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Current levels of international labour migration are exceptional. Several thousand skilled South Africans leave the country each year. Historically, the country attracted more skilled workers than it lost, from Europe and, more recently, other African countries. But emigration is increasing and immigration is restricted by policy and a range of socio-economic factors. The trends in the ‘brain drain’ from South Africa and its causes and severity are relatively well understood and will be reviewed in this paper. However, the policy response has been slow and confused. The paper highlights some of the economic determinants and effects of South African emigration and immigration and reviews recent changes to South African migration legislation. It asks how South Africa can attract the right kind of skilled immigrants and what more can be done to stem the loss of professionals from the country.  相似文献   

This paper employs survey data to examine the determinants of immigration-policy preferences among ten advanced economies. Ordered probit specifications suggest that skill level is a robust determinant of immigration-policy preferences and that less-skilled workers are more likely to express a preference for policies that restrict immigration. The results also suggest that older individuals, members of trade unions, and those who classify their political ideology as conservative are more likely to favor limiting immigration while non-citizens are less likely to favor such policies. Individual country-level regression results vary, in particular with regard to the influence of trade union member-ship, which is a robust determinant of immigration-policy preferences for both measures of skill in only a subset of nations.  相似文献   

The present study is concerned with migration from the Commonwealth Caribbean to the United States. The focus is on the migration of professionals, or the brain drain.  相似文献   

三峡库区后靠农村移民心理及对库区稳定的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三峡移民属非自愿性移民,库区稳定关键是移民心理的稳定。使用自行设计问卷调查显示:三峡后靠农村移民因库区环境限制及搬迁后耕地、收入不及搬迁前、移民政策执行不及时、彻底等,对未来生活缺乏信心,负性心理特征明显,尤其是移民中普遍存在的损失与相对剥夺感,构成了移民安置区稳定的潜在威胁。建立移民心理疏导机制,重视库区产业结构调整,加强移民技能培训,构建库区安全防范体系以及推进库区城镇化进程等,有助于缓解移民心理压力,创造稳定、和谐的库区社会经济环境。  相似文献   

South Africa suffers from a shortage of skills, while at the same time having an excess of unskilled labour. The brain drain and the impact of HIV/Aids are threats to the current skills level in the labour force. Skilled workers generally create jobs for unskilled workers, and the level of skills in the labour force is an attraction for foreign investment. The new international migration policy imposes financial penalties and other restrictions on employers of foreigners with skills. The policy is detrimental to South Africa's competitiveness in the global economy and will deter investors and those needing to utilise skills not available in the South African labour market. A general immigration policy would be more appropriate to attract skilled foreigners to South Africa, where their skills can be absorbed into the labour force by supply and demand forces.  相似文献   

This paper establishes a two-sector general equilibrium model of a small open economy to examine the impact of environmental pollution on income inequality via brain drain. The results of the equilibrium modelling show that environmental pollution in the source country can widen the income gap between skilled and unskilled workers and that brain drain caused by environmental pollution will amplify this effect; furthermore, improving the environmental quality in the recipient country will widen the skilled-unskilled income gap in the source country. Our empirical results show that deteriorating the environmental quality in the source country increases income inequality and that brain drain caused by environmental quality will amplify the effect. Our sample is divided into four sub-samples: stage of national development, level of national income, status of environmental pollution and situation of brain drain. We find that environmental pollution has different effects on income inequality via brain drain in these sub-samples. Comparing the heterogeneous components of environmental quality, we find that brain drain caused by diminished ecosystem vitality and by air quality affecting human health will widen income inequality but that other factors related to environmental quality have no significant impacts on the effect of brain drain on income inequality. The results of a robustness test support these conclusions.  相似文献   

This study quantified the effects of immigration policies in an aging and depopulating Japan. Under a constant total number of immigrants, it focused on the optimal period for an immigration policy that maximized per-capita utility. Simulation results, based on an extended lifecycle simulation model with endogenous fertility, showed that a longer period immigration policy increased the future population and enhanced long-run economic growth. Conversely, a shorter period immigration policy enhanced economic growth in earlier years but less so in the long run. This study found that an optimal duration for an immigration policy, under the standard parameter settings for Japan, was nine years; this finding was derived through reconciling the merits and demerits between shorter and longer period immigration policies.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed an unprecedented increase in interior immigration enforcement that may have adversely impacted the children of unauthorized migrants—the vast majority of whom are U.S.‐born citizens. Using 2000 through 2013 data from the Current Population Survey, we gauge the impact that intensified interior immigration enforcement in the United States is having on the schooling progression of Hispanic youth with likely unauthorized parents. Intensified enforcement raises the probability of repeating a grade for children ages 6–13 by 14%, and the likelihood of dropping out of school for youth ages 14–17 by 18%. Furthermore, younger children are more responsive to police‐based enforcement, whereas older youth are more responsive to employment‐based enforcement. Awareness of the impacts that current immigration policies have on the children of immigrants is critical in informing the policy debate and in protecting the well‐being of children.  相似文献   

The experiences of Latin American countries are not fully incorporated into current debates concerning the age of mass migration, even though 13 million Europeans migrated to the region between 1870 and 1930. This survey draws together different aspects of the Latin America immigration experience. Its main objective is to rethink the role of European migration to the region, addressing several major questions in the economics of migration: whether immigrants were positively selected from their sending countries, how immigrants assimilated into the host economies, the role of immigration policies, and the long‐run effects of immigration. Immigrants came from the economically backward areas of southern and eastern Europe, yet their adjustment to the host labour markets in Latin America seems to have been successful. The possibility of rapid social upgrading made Latin America attractive for European immigrants. Migrants were positively selected from origin according to literacy. The most revealing aspect of new research is showing the positive long‐run effects that European immigrants had in Latin American countries. The political economy of immigration policies deserves new research, particularly for Brazil and Cuba. The case of Argentina shows a more complex scenario than the classic representation of landowners constantly supporting an open‐door policy.  相似文献   

河北五大产业人力资源存在人才存量不足,素质整体偏低,人才流失问题严重,分布失衡等问题,极大的影响了五大产业的发展,本文认为产生的根源主要是:观念认识不到位,相关人才政策不健全,缺乏人才成长的良好环境。主导产业企业人力资源管理思路欠妥,管理手段相对滞后,专业的人力资源管理人才不足,人力资源培训机制不健全,运行机制不完善。  相似文献   

伴随全球化的深入,"智力外流"引发的问题受到越来越多国际组织、政府和学者的重视。本文根据最新的区分教育水平的多国移民面板数据,以波兰为例,考察了欧盟新成员国这一特定国家组的智力外流经验数据,研究了其对母国长期人力资本存量的影响。本文采用反事实假定测验法,模拟了波兰的智力外流对其人力资本的影响。结论是:欧盟新成员国的智力外流问题突出;就波兰智力外流而言,在上世纪90年代,对外净流失的高教育移民上升了66.9%,从而导致母国高教育劳动力比率有了0.3%的下降,对母国的长期人力资本存量形成了负向冲击。  相似文献   

The author reviews developments in the international migration of skilled personnel since the end of World War II. The primary focus is on the current and future brain drain from the countries that made up the former Soviet Union, and particularly Russia. Attention is given to migration among the successor states, primarily to Russia, as well as migration to Western countries. The need for Russia to develop appropriate policies to minimize the deleterious effects of such migration is noted.  相似文献   

如何解决我国人才流失的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王维  吕臣 《特区经济》2006,210(7):182-184
随着我国社会主义市场经济的完善和国有企业的改革,人才流失现象在目前有愈演愈烈的趋势。人才流失问题解决得如何将影响到企业发展的成败,关系到社会的稳定。因此,解决我国企业人才流失的问题,已经成为我国每个管理者面前的重要课题。  相似文献   

On-the-Job Training as a Cause of Brain Drain. —This paper presents a simple model based on the assertion that the efficacy of on-the-job training, as well as the productivity of skills, depends on the social stock of capital. It shows that as the degree of this dependency of on-the-job training upon capital stock increases, the problem of brain drain becomes more severe and more difficult to correct. The model may explain why the failure of foreign-educated students to repatriate is a more prevalent form of brain drain than outright migration of skilled labor. It is consistent with the repatriation pattern of Taiwanese students who received post-secondary education in Japan.  相似文献   

北京市信息产业发展水平和从业人员规模均在全国领先。在北京市信息产业大专及以上学历的就业人口中,外来人口占比近半,居现代服务业各行业之首。在广大从业者中,基层员工的比例高,他们是行业发展的基石。新一代基层的外来从业者扎根北京的压力较大,而人才政策的重点为吸引和扶持行业内的高层次人才。面对IT产业在国际国内的快速发展和激烈的人才竞争,今后北京市需要加大对基层的外来从业者的关注,应对潜在的人才流失风险。  相似文献   

This article examines the migration of health professionals from Zimbabwe in the face of a worsening economic and political crisis. Drawing on data from selected health institutions, it shows that the magnitude of this migration is increasing, with no signs of slowing down, and that economic factors are largely responsible. This outflow has negatively affected the users of the health system, particularly the poor who cannot afford the alternative health services offered by the better-staffed and well-equipped private clinics and consequently have resorted to visiting traditional and faith healers. Based on the research findings, the study calls for a speedy resolution of the current economic and political crisis as a long-term solution for reducing the medical brain drain from Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

Conclusion This study derives long-run income distributional impacts of immigration and capital flows in a general equilibrium model of Canada. While each factor is its own enemy, results indicate that capital and skilled professional labor are enemies as well. Both of these productive inputs are friends of other labor groups, which are common enemies. Factor friendship patterns are useful in evaluating income distributional impacts of a variety of policies designed to influence the international flow of productive labor and capital.  相似文献   

The impact of the brain drain on the educational systems of the countries of origin is examined, with particular reference to governmental decisions concerning education subsidies and the market for educational services. Two hypothetical cases are considered, one in which governments increase expenditures for education in the presence of a widespread brain drain, the other in which they decrease such expenditures.  相似文献   

International migration in the last half century is often characterised as following an inexorable upward trend that can only be stemmed by tougher immigration policies in the rich OECD. This view fails to pay sufficient attention to the supply-side forces that drive emigration from poor to rich countries. European mass migrations before 1914 suggest that emigration typically traces out what is sometimes called the 'migration hump' and what we call an 'emigration life cycle'. This paper examines the forces that underlay the mass migration from pre-1914 Europe and compares them with the experience since 1970. Despite the great importance of restrictive immigration policy today, we find the same forces at work in poor source countries today as a century ago. Our results also suggest that, contrary to popular belief, emigration pressure from the Third World is beginning to ease.  相似文献   

本文通过对会展企业的人才流动的现状及原因进行分析,提出以市场为导向,创新企业留人机制,降低企业人才流动创伤的具体对策。  相似文献   

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