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陈慕鸿 《董事会》2007,(3):71-71
“大家可以不记得我,但是我希望大家要记住青岛啤酒”1月16日夜,对于青岛啤酒(0168HK、600600SH)的董秘袁璐女士来说,是个值得纪念的日子。在香港,她从香港秘  相似文献   

肖琳 《中国纺织》2012,(1):59-61
日前,2011中国纺织创新年会在北京千禧大酒店举行。"前一阵北京大雾,像是给2012年中国的经济拍了一个预告片,因为确实在重重迷雾中有太多的不清楚,所以我们要有这样的一个聚会,集合大家的力量,看看能不能把前途看清一点。"主持人以这样的开场白,道明了此次年会的主题"变局与布局"。  相似文献   

对于面料企业来说,想在多如牛毛的同类企业中脱颖而出并非易事,他们要思考产品的实用性和技术性,还要结合当季流行趋势,注重新型材料、先进成熟工艺技术的应用,并且还要为产品找到一个合适的定位。而那些站在2012年中国国际面料设计大赛颁奖舞台上接受鲜花和荣誉的企业,是如何让大家记住他们的呢?  相似文献   

2004年,一位学者曾预测2015年中国汽车产销量可达1500万辆,当时的听众举座哗然,都不相信;而到了2010年,预计全年汽车销量将达1700万辆。那位学者再次预测中国汽车产销量的峰值将为5000万至6000万辆,这次大家听了都很平静。更有汽车行业人士语出惊人,认为京藏公路大堵车,不是因为中国汽车太多了,而是太少了,因为堵车的成因并不在汽车产量多少,而是城乡区域发展不平衡所带来问题的表象。  相似文献   

听起来似乎不可理解:过去20年、10年甚至5年内,国内股票市场的表现都非常差。只要你剔除极度泡沫的2007年,中国的股市怎么看怎么差。要记住,这可是在中国名义GDP和实际GDP增速都高达两位数、流动性极度宽松的情况下发生的!  相似文献   

在中国纺织再创辉煌的年历上,2006年或许是其坐标体系中的重要转折点。这一年,行业经济继续保持稳步前进。一个平静与稳定的行业运行,但发生在2006这一年.则有着太多的不寻常.在某种程度上则代表了行业大势所在。这一年是中国入世五周年,这一年是中国“十一五”开局之年,这一年也是中国纺织产业结构大调整的承启年,这一年寄存了人们太多的梦想与抱负,承载了太多的责任与未来.也倾注了太多的智慧与热情。[编者按]  相似文献   

太多领导人高高任上,远离了忙乱但却是灵感源泉的管理工作。 最近听说过“领导”这个词吗?这么说吧,刚才这十分钟听人说过“领导”吗?那“管理”呢?还记得“管理”这个词吗?依我说你应该记住这个词,因为我们现在天天说的金融危机实际上是一场管理危机。一直以来美国太过流行花哨的领导,以至于忘记了以前那种平凡的管理。  相似文献   

雅痦 《汽车与社会》2014,(13):58-63
PQ35,一个也许应该被人们永远记住的大众平台,在如今这个MOB平台即将横行中国街头的年代就显得更加与众一同,若干年后,也许它也会被称为“经典”。在这个平台上,那些热衷于改装的玩家们自然不会放过诸如奥迪A3、高尔夫G11之类的好材料。不过这次我另避蹊径,和大家分享的是一对既能称为兄弟又能称为宿敌的R20和Leon Cupra2.0T.  相似文献   

不用记住我是谁,只要记住我们的成果。刘家明走了,带走了太多的遗憾和思念;家明走了,留下了无数的美丽与感动。3月29日下午的那场精神盛宴,十个最美石化人的风采,足以让百万石化人骄傲和动容。一簇簇鲜花,一阵阵掌声,涌起感动的浪潮,掀起心灵的风暴,激荡着每个人的心海。在这庆功的时刻,家明走了。一切病痛、劳累、歉疚、思念,都随着他的身影渐渐远去。  相似文献   

<正>就在那一瞬间,天崩地塌就在那一瞬间,我们泪流满面就在那一瞬间,灾难铺天盖地历史永远记住,公元2008五月那场惊天动地的崩塌五月,山花烂漫五月,人间温暖五月,我们的忧伤却无处寄存五月,我们有太多的泪水和悲伤那一刻,震动了中国那一刻,震动了世界从党和国家领导人,到普通百姓人家无不为之揪心揪心那些还在废墟下奄奄一息的生命揪心那些远走在天堂之路的亡灵  相似文献   

This paper presents a picture of market power in China – its current situation, manifestations, causes, damaging effects and related economic laws and regulations. China is in a transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy. Market power in China is reflected largely in administrative monopolies inherited from the old system, as well as in economic monopolies created by the new system. Administrative monopolies are worse than economic monopolies in terms of the distortion of transaction behavior and the preclusion of market competition. They have become a pressing issue facing China in its economic and social development. China has been developing a legislative framework on market competition, but this framework currently appears weak and powerless in the face of the administrative monopolies. However, the introduction of an anti-monopoly law will undoubtedly be helpful in enhancing the market competition mechanism.  相似文献   

We establish that there are large and persistent differences in final transaction prices for identical new cars, and that demographic characteristics explain at least 20% of the observed variation. Older consumers perform progressively worse in negotiations, and the age premium is greater for women than for men. Our results suggest that the complex nature of vehicle transactions leads to price dispersion in this market, and that the worst performing groups—older women—have the lowest rates of market participation. We conjecture that the results are driven by the sharp increases in women's education and labor force participation in recent decades.  相似文献   

信用是市场经济的基石和灵魂我国正处在经济转型时期,目前信用环境十分恶劣,中小企业信用缺失现象严重,制约着经济发展,建立有效的风险治理机制,降低企业信用风险,有利于调整市场经济活动利益关系、促进中小企业的健康发展本文针对中小企业在国民经济中的重要地位、中小企业的现状,提出加速中小企业产权制度改革、重视征信数据库的迮设和应用、连立健全失信惩罚机制等设想。  相似文献   

This paper computes how coupon rates on hypothetical default-free 1- 3- and 5-year adjustable rate mortgages with various caps and teaser rates issued during the 1970–76 period would have had to be set in order for the ARMs to have earned the market rate of return over a 7 1/2-year holding period. The 1970–84 period includes both a relatively stable interest rate experience (1970–77) and a "worse case" sharply rising rate environment (1977–84). Thus the calculations include the entire gamut of margins that lenders might need to charge for various caps in order to earn the market rate of return. What margins lenders should be charging at any point in time depends on the relative likelihood of future interest rate paths, e.g., the 1970–77 pattern versus the 1977–84 pattern. More formally, the appropriate charge depends on the slope of the yield curve and the perceived volatility of interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how firms competing in price with homogeneous goods (i.e., Bertrand competitors) can achieve supernormal profits using interfirm bundled discounts. By committing to offering price discounts conditional on the purchase of a specific brand of other differentiated good, the homogeneous good suppliers can separate consumers into distinct groups. Such brand‐specific discounts help the firms relax competition and attain a collusive outcome. Consumers become worse off due to higher effective prices. Our result shows that in oligopolies it is feasible to leverage other's market power without excluding rivals.  相似文献   

It is usually acknowledged that firms benefit from a large customer base in markets with switching costs. However, Klemperer [1995] argues that this may not be true if an increase in the size of a firm's customer base induces fierce price competition, making the firm worse off. This paper shows that such an outcome can be obtained under standard assumptions, such as homogeneous goods and uniformly distributed switching costs. In the model, firms have very limited incentives to fight for market shares, and the notion that switching costs make markets less competitive is stronger than previously shown.  相似文献   

Market characteristics, including intrinsic demand and customer sensitivity on price and product performance level, are distinct at different markets. Comparisons of various product development strategies in one market or two geographically separated markets are conducted for three classes of products: development intensive products (DIPs) with constant unit cost, marginal cost-intensive products (MIPs) with constant fixed cost, and marginal and development intensive products (MDIPs) with non-constant unit cost and fixed cost. Results show that larger demand size, less customer sensitivity on price and/or more sensitivity on performance level lead to more profit, a higher sale price and a not-lower product performance. The customer reservation or the saturation performance level should be generally adopted though the optimal performance level does exist occasionally. Unit cost and/or fixed cost must increase in performance at an increasing rate for the existence of one optimal performance level. Due to the impact of demand size, one high-end (low-end) MDIP or DIP could be introduced into one low-end (high-end) market at a different price if the demand size is significantly large in the low-end market. For DIPs, offering one niche high-end product is not worse than offering the low-end product into two markets. For MIPs with negligible fixed cost, the product line strategy is not worse than the standard product development strategy. Additionally, the product cost reduction approach adopted in one product line has significant effects on the best product development strategy and sequence.  相似文献   

I find that interconnection might cause the market to be less competitive, and might lead to an increase in the price firms charge for their product. Absent interconnection, firms compete for a consumer for two reasons. The first reason is to obtain revenue from selling the product to a consumer (as in the case without network effects). The second reason is that by expanding the network by one more consumer, the product becomes more attractive to all other consumers. Interconnection eliminates the second reason—when firms interconnect, they are no longer concerned with consumers' following the crowd. I show that consumers and society might be worse off from interconnection. I focus on two factors that make the (post‐interconnection) price increase larger: consumer expectations that are highly sensitive to prices and consumers putting a high value on small increases in network size at the equilibrium market shares. Both of these factors make firms highly competitive, but only if the firms' products' networks are not interconnected.  相似文献   

很多时候,对于一家主业发展遭遇瓶颈的企业而言,找准机会寻找新的利润市场,看上去在战略上没有任何问题。但切记,新的市场绝不可能没有风险,缺乏核心竞争能力,只是借着行业整体形势火爆而创造的商业奇迹,  相似文献   

David Neumark 《劳资关系》1999,38(3):414-445
Using a unique dataset, this article first documents that gaps in starting wages by race and sex persist after accounting for performance on the job. Evidence suggests that simple statistical discrimination, and not just taste discrimination, is partly responsible for race differences in starting wages. But because women's average performance in the sample is higher than men's, simple statistical discrimination cannot explain the sex gap. In more complex models of statistical discrimination, worse information about a group can lower its average wage. Estimates of the quality of labor market information indicate that this may explain women's lower starting wages.  相似文献   

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