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余弦 《广西电业》2012,(4):54-55
一、引言增值税转型,是将我国以往实行的的生产型增值税转为消费型增值税。转型后,企业新购进(包括捐赠和实物投资)的固定资产、用于自制固定资产的购进货物或应税劳务、融资租赁获得的  相似文献   

固定资产减值是会计核算的重要部分,本文阐述固定资产减值的内涵及背景,对固定资产减值的会计核算问题进行分析,得出结论:企业合理规避固定资产减值的会计核算问题是完善我国固定资产减值会计的关键。通过对固定资产减值准备会计问题的研究,理论上提高企业对现行资产减值准则的认识,促进企业完善相关会计核算,提高企业财务管理水平,针对完善我国资产减值准备会计准则提出建议,促进我国资产减值准备准则的完善。  相似文献   

从我国经济环境对消费型增值税的适应性、转型的风险分析,认为由生产型增值税向消费型增值税转型是中国税收体制改革的必然趋势。电网企业购置、自建固定资产、开展融资租赁等产生的进项税额,得以直接抵扣,可在一定程度上增加电网企业的现金流量,提高电网企业盈利水平。电网企业应抓住增值税转型带来的机遇,尽可能获得增值税转型试点的政策效益。  相似文献   

增值税转型对石化企业的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
增值税转型,作为一项重要的技术经济指标,涉及了企业的技术改造,因此,面对增值税转型的契机,及时地迎接转型挑战和把握其中的机遇,这是任何一个企业都应当高度重视的技术经济问题。研究结果认为,由于石油化工行业的高扩张性,每年新增的固定资产投资在各行业中位居前列,因而在增值税转型后的受益将比较突出,尤其是石油化工企业的固定资产投资成本将明显下降。  相似文献   

<正>2009年1月1日,我国历史上减税力度最大的单项税制改革——增值税转型改革,终于在全国范围内开始了。增值税转型即是将我国先行的生产型增值税转为消费型增值税,其核心内容是允许企业购进机器设备等固定资产的进项税金可以在销项税金中抵扣。作为我国目前第一大税种,增值税改革意义重大。  相似文献   

我国已于2009年1月1日起实施增值税转型改革。增值税转型改革是指将以前实行的生产型增值税转为消费型增值税。该方案最大的亮点在于允许企业将外购固定资产进项税额进行抵扣,从而避免了重复计税,更好地体现了税收的中性原则,同时由于固定资产初期投资的降低,对煤炭类企业的成本管理以及竞争优势的取得将产生良好的影响,但究竟对会计核算、利润表、财务指标以及财务杠杆系数的影响如何呢?笔者对此进行探讨。  相似文献   

企业的发展离不开对固定资产的管理,因此应切实做好企业固定资产管理的相关工作。做好企业固定资产管理并非易事,本文就企业固定资产管理过程中出现的相关问题进行探讨,并提出了促进企业固定资产管理的相关建议,希望能促进我国企业的不断发展。  相似文献   

企业固定资产管理的现状与解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对企业固定资产管理的实际现状入手,阐述了企业固定资产管理中存在的诸多问题,并就这些问题提出了切实可行的解决办法。  相似文献   

结合我国经济快速发展、装备工业固定资产投资规模不断扩大的形势,简要介绍了近几年我国金属加工机床进口情况,并对相关政策进行解读,包括鼓励先进技术和设备进口政策、国内企业研制先进装备及功能部件所需进口关键零部件的实行税收先征后返政策、以及增值税转型改革的新政策等。  相似文献   

杨建功 《冶金财会》2009,(10):22-23
<正>从国际上来看,增值税按照对增值额的理解,可以分为三种基本类型:生产型增值税、消费型增值税和收入型增值税。本文所指的增值税转型是指由生产型增值税转为消费型增值税,所谓生产型增值税是指固定资产的进项税不允许抵扣,企业购买机器设备等固定资产的支出不纳入增值税抵扣范围,而是直接计入固定资产成本;消费型增值税是指允许一次性全部扣除固定资产的进项税,两者的主要区别是用于购建固定资产增值税额是否可以抵扣。  相似文献   

This article traces the efforts by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to promote the entry of new networks, starting from its regulation of radio networks under the Chain Broadcasting Rules, through its regulation of broadcast television networks under its Financial Interest and Syndication Rules and its Prime Time Access Rule, and finally to its regulation of cable television networks under its Channel Occupancy and Leased Access Rules and its National Ownership Cap. The article’s principal conclusion is that these efforts by the FCC were largely ineffectual and that only the removal of regulatory barriers to new network entry could, and indeed did, achieve the Commission’s goal.  相似文献   

制播分离是广播电视体制机制改革与创新的主要内容之一。美国是最典型的"制播分离"的国家,早已形成了完整的节目投资、生产机制、节目营销机制以及节目质量反馈机制。网台分离、制播分离是美国三大电视网的基本运作制度。本文通过对美国"制播分离"运作机制的深入剖析,引出其先进的广电传媒运行机制对我国广电媒体的启示。  相似文献   

高校固定资产管理绩效评价体系构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
固定资产是高校进行教学、科研的重要物质基础,但目前高校固定资产方面存在管理制度不健全、使用效率低下等许多不利因素,因此本文提出了构建高校的固定资产管理绩效评价体系,分析如何有效使用、合理配置高校固定资产,探寻一种可操作的资产运作和管理综合评价方法,以提高固定资产的使用效率。  相似文献   

The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for federal regulation in the telecommunications and electronic media sectors, and for management of the nation’s non-federal radio frequency spectrum. During the past year, Commission economists contributed to the agency’s ongoing efforts to use market-based mechanisms—such as auctions—to allocate spectrum and distribute universal service subsidies efficiently. This includes repurposing broadcast television spectrum for more efficient use by wireless service providers through the recently concluded Broadcast Incentive Auction and structuring auction mechanisms to promote efficient allocation of universal service subsidies for the increased build-out of mobile wireless and fixed broadband service in unserved and underserved areas.  相似文献   

Given its significant technological advantages compared to analog broadcasting, digital television (DTV) will be the television system of the future. However, it requires a full replacement of analog television sets by digital receivers, as DTV can only be watched with special equipment. In order to make this transition happen smoothly without losing the analog television audience, both signals have to be simulcasted until a substantial coverage with DTV broadcasting has been achieved. Australia and the US meanwhile have established a regulatory framework to lead this transition towards the end of analog broadcasting, the so-called analog switch-off. Part of the US regime is the FCC's obligation to reassign analog frequencies after the switch-off has taken place by means of auction. Spectrum auctions, however, originate not from the US but from New Zealand, where they have been used since the end of 1989 and ever since been subject to legal and political criticism. The article outlines the principles of both the DTV and spectrum auctions regulation and shows the links between both areas of telecommunications regulation. It concludes by suggesting that the analog switch-off is a unique opportunity to reconsider current spectrum policies, as it frees large amounts of the radio spectrum that are today occupied by analog broadcasting and will soon be subject to one of the biggest frequency reassignment processes in the history of telecommunications regulation.  相似文献   

固定资产是电网企业的核心资产,全寿命周期管理是一种新的资产管理理念和方法。根据资产全寿命周期理论,剖析了电网资产的寿命周期性、双重性、系统性和变动性等4个特性,提出了开展电网资产全寿命周期管理面临的在资产全寿命周期固定资产基础管理方面、成本费用准确归集方面的难点问题,从转变管理理念、破解技术难题的角度提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

异质性人力资本对经济增长作用区域差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用受教育水平的差异来表示异质性人力资本,采用永续盘存法计算固定资产存量,得到2004~2013年中国省级区域的相关数据。分析不同区域异质性人力资本对经济增长的作用。对不同省级区域的时间序列数据进行逐步回归。结果说明物质资本投资依然是经济增长的主要动力,不同区域的异质性人力资本对促进经济增长的作用不同。促进低水平人力资本向高水平人力资本转变有利于中国经济持续增长。  相似文献   

我国电力工业在国民经济中的地位和作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于我国2007年投入产出表数据,运用影响力、感应度系数以及投入产出局部闭消费模型,定量研究了我国电力工业对宏观经济增长及各行业生产的拉动和推动情况,并测算了我国电力工业固定资产投资对经济增长所产生的直接和间接效益。研究结果表明:电力工业对经济增长的拉动和推动作用均高于全国平均水平,其推动作用在42个行业申位居第3位;受电力工业拉动和推动作用较大的行业主要有资源性行业、设备制造业、原材料及能源加工行业;电力投资带动的增加值累计占当年GDP的3.39%,其中间接效益是直接效益的48%,带动的劳动者报酬占当年全部劳动者报酬的3.05%,带动的生产税净额占当年全部生产税净额的3.65%:  相似文献   

The pay-television industry in the USA has been developing very rapidly in the past five years and is providing network quality alternatives to the mass taste programming of commercial television. However, the industry has been developing along lines very similar to the early history of radio in the USA with the emergence of strong distributor networks, restrictive affiliation contracts, and wide-spread vertical integration across all stages of production. History and economic efficiencies suggest that the result will be a strong oligopoly market structure. The proper public policy, then, is to insure that the unavoidable degree of concentration is not greater than that needed for efficiency reasons.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of relationships in the emergence of a network's value creation structure. The strategic navigation from creative exploration to global exploitation through the use of so-called transformation networks is particularly highlighted. The creativity phase requires a creator with visionary leadership. The commercialisation phase, on the other hand, requires technology integration and global marketing excellence. Realising that this requires more than a bright inventor, the creator of Anoto brought in the right complementary assets at distinct phases of the commercialisation process. Our case illustrates how integrator and marketeer profiles were brought into a networked act of entrepreneurship for joint navigation across an ocean of relationships that gave birth to a global standard for digital writing. By combining theories on open innovation and networking, a theoretical framework is developed to analyse the different nature of the networks (or the value creation structure) in which complementary assets can be accessed, transferred and transformed into commercialised innovation. The analysis suggests that the value of complementary assets are embedded in and unlocked by three distinct types of networks: creativity networks, transformation networks and process networks. It also suggests that the ideal approach to accessing complementary assets shifts over the research and development management process, and happens through these three different types and levels of networks, requiring fundamentally different approaches to leadership and relationship management. Current literature describes open and networked innovation as a continuous – not dynamic – process of exploration and exploitation without any distinction of how types and structures of networks evolve and interact in the process.  相似文献   

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