past research. Using these new data and an LSDV estimator, we provide an analysis that both accounts for the conditions where inequality is beneficial or detrimental to growth and distinguishes between market‐driven inequality and redistribution. We show that there are situations where market inequality affects growth positively while redistribution is simultaneously beneficial.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating gender differentials in wages and education from an intergenerational perspective across four developed countries of southern Europe, considering the generational transmission of preferences and the gender equality systems and policies. Measures of gender inequality in wages and education permit exploring the different extent to which gender gaps depend on unobserved factors, such as discrimination. A first set of discrimination indexes is computed starting from the estimation of extended Mincerian log-earnings equations, whereas a second set is based on the estimation of ordered logistic regressions on a range of personal characteristics considered to be linked to education, controlling for family background. The main results show that family background affects the degree of gender inequality more than the gender equality policies do. Gender disparities in professional outcomes can be partly due to women’s preferences vs. lower-paid jobs because of the incomplete efficacy of national systems.  相似文献   

On the dynamics of inequality in the transition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Inequality has increased in many of the transition economies. At the same time, spending on education has declined. In this paper we survey the factors driving these changes. We then set up a small general equilibrium model to simulate the effect of different policy choices on the path of inequality over the transition. We show that the policies selected in Central Europe engender a relatively rapid spike in inequality but with a Kuznets curve. In the simulations that broadly capture features of the policy regime dominating in Russia and the FSU, we find no Kuznets curve. We then turn to the longer run and look at the way in which both trade liberalization and technological and organizational change are likely to affect the relative demand for types of labour. We show how substantial technological and organizational change - obvious features of transition - can result in raising inequality. Persistence in inequality can be expected to depend critically on the pace at which the acquisition of skills takes place in the economy - and, hence, on the evolution of the educational system. As such, policies aimed at raising adaptability - such as quality educational systems - can be expected to dampen the increase in wage inequality.  相似文献   

通过区分教育非均衡状况的不同表现形式,梳理回顾了近三十年来国内外关于中国居民教育均衡性问题的研究成果。在总结回顾既有研究的基础上,对中国城乡之间、不同地区、不同民族、不同社会阶层子女的教育非均衡性特征提供了一个综合性视窗,既服务于相关研究理论的完善,也为决策者全面了解现实情况、评估既有政策实施效果、制定新的政策提供重要的实证资料。  相似文献   

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