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农村经济体制改革确立了家庭联产承包责任制,农民生产的积极性得到了充分的发挥。但由于家庭经营规模小,交易环节受损相当严重。基于此,本文探讨了农户家庭经营交易受损的深层根源,并对农民的合作需求进行了分析。  相似文献   

An evolutionary style model of recontracting is given which guarantees convergence to core allocations of an underlying cooperative game. Unlike its predecessors in the evolution/learning literature, this is achieved without assumptions of convexity of the characteristic function or a reliance on random errors. The stochastic stability properties of the model are then examined and it is shown that stochastically stable states solve a simple and intuitive minimization problem which reduces to maximizing a Rawlsian SWF for a common class of utility functions. In contrast to previous analyses, the stochastically stable state is unique for a broad class of utility functions.  相似文献   

以合作社成立的目标为出发点,参考企业经营绩效的平衡计分体系,建立合作社绩效评价体系。通过对欧洲、北美、亚洲等地区的合作社特点及其对绩效的影响分析,从财务、合作社内部运营、客户及社员导向和学习、成长及创新等四个方面对各地区合作社如何提高绩效进行总结,结论会对国内合作组织的发展起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2007,61(1):17-23
This paper analyzes incentives for cooperative research for firms competing in the product market. Contrary to the literature, we portray situations to show that non-cooperative R&D can occur even if the probability of success in R&D is large. We then model synergy in cooperative R&D and show that when the innovation size is large, cooperative research is likely to occur.  相似文献   

This paper considers labor cooperatives selling in a competitive international product market and a monopolistic domestic market simultaneously. It is shown that output of the cooperative is smaller than that of a profit maximizing firm. Both firms have the same domestic sales. Output will decrease if domestic demand rises but it may rise or fall when foreign demand increases. These contrast with the single market comparative statics of Ward.  相似文献   

建立农村专业合作经济组织是提高农产品竞争力的有效途径,对黑龙江这样的农业大省尤为重要。为此,我们必须转变基层领导方式,加强引导服务;根据实际,多途径培育专业合作经济组织;围绕扩大规模,发展各种专业合作经济组织。  相似文献   

国内外农机专业合作组织发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达国家在发展现代农业,实现农业机械化的过程中,建立了各具特色的农机专业合作组织,走专业化经营和社会化服务的道路,促进了农业机械的运用和推广,通过互助和共享降低了使用农机的成本,提高了农业机械的使用效率和效益。近10年来,我国农业机械装备的发展获得了良好的政策及财政支持,农机专业合作组织成为推进农机化服务市场化、专业化的重要载体。因此,分析了国内外农机专业合作组织的发展模式,总结了我国农机专业合作组织发展可以借鉴的经验,目的在于加快我国农业机械化及农业现代化进程。  相似文献   

大力发展农村合作组织是实现农业增效、农民增收的有效途径。当前,五大连池市农村合作组织发展过程中存在认识不到位、产业化经营程度低、管理体制不顺畅、政策扶持力度不够等问题,要以提高产业化程度、解决资金、健全机制、加强宣传与教育等方式加以应对。  相似文献   

王朝全 《经济学家》2006,14(3):97-106
混合组织是介于公共组织与私人组织之间的一类新型组织,其生成具有不同于一般组织的特殊性。本文将组织理论与制度经济学的观点和方法结合起来,对混合组织生成的制度基础、内在机制及其生成方式进行了分析探讨,从而初步解释了混合组织为什么存在的理论问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

黄彩梅 《时代经贸》2008,6(1):53-54
近年来由于农村人口老龄化,医疗服务的普及,医药价格上涨等原因,农民医疗费用的攀升超过了农民实际平均收入的增长幅度.越来越多的农民无力承担日益增长的医疗费用,疾病成为农民致贫的重要原因.为了解决农村人口看病贵看病难的问题,2002,中共中央在过去旧的农村合作医疗的基础上不断完善,形成了新型农村合作医疗制度,并开始进行试点.到2007年,新型农村合作医疗制度在广大的农村地区得到了迅速推广,受到了广大农民的欢迎.新型农村合作医疗制度有何特点,是否能从根本上解决广大农民的看病贵看病难问题呢?  相似文献   

We study local interaction within a population located on a connected graph. Subjects engage in several bilateral interactions during each round in a generalized Prisoners' Dilemma (PD). In each round of play one randomly selected player gets the possibility to update the action he plays in this PD. All individuals use the update rule Win Cooperate, Lose Defect, a multi-player variant of Tit-for-Tat. Theoretical results on the set of stable states of the associated dynamics are provided for the cases with and without rare mutations. Simulations provide insight into the probability distribution over these stable states. In both cases a rather high probability is assigned to stable states with a moderate level of cooperation implying that dominated strategies are used. Furthermore, the probability of reaching the stable state with Nash equilibrium play is small.  相似文献   

We resolve a seeming conflict between a non-existence result on solutions to coalition formation in hedonic games [Barberà, S., Gerber, A., 2007. A note on the impossibility of a satisfactory concept of stability for coalition formation games. Economics Letters 95, 85–90] and the universal existence of stable coalition structures in TU games under the χ-value [Casajus, A., 2008. Outside options, component efficiency, and stability, Games and Economic Behavior (forthcoming). doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2007.04.003].  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1986,21(3):221-226
We present a dynamic disequilibrium macro model which permits non-Walrasian or Keynesian equilibria as stationary states. Unlike the stability results obtained by Varian (1977), and Eckalbar (1979,1980,1981) in a series of papers in the same model, we show that such equilibria have the saddle point property when the real wage rate, the real money balances and expected output demand, all change in disequilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stability of the (Pareto efficient) nonsunspot equilibria as a function of the constraints faced by consumers in their ability to transfer wealth between states of nature. Equilibria that are stable for the certainty economy define nonsunspot equilibria that are stable in the following two polar cases: 1) All consumers are unconstrained; 2) All consumers are fully constrained. Furthermore, the stable certainty equilibria with small trade vectors define nonsunspot equilibria that are also stable independently of the constraint levels. Instability can develop only at intermediate constraint levels and for nonsunspot equilibria that feature sufficiently large trade vectors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a revision of the numerical results by Theil and Boot (1962) on the asymptotic standard errors of characteristic roots in the Klein-I model.  相似文献   

The stability of the equilibrium in the Stackelberg undifferentiated oligopoly model where each oligopolist strives for leadership is analyzed for general demand and cost functions and for a discrete system with non-instantaneous adjustment.  相似文献   

In the mid-1990s the euro area experienced a change in macroeconomic volatility. Around the same time, at business cycle frequencies the correlation between inflation and money growth changed markedly, turning from positive to negative. Distinguishing the periods pre- and post-1994, we estimate a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with money for the euro area. The model accounts for the salient facts. We then perform several counterfactual exercises to assess the drivers of these phenomena. The moderation of real variables was essentially due to relatively smaller shocks to investment, wage markups and preferences. The apparent lack of evidence for the quantity theory of money in the short run and the changes in the volatility of nominal variables resulted primarily from a more anti-inflationary and gradual monetary policy.  相似文献   

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