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The impact of marketing information systems (MIS) has not been substantial and developed systems have not been highly utilized. Borrowing the theory of self-concept from the behavioral sciences, 46 system users' self-images, ideal self-images, and the images of a significant other (one who facilitates usage of the MIS) are measured and related to the image of a heavy user of the information system. The results shed some light on the system usage problem and provide some direction for marketing the MIS to marketing managers/ system users.  相似文献   

A sizable marketing research literature on preference measurement, prediction, and explanation has thus far been more concerned with point estimates of preference than with consistent changes over time. Such temporal trends can be estimated using data collected from graded paired comparisons. An appropriate technique for deriving individual and group trend parameters is first described and then illustrated using data from an experiment dealing with aesthetic preferences. Suggestions are offered concerning its advantages and limitations for applications in marketing.  相似文献   

In March 1977, the $560 million limit on liability in the Price-Anderson Act was declared unconstitutional. The Price-Anderson Act sets forth a combination private-public insurance and compensation system for handling risks associated with commercial nuclear operations. The limit was found to violate the due process and equal protection provisions of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This paper examines the salient points of the decision which include: (a) the effects of nuclear plant operations on the plaintiffs; (b) the dependence of nuclear power development on the Price-Anderson Act; (c) the plaintiff's right to bring suit; and (d) the rationale for declaring the Act unconstitutional. The potential effects include the possibility that many utilities and suppliers of nuclear plant components will terminate their nuclear business, the availability of capital funds for nuclear plants will be reduced, and that cost of capital will be increased to reflect the greater risk of nuclear development.  相似文献   

The theory behind two copy testing techniques—the cloze procedure and the cognitive complexity text—is reviewed; and three hypotheses are developed for testing. These two techniques work especially well when used together as they provide a way to match message properties with the audience's abilities. In a discriminant analysis setting, support is found for all three hypotheses, and a substantial portion of the variance in the criterion variable—advertising recall—is taken into account. The results of predictions to a validation sample are also encouraging.  相似文献   

Strength-weakness assessment, which must be performed as a part of any strategic planning process, is presented in terms of a process, termed SWA, that involves managers in making the critical informational choices that are implicit in strategic assessments of strengths and weaknesses. The process is illustrated in terms of its underlying premises, their implications, its benefits, and an illustrative substantive framework that can be used to guide the process.  相似文献   

The key corporate governance issues facing mutual insurance company managements are examined. Results of a comprehensive survey of the state of corporate governance in mutual property-liability insurance companies are presented. Recommendations for changes in governance practices by mutual companies are presented and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The feasibility of modeling the effects of alternative growth strategies on market performance is the subject of this report. Intensive growth strategy alternatives are discussed in terms of key products and market variables and implied growth opportunities. Microanalytic relationships among growth strategy components are developed and then reformulated in terms of a cross-sectional econometric model. Three variations of this model are tested using the Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy (PIMS) data base. The results indicate that a main-effects model and a mixed model that allows for interaction effects among alternative growth strategies provide reasonable fits to the data. The results supporting the existence of interaction effects lend support to the contention that growth strategies are not totally divorced from one another and should consequently be considered in tandem when formulating strategy policies.  相似文献   

Concept testing     
This paper is a review of concept testing based on the published literature and a series of personal interviews with leading practitioners. While there is considerable agreement on the usefulness of concept testing, practitioners disagree on the best way to perform them. In addition to highlighting these disagreements, the paper covers general suggestions for improving concept testing.  相似文献   

Important insights and contributions to the corporate financial manager's decision problem have been provided by the balanced-growth financial modeling literature, e.g., see [4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15]. In the spirit of this research, the objective of this paper is twofold. First, a normative model of the dynamic financial planning process in a deterministic environment is constructed wherein the traditional, steady-state assumptions are relaxed. In contrast to prior models, the firm is allowed to pay a liquidating dividend and faces a time-dependent investment rate of return, interest rate, and equity discount rate. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the levered firm's optimal investment-financing-dividend policy decisions which maximize the wealth of its investors are developed, and a solution synthesis technique is employed to catalogue the different decisions at each time instant in terms of three earnings-growth stages over the firm's life cycle. Over this life cycle, the firm experiences high, low, and negative growth stages, with the latter stage distinguished by a liquidating dividend payout and retirement of debt outstanding. Secondly, the life cycle depiction further permits an analysis of the effects, in terms of both direction and magnitude, on the optimal duration of the firm's different growth stages and optimal growth rates due to changes in the firm's return on investment, debt-equity ratio, borrowing rate, equity discount rate, depreciation rate, and flotation costs via a comparative dynamics and simulation framework. Changes in the return on investment are found to have the most influence on the duration of the firm's growth periods and their respective earnings growth rates, while changes in the mix of financing and depreciation rate tend to have the least effect. Furthermore, the magnitudinal impact of marginal changes in any of the above firm variables is greatest at low levels of debt-to-equity and growth-in-earnings and quickly dissipates as the degree of leverage increases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative competitive position of a firm with a view toward determining those marketing effort dimensions that significantly influence market share. The study differs from previously published reports in that it utilizes the Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy (PIMS) data base on relative marketing effort to identify key marketing effort variables for two broad classes of goods: consumer nondurables and capital goods. The framework for a competitive positive effects model is developed in terms of nine relative marketing effort dimensions expressed along categories roughly corresponding to competitive superiority, parity, or inferiority. Hypotheses for the two classes of goods, gleaned from the available marketing literature, were empirically tested with use of linear regression models. Though the sets of coefficients relating to the nine marketing decision variables significantly differed ac across industries, similar patterns were found in both groups with respect to the relative breadth of product line and relative product quality dimensions. The results also tended to (a) support the claim of Buzzel et al. [Product Quality, Strategic Planning Institute, Cambridge, 1978] that for product quality to matter, improvements relative to competition must be substantial, and (b) show that for certain effort dimensions striving for competitive superiority may not generate sizable increases in relative market share.  相似文献   

The present research examines consumer behavior from a subjectivist perspective. In a phenomenological sense consumption consists of the generation of internal thoughts and|or sensations, which constitute the content of experience. The sociopsychological characteristics of consumers who primarily seek cognitive stimulation (cognition seekers), sensory stimulation (sensation seekers), novel stimulation (noveltry seekers), or are seekers of all three forms of experience (experience seekers) are delineated. Preliminary causal rationales for each type of consumption are put forward based on these findings.  相似文献   

Virtually all empirical tests of the Capital Asset Pricing Model have assumed (usually implicitly) that returns of some New York Stock Exchange index measure the returns of the “market factor” without error. However, recent theoretical developments suggest that this assumption may be inappropriate. In this effort, an obverse tack is adopted — the asset pricing model is assumed correct and attention is focused on the impacts of incorrect specification of market returns. A simple errors-in-variables econometric technique is used to reevaluate the oft-cited study of Black, Jensen, and Scholes. The conclusion is reached that incorrect measurement of the market is itself an onerous and unreconciled problem which adds marked bias to tests of asset pricing mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effect of different exponents on the predictive ability of multiattribute models is examined. Survey data on 1202 individuals concerning their preferences for television shows is analyzed. The results indicate that the optimal power is not 1, and that consequently it may be somewhat more advantageous to improve on an already strong attribute than on relatively weak ones.  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is whether default-risk premiums for short-term and for long-term securities behave differently over time. The question is important because it affects decisions by corporations and state and local governments as to the maturity structure of their debt. It also affects decisions by investors as to the maturity and the type and grade of security in which they invest. Several hypotheses have been advanced about the behavior of default-risk premiums for different maturities. The purpose of this paper is to test these hypotheses empirically with a set of data heretofore unused. In so doing, new insights are gained into the behavior of default-risk premiums for different maturities.  相似文献   

International market selection patterns for a sample of 954 new products suggest that firms exhibit a significant preference for markets similar to the home market. Preferences for similar markets decline as firms gain experience in a variety of markets, however. This pattern suggests the importance of uncertainty and information in global market selection and marketing mix management. Alternative means of gathering information about foreign markets permit and support very different approaches to global marketing activity. More fundamentally, a global perspective on the relationship between market conditions, marketing policies and programs, and consumer response can be developed systematically to improve global marketing performance.  相似文献   

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