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"十一五"期间,随着地方经济快速进步,贵州省银行业实现了突破性发展,在其自身发展和支持地方经济增长方面成效显著。本文分析了"十一五"以来贵州省银行业改革发展的成效,并针对"十二五"期间贵州省地方经济和银行业发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

郝钢  谢丽 《云南金融》2012,(5X):331-332
高职院校的发展必须立足于服务地方经济产业,随着地方经济产业的调整,高职院校人才培养必须做出相应的调整。娄底对接长株潭"两型"社会建设对娄底的高职院校提供了发展机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。高职院校必须结合自身实际,有效利用多样化的专业和思想教育等途径为地方经济的发展提供合格人才,为对接"两型"社会建设创造条件。  相似文献   

郝钢  谢丽 《时代金融》2012,(15):331-332
高职院校的发展必须立足于服务地方经济产业,随着地方经济产业的调整,高职院校人才培养必须做出相应的调整。娄底对接长株潭"两型"社会建设对娄底的高职院校提供了发展机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。高职院校必须结合自身实际,有效利用多样化的专业和思想教育等途径为地方经济的发展提供合格人才,为对接"两型"社会建设创造条件。  相似文献   

黎欢 《武汉金融》2014,(4):20-23
以我国省级面板数据为样本,本文考察了中国经济转型时期在地方政府干预和银行自身改革两种力量的作用下,金融发展对我国经济增长方式变迁的影响,相较以往文献对金融发展、地方政府干预两个关键指标的刻画做出显著改进。研究发现,一方面地方政府在财政分权造成的"弱财政"背景下对地方银行信贷进行干预,会固化资本积累的"粗放型"增长方式;另一方面金融系统的市场化改革有利于经济增长方式向提高劳动生产率的"集约型"转变,从而有力地促进了中国经济的增长。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,新疆克州不断深化改革,扩大开放,加快发展地方经济,国民经济取得了令人瞩目的成就。特别是"十五"以来,克州深入贯彻"以农奠基、以边启动、以游搞活、以矿腾飞"的发展战略,积极落实国家"支农"、"惠农"政策,加快新型工业化发展步伐和经济增长方式的转变,使地方经济产业结构  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,贵州省保险业实现了快速发展,为地方经济发展做出了积极贡献。本文在总结"十一五"以来贵州省保险业发展经验的基础上,展望了"十二五"贵州省保险业实现进一步提升的思路和方向,为保险业促进地方经济增长提供政策参考。  相似文献   

金融在现代经济中占有重要地位,并在促进实体经济发展中具有重要作用。地方政府融资平台是地方政府实施宏观调控的"抓手",是促进区域经济发展的"推手"。在银行信贷政策紧缩的前提下,灵活运用金融杠杆促进地方政府融资平台平稳较快发展,对支持地方经济发展建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李仙子 《银行家》2011,(8):118-121
信贷资金是地方经济生存和发展的"血液",资金量不足,必然导致经济严重"贫血",进而抑制地方经济的发展。近年来,延边州县域信贷资金不断流失,使县域金融呈现弱化趋势。为此,笔者就延边州县域信贷资金外流渠道、流出原因及影响进行了相关调查,并提出县域信贷资金回流机制的建议。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国财政体制改革经历了高度统收统支、"统一领导、分级管理"、分级包干以及分税制四个阶段,现行的财政体制将事权和财权相结合,体现了民主体制下的效率性、经济性和公平性。地方经济的发展有利于各区域经济的平衡协同,有助于我国经济整体效益的提高。因此,财政体制对地方经济发展的促进与阻碍,将直接影响我国社会主义市场经济的发展。本文从促进地方经济发展出发,探讨现行财政体制对地方经济发展的利与弊,并进行了深入的原因剖析,为完善现行财政体制支持地方经济发展提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

近年随着经济的发展,我国地方政府均呈现一明显的特征-"土地财政"。土地财政给地方政府带来了大量的财政收入并在一定程度上刺激了经济的发展,但同时也使得地方经济和城市的发展面临不可持续性等重大问题,因而土地财政问题亟待解决。土地财政不仅仅是地方政府的财政行为,还是学者们所关注的重要的经济问题。目前,针对土地财政成因的研究结果主要有财政压力说,GDP锦标赛说,以及土地相关制度说等。本文采用2001年到2011年间数据建立时间序列模型,用量化的方式验证我国的土地财政的成因,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国许多地区都对发展总部经济给予了大力支持,形成了区域总部经济的潮涌式发展。总部经济在带来税收倍增效应的同时,也造成了税源的区域间流动和税收征管难度的增加。本文从总部经济在我国发展的实际状况出发,分析了目前总部经济对于区域经济发展的影响,并提出了完善我国总部经济税收政策的相关建议。  相似文献   

Conflicts of interest between local governments and the central administration in China have yielded many local policies that only serve the interests of local governments. The policy of first levying and then rebating taxes is an example of how local governments eschew the national tax regulations to boost local economies rather than national interests. In 2001, the Chinese government announced the termination of local tax rebates, which had some expected outcomes. We find that local governments complied with the new tax policy even though it no longer allowed local governments to grant tax incentives. However, some companies found ways to avoid the greater tax burdens by moving their business registration locations to tax havens. We also find that firms controlled by local governments were less likely to change registration locations. Our study examines the national tax regulation in China and explores how tax rules influence company decisions. In addition, we show that non-tax incentives, such as local economic development, may also influence company decisions.  相似文献   

由于缺乏一套有效的收入监测机制,低保户隐性收入很难核实,导致低保户是"只进不退",随之而来的是通过骗取低保户资格以享受低保金待遇的骗保行为日趋严重。本文建议借鉴中国银监会主席刘明康"不看报表看三表"的思路,通过水、电、气消耗多少来间接核查低保户的准确收入,以便使己不符合低保资格的低保户退保。同时建议根据低保户的收入状况,把低保户分为A、B、C三类来管理,低保金及优惠救助政策也分成三档,这样就可以参照当地低保待遇标准,实行低保金差(缺)额发放,差(缺)多少就发多少,这不仅可节省低保金,有助控制和减少骗保行为,还可使低保户成为节能减排的"急先锋"和"排头兵"。  相似文献   

The current climate of fiscal austerity has seen a resurgence in ‘complementary currencies’ as local and regional governments look for ways to use under-utilized assets, maintain employment and avoid local economic decline. The authors explore how local and regional governments can facilitate complementary currencies to reduce the impact of external economic shocks and enable their economies to continue to function in the face of austerity. They recommend that localities consider participating in existing complementary currency ‘circles’.  相似文献   

Optimal-tax theory forecasts that small open economies should not tax capital income. Yet, countries do tax capital income. Why the inconsistency? This paper shows that use of the double-taxation convention, whereby governments credit taxes paid abroad against domestic taxes, helps explain this inconsistency. In particular, capital income will be taxed if a dominant capital exporter acts as a Stackelberg leader when setting its tax policy. Due to the convention, other countries will then tax capital imports, making it attractive for the dominant capital exporter to tax capital income. Without a dominant capital exporter, however, the model still forecasts no capital-income taxes.  相似文献   

我国现行集体土地收益分配制度存在以下缺陷:农民集体和农民未能分享土地征收过程中产生的发展性利益;失地农民土地权利受到侵害;土地征收过程中政府所获收益比重过大。造成土地征收收益分配制度出现缺陷的原因是土地的动态发展性收益、农民的土地权利保障缺失及地方政府对土地财政的依赖性。针对我国现行土地征收收益分配制度存在的缺陷,本文提出以下对策建议:针对土地发展权建立合理制度;切实开展确权登记,赋予农民分享土地增值收益的法律凭证;增加中央参与土地收益的分配比例。  相似文献   

本文重点分析了财政政策对宏观经济调整的作用,指出财政政策的有效性除受到财政收支规模及结构合理性影响外,还取决于传导机制是否顺畅。同时,政府还需要解决好在分税制下中央和地方财权的分配,以及财政政策和货币政策组合的问题。  相似文献   

This article studies how agglomeration economies affect tax competition between local jurisdictions. We develop a theoretical model with two main testable predictions: in a setting where agglomeration forces lessen the responsiveness of capital to tax, high-regime agglomeration jurisdictions should adopt a rent-taxing behavior, and they should react less to their neighbors’ tax policies. The panel dataset spans the period from 1995 to 2007 and focuses on the local business taxes set at the French mid-subnational jurisdiction level of départements. First, instrumental variables estimates indicate that attractive jurisdictions capture a significant part of firms’ agglomeration rent by levying higher tax rates. An increase by 1% of the localization economies indicator (a specialization index) leads to increasing the business tax rate by 0.43%. Second, local tax setting behaviors are characterized by a mimetic behavior, with best response functions that slope upwards. We propose a two-agglomeration-regime spatial lag model to estimate through ML the relationship between tax competition and attractiveness. Our main result shows that both are linked and tax mimicry is less pronounced if a jurisdiction is agglomerated. Specifically, in response to a decrease in the tax rate of neighboring local governments by 1%, local governments with strong agglomeration economies reduce their tax rate by 0.4% against 0.6% for local government characterized by a low-agglomeration regime. We show that the classical one-size-fits-all-case of a single regime of agglomeration suffers from a 40% downward bias for low-agglomeration jurisdictions. We draw the link to policy praxis by discussing the optimal design of equalization schemes.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of intergovernmental transfers on local public spending in China, an authoritarian country where local politicians are not largely accountable to residents. The identification exploits a discontinuity from the central government’s designation of National Poor Counties. We find that additional transfers to county governments increase local public spending one-for-one. We further confirm that counties receiving additional transfers do not reduce the effective tax burden borne by firms. The results echo the empirical anomaly of the flypaper effect found in developed economies under democratic governments.  相似文献   

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